Spectacular 2007 Cottage Garden Seed Swap#3

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'll include a couple salvias for you if you'd like... I think I've still got some older seeds in my stash too, so you'll just have to put the Groundhog's Day Tea Party and Seed Swap on your schedule!

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I cannot foresee any reasons why I could possibly miss that event. I'm also hoping to get my act together to have a gathering of my own as I usually have a Christmas Tea at my place each year -- any excuse for tea, horse ovaries and booze...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

As long as you are not expecting anybody to eat the horse ovaries like rocky mountain oysters....

Much as I despise the furry, garden-destroying beasts, I thought Groundhog's Day seemed like an auspicious day for a gathering of gardeners... and since it falls on a Saturday... At any rate, I'll post about it closer to the time over in the MidAtlantic forum! :-)

Salvias... I love salvias!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hey! I don't know what you're talking about -- I never heard of the Groundhog Day Tea Party & Swap! Is that where we can get rid of everything we have leftover? I'll be needing one of those!


Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

Wind, could this be your salvia? It gets tall and the flowers are velvety.
It's called Mexican bush sage.

This message was edited Oct 17, 2007 4:47 PM

Thumbnail by budbloom
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Suzy, come to Frederick on Groundhog's Day and join us! My guest room has not yet been spoken for... it's yours if you want it! (We had so much fun at the MidAtlantic fall swap gathering here that I started thinking right away about when we could do something again, and Groundhog's Day just jumped out at me when I saw that it fell on a Saturday. I threw a DG tea party 2 years ago and missed having one last winter... and so the notion was born!)

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Critter, you're killin' me LOL I would love any or all of Salvia lyrata 'Purple Knockout', Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna', Penstemon smallii, and Hibiscus moscheutos 'Southern Belle'. I have fallen in love with salvia, too. and I think I already put the word in for some of your ornamental peppers.

How different is the flavor of bronze fennel from Florence fennel...do you know? I have the Florence (sweet) fennel. I grew 2 plants and they are huge (and pretty). I was hoping for enough seed to flavor a batch of homemade Italian sausage and it should be no problem. there is tons!

I'd better get my seeds in the mail soon. If I don't my 'I wish, pretty please' list is going to be so long it'll burst the envelope. I'm such a piggy (snork!)

Thumbnail by grampapa

Ooooohhh Critter~ if you have enough seeds ,I would like some salvias as well..Purple Knockout and Caradonna, please! Thank you! ;0)

This message was edited Oct 17, 2007 5:12 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've never dug and eaten the bulb of the bronze fennel... but the foliage has that familiar "black jelly bean" flavor that I think is the same as any other fennel. It's a beautiful plant!

I'm happy to put your name on whatever you'd like, especially as you said you'd send me some seed from that lovely 'Ruby Dwarf' helenium. (I'd also love to try your pink mallow, your Salvia 'Victoria Blue', and your florence fennel.. and I can always find a spot for bachelor buttons! Thanks!)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I didn't get a ton of Salvia seed, but I'll divvy it up into 5 packets... I'm sure it'll be at least 10 seeds per packet, 20 if possible, and I'll have a better idea once the chaff is blown away LOL. The PKO will bloom and set seeds the first year, even from wintersown seeds. :-)

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

budbloom, thanks but I don't think it can be mexican bush sage even though it does have many similarities. It is drought tolerant, it does get tall, its buds are felty but the leaves on mine are slightly serrated and not fuzzy grey plus it dosn't get 'bushy' and it is hearty here in zone 6b.

I'm thinking it is the blue bedder as I thought but I'm just not 100% sure. I hate that. I have a garden journal but I always seem to leave out something! I'm vaguely remembering buying the seeds from burpee. This could be the blue bedder I have which does look diff than other blue bedders. It does self sow which is really great about it.


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

critter...wanted to say if you haven't tried it already...if you drink coffee in the am try strolling past your bronze fennel and pop a seed or two in your mouth! It's my new fav am treat DELICIOUS!!!! then again I love anise biscotti :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh yes, indeed! I like to nibble on the tips of the foliage, also. I seem to find something to nibble in any part of the garden.... mints, scented geraniums, basils, cherry tomatoes, nasturtium blooms, pansies...

Critter~ I get it about the salvias... the mealy cup salvia was very stingy in setting seeds as well.

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

just in case
you need one more plea....
I'll use this space
to say

take a picture for me!

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Critter do you have the PKO covered or should I throw in a few packs as well?

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

PC, I will take all the pictures that you want at the national arboretum... PROVIDED that all of your posts in the next week (there better be at least two per day) are written in the form of rhymes.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

La, throw in what you can spare... that's such a cool plant for borders and filling in little niches... I think everybody should grow 'PKO'!

There are a couple of things I'm looking for, so I thought I'd ask just in case somebody had them... I would love to try Burgundy okra. The flowers are so pretty on okra that I don't think I even care if I manage to harvest any pods! I'm also looking for seeds of Pineapple tomatillo (aka ground cherry)... little husked fruits that turn golden and tangy-sweet when ripe.

If any of my packets (like the salvia) end up seeming skimpy to you, Suzi, just don't count them. My "haves" list keeps growing, and even if I just send in 5 of everything, that'll end up being "a few" more packets than I really need in return!

I keep thinking of more plants I need to check for seeds, like the alpine strawberries... Well, any seeds that aren't ready in time for this swap will be on my trade list this winter! :-)

Critter~ I grow a spineless okra as well for the blooms. They are gorgeous and have a hibiscus like appearance. Plus the foliage does not require any stalking, which is another benefit of growing okra in the flower gardens. I'm not familiar with burgundy okra, but it sounds divine.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Geez.. actually get outside and garden all day and look what all I miss.. A whole salvia saga... I LOVE salvia. What a great no fuss, easy, bee loving, long blooming, easy to root, plant salvia is! :) The one in my tour was 'Indigo Spires' ... and I need to move it once again. It grows tall and them can flop over and swallow other plants whole :) I also have pinnaple sage and I'n going to root the heck out of it for other areas.. Love it too.. I just aquired black and blue too :) ...

Love Salvia!!


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

I have burgundy okra, I didn't think we were doing vegetables??? the pods are just now getting brown. I grew both the clemson spineless and the burgundy okra in the front of our house, I like the okra blooms so much!

It is possible they may have crossed and the seeds might be a combination. I had alot more burgundy okra than the clemson if that matters.

In fact today was so warm and spring-like everything is confused around here. The okra is blooming again and the horseradish is resprouting as if it were spring! The dahlias need watering and we put away the hose for that area already. Go figure!

Thumbnail by wind
Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

It's really neat to cook, it turns green as it gets heated. I don't have a decent photo handy of the leaves but they are really nice with burgundy veining

Thumbnail by wind
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Wind, if you've got extra seeds, I'd love some! Cross pollinated or not, they'll be lovely! I think burgundy okra is ornamental enough to cross the line into cottage-y edible ornamentals... just like we did with the peppers...

hi there mark!

i love sages!!

burgundy okra sounds cool! love to have some seed

still busy, busy even in this rain ( ugh)


North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I echo what Critter said re packet size. I'd like to share what I have even though not everything is producing seed like we'd want. I figure some folks might enjoy having something different even if there's only enough seed for a few plants, and those smaller packets can definitely be counted as extras. I'll be sending way more seed than I need in return so if a packet seems skimpy just count it as a bonus in some one elses coffee can.

I've got a few surprise seeds to send that I didn't name on my "have" list that somebody may get a kick out of.

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Hi Pamsue

Nice to see you are still around....................... how you doing?????


Wind~ love the burgundy stems and of course that gorgeous bloom!!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I may throw in a few things I don't have listed, too. Some that I didn't have a lot of. I hate to dangle something out there if I don't have enough for everyone. But they will be a nice surprise for whoever gets them ;0) (I hope)

they keep predicting rain here, but I have yet to see any this week. plus is that I'm getting a lot of work done in the garden. minus is that everything is dry. I haven't watered but I will today.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

All this talk of the okra has me intrigued. My mother love okra, but you couldn't make me eat it. It sure is pretty, though.

Wind, if you have enough seed, I'd like to try some. but don't short someone else or go to any extra trouble for me.

Gram~ know what you mean about eating okras...my pumpkins will only eat them fried... so any baby okras on the stem gets fried for the pumpkins.

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Good Morning everyone..........Can I join your group......can not believe I have been a member of Dave's for so long and never discovered this forum.....I am a big time seed saver and have lots to offer. This year was a bumper crop for 4-0-Clocks....Mine grow to over 5 feet tall....no kidding....


Thumbnail by deann

Very pretty Deann!!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi Deann, Welcome to Dave's! I am the swap hostess and I am so sorry -- but the swap is closed now. HOWEVER, there are a lot of other ones in the seed trading forum and the round robin forum.

Here's one:


Your Four O'clocks are magnificent.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Deann, I think Anita's wintersowing swap is still open... and your columbine seeds are good WSing candidates!

gram..sending tons of rain your way!! we are having a storm today

mark..been doing great! picked up a few crocosmias this fall...the last one i picked up was john davidson


Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Suzy, thanks anyway.....I will pass on that....


Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

I would love to try some of your; Penstemon smallii, Salvia “Purple Knockout,” Sweet Pickles and Florescent Purple Pepper adding them to my list!

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)


Good, pleased you are doing ok..............
I think the crocosmia would be George Davison not John Davidson......


Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Who said that they like salvias? I ran down to the arboretum this morning and snapped some pic's for you. I only had a few minutes, so I could not hunt & peck for the plant labels, many of which were buried under the plants. I'm going to start a new thread in the Herb forum of today's pic's, but will come back here to post a link once they've been uploaded. http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/781809/

This message was edited Oct 18, 2007 3:32 PM

Thumbnail by wrightie
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I didn't say I like salvias... I absolutely LOVE them! LOL

I'll look forward to your photo thread. What a treat1

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