Underwater Gardens #6

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Hey everyone! wish i could report that my abscense here was justified by some dives but not the case....working around here trying to catch up with all the yard work that has been postponed due to my injuries....almost caught up so the water will be in the plans over the next week or so....Shari wanted me to start the next uw garden thread....not sure why....most of these uw threads get crashed in no time but that's ok....

Puffer fish.....bone crushing strength in them jaws!!!

Thumbnail by caribblue
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

wow..the background is pretty cool.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Beautiful photo John. Love all of those colors that you've captured. His eyes are huge! What is the red that I can see on the right side of the photo? Looks like underwater flower bouquet.

Thanks for starting up number 6. I really do enjoy these threads and get excited when I see new posts made to them, hoping there will be eye candy to look at.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)


Pass Christian, MS(Zone 8b)

Its hard to start my day now, without a trip to the UW world, Thanks so much!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Okay! Pufferfish it is! I love the composition of your pic John, so many cool corals! And a great shot of his face! Here is a Bluespotted Pufferfish - this guy is about 2 1/2 to 3 ft. long...they get really big!

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Looks like a watercolor painting....where the colors grade into each other.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

His coloring is beautiful Shari. I don't think I'd want to meet him face to face though. Those teeth look very wicked!


Hi everyone ....I normally only peek but I had to pop in (while thread is short) and say ....I just could not resist that first picture.....just perfect .....and what a little character!

I also wanted to say that I hope your world is getting back to the way you like it and that your injuries heal up pronto....(((hug )))
chrissy :)

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh John, that picture is fabulous! The colors are so vibrant! Wow! Very Nice!

Shari, your's is very nice too! Love this thread!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

John, your first pic reminds me of a painting.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Beautiful corals John!
Shari - three feet! The small ones we have here un-nerve me because they come right up in your face and stare you down, wouldn't like to think what a three footer might do!

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

John that is an amazing shot! Thank you for letting us see it.
Shari, I had no idea that they could get that big. I have actuall seen teeny ones in the wal-mart fish department here. Cannot fathom how anything that small could get that big.

Crushing teeth you say?? I guess I had better rethink getting the cute little pufferfish as a buddy to share quarters with the goldfish then......

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Well, the cute ones in the wal-mart may be fresh water, and I have no idea of their size. Yeah, you don't want to mess too closely with these guys - those jaws are strong and the teeth are sharp. Here is a white spot....a little smaller than the Blue - you can see another small fish down on the left for size comparison:

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

WOW that's a great shot! Sure wouldn't want to mess with it!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Yeah, I always laugh when people talk about "cute little pufferfish"....They can be cute - but when you know the touchy personality behind it, you don't quite mush up so much.

Pass Christian, MS(Zone 8b)

Great photo Shari, looks like he's glowing....I had no idea that they were that mean! They look so cute. Make sure I don't try and pet one next time I am down under...

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Ooooh, love that blue! Oh, and the fish is great, too! lol

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

We have a dive site on the West side called "Killer Puffer" a few years ago, someone decided to fool with a puffer to try to get him to swell up...well, the fish was not in the mood and now the diver is missing his poking finger!! they all decided to name the site after it bit his finger clean off!


West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

This is a burrfish, smaller than a puffer but inhabit the same areas .....


Thumbnail by caribblue
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi, everyone. I haven't been around that much these days. I have been cramming all weekend for my real estate sales associate license. I am currently busy studying 12 hours/day because my test is tomorrow afternoon. Still, old habits die hard so here I am, stealing time from my studies to sah Hi.

At the end of the previous thread, you mentionned that it didn't matter that they are absolutely horrid and nowhere near as nice as yours. I'll take Braveheartsmom's suggestion and blame the disposable underwater camera. I have proved my skills on land. The camera takes it all away underwater. Thanks Braveheartsmom! So here is a picture of a parrotfish I photographed at Trunk Bay, on St.John, USVI.

As my pakistani friend would say: Please, not to laugh!

Thumbnail by lourspolaire
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Slop bucket alert here. You have been warned. Here is a picture of another parrotfish at DePalm Island, Aruba. Along with him were hundreds of brown surgeonfish. There were so many fish on that reef, you litterally had to shoo the fish away to see the water.

The place was also infested with fire coral and wouldn't you know it, I managed to brush against one, causing a very painful burn. Luckily, the tour staff had some kind of cream on hand. They applied it to my left forearm, I waited 5 minutes and ran back to the water. Important lesson learned here: fire coral does not forgive. They are not alone: quite a few marine invertebrates have stinging cells that go off at the slightest touch.

I remember being horrified a few years ago when a lifeguard on Holland America's private island in the Bahamas (Half Moon Cay) demonstrated how to remove a species of jellyfish they have there without getting stung. You were supposed to throw it away in garbage cans they had all along the water's edge. I saw them in the water and gave them a wide berth. No picking up jellyfish for this polar bear! There was enough water for all of us. I had gotten stung on the right shoulder by a baby portuguese man of war in Martinique the year before. The eskimos say: bitten by a snake, one fears a garden hose in the grass.

Be good, all. I don't want to hear any snickering. I told you my pictures weren't calendar material.

Thumbnail by lourspolaire
West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

thanks for sharing them Sylvain....those post parrotfish are commonly known as stoplight parrotfish because of the vertical dots in their tail section, resembling a stop light....


Pass Christian, MS(Zone 8b)

I just have to ask....why is it called a burrfish? Sounds like something from Canada....
Great shots, all, keep them coming!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Poor little burrfish.....looks like he's been hit all over by an ugly stick.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh Wow Sylvain, Your parrotfish is beautiful. The colors are amazing!

John, I keep waiting for your little burrfish to smile. What a cutie pie!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Burrfish are spiney puffers. When threatened, the fish swallows water and puffs up like a balloon. In the process, the spines become erect. The fish is saying: eat me if you wish but it's going to be a painful morsel. With the spines sticking out, it ressembles a burr.

Someone was talking about puffers at Wal-Mart before. Yes, Wal-Mart has puffers but they won't live long in an aquarium because they are brackish water fish, inhabiting regions in the wild where fresh water mixes with saltwater, such as the mouths of rivers. Unless you own an established brackish water aquarium, leave them alone. The problem with Wal-Mart's fish is they keep them in freshwater only. Soon, the fish deteriorate and die. WM should be keel-hauled twice and beaten with a 2X4 for that. Don't get me started on mistreated aquarium fish.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Or anything WM....bad news. Practice my own useless boycott.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I wouldn't say that, LouC. WM offers generic prescriptions for $4 a pop when the same prescription may be purchased everywhere else for many times that price. They are putting all other pharmacies to shame.

There is an old pharmacy joke where a man runs into a pharmacy with a prescription for his very sick wife. The pharmacist fills the script and demands $200. The man is broke so he pulls a gun. With his other hand, he pulls $5 from his pocket and puts it on the counter before running away with the medication. The pharmacist declares: $3 profit is better than nothing, I guess.

That $4 program is helping a lot of sick people save big bucks and take their medication on a regular basis instead of thinking them when they can afford them.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, I can see your point. However, in my community the independents, CVS and Walgreens are matching prices.

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Costco has started something similar for those without prescription plans.

Sylvain, I enjoyed your pictures - nothing to be ashamed about!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Kaperc, you are too kind. Thank you. I log less than 10 hours snorkelling every year, accumulated as I go on excursions in ports of call when we go on cruises. Nevertheless, a rainy day on a snorkeling excursion is worth at least 5 days at the office.

I'll scrounge around for more pictures.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Sylvain, I think your pictures are easily as good as the ones I post. Occasionally I get a really good one, but none of us can match John's artistic masterpieces, so I don't even try. I just share what I have, and hope people enjoy them. Which is what you shoud do - your parrotfish are great!

John, I just adore that burrfish! He's so homely he's adorable! Now, where do the boxfish fit into this "expanding" scenario.

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

find them under "Odd shaped swimmers" like trunkfish.....all of them....not known for their blazing speed across open ocean, but markings and shapes that make them beautiful in their own right....

an old image...shot on film years ago....could not fit the entire fish in the framer....sorry....

spotted trunkfish......

Thumbnail by caribblue
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

John, have you seen that they have started the photo contest? I can hardly wait to see your entries!!!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

no, haven't seen that.....dont venture from this thread.....

here is a pufferfish that doesn't fit the stereotype of the rest...A sharpnosed pufferfish....swims around in small areas and tries to blend in when approached.....sort of sticks out though...needs to take lessons from the frogfish and seahorse i think....


Thumbnail by caribblue
Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

Not to worry, I would never bother to get any fishies that I actually wanted to stay alive at wally world. If you purchase a something thinking to "rescue it" that just serves as incentive for the seller to keep doing what they are doing. They made the profit and do not care about anything else.

Wow, puffers sure have an attitude! I guess the fingerless one finally learned a hard lesson. One that is good to remember when dealing with any creature of a different species.

I love your pics Sylvain, the second one brings to mind a las vegas star wearing their sparklies and the backup dancers behind them. Thank you for sharing with us!

Pass Christian, MS(Zone 8b)

Wow, just incredible!
These pufferfish are great! I thought there was only one type....see what you learn on a gardening website!

I was checking out an old thread of your group, and saw a spectacular shot of the singrays at singray city, the best I have ever seen. You really do very nice work John!

Allentown, PA

Nice Photo's john
Where did you shoot the small puffer fish? What is it's normal size? I can't recall seeing one like this.

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Thanks for the praise kids! The stingrays are plentiful here and if you get out early, you can normally manage a keeper shot or 4.....the sharpnose was taken right down the street from where we live, on a night dive, as usual, about 3 inches long, can usually find numerous ones to pose.....glad to see so many new friends joining us here now....feel free to tell all your friends,,,,this thread is world wide and we can all find a friend to pick us up at any airport in the world....well, almost.....trying to decide on shots to enter for the contest.....i have a shot sheet already worked up....just need to get in the water and git er dun!


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