wintering geraniums

Topsham, ME

My geraniums were beautiful this summer, big, fat , bright red flowers and leaves healthy and green. Sooooo... instead of doing what I have done the past several winters which is just let them do the best they could, leaves dropping off and looking pitiful, I have put them in a good place in the basement under two grow lights and they are looking good. Now I have found little tiny spots on the leaves that look like dust bits, but I know they aren't!

Am I doomed because I couldn't be satisfied with the sad looking geraniums in the winter. What can I do? I am getting them a bit more ventilation as soon as my daugher brings a fan at Thanksgiving.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Can you post a picture of the spots? They could be lots of things (including dust!) so there really might not be anything to worry about. I'd also be surprised if lack of ventilation was an issue

Topsham, ME

Ecrane 3: Thanks for your answer. If I knew how to put a picture on a computer I would be one contented gal. That is my goal for the winter. (Maybe)

I have the fan in the "garden room", or as Hank says the "fern bar" as that is where he has his overstock.
I think the fan maybe the answer as I don't see quite as many dust spots as I did. Maye they really were dust!

Thanks again.

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