2007-08 Tomato Seed Round Robin

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sequee, I'm tempted to take you up on that... but on the other hand, you and I can always do a little "sampler" trade after the robin flies by... who knows, it's possible (barely) that I might have something that your stash lacks... or maybe I'll be able to tempt you with basil or even *gasp* flowers... LOL!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

My TGS order came today! I just finished bagging up a few extras (I exercised restraint in ordering this year since I knew the RR was coming), and now I've got 20 potential packets to swap out, including 3 packets from other sources that I can vouch for because I grew them out last year (as cleared with Melissa).

I can't promise no duplicates... but if I swap out fewer than 20, of course I'll swap in unique packets first. I'm sure I'll have a few that aren't in the mix! :-)

I'm glad to know WalMart has Jelly Bean. A friend is looking for that one for her daughter... if it's not still in the RR (and I'm not hinting that it needs to stay!), I know where to tell her to look... that's an easy one!

Central, ME(Zone 5a)

I appreciate you doing that, Sequee.
My list doesn't include any of those varieties, believe it or not. I am trying to not add any dups to the bag unless they are just "extra".
I can make the same offer. If anyone wants to split a packet of what I take out, just let me know. I only need a few seeds to find out if I want to keep a variety.
Thanks, Cyndie

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'll try not to add duplicates... and if I do swap in duplicates, I'll try to swap out some duplicate packs in return. I just know I'm going to have a hard time resisting making as many swaps as I have packs available... ;-)

Cyndie & Sequee, the one request I do have is that a new DGer friend of mine is really wanting to try Orange Banana. I've got seeds of Kaki Coing for her (thanks to Sequee from the last RR!), but I think her daughter is enamored of the name "banana." There were 2 packs when it left Oz, so I figured I had half a chance... but... please? If not, no worries!

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

I'll be out of state Feb 19-27 so the rest of you probably don't need to rush it along.

I have been watching closely to see how this will play out and it looks like it won't make it here for me to turn it around before I leave. Sorry about that but if it is waiting for me here on the 27th, I AM ready and will probably be able to send it back out on the 28th.

So Melissa will easily have it back by March 1st. Sorry to have to say this but it's the best I can do.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Actually, I'm relieved, because I probably won't be available next week, and I didn't want to cause a delay... although I think it's unlikely that it'll reach me before the 18th.

I'm hoping it'll arrive before my big swap party on the 23rd so that I'll have the chance to increase the "diversity of my holdings"... I intend to let folks sample seeds from my stash! (Not to worry, I'll send the robin on its way again before the party, LOL... we don't want it getting all tipsy on tea & crumpets.)

I think the timing will work out fine.

Central, ME(Zone 5a)

Critterologist, No problem on the banana. I am not planning on picking up that variety. Any others come to mind, let me know.
I do not have really have any "must haves" on my list. Just going to enjoy getting new varieties. Cyndie

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I just saw the mail truck go by... Not a good sign. She usually stops at the house if I have a package.


OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

I grew that Orange Banana this year but don't believe I saved seed. It's a cute one.

Central, ME(Zone 5a)

So, TwinLakes, what are your favorite types of tomato?
I grew up in SW Iowa and then NW MO.

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

I am too new at it to say but Orange King was my best one last year; lots of tomatoes and great taste! I want to keep trying new ones.

Central, ME(Zone 5a)

I am still trying to find ones that taste like I had growing up. That will probably never happen since Iowa and Mo get so much hotter and the soil isn't half rock. LOL
I grew a large yellow last year that tasted good. The Flame (Hillbilly) was great on sandwiches.

Ozark, MO(Zone 6a)

"Iowa and Mo get so much hotter and the soil isn't half rock."

Hey, Cyndie - you oughta come down here to SW Missouri where the soil is ALL rock. lol

I'm looking for tomato flavor like when I was a kid too. That's why I'm finally trying Abe Lincoln tomatoes this year.

In the early 1950's my grandpa was retired, but he truck-farmed his 3 acres on the north side of Springfield, Mo. Back then there were food markets, not supermarkets, and they'd buy local produce. Grandpa raised about every vegetable plus raspberries and blackberries, and I was little but I'd help him pick and deliver to the markets (we'd fill his 1949 Plymouth up with wood baskets).

His main crop every year was Abraham Lincoln tomatoes, he'd grow about an acre of them. Of course I remember them tasting just great, beyond great. In the summer grandma would always have fresh sliced tomatoes, green beans and new potatoes, corn on the cob, cold cucumbers in vinegar water, and blackberry cobbler pie. Grandma and grandpa actually ate little meat, they'd whack the head off a chicken once every week or two, but that was about it.

So, I've never grown Abe Lincoln tomatoes but I'm going to this year. I know they're the ones that tasted so good to me when I was a kid.

Central, ME(Zone 5a)

Ozark! I am dying here listening to that menu!
We did the same thing. Ate out of the garden. I loved it all, but I could make a meal out of corn on the cob. That and the Bluegill fish we made our father clean!
I know, I left out the southern part of MO. Soil-wise, you are probably pretty similar to Maine. When I first moved out east to NH, it reminded me of the Ozarks. My grandparents lived in the Ozarks for a while. I remember my grandfather cutting twigs for me to chew that tasted like rootbeer. Sasparilla?
Thanks for the tip on Abe. I will definitely give it a try. My father was the gardener and he has passed, so I can't ask. I am not so sure he paid attention to that kind of thing any way. LOL
Great memories.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

OH, BOY!!! It was a substitute mail carrier! Whoopie! Theeeeeey're heeeeeeeeere!

I will list below what's in the packet, with what I took and replaced it with right next to each variety...

Cherokee Choclate
Cherokee Purple
Gardener's Delight
German Johnson
Long Keeper - replaced w/Ace
Rouge D'Irak

Brandywine Red
Dr. Caroln Pink - replaced w/Black Prince
Ethel Watkins' Best - replaced w/Dafel F1
Eva Purple Ball
German Red Strawberry
Wins All

Amana Orange
Amish Paste
Black Cherry
Black Heart - replaced w/Golden Delight
Carmello - replaced w/Hard Rock
Dad's Sunset
Ferris Wheel
Great White
Green Zebra
Missouri Love Apple - replaced w/Imur Prior Beta
Old Brooks - replaced w/Jelly Bean Hybrid
Old German Pink - replaced w/MS-5 Cherry (excellent!)
Omar's Lebanese
Orange Banana - replaced w/Matt's Wild Cherry
Ox Heart - Medford
Pink Climber - replaced w/Momotaro
Pink Thai Egg
Plum Lemon
Ponderoas Red
Red Rose - replaced w/Mortgage Lifter
San Marzano
Southern Nights - EXCELLENT!!!
Stiletz - replaced w/Snow White Cherry
White Queen
Wins All

Early Cascade
Marianna's Peace
Tiny Tim

Steak Sandwich - Silvery Fir Tree

Peron Sprayless
Wapsicon Peach

Tigerella/Mr. Stripey - if you haven't tried this one - DO! It's a great little saladette. I have extra I can send to Melissa if the packets run out!

Alleghany Sunset - replaced w/Cupid Hybrid
Beaver's Yellow Pear - replaced with Fargo Yellow Pear
Black from Tula
Black Pear
Black Plum
Clear Early Pink
Costoluo Genovese
Fence Row - replaced w/DeBareo Gold
Glacier - Brown Berry
Golden Egg
Gold Medal
Isis Candy
Orange Banana
Polish Egg
Principe Borghese
Purple Calabash - EXCELLENT!
Roman Candle
Rutger's Select
Striped Cavern - LaRossa Hybrid
Tiger-Striped - Mexican Cocktail
Tom's Red Cherry
Viva Italia
Wonder Light
Yellow Brandywine
Yellow Cherry - Beaverlodge Slicer

Black Mountain Pink
Lumpy Red
Sara's Galapagos
**Valley Girl (4)
**Pasture Cherry (6)
**T.C. Jones (3)
**Lenny & Gracie's - 2 packages (8)
**Rose Beauty (3)
**Golden Grape (3)
**Olga Round Yellow Chicken (??? Took 2)
**Hazelfieldfarm Red (4)
**Stick (2)
**Ground Cherry (8)

PS - I took a couple of dupes and added in a few more!

PPS - I must also confess to the tiniest bit of thievery!!! Gary put very generous amounts of seed in his packets, and I pilferred a few seeds from each item marked **.

PPPS - I also placed a gift in the box to be forwarded to Melissa in appreciation for all of her hard work!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Great list! Thanks for sharing the fun!

Box? When did it become a box? I thought we were using a flat rate envelope... ?

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

I too remember the taste of good tomatoes as a kid and the same summer menu as Ozark describes. Yum!


Now . . you've got me excited!

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

Critter . . . box is good!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Just confused... seeds are light enough that it's probably no more expensive to send as a box (up to 1 pound is the same as a flat rate envelope).

Willamette Valley-OS, OR(Zone 8a)

Yes... When I Had Hosted this Swap in the Past it is Amazing Looking Over the Inventory Sheet the Amount of Tomato Seeds that Traveled through the Robin and the Amount of Seed Packets that were Taken Along the Way.

Glad I was an Early Participant...This Could Have Been Even More Dangerous than it Already was.

Louisville, KY

Folks, Janice is having a "tomato" moment; she is out of touch! The seed were sent at flat rate envelope; they are carefully grouped and evenly distributed to fill the space and it makes a tight package but is adequate.. Let's hope she comes back to her senses by the time it needs to be mailed on Monday! lol
Maybe we need to start an online therapy group called Tomato Addicts! I would be the first in line for help! I have it BAD!

Ozark, MO(Zone 6a)

"I remember my grandfather cutting twigs for me to chew that tasted like rootbeer. Sasparilla?"

Cyndie -


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We've got sassafrass in our fence row... want me to see if there's a little seedling that would fit in the flat rate envelope?

(kidding! I'm kidding!)

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Orignal post: "(Each Seed Packet is to Contain at Least 10 Seeds Less than 5 Years oldif it's a 5 yr seed, please include more than 10 seeds to make up for decreased germination )"

And that's what I used for my packaging. Now I get the mailer that states: "Each Seed Packet is to Contain at Least 15 Seeds".

So now I have to open up my seed packets and add seeds. What fun!

Central, ME(Zone 5a)

Thanks Ozark. Shows you how memories can play tricks.

Thanks for the thought, Critter. LOL

Ozark, MO(Zone 6a)

"So now I have to open up my seed packets and add seeds."

Sequee - I wouldn't mess with it. I had all my packs ready before the Robin got here, and the 10-seed rule was what I'd read about. I put 10 seeds plus a few extra in each pack.

I never even noticed anything about 15 seeds while it was here. My wife says I never read instructions - I guess she's right. lol

Central, ME(Zone 5a)

Sequee, Don't do it. Ten seeds is more than enough for most of us here, I imagine.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm not wild about opening & recounting mine, either... Most are probably over 15; there are a couple that aren't because I didn't have a lot of extras.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Alas - that ship has sailed! I've alrady repacked the dozen or so that I could. Most had a dozen..now they are "Legal"! Several are left with the original count (ditto the comment by Critter) as that's all I have.

If anyone gets less than what they expect/feel is fair, please contact me and I will send something extra.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Some packets in the RR will have way more than 10 or 15, and some may have exactly 10... my feeling is that it will all work out. If somebody doesn't want my packet of 11 seeds of 'New Big Dwarf' (split new commercial packet from TGS), then they can trade for one of the other 100+ packets in the RR... right?

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

It was 10 seeds. I copied and pasted it from above.

Wilsonville, OR(Zone 8b)


I saw it said 15 seeds in the printed instructions with the Robin as well, and had already packaged my seeds - so I went and reread the post from the top and it still said 10, so I decided 10 would have to be OK :)

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

I guess I should proof read my copy/pastes. I don't know how that happened.

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

Oh, Sequee,

Sorry you did that; I would have freaked too. But I don't have any extra to change my packets. I am glad Melissa is ok with 10.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Well, of course I just thought I screwed up - not uncommon! So I opened them up and added (now don't laugh!) the 2-3 seeds that were lacking in 15 or so packets. And since I HATE packing seeds, and I HATE making stupid mistakes, I was being all sorts of grumpy, too. THEN I went back and reread the initial instructions. LOL!

That being said, the baggie is all repacked and ready for the trip to the post office tomorrow, and I am sitting here with tweezers trying to separate the lettuce seed from the chaff so I can send you each some lettuce to go on those BLT's! (Penance for my petty theft as noted above.)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Chaff makes it easier to see where the lettuce seed has been sowed... put the tweezers away!

(yum... BLT's!)

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I never clean it for myself, but I was afraid that if I didn't get rid of some of the "stuff", there might not be any seeds in the end product!

If anyone else is looking for anything else - be it tomatoes, peppers, greens, root veggies, or flower seeds, let me know asap so I can include them in the package.

I have tons of things I'd be happy to share.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Hey Sequee, since you mention root vegetables, if you have any interesting parsnip or carrot seeds that you'd be willing to share, I'd be happy to try a few (and there doesn't have to be any required number of seeds in the packet!!!). I love my root veggies! This year I grew carrots: Amarillo Yellow, Sweet Sunshine, White Satin, Purple Haze, Atomic Red; and parsnips: hollow crown, gladiator, Harris Model. I just love those atomic red carrots, they have a great flavor.

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

I've never grown carrots but not you have me wondering; do you have extra atomic red seeds?


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I'll check for you Arlene! I haven't got my seeds out for this year yet, and so I don't remember which ones I finished and which I have leftover. Will be checking soon though!

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