Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

you are very lucky. i have to go get dressed now will catch up with you later. have a great day

Norfolk, VA

you too.....good luck!!!!!!!!!!!

Saint Cloud, MN(Zone 4b)

Good Morning all-stopped in to tell Tammy (Mistygardener) that her seeds are on the way...30 packets for a newbie :o)
So if ya see her-will ya let her know. If she is like me, she skims when she can't keep up-LOL

Rockaway, NJ(Zone 6a)

lol - your car's rear is leaking... that's what happened to my baby in his first week of life. Had to take him to the hospital because his rear was leaking... profusely. *laugh*

He was fine, just a baby prone to that.

Ugh, taking a little break from packing and going insane AND going to court now!



Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Did I miss something, Sev? I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Good luck with the car thingy, too, Jordan.

When you get back, Crash....HI!

I'll try to check in later.

Have fun.

Rockaway, NJ(Zone 6a)

joy, I'm packing because we're getting out of here. We've all been getting sick and feeling dizzy and weird, and (forgive me for saying) it makes our urine smell _awful_. We finally figured out what it was when the heating oil guy was here the other day.

Yep. Fuel oil. There's water in the inground oil tank, which is a bad sign. We have a well. We've been smelling the smell of 'old oil', oil that's been sitting in the tank a while, on and off for over a year. Now we know why, and the landlord isn't likely to do anything about it.

We're going to stay at my in-law's place for a few weeks (maybe a month or two) until we get a house together to move into. I'll be around, and we're not officially 'moving out' for a bit, I'm just putting almost everything we own into storage so we don't have to worry about it. I'll be here during the day, when the heat isn't on as much, and will be packing juice and such from there, where they have clean water! We can't stay in a place like this with a three-month-old baby, not to mention the other three kids.

Court is a separate matter - custody issues. It's just bad timing, but it's really annoying. On the plus side, I may wind up with _sole_ custody of all four kids as a result (my ex is a jerk). So the next six months are definitely going to be _interesting_. I'll still be getting the mail here for a couple of months, so seed swaps aren't destroyed by this - just short on time.


Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

hi everone, sev. i hope everything goes well for you in court

Norfolk, VA

Good Luck, Sev.

Norfolk, VA

jordan, how it go with your car?

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

bhaugh, the doc just called and said there isn't any leaks anywhere. i told him i thought he was full of @#!$. i'm the only one to use the garage, and the puddle has to be coming from somewhere

Norfolk, VA

is it oil or water?

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

oil, clear.and it's not my imagination. my hubby saw it also

Norfolk, VA

i'll ask my hubby tonight when he gets home. let you know what he says tomorrow.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

thank you bhaugh, i apreciate it. told them i couldn't get a ride to pick it up until morning. they weren't to happy. maybe cuz i called them half-wits?

Norfolk, VA

they're lucky that's all you called them! did you take it to a dealership or a mechanics shop?

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i took it to the dealer i bought it from. the warranty people says i have to, if i want them to pay for it.

Norfolk, VA

unfortunately, they may be right. it is also part of the problem. if they can not automatically see the problem, to them there isn't one. is there any puddle left in the garage? if so, wipe some on to a rag and take it in to them. if there is an odor to it, it may help.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Good luck, Sev....crappy time of year to have to do all that, with a new baby!!!

Hang in there, girlfriend.

Norfolk, VA

Hi Joycet!!!! hope all is well with you today.....

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

bhaugh, i cleaned it up but there is really no color (very lie amber?) and no smell, but is oily

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

When do we know who to send the ornaments to? Do we send all the seeds to the host or a trading partner. Obviously I'm clueless, LOL

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

beth, please send the seeds to me by the 26 if posible. i will d-mail you on the 26 to let you know who to send the ornament to

Norfolk, VA

does it leak all the time or only if you are running the heat/ac? it sounds like it could be a condensation build up.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

it looks almost like fresh motor oil from a bottle, and only happens when i take it 20 miles or more

Norfolk, VA

k, i'll ask and see if i can help any. don'tknow what i can do from here though.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

put a spell on it LOL need to shut my puter down for awhile, it's starting to mess up

Norfolk, VA

k, on the brug forum they are doing a contest. go check it out

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

Ok, Jkitty

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Fun!!! Thanks for sharing.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi Robbi! Yep, just skimming since I can't seem to keep up in here. WOW, 30 packets of seed?! That is amazing! I am feeling like it is an early Christmas! Thanks for all the help to a Newbie! It is greatly appreciated! I got a HUGE gift box in the mail from Claywoman yesterday, and two other envy's of seeds! Have a good day, all! Tammy

Norfolk, VA

stepped in reindeer poo.....flying by to say hi-bye! have a great evening......jordan, sent a spell to your car, also a bad one to the dealership for you.....

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

thanks everso much, bhaugh

Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

I just recently had tire problems with my Ranger. I took it to the guy that works on my truck and that's where I got the tires. The young guy mechanic drove it and said there wasn't any problem with the tires. I told him he had a dead A** if he couldn't feel the truck shaking at 40 mph, he took it as he didn't do anything and got all mad.

About a month later it got so bad that it scared me to drive it on a long trip so I went back. The owner checked it out this time. The tire guy and the owner could not see anything wrong so finally they jacked up the truck and let it get to 70mph and it shook the whole truck.

I got 2 new tires. Free.

A day or two later I talked to the guy and he said "OK you were right, it was the tires." I told him yes and I didn't even say I told you so. He just shook his head and smiled.

Norfolk, VA

jordan, hubby said what kind of car/truck is it? front wheel drive, 4 wheel drive,all wheel drive?
said to have the rear differential checked. he needs to know more before he can say what else to have checked.........:):):)

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

bhaugh, its a ford explorer 2 wheel drive. my hubby is furious.oh yeah, good morning everyone

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Good morning, I think, I woke up at 4 o'clock and couldn't go back to sleep, so I played a puter game, and made some coffee. I'm very grumpy, I'll bet I'm yawning for my job interview. makes me mad when I do that. My hooligan dog too, I'm up so he thinks he require my full attention , even goes to the bathroom with me to pester me, take the tp away, whine , try to knock me off the toilet. geez, it's a wonderful morning.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

LMAO he sounds like my 2, which are getting a bath today, they just don't know it yet. good luck with your interview crash

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

ya know I really love my dog, just not at 4 am.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

has anyone sent thier seeds out? i know distantkin did, has anyone else? i realy am jonesin for mail. I NEED MAIL!! please help me someone

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

I may send mine today or tomorrow, depends on how my grumpy goes.
I'm in a mood, and tired, I may never send your daggone seeds!!! lol

Actually, I'm getting some together for ya. Baa hum bug

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