Next Saturday let's make a plan!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm so sorry you had a headache week too... not the way to spend our time, especially with such lovely weather! It stinks to have to hide from the light on beautiful sunny days. If your sinus problems are linked to allergies, hopefully the shift to fall weather will help out.

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

Interesting about using the essential oils for headaches, as I've done that. Rosemary is simply good for everything, it seems, and I use the greens for smudging.

Isn't it ok to go off topic on your own thread? (I can never stay completely on topic...opps) I hope it is over for you to enjoy the baby, critter!

Women are the majority of migraine sufferers, so perhaps that could say alittle something about why there are no definitive medical breakthroughs...opps cynical side :-

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Critter, I've had migraines for years so boy can I sympathize. They did get better after menopause but I still get a cluster every spring and fall. I have the same problem with lights, cinnamon and drastic changes in the weather or windy weather (or perhaps just changes in air pressure.)

Keyring, I think there's a definite connection between seasonal allergies and the migraines. Perhaps that's why the clusters in the spring and fall. They're definitely migraines and not sinus headaches. I always get halos in my vision beforehand.

I often have itchy eyes and sinus congestion before I get a migraine.

I do think gingko helps a lot but you have to take it regularly, not just when you have a migraine. I have a friend who swears by regular doses of magnesium too. Says that has eliminated her migraines.

Critter, Diet Rite and all the Diet Rite flavors have only used Spenda for years. The taste is a little different than Coke or Pepsi and might take a little getting used to but I think it's better than the Pepsi and Coke products with Splenda.

The good thing about the halos is I know a headache is coming and can take something before it starts. Aleve often eliminates the pain and a lot of the side effects but I have to take two or three tablets. If I take something after the pain starts nothing does much good.

I don't know why Aleve does so much more that other over the counter pain relievers but it does.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

My book also mentions the magnesium, Hart. Some of the other vitamins/minerals that it recommends for Migraines and Vascular Headaches are Niacin therapy in combination wtih B Complex and extra B6; DLPA for pain control; Germanium, Omega 3 flax oil, Evening Primrose oil caps or Royal Jelly caps for prevetion; ...

As for bodywork: chiropractic adjustment; acupuncture & acupressure; fresh air and exercise; red color therapy eyewear; ice packs on the neck to draw blood out of the head; lavender essence to temples and as aromatherapy; avoid smoking and secondary smoke; coffee enema to stimulate liver and normalize bile activity for almost immediate results. ....

This comes from the book, "Healthy Healing An Alternative Healing Reference" by L. Rector-Page. I've had this for years and have found it very useful.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Yes, I've been taking extra magnesium, Niacin, and B complex... also extra potassium since I seem to have something odd that happens to my potassium levels when I take Imitrex-type meds (I gulped gallons of gatorade before figuring out that potassium tabs would do the trick).

A cold compress on my forehead will also knock the pain down a couple of notches.

I've used evening primrose oil before for inflammation and recommended it to friends with arthritis or joint problems... it seems to be especially effective on cartilage inflammation.

And yes, I suppose it's fine to go O/T on my own thread, LOL... I just didn't want to be whining!

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6a)

Hey critter or any of the mag folks. I am thinning out named irises and wondering if anyone has springs bulbs they could donate to my garden in exchange. Hubby likes all kinds of daffodils and I'm looking for something besides the run of the mill. Not sure about the value of the xchange as irises tend to be more $$ than a single bulb even if it is large.

Any takers? So far I've mostly tackled miniature dwarf and dwarf irises a few talls. Here's a sample. In the Red, Patacake, Delicate Pink, Kiss Me Quick, Jewel Baby, What Again, Apollo One, Alien Mist, etc.

If interested, I can start another thread for follow up.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Starting a new thread is probably a good idea, since I'm not sure how many folks are following this one. If I end up ordering yet more daffs (and I might, despite having a whole bunch of them coming from Bleek) at the fall sales, I'll probably end up ordering 25 or 50 at a time, and then I'll definitely have some extras that I can share with you. For that matter, I have a number of groups of 15 daffs on their way, and I could spare some trios from those. I may still also be able to grub up a handful or two of little bulbs from my borders (species tulips and crocus).

I'll see what I can come up with as I start digging and planting bulbs next month.

But I won't be able to plant any more irises this fall -- too much else to do right now, and they'd have to be planted out pretty quickly. But if it turns out I've got anything you're interested in next month, I'll be happy with "credit." :-)

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

not that there's anything lucky about migraines, but people who get halos are lucky.

I've been lazy about vitamins and postural exercises and really should pick those back up. *sigh* Would be nice to sleep better too!

Has anyone visited the carnivorous plant nursery near Gaithersburg? I'm really interested in going, but it's appointment only and I feel bad making an appointment just for me when I'm not going to be buying all that much.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Roni and the rest - I'll happily relieve y'all of extra Irises and bulbs :-) Will drive or pay for shipping!!!!! Hubby is "leaving me" on the 15th Oct - I leave on the 31st and he comes back on the 1st - what a bummer - 5 weeks with no hubby - so I can ignore dinner time - plant away - get my garden in order for winter and hopefully live on cereal so I can lose some weight!! (yeah, healthy I know)
Back to migraines - sinus ones in fall is a normal phenomenon for me - the allergies turn into migraines/severe headaches - I live on Exedrin migraine - can't take any supplements - THEY give me headaches - sleep works - but, if I sleep too long I get a headache :( To sum it all up - I am a mess!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I haven't been there, but "near Gaithersburg" sounds do-able to me! I'd only be in the market for a couple of plants, too, but if we found a date when several of us could meet up... :-)

My schedule won't really let me do anything like that until mid-October, though...

I'm also hoping to get up to The Violet Gallery this fall... Linda (nannanavarro) and I have had a couple of fun road trips up there!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

My DH has been gone for a week, but he'll be back on Wednesday! Then we'll be with my family at the beach for a week or so. Hooray!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Wohoooooooooooooo - any time with the word "BEACH" in it is a good time!!!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Amen to that!!! I kill all carnivorous plants - so sad, I know. Are there other nurseries up that-a-way, too?

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

I kill all cps except Mexican butterworts! And those I grow in a setup and with a watering schedule that no one recommends, lol.

But I'm wanting to try some drosera again - with my "not-recommended" growing methods.

Realistically I'm not getting anything done until mid/late October, so maybe we can see if that's a good time. I suspect many of them might be going dormant so this might not be the best time of year... but whatever.

I'll have to look into Exedrin migraine.

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