Spectacular 2007 Cottage Garden Seed Swap#3

ah..too many names to remember but yes it is the yellowish one...which i do like

i do love salvias...i plan to expand my salvia collection which for the last ten years have been limited to the salvia greggiis. this swap should give me an opportunity to try different ones and all the different ones in that family is huge.


Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Here's the link to the salvia -- http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/781809/

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

I LOVE salvias too!!!!!!!!! I'll check out the link THANKS

also, I picked a few ripe pods from the burgundy okra this morning. It is really neat. The pods have 5 seams that run along their length. When opened; the nice sized, army green colored, seeds are in a perfect row across the soft fibers. They remind me of, and are about the size of a mung bean.

I already sent in my seeds so these are going in as 'extras' along with a few other goodies :)

Thumbnail by wind
Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Wrightie.. besides snapping pics, did you snap off a piece to root? :)!! going to check out your link..


Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Cannot tell you how tempted I was to do something like that, but I'm the world's biggest chicken!

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

ohhh not chicken here..Bold. very bold.. You have to be to reach into the trash for a plant. I've taken seeds right off at the Atl Botanical garden.. I've stopped my car and cleaned up the seeds off the front of the Home Depot Landscape plantings. I figure I'm helping clean up the place. :)


Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

LOL - I would be less chicken if not on Federal Property! I'll make you a deal, you can camp over in my guest room if you get doubles of everything you pinch ... one for you, one for me. =)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Wind, I'm sorry! I didn't realize your seeds were already in. We can trade later for the okra (cool photo, BTW), or I can just pick up a packet somewhere.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I like it!! great idea Wrightie! You can be a seed and plant snatcher by proxy.


Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

lol ... btw, I added more pic's. They had fallen between the seat cushions... I've also been uploading pic's to the Bonsai Forum, but my internet carped out in the midst of posting to that forum.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

I am sending off my envie today!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

wind, ditto what critter said on the okra...don't bother sending in another envelope

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'll probably hang onto my envelope until just before the deadline, since I've got seeds in various stages of readiness. The longer I wait, the more I'll have to send. :-)

Me too... I want to make sure the mealy cup salvias are properly dried, lest they turn moldy in the mail and become useless. This has been a fun forum and I'm eagerly anticipating Spring.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Suzy, I just have to tempt you... BloomingBulb put 'Eye of the Tiger' Dutch iris on sale, $25.57 will get you 98 bulbs, including shipping. Here's their sale page, http://www.bloomingbulb.com/CartBulbs.asp?Category=230

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

THANKS for the link! I've been browsing the bloomingbulb store with my am coffee in hand :) never shopped there before. I was curious what 'eye of the tiger' looked like too ~ very nice. I ordered a few things mainly saffron crocus which I've been wanting for yrs now :)

btw critter, I looked at our basil plants for seeds but they all are still blooming away (for the third round now) ~ no brown pods yet. Also, I have no idea how you could gather seeds from torenia!!!!! can't find any on that!

>>> sending out a few more seeds to Suzy today with the burgundy okra :) she said it was ok

Thumbnail by wind
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

One of my favorite things about 'Eye of the Tiger' is the way it's been blooming together with my Penstemon smallii in spring... perfect color echo!

Basil seeds do take a while to mature, but if you have some stems that you think are getting close (they turn a little yellow/pale before they start turning brown) when frost threatens, you can cut them and bring them inside like a bouquet (put them in water) so they continue ripening.

On the torenia, you'll see papery, thin, dry pods where the flowers were. Pick some and crumble them onto a plate. Teeny, round, cream colored seeds will drop out.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Critter, you're killin' me with those Eye of the Tiger bulbs LOL! The good thing is I won't need to buy them until next year because the Penstemon won't bloom until 2009. LOL!

I have some dusty pink Lily of the Valley seeds available if anybody wants some. Not many, because I didn't catch the bright translucent-scarlet berries in time. They grow under white pines trees in soil that would make you cry, it is so good. These are Lily of the Valley, and they spread -- 6 pips planted in 1983 cover an area now of about 12 square feet, but this is in a lot of shade, presumably they'd spread faster in more sunlight. The seeds need to be wintersown or direct sown this fall.


Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

I would loooooove some of your lilly of the valley seeds! Rachel

hi suzy
i have the white ones of the lily of the valley..would love some pink!


Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Okay -- I put you both down and I'll take one or two more. I should say the pink is a dirty pink...a dusty pink. It is not bright pink or baby pink.


Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

Suzy, I would like to try some of the lily of the valley seeds.
Thanks ,

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

If there's a couple left... if not, it's totally cool, though.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Okay, that's all I have -- I you really, really really wanted some, dmail me and I'll put you on a watch, or reminder, or whatever it's called.


Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Okay, I will be sending my seeds this week - I hope I have remembered everyone's requests.

Here is what I have listed:

soulgardenlove - golden jubilee agastache, sidalcea party girl, yellow datura
Lalajand - columbine
peggy slicadea party girl
granpapa white obedience plant, yellow datura, sidacea party girl, yellwo datura
pagancat - columbine
margaran - Sea holly, white obedience, columbine, coneflower, agastache, cornflower

Sounds right?
Seandor (pronounced SEE an dor) :-) ummmm - that's a bad pun lol

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Seandor, I forgot you had SEA HOLLY...anyway of adding me to your sea holly list? if not that's ok. I would like to try it though. I imagine it needs a somewhat dry spot?

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

I was hoping to get Agastache "Golden Jubilee"and Sidalcea "party girl" from you. Rachel

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Wind.......I have Sea Holly which i will include in my stash to Suzie. I will have your name on your own package..


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

that's wonderful, THANK YOU deann!

I don't know how the weather is in MI but today is a spectacular day here in Mt. Laurel. It looks kind of like fall but it feels like spring. It is sunny, blue sky, cats in the windows, and 75 deg without any humidity and best of all, no mosquitos! (we get alot here but I must say this yr was less due to less rainfall).

Lots of flowers are reblooming too, like our balloon flowers and cannas. Also, I keep finding more seeds!!!!!! so hard to draw the line. I hope we do a swap again next yr. :)

(Maggie) Jacksonvill, FL(Zone 9a)

Help! I have Agastache Blue Fortune. I've hung it, dried it, shook it, rubbed it- and I still can't get any seeds out of those calyces. Any suggestions?

I have Liatris- those seeds have fluffy tails. I've tried removing the tail thinking it was the banned chaff but I don't think so. Does this sound right? Can you tell I'm very new to this?

The Salvia Coral Nymph is probably not going to happen. I have 3 seeds. They go from green and firmly adhered to the plant to falling off the plant as soon as they brown. I'd pick them off the ground but they are planted right next to a red salvia so I'd not be able to tell the two apart. I've been on vacation here at home and have checked the plants several times a day. That's how I got so many seeds;-)

On a good note, I figured out how to harvest the Salvia Black & Blue totally ripe and so the seeds I get should be great. I also have a salvia with a bright red calyx and a deep dark fuschia center. What is that part inside the calyx called?

I'm also thinking I'll have seeds from my lovely red Pentas- butterflies love this plant. I grows 5 feet tall!

I'll be sending my seeds in at the very last minute. Everything here is still blooming.


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

how did you gather the salvia bb seeds? I've never been able to do it
I'm wondering about the liatris too. I'm thinking your agastache dropped its seed before you cut it.

salvia coral nymph is much easier to me. What I do is wait until the stem tops with the seed pods turn brown, cut the stems (4-8") and place them into a large baggie, keep open and let dry. The seeds fall into the baggie.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

"Tails" on seeds aren't the same as chaff... and for that matter, I don't have a problem with chaff as long as I can tell that there are seeds in there, too... it's nice if you can get enough chaff out so that at least half of what remains in the packet is seeds. I don't think Suzy ever said "absolutely no chaff, not even a speck," she just wants us to do our best to send nicely prepared seed.

Collecting seeds from salvias has been easier some years for me than others. I wonder if different weather conditions cause them to ripen/drop seeds more quickly?

I couldn't really tell what my salvia seeds were like until I crunched the dried calyces and dechaffed them. A lot of the seeds I got from my S. 'Caradonna' don't look ripe to me (there are some larger, blacker seeds and at least 75% slightly smaller, more brown seeds), so I might not end up including those. :-( The 'Purple Knockout' seeds look much better, and I was able to get a lot more of them. :-) I have a couple of small 'Coral Nymph' plants, and I was delighted to get a few seeds from them... hopefully I'll have those to share next year, too.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I'm leaving the tails on my clematis seeds because they are really cute that way.

This is my first year collecting salvia seeds. I have one tiny 'Rose Queen' that I got a few seeds from. Could have gotten more if I had known what to look for sooner. I've learned so much from participating in this swap (thanks, everyone!). Maybe I can start a few more and share some seeds in future years. I got lots of seed from the 'Victoria Blue'. And there will be lots more. They are still ripening a little at a time. When I cut the brown stalks (I've been cutting them when there are still a few blue flowers at the tops) I put them in a baggie, shake them, and the seeds sprinkle right out. then I let them dry some more.

I have chocolate daisies (yes, the real ones LOL) that I wintersowed last year. One day they will be green and the next they are browned and half the seeds are gone. they never get dry and crispy. So I have to watch them like a hawk. Most of them are not ripe yet, so I won't have them in time to send them in. Next year! ;0)

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Wow! Bunch of messages. Wind is right about thew weather here! I hope everybody had the same glorious weather we had here yesterday! I didn't harvest any seed BECAUSE I AM STILL PLANTING OUT PLANTS I WINTERSOWED THIS SPRING! OMG!

Deann, You finally posted!

All -- I felt bad about telling Deann that the swap was closed, so I dmailed her and said, "Hop on board!"

Critter, On the Salvia, You might want to send the brown seeds and the black seeds together. I can't see yours, but all the Salvia seed I have seen is brown and flattened ovoid, AND they are known to have a bump-thing that is larger and blacker, and rounded ovoid that is part of the calyx. It has a botanical name, but I forgot what it was. I guess what I'm saying is that my hunch is the brown stuff is the seed, but it's just a hunch.

Margaran, I don't know anything about Agastache at all. The Liatris looks like a badminton shuttlecock (sort of) with all kinds of feathery stuff on one end, and the seed on the other. You send the whole thing.
Tell us the secret to collecting seed from Salvia B&B! I was fooling around with them and was so astonished to get a seed in my hand, that I promptly dropped it!
On the Salvia 'Coral Nymph', if you need seeds for yourself, wash your hands, but don't dry them completely, then run your hands up and down the blooming spikes. Seeds will stick to your hands -- about 20 at a time. Dust the seeds off your hands off into a box lined with newspaper or tissue paper and do it again. Keep in mind those seeds will need an extra day to dry. My Coral Nymph has bloomed all summer long and is now about 40" tall and 16" wide, and I have 7 of them! I thought they'd be MUCH smaller because of the word "Nymph" in their name, and they are the reason I made it a rule to put the height on your seed packs. LOL!
I want your red Salvia with the pink THINGY inside, and also the Pentas, though I have a feeling they are slow, slow, SLOW from seed.

I have been having trouble getting seed out of Salvias and Butterfly bushes -- any spikely flower, really, where individual seeds are in a little calyx. It's as if they don't want to let go. All I can say is that except for Basil, all the plants seem to do well with wintersowing, so maybe that's the answer. (Maybe Basil does well wintersowed, too, I just didn't try it that way.)

You all have a great day!!!


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Basil is pretty tender, so if you "wintersow" it, wait until early spring like other tender annuals. My brother prefers to just direct sow it into a planter in spring, after danger of frost, and he gets plenty of basil that way. I'm impatient and want pesto as early as possible, so I start my basil at least 8 weeks ahead, inside under lights.

I get your point about the salvia seeds, but my packets wouldn't be very big (I didn't get a lot of seeds from 'Caradonna'), so there's not much room for guessing about them without risking disappointment. If I do include them, they'll be an "extra." I think the slightly larger and darker seeds I'm seeing on 'PKO' are real seeds, not the calyx-thingies... at least, I've sowed "seeds" that looked like that in the past and had them do fine. I've never managed to collect seeds from 'Caradonna' before, so I just don't quite know about it.

When I collect seeds from salvia, basil, etc, I generally strip off the dried calyces and rub them between my fingers to release the seeds. For me, that seems to work better than just shaking them in a bag.

With agastache, wheatstraw celosia, amaranthus, etc. I clip the dried seed heads and shake them in a bag. Loads of little seeds fall to the bottom of the bag.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

This is interesting....and I sure need a better way to clean seeds (as you all will see for yourselves shortly!)

Critter, yes, but don't your fingertips hurt after 5 minutes of rolling them around? Also, don't you find seeds collect in the seams of the bags? Or do you use a plastic bag? I will definitely say that you know way more about Salvias than I do. My experience is the squatty red ones and Salvia 'Victoria' that I collected in bulk.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I just leave the dried calices on a plate... Whenever I pass, I scrunch my fingers through them a little. When it looks like most of the seeds have been released, I run them through a sieve that removed the larger pieces of chaff, and then I swirl them on the plate and blow on them to get rid of the tiny chaff. I'm getting pretty quick at doing basil, anyway... :-)

Grampapa~ I was double checking the haves/wants thread and the swap thread #2 , #3; as I'm packing my seeds...I think the Italian basil is by another cottage gardener. I have packed for you ..Red salvia, French marigold, Orange cosmos, Verbena bonariensis, Mealy cup salvia, and canna indica. Correct? ;0)

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

As I'm getting ready to send my envie, I want to be sure I didn't forget anyone's requests. Here's what I have:

Lala Jane - White Swan echinacea

Grampapa - White Swan, cleome Rose Queen

Rachierabbit - Cat's Whiskers, White Swan

Seandor - cleome, White Swan

Pagancat - White Swan

Gardengus - Cat's Whiskers

Wind - Cat's Whiskers

PamSue - melampodium, Cat's Whiskers

Soulgardenlove - nightblooming jasmine, melampodium

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

garden6, sorry, you're right about the basil...I'll put it where it belongs :-o the only other 'want' I had for you that you don't have on your list is the 'pink candles' celosia. that was yours, right? unless you don't have enough

budbloom, looks good to me :0)

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