My homeade bator!

Glenwood, IA

To create the humidity I have a basic old can (I think corn came in it). I put a new washcloth in the can and filled about 3/4 up with water. The more the cloth is submerged...the lower the humidity. THe more of the cloth I pull up out of the can...the higher the humidity. I only adjust it every other day or so. Only about one inch of the cloth stays out to maintain 60%.

It wish it were dreary here today! It was supposed to be 40 today..but then late last night they suddenly changed the forcast and said a bad snow storm was coming. They were right. About 4 inches so far in 4 hours.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

I am sorry you are not having the best day, Joyce.
I do hope tomorrow is better. I am thinking aboutcha.

Ok, Mel, that makes sense. The more evaporative
surface you have exposed, the higher the RH.

ok ya'll, don't think I've gone crazy, but I'm playing a game in
the parking lot forum, and I have to do this in every post:
may the princess have eyes like a hawk

This message was edited Feb 5, 2008 2:24 PM

Wellington, New Zealand

Good morning ALL

Well since this threed started I got the bug and ordered in some eggs 22days ago my hens have been sitting on them doing their thing... I thought I'd share what happend over the past three days... The past three days have had surprises not of the good kind… Each day an egg has been kicked out of the nest over night so I’ve figured that they were no good.. So I’ve been opening them the first one was like a normal egg only smelly… Yesterday’s egg had a baby in it :( but it must have died about a week ago maybe it had all of its feathers but wasn’t occupying all of the egg… Today’s egg was sadder still, it was bigger than the other one and it had broken through its little sack and that’s were it stopped…. Its sad business this egg business although it’s been great for my daughter to see…. Well today is day 22 if nothing happens in the next 3-4 days would it be safe to say hatching has finished…?


Glenwood, IA

So sad. Sorry to hear that your eggs have not done so well. Your hen probably knew something wasnt right with those eggs that were kicked out. How many eggs are left? I would certainly give them another day...but if no one has come out by the 23rd or 24th day...then I would probably kick em out. Let us know how the rest go.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

I am sorry you've had a run of bad luck with your eggs.
I hope you don't give up- and I hope your hens can
get at least one to hatch and join the rest of the girls.

Wellington, New Zealand

I've got 8 still to look forward toooo.... I really hope I can have at least one hatch.... I'll keep you posted... I'll try again but this time I'll do it myself LOL in a home made bator like your one mel...

I just love your dress...!!! You look STUNNING in it...!!! When and if I ever get married I think i'll order a dress from china also... :) hehe

Wellington, New Zealand

okay another update 2 more kicked out now and same thing :( Im wondering if they're starting to pip and because the three hens have not done this before they freak out and then kick them out... hmmm just a thought.... okay Im down to six now LOL mother nature has to give me at least one right LOL...

londonderry, Australia

yes she dose my eggs und er my hens are hatching now:)

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

nzgirl, if you have the space, and a warm place for the chicks,
why don't you bring the remaining eggs in to hatch?
Sometimes, older birds will see baby chicks as they do a
mouse, either get rid of it or peck it. You wouldn't be
able to put them with the older birds til they are grown,
but you might be able to save a few. If the hens didn't
lay those eggs, maybe they know they're not their's.

Awesome, Lucky! Hope your hatch goes well. How many
eggs do you have?

long life to the princess

This message was edited Feb 6, 2008 6:47 AM

Glenwood, IA

I would agree...maybe if you have a large box you could even try bringing in the hen that is sitting on them as well. I would certainly not leave them out there at this point. She is likely to kick them all out. I would this sounds REALLY weird...but if you have a digital oven I would try getting it to 100 and add a large pan of water, and put the eggs in there inside of something safe like a box. It just could work!

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

I think that's a great idea! I hope you can save some
nzgirl, unless your goal is to have the chickens do the
work in a natural way. Some people would rather their
birds do the job of raising, which I understand completely.

Wellington, New Zealand

O-my o-my i have a new chic...!!!! so so excited...!!! I've attached a photo of her :) not sure what breed she is but who cares I've got a baby LOL...

odear just read your feed back about bringing them in odear what to do... I want them to live i'll do what ever it takes... There are 3 hens sitting at the moment... would it be okay to bring in one hen and the new chic in during the night and put them back out during the day...? I hadn't thought that far ahead...

I don't have a digital oven yes it sounds werid but I'll try anything :)
They are free ranging gals also.... nope I've not thought this through at all... There is still 5 to hatch nature willing of course... Im in a flap now LOL...

Thumbnail by nzgirl
londonderry, Australia

i have 2 hens with 5 under each and one is piped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wellington, New Zealand

Thats very exciting :) I really happy for you :)

I check under my girls a much as they would let me and nothing new to report yet...

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh my goodness, NZ!!! That's great! I'm glad I popped in to
check on things! Yes, do bring in the hen and chick, if she will
keep it warm. Baby chicks need either their mom or a box
with paper towels in it. If it's a box, they need warmth!
Optimally, they need a 95* heat to start, then you reduce it
5* each week til they get feathers. You know it's warm enough
if they hang out sort of under the light. If it's too cold, they
will chirp loudly. if it's too hot, they will be off to the side
away from the light. The paper towels are so they can walk with
a grip- nothing slippery, as this can cause them to walk
poorly forever. Next, they will need food and water. Have
the water a bit away from the light, but not too far. Dip it's
beak in it so it knows where to find it. The absorbed yolk
can keep it nourished for up to 48 hours, but the sooner
they eat and drink, the better. A jar lid will do. Always keep
fresh water for it. For food, they need a higher protein crumble
feed than older chickens, but if you crush it with a rolling pin
or something, it will work temporarily. Sprinkle some on the
paper towels so it is easy to find. Once they are eating,
you can keep the food in a jar lid, also. After the chick is 4
or 5 days old, you can remove the paper towels and replace
with bedding of some kind, like wood shavings. It's easy
to keep clean. But, never use cedar, as this is toxic to them.
If it is having trouble in the start with food, you can also
feed it boiled, crumbled egg yolk for a day or two.
This helps give them a good start. After 4 days or so,
they will need grit. This is necessary for them to digest
food in their crop since they don't have teeth. It needs to
be very fine, and sprinkle on their food, or mix it
in a ratio of 10 parts feed to one part grit. Chickens pick
it up in the yard, but chicks can't get to it unless they are with
the hen out foraging. Some things that work are parakeet
grit from a pet store, or fine sand, ground oyster shell or
granite would work. These are the basics for a start. Remember
that they really only need a few things. Warmth, Food, Clean
water, Clean housing and a little grit and a little love. I am
SO happy for you and little chickie!

great health to princess tammy

This message was edited Feb 6, 2008 11:56 PM

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Yea, Lucky! So glad they are starting to pip! Keep us
posted on how they do. Chicks for everyone!

long life to princess tammy

This message was edited Feb 6, 2008 11:55 PM

Wellington, New Zealand

Thank you thank you... Im onto it now I'll bring in the hen that the chic is under and I've got some crumble at least and clean water i can do LOL... Also I really got into the hen house and had a much better look and she would only let me look at 2 of the 5 and the 2 that I did see had started to pip...!!!! so maybe tomorrow I'll have a few more to report on :) :)

I be keeping you all posted :) Im soooo glad I have this website and this threed...!!!

This threed started me on this journey and I'm loving it...!!!

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

nzgirl, I'm so glad you found us. Everyone I have met
at DG is so nice, and always willing to help and answer
questions. I have learned much from many.


This message was edited Feb 7, 2008 9:52 AM

Glenwood, IA

YEAHHHHH!!! Sorry I am late...but since I am not working anymore I am sleeping in EVERY day! I am so excited for you! Your chick is simply adorable! Dont you just love it. I will keep my fingers crossed that your other 5 all hatch. Keep us posted!

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Slacker who doesn't have a job! LOL Yes you do,
it's to take care of your animals, plan your wedding,
help us incubate our eggs, keep us entertained...

Good morning Mel.


Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Yeah.....what Joni said.... ;o)

I still can't get the little roo peep up!

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

G'morning Joyce! Better weather today? I can hear the
cheer in your voice!

happiness to the princess

This message was edited Feb 7, 2008 10:09 AM

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Morning.. I feel pretty spry this morning!

How's your achy head?

Glenwood, IA

Hahaha...i WISH this were my full time job! I want to incubate eggs, and raise chickens for a living! Just not sure that would pay the bills. I have applied for several jobs...but no luck. Maybe I should go building something else...hmm...anyone need any new furniture? Maybe I could just start my own business. :) I would call it....'Mel's Pullet Furniture' Hahaha...'Get a free chicken with each purchase!'

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

I have some building to do, you can come help me.
Let's see, I need a coop, and some quail cages-
please make them about 10" high, X 15" deep by
15" wide so the quail pairs can each have their own little
honeymoon cottages.
For the coop- I would like a big house, seperated into
3 rooms, one for each breed of chicken. And each coop
room should open out into 3 long runs, with all the edges
buried well against vermin. Then, each rooster should
have his own recliner and remote with cable feed for
all the football games. Can you do that? I'll give you
$50 bucks for it- can you have it by next Tuesday?

may the princess have cable

Glenwood, IA

WOW! $50! That was as much as I made in a year at my last job! I'll take it! hahaha...although the recliner might be hard as I am not sure how your roos would be able to grip the handle to engege the chair. I think we should also build a bathroom for each breed. We could install several 'showers' that would distribute soft, fine, dirt all over the birds. I bet they would like that. :)

Glenwood, IA

For anyone who is going to have eggs hatching soon:

Be very aware of when your eggs start to pip. I know JB told me several times to not touch the eggs or try to help the chicks...but it WAS hard! I learned from a 'good' neighbor who tried to help a chick that was taking a while to hatch. The chick has an umbilical cord just like other babies. The cord is connected to all those veins you see through the egg, and those veins attach to that thin skin just inside the shell. If the chick is not ready to come out yet...and you try to 'help' you can damage one of those veins. If just one vein is can kill the chick. My neighbor tried to help a chick...but instead broke one of these veins, and the chick bled out.

SO...I know SOMETIMES you may actually need to do soemthing but be VERY aware of those veins. If they are all dry it is ok, but if you see any blood, or blood in the veins, you should not touch the chick.

Since there are several chicks getting ready to hatch with you guys I just wanted to share this.

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey Mel, could you start another homemade bator
thread? this one is taking a long time to load...

i'm disadvantaged on dialup...

may tammy always have enough money for
the good things in life

Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

I have read that when they pip, it should be hands off-
I thought it was because if they can't get out on their
own, then there's a problem, and you wouldn't want to
breed problem chicks. I didn't know about the umbilicus.
Thanks Mel and JB.

may the princess get out of her own shell

Luther, MI(Zone 4b)

Hey, truest, I also have dial-up (we're too far out to get dsl) so yeah, it takes a while to load. But then, all you have to do is get out your knitting and make the girls little sweaters to keep their little bods warm. HaHaHa!!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

this is a long thread, but anyone looking for good hatching info, links, pics, and videos should take the time to go through this one again!

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

I just had a most enjoyable hour following this saga!


Johnson City, TX(Zone 8b)

I bet Mel is so busy right now, getting ready for her
wedding. It's in May sometime, right around the corner!
Would like to say hello to her!!!

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

I'd love to see pictures of the chicks at this stage. They're probably all grown up now.


Glenwood, IA

Oh I feel so special. My thread lives on! I am VERY busy with the wedding plans. Three weeks from today. We are working on making the guest book today. I also have to take one of these dresses over for one of my bridesmaids to try on so I can find where she wants the hem. I wish I would have thought to make the dresses months ago.

Ok...I will go take a couple pictures of these chicks. They are all doing fabulous! We have two roos, and three hens of the group. I also have big news that I already told Tamara...Bob the duck layed an egg! I was so surprised. That is the luckiest duck I have ever known. He 'She' survived being stepped on my a horse, and learned how to fly. He didnt know what to do with the egg, so I brought him in the house and he went and jumped in the tub. I let 'her' take a warm bath, and then I wrapped her up in a towel, and she slept on the kitchen floor the rest of the afternoon. Poor Bob. I kept her in all night because I felt so bad after laying that egg!

Picture time...I will go get some, and then come back.

Glenwood, IA

Ok. Here are some of the babies. They are about 12 weeks old now.

Thumbnail by mcamden
Glenwood, IA

And one of the hens...

Thumbnail by mcamden
Glenwood, IA

And the one on the top of the branch is male (I think).

Thumbnail by mcamden
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

your mle is already getting in his brassy hackle feathers!

look forward to seeing the dresses you made!

so your Bob is a she! i nicknamed our Mr. Purple "Bob", will be a while before we know it's sex LOL, but hopefully before an egg POPS out!

thanks again for this wonderful thread.


Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Mel is Gimpy in those pictures? I was wondering if Gimpy turned out to be a little girl. They all look great!!
Bob will have to become Bobbi now LOL Explains her interest in eggs and chicks!!

Thanks for posting the pictures!
After reading this thread I'm considering trying to make an incubator and hatch out some eggs.


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