How much sun?

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

I just got a Ficus elastica decora and I love it. Some of its leaves are pink and are so pretty. What I want to know is how much sun should I give it. I have a sliding glass door where it can sit and get plenty of sun or I can put it outside in full sun. Will the heat from outside be too much for it and should it stay in front of the glass doors or does it need more sun than that. I am thinking that full sun and heat will be too much for it. What do you think?


Thumbnail by Plantcrazii
(Zone 1)

Hi Jesse: I have this plant and love it. I have one that's in a 2 gal pot and a couple of small ones. I checked Plant Files and there is info there about it but no photo's. I'm going to upload a pic later today, you should add yours too!

Mine are in the screened pool enclosure and they had been in full sun but the leaves were getting burned so I moved them to an area where they are shaded by taller plants and they seem to be doing much better. The larger of mine had darker orangy colored leaves when I first bought it and as it's grown the leaves seem to be all in the light variegated color. You can see in the photo a couple of the darker colored leaves still there. I'm wondering if I moved it to a less light situation if the leaves would stay dark ... I like the darker colors.

Thumbnail by plantladylin

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