Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Happy Birthday to you Becky!!!!

Thumbnail by Lily_love
South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

I think they are Polydamas, saw Momma laying some more eggs yesterday! Tried to get some pics, but she was so darn fast, all I got were blurs.
I bought this pipevine back in June, it had several chrysalises (sp) on it and one butterfly pumping up its wings. One actually hatched in the car on the way home! I was so proud when it flew off in the afternoon! How's that for taking all the credit!

Edinburg, TX

Went out to the NABA IBP (North American Butterfly Association International Butterfly Park) today. Got to see and photograph several good butterflies.

This one is a new butterfly for me. An Eight-Spotted Longtail Skipper (Polythrix octomaculata)...missing part of its tail. A non-descript butterfly that sort of blends in with all the others...but quite rare for us. Glad I was able to get several good shots. It was most cooperative.

~ Cat

This message was edited Nov 18, 2007 6:43 PM

Thumbnail by TexasPuddyPrint
Edinburg, TX

...and another rare butterfly...a Common Banner (Epiphile adrasta). Never could get a ventral view though. Still can't under why they call it a "Common" Banner when it's quite a rarity for us.

It was at a bait station feeding on a banana.

~ Cat

This message was edited Nov 18, 2007 6:34 PM

Thumbnail by TexasPuddyPrint
Edinburg, TX

Finding this very common butterfly at bait is another first for me. Gulf Fritillaries are always abundant but I'd never seen one at bait before!!! This one must have had a hankering for tangerine juice :o)

Was able to get a nice shot of it sharing a meal with a Malachite.

~ Cat

Thumbnail by TexasPuddyPrint
Edinburg, TX

Here's another shot of just the Gulf Fritillary actually feeding on a tangerine!!!

~ Cat

Thumbnail by TexasPuddyPrint
Edinburg, TX

Ah...and also saw a Glazed Pellicia (Pellicia arina). These are also strays to south Texas. A bit non-descript as well...but a nice find.

~ Cat

Thumbnail by TexasPuddyPrint
Houston, TX


Your little hairstreak, wings open, is a female Gray Hairstreak. The male will have an orange abdomen. It is the only hairsteak that will regularly keep its wings open.

Your unknown white is a Checkered White, male.

Becky, your photo at the top of this string is a female Orange-barred Sulphur. I will try to post a picture of one with wings open.

For you lovers of the very small butterflies, attached is a photo taken in Roswell, NM, this past September. Wing costa is 3/8th inch. Recognized as the smallest butterfly in N. America and considered unofficially as the smallest butterfly in the world. This is the Western Pygmy Blue.


Thumbnail by catbird8
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Rod, thanks for posting the wee one. It is a sweetheart, complete with heart all in a row! LOL!

Houston, TX

Here is the female Orange-Barred Sulphur with wings open. Also have photos of mating pair, if anyone wants it posted. Also, the Western Pygmy Blue with wings open. And, the Checkered White mating. You guys probably think I have a butterfly porno lab here in Houston. Not! Just keep my camera handy as much as possible.

First time shots this past week of the Dorantes Longtail (Skipper).
Both ventral and dorsal. Hard to get the dorsal shot as it seems to be embarrased to show such a plain brown back. Nothing like the beautiful emerald green of the standard Longtail Skipper.

My Japanese plums (Loquats) are blooming now and they are attracting butterflies.

Earlier comment - can't remember the sender - that the Senna needs to be in bloom to attract the Sulphurs. Not so. I have potted Sennas about 18" tall, no blooms, that are covered with eggs. Orange-barred Sulphurs have had no trouble finding these plants but pests are keeping the egg population low. Now, I also have a larger Senna in bloom in the front yard, which may be attracting them to this location, but the plants in the nursery area are getting full attention. Monarchs are still here and laying eggs daily. They are eating up my Spring stock of milkweed.


Thumbnail by catbird8
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Rod - Nice photo! You are right about the butterflies finding the Cassia even if they don't bloom. I have the Cassia bushes in my yard since last Spring and it seems that when they bloomed the Sulphur butterflies came from everywhere! They didn't seem to notice my bushes before they bloomed. Though I know that they do eat the leaves at other times of the season. I also noticed a bloom scent from the flowers. Have you ever noticed that?

Houston, TX

Sheila, the first time I photographed the W. Pygmy Blue I didn't see the row of hearts until I viewed the shot on my edit screen. What a special little butterfly. Very difficult to find until you see the first one, then they seem to be every where.


Houston, TX

Becky, I have not noticed the scent. Will check it out in the morning. We have so many other plants that are fragrant that I didn't think to smell of the Senna.


Edinburg, TX

Yahhhhh...those Western Pygmy Blues are tiny!!! They are fairly abundant at the Edinburg World Birding Center's butterfly gardens - where they can be found on nectaring on frogfruit.

Here's a dorsal view.

~ Cat

Thumbnail by TexasPuddyPrint
South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Cat, you always get great pictures. I just love that Malachite butterfly. Such a pretty green. : )

I have had Sulphurs laying eggs on my sennas all summer, no blooms at all. Today I saw one of the Orange-Barred Sulphurs laying eggs. She sure was pretty with her winter colors.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Great pics everyone.

Rod - thanks for IDing my white. I did not know that the males were less spotted, and so I couldn't ID it.
Now I've added my pic to it's bug page.

Thanks for sharing your great pics.


Edinburg, TX

WOW Rod!!! Great dorsal shot of that Orange-Barred Sulphur!!!

Okay Lucy...am convinced...I need to start growing a Senna or two!!!

SVP -- awesome Polydamas cats!!! I keep waiting for one of those butterflies to make use of my aristolochia elegans or aristolochia fimbriata. No takers yet.

Pford...do you have pepperweed growing around? The Checkered Whites out here use that as a larval host...it grows wild in Spring...and they lay gobs and gobs of eggs on it. Zinnias are good for attracting butterflies...they work wonders out here too.

Mellie...those little stinkhorns come in handy. Whenever I'm checking the citrus for Giant Swallowtails or Ornythion Swallowtails I brush my hands over the leaves and branches and wait to see if what I disturbed will cause a caterpillar to emit that odor. Helps me pinpoint where they are at :o)

Got lucky and watched a Zebra Heliconian ovipositing today :o)

~ Cat

Thumbnail by TexasPuddyPrint
NE Medina Co., TX(Zone 8a)

The ZLs are visiting on the Mexican Firebush every day. Mestras usually hanging around those lush tall grasses. Sulfurs are often on the Lion's Ear. And the tall cosmos are still attracting butterflies like ZLs, sulfurs and VF.

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

TexasPP- that's a beauty of a shot of the ZL! Thanks also for sharing pics of your bait holders. I have a couple of "holders" that I think will be put into service as fruit trays, I'll post a pic later.

DH took some pics of a lone monarch cat yesterday, here's a nice one.

Thumbnail by svplantingfool
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Great pictures everyone! I tried to chase down a Zebra that seems to be using my yard only as a path throught the neighborhood! It doesn't say in one place long enought to snap a shot!
I love the Orange Barred! But what is up with the Blue Pigmy....no blue??

Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

Hi Becky
it was just lika a Swedish flag, yellow and blue,
very beautiful picture

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thank you, Sylvia! I just learned something new today! I didn't know Sweden's flag colors were yellow and blue! How pretty!!!

Cathy - Tell your dh he took a wonderful photo of the Monarch cat! :-)

Cat - Love the photo of the Zebra Longwing! I am soooo jealous! I haven't seen any at all this year. Could you please tell me again what is the correct Passion vine that they like? You are becoming quite the documenting photographer! That photo of the little Western Pygmy Blue Butterfly is quite a good shot. You should crop it down and add it to the BugFiles!

Edinburg, TX

Becky...hope you had a great birthday :o)

The zebra longwings down here use p. suberosa at the butterfly park. They made use of a passion flower vine I have called 'boomerang' in my yard. I purchased a couple of plant liners from butterfliesetc.com. I have p. foetida also but they never touch it. Also have caercula (or something like spelled like that) - that not even the Gulf Frits will use...and that vine gets massive - go figue!!!

Hey...I saw a Malachite in my yard yesterday afternoon. A friend had dropped by and we went to sit on the patio for a while and this Malachite just floated through my yard! A first for my backyard :o) Wish it would have stuck around - am hoping they will make use of the gobs of green shrimp plant I have back there.

~ Cat

Houston, TX

Cat, great dorsal of the W. Pygmy Blue. I envy you all the beautiful butterflies around Edinburg. Maybe it's misspelled - should be Edenburg.

Sheila, the Blue designation on the WPB has me confused as well. The ventral side does have a slight blue-gray cast in certain light. Maybe that is the answer.

Becky, there is no aroma coming from the Senna blossoms on my plant. Now, being male, my nose is not as sensitive as a woman's. So, you may be detecting an aroma that I can't smell.

Lots of activity here in Houston today. Butterflies everywhere. Must be a big change of weather coming.
GST laying eggs, Monarchs mating, Folded wing skippers mating, Orange-barred Sulphurs laying eggs, and maybe 6 or more other species rapidly searching for nectar. Now, if Cat would send over some of those butterflies I have never seen - - - :-).


NE Medina Co., TX(Zone 8a)

Cat, you should try another version of P. caerulea. Both the GFs and the ZLWs are using mine...they compete over it, but the ZLWs are pickier, wanting to lay eggs only on the freshest growth. The GFs and ZLWs also use the Incense Passionflower Vine. I also noticed the ZLWs don't use the P. foetida var. gossypifolia at all. The GFs do use it a lot....it's always the first kind they use in the spring.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

How can I keep up with all the wonderful pics,, whew!! Guess I will have to just sit back and soak it all in...:-)!
Nice work with the WPB Rod, likewise for the Sulphur. Great open wing shot.

You too Cat witht eh WPB, I haven't seen any of them here, its such a treat to see yours. the ZLW, and the Malachite. Sure the Mal will find your Shrimp plant soon. You're already getting the scouts. Looks like its your year for them!! I can't wait to see all that come about!
Great capture on the (un) common banner too!

Great Monarch cat pic Cathy!!

Today was our first sunny day here and we saw a few nice butterflies.. I will post what I can as sort through them.. :-)


Carolina Satyr hiding behind a log...

Thumbnail by debnes_dfw_tx
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

We did see a few Monarchs flying through the woods, but not close enough to capture a pic.

We did have this Variegated Fritillary checking out all the little yellow flowers in a meadow....

Thumbnail by debnes_dfw_tx
Link, Sweden(Zone 5b)

I wish we have had all these beautiful butterflies in Sweden too.
But itīs nice to see them in photos to thanks all for sharing.

Thumbnail by hobbyodlaren
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Nice pic Sylvia! Did you take that there in Sweden?

Speaking of itsy bitsy butterflies....

Here's a Dainty Sulphur, (winter form) Also out in the sunny meadow..

Thumbnail by debnes_dfw_tx
Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

When you say winter form, does that mean they change color in winter and actually live and produce throughout the winter months too?

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Nice pictures everyone. : )

Cat, where do you get green shrimp plants? Florida has the Malachite butterfly also, but I don't think I have ever seen one.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Hiya Lucy!!

Just looked up the Bel brownii, seems another DGer has seeds.


These two Buckeyes were playing around out there too... They loved the brew I spread on a log station I set up.

I walked all over the woods today. So I'm ready to call it a day for now. The rest of what I saw doesn't go in this forum, lol.. Y'all will hear about that later.


Thumbnail by debnes_dfw_tx
Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Well, today I was complaining to my boss how Mom gets to have all the fun with the butterflies. Then I came home, and I was surprised to see that the bf I was sure would eclose today was still in its chrysalis. It looked so ready I couldn't believe it hadn't come out. So I fed the cats, cleaned the poop, transfered the the purgers (two today) into the chrysalis cage so they don't disturb the other cats with their wandering. I was sitting here watching the news and waiting for scalloped potatos to be ready when - out came the butterfly! It was 6:30 in the evening! I don't know what time zone it's on, but maybe my lamp confused it. I didn't actually see it emerge - these guys are quick. I did get a good picture of it being kind of wrinkly so you can see.

Thumbnail by mellielong
Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

And then I had to hang him on my finger to impress my family. By the way, butterflies don't like it when you touch their antenna. They were so cute I just had to do it, but then the bf would jerk and move around. In this picture there's some green in the veining near the top of the bf; I thought it was just the picture but I see it in other photos too. Never seen that before. Also, the bf kept moving it's little body back and forth like it was rocking. I imagine that's to get the fluid going so it can pump it into the wings. The bf is safe in the bf house now (Dad added weather-stripping today so it's super secure). Mom has already been tasked to let him go when it's warm and daylight outside.

Becky, my butterfly has the same birthday as you!


Thumbnail by mellielong
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

How cool is that Mellie!! Congrats, to you and Mom!

That is a beautiful bf Sylvia! I also love the plant it is on.

Good to hear you checking in Deb. I have to get going to a late meeting, later. Sheila

Edinburg, TX

Great photos everyone!!! Love that newly eclosed butterfly!!!

Sylvia...thanks for sharing that Swedish butterfly too - it's always great to see what other folks have in their gardens.

Too funny about those Buckeyes Deb :o)

Lucy - I purchased plant liners for $2.00 each from butterfliesetc.com - they sell bigger plants but the liners are quite a decent size and they do grow quickly. Check out Edith's website - she offers a nice variety of larval host plants and some good nectaring ones too. I've ordered several times from her and all the plants she sends are in great condition - very healthy.

She also sells butterfly eggs, caterpillars and chrysalids - postage for those is a tad pricey - due to the need for fast shipping and good packaging. I've never purchased any since I would rather attract them naturally to my yard.

My shrimp plants have tiny blooms on them...haven't seen any seeds yet. They really do spread quickly from stems that lean over and end up rooting from a node.

~ Cat

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Cat~ would you be able to post a pic of your green shrimp plant sometime? I have a dream, like Lucy I think, of luring Malachites into my area with the green shrimp plant buffet. I've looked on buttefly maps, and they show Malachites further south, but I like to have pipe dreams... (pipevine dreams?)
I have a volunteer that looks like the green shrimp plant, but it's hard to tell.
Thanks, Cathy

Edinburg, TX

This is the Green Shrimp Plant (blechum browneii) in a hanging basket from back in July. I have some growing on the ground - will get an updated photo when it's daylight.

~ Cat

Thumbnail by TexasPuddyPrint
South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks debnes and Cat. I will look into that. : )

Cathy, I saw on the Floridata websight that the Malachite comes up as far as Sarasota. So, you all well in their range. : ) I'm east of Sarasota...so maybe. : )


South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Cat, thanks for the picture! I have a plant that looks really similiar, but maybe it is a relative. Will have to take a pic tomorrow.

Lucy, thanks for the Malachite range update, I now have even more hope. If they can come here to Venice, then I'm sure they can head over your way to Wauchula!

Must get my little doodads set up for fruit stand for the butterflies too, meant to take a picture of these clay stands I got years ago. I think they will be good for fruit smash.

Plan to work in the garden for the long weekend, can't wait!

Thumbnail by svplantingfool

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