My homeade bator!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i'm thinking guineafest is in april, but we could come back i suppose, unless i cna't get somebody to take care of livestock, that's always a neat trick LOL we don't have to party, it owuld just be cool to meet you!

WOW, loving that bed platform, you are quite the handywoman! oh, and that veil is GORGEOUS on you :-)

there is a web site that lists the reading for wet and dry thermometers. i still need to get one before i get to the end of the hatch. i think we are on day 12 now... i have been so busy i barely get them turned 2-3 times a day...

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Mel, the veil is beautiful.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Beautiful veil, Mel! whaddya mean horrible picture?
You look perfectly happy to me! Are the flowers all
white, or is there some color in there? My eyes are
not as good as they used to be.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Yur welcome for the wetbulb info- I think I got it
from the same site that Tamara mentioned. At

Glenwood, IA

The flowers WERE all white...but my dress is an off I spent several days perfecting my 'tea staning' abililties to get these flowers to be off white as well. My dress is FABULOUS! And even though it was made as one piece i cut it in half so it wont be so heavy. Next time I start working on it I will try to get a picture, I just need help getting it on since the back is a corset style.

Glenwood, IA still around? I wanted to show you how well the chicks are growing up! Th little guy on the left is Gimpy.

Thumbnail by mcamden
Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

They're so sweet! I just want to hug them!

Glenwood, IA

They are pretty darn cute. I will just look forward to the day they start laying. Its the circle of it the circle of life?? Hahaha...

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Which came first?????

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

it wasn't the chicken OR the egg, it was Chickie-Poo!

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Your dress sounds lovely. But, what do you mean
you cut it in half?:-0 My wedding dress laced up the
back as well. I didn't know it til I saw pictures, but my
dress lace up was supposed to end in a 'small' bow, with
the ribbons trailing down the full length of the back. My son
laced it for me, and sweet guy that he is- tied a big foofoo
bow in it with short ribbon tails, and well- good thing
I didn't know about til after the wedding! But, I still love him!
snif snif

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)


Glenwood, IA

Too funny! Mine was desinged to LOOK like two pieces, but it was actually attached. I just literally cut it in half where no one would ever see it. I also have an elastic band in the waist to allow me to eat the food I am paying so much for!

I promice to get the whole shabang on next week and get a picture to share.

Glenwood, IA

And Tamara...if you come up to Guineafest in April you could stop out here on your way. I bet you will end up driving right past my place!

Elizabeth City, NC(Zone 8a)

I just got in. They look wonderful. Are you able to keep gimpy in with them full time now?


Glenwood, IA

I am proud...gimpy is still doing great. I put them all together while cleaning our their box, but then I seperated them again. While I think they would probably be ok...I dont want to take any chances. They are together with the exception of that steel mesh that they can see and touch each other through. I candled the eggs in the bator on day 3, and I could see EVERY ONE of them had veins. We are going to do them again tonight (day 6) and see if we need to dispose of any at this point.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

OMGosh, you could see all that just after 3 days? I was
going to wait til day 7. Maybe not...

Hi, JB, wonderful all-knowing helpful person. How are ya?

Glenwood, IA

Oh yeah! And on day 5 you can watch them 'swim' around! I should be able to see a lot tonight! But it DOES depend on the size, color, and thickness of the shells as well.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Blanca's should be easy then. I'm not sure how
much I'll see of the speckled.

Glenwood, IA

Oh yeah...I saw the picture, and i would think those eggs would be very hard to see in. I finally put Gimpy in with his siblings. I found they had all made it into his enclosed I just removed it and they arent bothering him at all.

I added some cute pics to my link:

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Yea, Gimpy is with his siblings! That's perfect.
The pics are very cute. I like the one with Gimpy
and sibling sleeping next to each other-one big, and
one small.

Glenwood, IA

Yeah...I had fun watching how they interacted with him through the wall. I got woken up at 4am with chirping like crazy! I thought that SOMEONE must have died. birds were just upset because their light had burnt out. They werent cold because the light was beyond hot to the it had just happened. I put in a new bulb, and they all went back to sleep.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

you're a good mama hen!

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

They are so cute, and very quick to let you know
something's wrong.

Glenwood, IA

Some new pics of the chicks. :)

Thumbnail by mcamden
Glenwood, IA

One more...

Thumbnail by mcamden
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

they are looking great! dont' you just love how fast they grow!

we are looking forward to some hatching this weekend...

Glenwood, IA

Yeah! I will be looking forward to hearing how your hatch goes!

Glenwood, IA

Aaaaaaaaand...since I showed everyone my veil...figured I would show off my dress as well. After selling one of the 3 I ordered my final cost for this dress is $75!

Thumbnail by mcamden
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, yeah! you did good girl! i can't picture a better dress on you, absolutely lovely!

i am hoping to get about 30 or so from the hatch. iwill candel again soon...

Glenwood, IA

Hahaha...and I was trying SO hard to not flex my giant biceps!

Glenwood, IA

Oh wow! Well I will certainly be excited to see how they come out! I LOVE my dress...and I think I need to quit trying it on! It is still full of pins until we get a little closer, but that is the general idea. The tuxes I picked out for the men have full vests, and thin ties to go for a lightly old fashoned look.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oh, pleae, you look VERY feminine! there is nothing wrong with being intelligetn AND physically strong AND attractive! i think it will be old fashioned like country style...? your dress and pose remind me of Louis Lamour novels, you know that type era...

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

looks like i have been missing out on truest dialogue of hatching... i still can't find my cable to my camera, so taking lots of pictures and videos but can't share yet ;-(

Glenwood, IA

Hahaha...not sure if it is a western look...but I wasnt really trying for it...just sorta happened. Story of my life...that is how most of my animals came to be.

I hope you can find your cable! I love pictures!

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh, Mel! Your dress is beautiful, and you look so
beautiful in it! Your fianceis such a lucky man. I
hope he knows this- shall I come up there and tell
him to make sure?
I am just married to my wonderful hubby for 2 years.
I like the full vests in a tux, our tuxes were full vests.
Some black and white photos taken outside of the
old historical courthouse of my son and DH look like
they could have been taken 100 years ago or yesterday.
What are the main colors of your wedding?

Glenwood, IA

I am glad you approve. :) We aren't having 'colors'. I like all the colors under the sun, so we planted over 200 tulip and dafodil bulbs last fall that will be in bloom for the wedding. The centerpieces have differnt color flowers in...oh heck! I will jsut include a picture!

I melted down all the old candles in the house to make them into these cool floating candles. :) My mother-in-law to be has a candle company, so she is giving us all these vases to use.

Thumbnail by mcamden
Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh Mel..YOU are beautiful and the dress is lovely. DUN good, girl!

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Mel, what did you do in your bator to reduce the RH?

Good Morning, Joyce! I hope you are well today!

may Princess Tammy have long life

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Thank you's dreary and rainy...I'm depressed.... =o(

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