Spectacular 2007 Cottage Garden Seed Swap#3

(Cathy), MO

I found them another place too, and am busy looking at all the seeds they offer there now! Will have to check out their rating in watchdog first though.

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Wind.................. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww love your mamas smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still doesn't make me want to plant marigolds, but maybe more crocosmia!!!!!!!!

Lucifer............ you need to keep them well watered in the flowering season, maybe thats why it wasn't a happy camper...........


Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I have tried to grow them since I live in Marietta and it didn't quite work out.. I will try again and I was going to tell you where to find them as well!


(Cathy), MO

I think I'll go back and look at Marks site and listen to that accent!

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Cat............................ You like that accent do you??? LOL

(Cathy), MO

Love that accent! Australian too!

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)


(Cathy), MO

Wasn't Crocodile Dundee Austrailian? :-)

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

LOL..................... yesssssssssssssssssssss he was.

But then so was rolf harris

(Cathy), MO

Tie Me Kangaroo Down!

(Cathy), MO

Mark, what is that song playing during the photoshow?

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Wait, wait wait - as I remember it, "Tie Me Kangaroo Down" was done by the Irish Rovers.

I can't believe I remember the Irish Rovers. Must be senility creeping in - I remember carp like that, but can't find my keys.

(Cathy), MO

LOL. You must be one of us "over 40" types! But I think it started creeping in for me in my 30's! And today, it's almost taken over.

You could be right about the Irish Rovers. I'll have to google it!

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Yup, fourty-four in ... wow. About a month.

But the senility is complete - 'twasn't the Rovers at all: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tie_Me_Kangaroo_Down,_Sport

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

So ... you're a ThanksGiving baby then?

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Nope, not even. 9 days before Kennedy was shot. I cried, I'm sure of it.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Nov. 13th?

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

LOL, yes!


Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh yeah. Sure. Your secret is SAFE with me. Uh huh.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

PC, (I didn't hear that, but my DH's B'day is Nov 13th!) Oooh, I didn't listen to the photoshow because DH was napping and I didn't want to wake him up. I'll have to go back and hear Mark's luvly accent.

Mark, I love aquilegia, too. I don't know geum...have to look it up. your seeds have done very well. In fact, I am sending seed from Potentilla 'Helen Jane' and Salvia 'Victoria Blue' in for this swap that I grew from seed you sent me last year. This salvia is one of my favorite plants!

Thumbnail by grampapa
Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

I always thought tie me kangaroo down was sung by Rolf Harris.................

Gram............. Have lots of Aquilegia here............. some quite rare ones such as Farmer John Cross.
Geum.................... you will love i am sure............. they are soooooooooooooooooo delicate and purdy!!!!
Yes the salvia is certainly a nice plant................ wow that is looking good!!!!!! well thats what its all about........ keep spreading the seeds. I just love sharing!!!!!


(Cathy), MO

Mark, what is the name of the sone playing during the photoshow? It's beautiful

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

When you get your seeds if you get any from me....

PLEASE OPEN THE PLASTIC BAGGIE and let them breathe. Especially if you are not planting them until the spring. Maybe even just transfer them to something else. I dried the seeds pretty well but they are still fresh seeds and I'm wishing I just wrapped them in paper and taped or placed them directly into the coin envelope.

Around here I often leave baggies open at the top or even drop a small piece of a paper towel inside as a precaution to moisture.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

........of course I don't leave the baggies open indefinately, but at least until I am sure they are really dry........you know what I mean :)

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

The Victoria Blue was my favorite this year. I have it sitting next to the steps to my porch - grampapa, does it appear to change color slightly for you, too? It started out a dark Wedgewood blue, now it appear somewhat more purple - it's *so* lovely.

Looks like I better clip some of those blooms - I'm not having any luck getting seeds off of my basil in the brown paper bag, so I'll switch over!

P.S. Yup, Mark, you're correct, 'twas Rolf!

This message was edited Oct 17, 2007 7:38 AM

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

is there a tip for collecting basil seeds?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Wind, when the green bits on the basil flower stems start turning brown, the seeds inside should be ready (check -- ripe seeds are had and black). Strip off the brown bits, let them dry, and rub them between your fingers (best method I've found) to release the seeds. I have a mesh strainer that works pretty well to sift the larger chaff from the seeds, and after the seeds dry for a few days you can usually blow away the dusty chaff (swirl the seeds in a shallow bowl and blow on them).

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I looked up geum. You're right, Mark, it's lovely (although there are not many flowers I don't like LOL). I don't think I spotted any seeds in this swap, but I'll come across some and give it a try.

PC, I know what you mean about Victoria Blue changing colors. I guess it's the change in the weather. I'm sitting here with a paper plate of seeds right now :)

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I bought some of that Salvia 'Victoria' from Swallowtail seeds, I think. On the back of the packet, they said the seed is only viable for one year, so be sure to sow it.

I always thought it was Tiny Kangaroo Down....which makes no sense. Of course I was just a baby when it came out. ;)


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've been harvesting some more seeds. I found a good bit of Bronze Fennel seed on those plants... it's a perennial for me (so far), lovely foliage and scent, and the black swallowtails adore it. I think several people have expressed interest in tall plant and butterfly plants, so I'll put in 4 or 5 packs. I've also got some Salvia lyrata 'Purple Knockout', Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna', Penstemon smallii, and Hibiscus moscheutos 'Southern Belle' (stunning pink with magenta center, don't know if it will come true). I'll probably just put in a packet or two of each of those unless there's a lot of interest.

I just packed up pepper seeds (Sweet Pickles, Pretty Purple Pepper, and Florescent Purple)... I put just 25 or so seeds in a pack, partly because that's how many I've had out to dry for a couple weeks. I often put just 15 seeds per packet for hot peppers, because almost nobody wants to grow out more than a couple of plants anyway. If anybody was hoping for enough PPP to do a big border, let me know and I'll fatten your packet.

I guess I need to edit my "haves" post!

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Salvia -- I went by the National Arboretum yesterday. Oh, what a stunning grouping of salvias that they had on display in the Herb Garden. I didn't have a camera with me, but I might go back in a few days because I missed the bonsai exhibition and would like to go back for that. If so, I'll snap some photos. It gave me a whole new appreciation for salvias!

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

thanks for the basil seed tip critter :) also; I would be interested in your s.caradonna :) I'm not familiar with your penstemon...I'll look it up

I wonder what salvias were at the Arboretum? I would love to see the photo if you snap one wrightie. I luv salvias!

I have what I thought was s.blue bedder but now I'm not sure. It has two little white marks like the victoria blue but it is 3-4' tall and is a perennial. Actually it looks like the salvia soulgardenlove posted on her cottage garden tour thread. I didn't send in seeds of it because they weren't ready...they are just starting now.

Thumbnail by wind
Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I regret that I didn't get any, Wind. But, I do intend to go back with camera in hand, SOON.

Suzy, my seeds are on their way. Note, return postage w/ delivery confirmation, and new label are included. Thanks a kzillion for hosting this fanshmabulous Swap!

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Wind, I do know that one of the incredible salvias was this one, Salvia mexicana 'Limelight'. You should have seen the massive size of these things. Planted next to it, with some lovely intermingling of branches was a blue and a pink. Kicking myself for not bringing my camera!!!


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

I'm in love..........just added limelight to my mile long wish list :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Here's a shot of the Penstemon. It's aka "Pink Beardtongue" but is really purple rather than pink in color. It blooms in spring about the same time as my 'Eye of the Tiger' dutch iris and is a perfect "color echo" for them. It also blooms intermittently thereafter, and in fact there are a few blooms on it now.

Thumbnail by critterologist
Fair Grove, MO(Zone 6b)

wind, that doesn't look like my blue bedder salvia.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Critter -- girl, you must have some of everything there! Consider me asking for Salvia lyrata 'Purple Knockout', Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna', and Penstemon smallii, will you please? Now I'll be on the lookout for Eye of the Tiger. Hopefully at the local garden center because my catalog ordering is over.

Wind, I am nearly positive that Salvia blue bedder is Salvia 'Victoria'. I have grown it every year for years and years and years. Some years it winters over, but not the years you'd expect. It can be cold, cold, cold, as long as there is snow cover, but last year when it was so mild? Nada! I went out today and yes, mine is more purple, too. Never noticed that before.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Suzy, I've made a note of it! You should be able to find 'Eye of the Tiger' -- seems that one is getting more popular and easier to find. Keep an eye on those fall bulb clearance sales for it, also. :-)

Although I've got a couple of volunteers that I think are from the S. 'Caradonna', they haven't bloomed yet, so I'm not sure if this one comes "true" exactly from seed. But it's a lovely one -- similar to East Friesland, but with a bit more color to the stems.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Of course, now that I've mailed my package... I'm wishing for a selection of SALVIAs! Figures!

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