Flowers today

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oh Chrissy, my white Brugmansia is not the same as yours then, as it has no scent at all. I don't think I've ever smelled a Brugmansia yet! I might go to an American forum and ask about how they send cutings through the post.
Last day of Tafe tomorrow! Yipee! I'll get a whole extra day in my week for a couple of months!

High ww are you sure that your Angels don't have perfume? the scent is very powerful at night and humid overcast days ...I think it is such a beautiful fragrance that they called it Angels trumpets because the smell is so heavenly. The folk in America seem to treasure the trumpets with what they call whiskers know the upturned tendrils.My whites are called suaveolens not much in the way of tendrils but exquisite perfume.Do you know the name of your white ones? they have the whiskers? (tendrils)
I have asked my daughter in law to get her boss to try and obtain some pink and yellow types when he goes to buy his wholesale stocks in about a fortnight ...I am keeping my fingers crossed that they can get me some fancy types. Brical is going to send me some cuttings of a pink (bless her) and if I can get them going I will make sure you all have some if you want them .So exciting!
Happy holidays from Tafe! I think I will send some white cuttings too just in case yours is different ...I suggest you sniff around at night mmmmmm yummy!
Happy gardening everyone :)

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Coffs Harbour, Australia

Mine have finished their flush so will probly be another couple of weeks before the next one, but they are right outside the bedroom, so I definitely would have noticed if they had anight time fragrance. No tendrils either! I feel ripped off! Nah, I was given it by an ooooooold freind who was renting, and it was in the garden, so an un-named variety. She was very taken with it, and I think it has been a lovely and very fast growing bush! It is multi stemmed now. I was going to prune it to a central leader, but it is quite happy doing its thing, so who am I to say it should grow any differently?
Every day I fall in love with a new plant! How about you? I might start a thread on that, what do you think Chrissy? Oh and sunset is tooooooo kind! Did you see what she wrote about us in the swap thread? I felt all bashful!!!!!

Yes she ought to talk ! ...a really special lady is our 77!
Yep flowers we fall in love with would be a great thread ...or the flower I love best today/this week ...because ... too hard to pick favourites full stop. You will never guess yep raining again ...the last time I remember this weather pattern was 1999 and then again in 2000 I remember perfect weather for the Olympics and then rain for the rest of the year.It rained so much they thought the Warragamba dam would flood so they built a spillway. As soon as they started the spillway the drought came at least it is well and truly over.

Merino, Australia

Hello you two . You are making me blush. I am only too happy to send bits to our new gardener and tell her how nice you have been ,because you were both so kind to me when I first came in the garden gate.
Today is overcast but no sign of rain. The garden is still looking good but will soon start looking a bit tatty as things die back . I must plant more in some bright reds and blues. Looking around the garden , it is very pink and mauve. It just seems that a large lot of our popular and hardy plants are in that color range.
Any suggestions about something bright that will survive down here ?
I did plant some liliums for this purpose but they don't grow well here and are slow to make a large clump.
I do have the old faithful blue agapanthus starting to flower and also the white shastas.
If I could find a bright blue tall plant , it would set off the other colors really well.
A few years ago I planted a gorgeous tall blue sage but it only grew the one year and I never saw it again. I also tried the bog sage which looked great for the first year then wanted to wander everywhere and was not really a strong blue color anyway.
I welcome your input as you have more knowledge of plants than I do.
i must tell you too , that all the babies you sent me are looking well. there were a couple that succumbed to the dreaded slug but I have the others well out of their way now.
I have a new plectranthus too. My cousin gave me cuttings a while ago and I have just potted them into bigger pots. One is the common one I already had and the other has a crinkly leaf with burgundy underside. I know there is a pink one out there and if you see one I would love some pieces.
I am off outside now to check on the epis. There are still about 12 to flower and it is really tantalising to watch the buds, as they take ages to open. I am hoping for some white or yellow as most of the ones that have flowered are in the red/ orange/ purple colors.
Have a lovely day all and I wish for rain for you all.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi all, pinch and a punch e.t.c
Hi Jean, how about an Echium 'Cobalt Tower' for a tall Blue flowering plant? I got one from Bunnings a couple of years ago for about $16. It would definitely require staking once the flower spike started as it has a very brittle stem. I lost mine in a storm and took cuttings from it right away, but stupidly (but generously) gave them away so now I don't have one, but I bought the common Echium this year and will have another year to wait for flowers I think.
The picture is at a customers house with the one I took as a cutting. It is not as tall as the original (about 7') and never branched, but the other cutting did. It resembles a candelebra.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Merino, Australia

Hello ww. I do like the echiums. I have 3 outside in the paddock garden where the wind can't knock them around too much. One I bought as a baby which is a pretty blue and the others were from Hubby's daughter. She had one that self seeded so I got 2 from her. They are all now over 4' high and flower every year. the self seeded ones are a slightly different blue to the more common one. I have a couple of babies from that one in pots now.
I think your big tall one would have a problem with the wind here. I did see, once , at a garden that was open, about 6 different sorts and a mix of colors too. I would like to get a pink one. Hubby's sister had a pink one and a blue and white one. I tried cuttings but never had success.
I have white lilium out in my shade house . It looks like the Christmas Lily. The perfume is heavenly. I have wanted a Christmas Lily for a long time but they have been dear to buy. This one came from an old lady whose garden I used to look after. I hope it multiplies a lot.
I have a new epi flower out today. Will post pic.
The day is getting warmer here and I must go out and put some water on the small pots.
Have a happy day.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Hi everyone I have to go out right now ...but there are pics of some of my rained out garden on this thread :) catch you later

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi all. We'll have to keep our thinking caps on for your Tall blue then eh Jean?
Here are the Lambs ears flowers. Cute

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Now I know you've seen this one before, but I just can't get over the hieght of these Cannas. (red ones against gum tree) Look at the comparison to the roof height of the gazebo! How tall do Cannas get anyway?

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Buddleja. Mmmmmmmmm! Smells Bee-autiful! LOL

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

This is Bailey's Hibiscus (Cuban variety- on the label) Bailey was our first Staffy, and when he died from the effects of a paralysis tick, we buried him and planted this Hibiscus. It has rewarded us with a long flowering season for three years now!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Allamanda, from a cutting. I'm trying to grow it as a standard by tying it up to a star picket and pruning all the suckering shoots off at the bottom. It breaks my heart to cut off such healthy growth, but the end result should be spectacular one day!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Good old Hydrangea macrophylla! These are in pots for my friend for xmas. Last year they were blue, so the mix must be alkaline now.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Pumpkin flower. I like all flowers!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Specially ones that bear fruit!

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Red cannas are my favourite and do you think there are red cannas anywhere? I can never get one, the same with a single pure red hibiscus coral and blues /mauves are my favourite colours how about you? although I have noticed a growing love for pink as I have gotten a bit older ha ha ha (is that a hormone thing I wonder?)
lovely pics!
There has been so much rain ...I hope you are all getting your share
I am a little worried that water damage will become an issue soon because of the clay.The weather forecast is for at least two more weeks of rain ...I think some things will start to rot off by then.
One of the biggest Nurserys in the business has just gone belly up.
So sad first water restrictions and drought solid rain for weeks. I worry that the only places left soon will be Supermarkets and Bunnings a sad thought indeed :(
Our garden guru has just said that if we grow natives in clay we should mix the soil with pea gravel and that will grow most things ...
very interesting I have experimented with crushed sandstone and that seemed ok anyone else got some good ideas on the best way to grow Proteas?
Well I am off to see if I can find anything that looks ok most things are sagging
Have a wonderful Sunday morning :)

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Chrissy, we have had the threat of rain all last wek and this week to come, but no sign of actual water yet! Plenty of clouds and the occasional spit, but nothing more. I have just put a parcel together for you to post tomorrow, so look out in you letter box for it. I have red Hibiscus and Cannas. I will have to bring some down for xmas. I like purple flowers at the moment, and also yellow, and don't forget the pink or orange, and even the red ones are nice, oh and the white is good too, and the..........., well you get the picture! LOL
Back off outside to get my orchids onto their logs. I keep getting side tracked!
Flower in a Neoregelia bromeliad.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Merino, Australia

Good morning chrissy and ww.
We had RAIN early this morning. Well is was wet anyway. There was a stray thunderstorm cloud that must have got lost . It rumbled for a few minutes, dropped a quick hard shower , then left for parts unknown.
In daylight , the ground looks still so dry.
chrissy , you mentioned damage due to clay soils. You should see our house. It is mostly all clay around here and the house moves all the time. We have cracks in the walls that open and close with the weather and the whole house is slowly moving . We may end up in the dam at the base of the hill one day. Ha Ha.
There is a slope to the floor so that everything rolls to one side. . Hubby put shelves in years ago and they were level then , now you can see the slant downhill. There are gaps in the walls and you can see the cupboards etc coming away from the walls. It should last us out though. I joke that we won't slide downhill because I planted all the trees to save us.
I remember growing up in Melbourne and chasing black crickets down huge cracks in the ground in summer when the ground opened up in the dry ,so little has changed..
Talking of colors , I am an autumn color person. I love the reds ,golds and bronzes of autumn.
The garden though seems very pink/ mauve. Not from deliberate choice , just coincidence that these colors are so predominant in our plants.
I have more epis flowering and am waiting for the smaller aporos to come out.
I had better go out and throw a few snail pellets around now. We don't have snails but there are plenty of slugs. I have some dwarf cannas just coming up from seeds so don't want them eaten. I am hoping for some yellow clivias from seed that I planted too.
I am going to get some of my Christmas mail ready to post this morning , so will leave you .
Have a great day.

Hi everyone ... geez this broadband thing cheeses me off ...I love the speed but hate being thrown off the band at busy times! you write a nice long thingy and post a pic and poof gone grrrr!
as specially when it is such a busy day ...I am gathering stuff while we have a bit of sun ...more rain to come!
77 here is my first dwarf canna ...don't look at the grass runners over the path %#&*^* another joy of rain rain rain, never mind I guess all the wonderful lush growth on everything (let's not talk about all the hacking back!) ...for now the wonderful green everything is so soothing in this heat.

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I feel dreadful for everyone missing the rain ...all that hand watering!
and being afraid of fires.
Look at the first 4 'oclocks there are the buds hooray! love them and they smother out the wandering jew and weeds.

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Merino, Australia

Hello chissy and anyone else here, just popped in to put on a pic of the newest epi. I feel like a mother hen always checking to see if there is another egg hatched. i do love to see the new epis as they open because they are all my new babies. . I saw Santa going overhead last night so check your mail, people.
Happy day .

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Hi 77 been without power for hours guess what was waiting this morning around the front of the house! ...when I came inside the storm warning on the radio ...15 mins later !

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77 your eppys are stunning! ...I went around the front to take this for you

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Here is the snail creeper starting up ...I could not get closer because of a wrecked Pontiac hubby has plonked up against the outside fence! the are hundreds of buds! :)
My parcels are going off tomorrow thanks to the storm ...sorry everyone :( it is still raining!
I hope everyone is ok as there is also storm reports for Vic only with hail.

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I forgot to ask this morning I cut this flower off? (on the flowering succulent) or let it go? has a pup so I am not sure what I should do with it :)
see you all later (I hope more blackouts)

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Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Chrissy, I hope all is well after the storms! I think you can just let your succulent flower and when its finished, the flower stalk will dry out and drop off. I'd leave the pups on as they look great when there is a clump!
Hi Jean. I love the new epi! The one you posted awhile back is nice too. I thought it was a camera trick with the colours, but have since spied one at a customers house with that same flourescent pink/red. NICE!
I posted some parcels today too! Keep an eye out in your letter box. I can't remember what I sent now!LOL, memory like a gold fish!

Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. I am sorry you had damage chrissy. . The storms down here were mostly around Melbourne i think. We had nothing here, There was a bit the other day but it was over and gone before you could even think about it. the ground here is like concrete. Even when it does rain, the ground does not soak it up, it justs runs off..
the colors of the epis are amazing Sue. I could not believe the irridescence. I also have some aporophyllums flowering. Theses are a cross between aporocactus and epiphyllums. Will post a pic of one of them
I am off outside to sort out some dahlias I have been given. I am already getting some I ordered ages ago. These were a surprise and I have not got a clue as to where I will fit them in.
Happy day to all .

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

One of my alstromerias. I have red, pink, yellow and purple. I have seen a white and must try to get one.

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Coffs Harbour, Australia

Storm Lily. We've had a thunder storm with lots of rumbling and about 20 large drops of water, but hey, at least 10 more drops than you Jean! LOL

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

The annual garden this morning. Its really nice at the mo, but needs a touch of weeding. I wish I knew someone..........

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

I had to show you Chriisy, that you are not the only one with overgrown paths! I'll put it on the list!

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Mate the huge thunderstorm tonight (after rain on and off all day )was one of the nastiest I have seen ...ever!.The thing just sat on top of us without moving!.The man being interviewed on the radio said that this weather pattern is something you would expect in Sumatra but not Sydney! I know you must be sick of me saying it but I think this is almost monsoon type rain ...huge fat drops that are so heavy you would swear it is hail. I have to tell you that after it finally ran out of rain ...I rushed out to check my brug seed pods and yes still ok! 3 inches long and growing! isn't that great! ...well I am still missing 3 addys k ...kk ...D and Annette (first foxtail shoot up yesterday :) ) please D mail me.
Mate you should see some of my garden beds the kikuyu is ft high
I don't know how I will ever get on top of it, well I am off to google Sumatra ...I watched a show on the Amazon tonight it sure is starting to seem familiar
happy gardening ...chrissy :)

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Chrissy, I'll weed a patch for you for xmas when I get down, just don't tell Hubby, as it's supposed to be a plant/garden free trip away! LOL As IF!
I remember when I lived in Penrith that it never rained much (97-2002) but when iut did it was torrential, and the park across the road would overflow and all the neighbours would get out canoes and surfboards and all go paddling, as it was summer and very hot!
It is very hot here today and has been threatening rain all week without letting it rip! Its very opressive and I'm feeling really low on energy. Tomorrow is my first day off in a long time, (as Tafe has finished) so I'm hoping to get the house chores underway. Hopefully it will rain then, as it helps keep me out of the garden!.
I hope you get a break soon Chrissy, OH AND GUESS WHAT? Last night I went out to see hubby off to work around 10pm and there was this beautiful fragrance, and it was my Angel! It was beautiful!

Ha ha ha they are not called Angels for nothing! ...more rain! ...I can't believe it!
I want to thank you ... Sue ...77 and Brical ...I was so excited yesterday arvo when hubby came in the door with 3 parcels.Please look (Sue, Shelley,and 77 for yours today or tomorrow at the post office :)). Santa came early to my house ...everything is planted up already.Parcels going out Monday to kk and Brical (and to k and
Annette if they send their addys). I hope they arrive in reasonable shape ...I have never sent bits before so I did what Peter Cundal said to do, let's see if that works, if not I will try another way in future. I had to race out between the showers,after digging up the hot pink spider lillies I was a mess should have seen me ...
ha ha ha heavy wet clay everywhere!
I loved everything everyone, thankyou so very much!
It made me so happy after a pretty lousy start to the day ...finding 4 of my hanging pots smashed after the big storm ...poor old creeping Charlie was torn down and now is in about twenty pieces.
Well I will be off air today ...the big new Supermarket up the road is having the final electrical work done and the power will be off from 8.30 to 4.30.
Once again thankyou so much!
chrissy :)

Ok so I went looking ...everything is knocked around pretty much

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But these seem to like the rain

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The 4'oclocks are starting out

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I like the ones that are shot through with wild colours these ones while pretty and lovely to smell are not the best ...they are yet to come ...

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Guess that is about it for now, my lovely Sambuc Jasmine is looking too sad from the rain so when the sun eventually comes out
...have a wonderful Sat night and Sunday ...(just in case I don't get on again- why? guess what the weather forecast is!)
chrissy :)

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