Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

sev, you can still jion in

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

In case anyone is interested, if you like succulents, I bought a ton for $1 & $2 a piece! They had a container mixed of bromeliads for like $5, and a Mandarin plant for that as well! Anyway, just thought I would let all of you know in case you want to check out your local store! :)

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Oh ya, this was at Lowe's. :)

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Morning!! Hope everyone is doing good this fine morning, see joycet, no frowns, .and still
I seriously don't think I got the Kmart job, she didn't call me.
Maybe she will call today. If I was a manager, and the job assignmet only lasted 1 month, I would not want to go through all the tax paperwork it would entail to hire me, I am on SSD.
Kmart requires 3 forms of ID to work there, and they want a Birth certificate.
My dad said a couger pooped me out at the foothill of a mountain somewhere in Silver City NM.
The License Bureau rejected my BC once cause it is mostly in Spanish, I had to fight them.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

morning crash, sorry i'm late, but had to give the kids a bath. would rather smother in raindeer poop

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

morning!! That's Ok I was early, ooooo clean babies, I love clean babies. I don't really like to bath scoot either, at least he is really good for me in the tub. there are only 2 times he is good, bath time and when he sleeps!
I really need to clip his nails. Welp Jeremy is hollering at me to get dressed, he wants me to go with him this morning to get his whooping 5 hour check!!! woo hoo, we may be able to get some groceries!! talk to ya later woman!!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

have a good one crash

Norfolk, VA

good morning, how is everyone today? a cougar poopedcrash ouy, huh? well that explains ALOT!!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

bhaugh, it's about time! i was getting VERY lonely

Norfolk, VA

sorry, had to get everyone out the door. don't think i'll ever make it here bfore 7:30.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

ok, i'll forgive you then. the babies are pouting cuz they got a bath. they haven't even asked for a cookie. now that is what i call mad

Norfolk, VA

maybe you should give them a peace offering. hate it when the babies are mad. my kitty is catching a cold. he is soooooooo pitiful. he just lays on the couch wrapped in a blanket.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

poor kitty, so sorry. make him chicken soup

Norfolk, VA

oh, he would love that! he already thinks he's a person. his favs are... pizza,ice cream,doritos, and he will fight you for a piece of lettuce!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

if you tell the babies the pizza man is coming, they sit and watch out the door till he gets here

Norfolk, VA

that sounds like my kitty.....oh,and don't even let him know that chinese food is here...he loves that

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

LOL did you send lazlo a sese? he is most kind and generous. can't help but love him

Norfolk, VA

it's going out i really can't wait for spring to come back:):):)

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i know the feeling. i just hate winter.

Norfolk, VA

i'm asking mother nature to bring an early spring

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

do one of your spells, and do it soon!

Norfolk, VA

i'm working on it when i get it rightr you can bet i'll post it!!! i am way too cold, and it is only november. our realcold months are jan.-mar.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

it is 33 here today, the high will be 60, then back to the 70's

Norfolk, VA

here 40-50,30's at night......calling for 70's for Thanksgiving tho....

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

rain here thanksgiving. saw you on brug forum, and saw who posted before you

Norfolk, VA


Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

yep, i was thrilled to see it.

Norfolk, VA

glad to hear that you will be getting much needed rain in your neck of the woods. sorry it's going to be on a holiday. we went a long time with no rain, so they placed a burn ban on us. now that it has rained(and not really that much), they have lifted the ban, which i think is dumb. we only got enough rain to take us out of the severe drought range. the ground is still pretty dry when you dig into it.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

we still have a burn ban. don't know what the men will do thanksgiving,as they usually sit outside around a fire and swap stories while i cook.

Norfolk, VA

cut up alot of yellow and orange construction paper,put it in the fire pit and tell them to pretend!

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

LMAO!!! i'm gonna get dressed and go get groceries before the friday mob gets there. i'll be back in about an hour. if you want, you can dmail your phone # later, and i
'll call you when i get back to finish our dmail conversation. i'm afraid dave is gonna get mad and yell at us

Norfolk, VA

will do!!!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I fell down the stairs to the basement this morning.

Rockaway, NJ(Zone 6a)

LOL chatterboxes!

Bhaugh, your kitty will fight for lettuce?! How do I link? I have a thread about my vege cat. Darn thing keeps eating my container veggies - even the hot pepper plants!

My pots are 'loaded' with cayenne pepper, and she seems to think it's a spice just for her.

Grapefruit rinds are next.

If all else fails, I'm sorely tempted to do the slipper thing.


Rockaway, NJ(Zone 6a)

Jordan, I'd love to join, but with so many threads, I don't know what to do anymore *laugh*

Pupil, that stinks! Are you okay? You didn't get hurt badly, did you?


Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

You girls are talking in code again.....

Good Morning!

Norfolk, VA

pupil, are you ok?????

sev, my kitty LOVES vegies....bout the only things he won't eat is onion and celery. my son had a burger on the table once. went to the bathroom came back, and the lettuce was gone from the burger. kitty did his houdini trick...nothing disturbed, burger in tack,lettuce gone.........

Norfolk, VA

that's to keep you on your toes,joycet......

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Your kitties are way too funny. Mine beg at the table, but only for meat and cheese and popcorn.

Pupil, how did that happen? Hope you're okay.

Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

Good morning ladies.
I must have been the same place Crash was yesterday. I had a headache for the 2nd day in a row, my mom had spent the night for an early Dr appt and the boss said I was grumpy.

Mom called to go to lunch after her appt, that was the last thing I wanted to do but what do you say to Mom, "Sure Mom sounds good, where?". Then to make things worse I had to drive Mom to the nursing home to see my grandma who has Alzheimers, it's ok, I love my grandma but not when I have a terrible headache.

Finally I told Mom please take me home so I can get rid of this headache. I went home took stuff for my head and took a nap. DH had to take me back to town last night to get my truck. It was worth it though, I woke up from my nap and no headache.

I am much better and sweeter (yeh right) today.

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