Can you grow limes indoors?

Bedford, TX(Zone 8a)

On a whim, I bought a lime tree seedling at a festival I went to recently since I love to use it in cooking and in drinks. Problem is I don't live in Florida or the Rio Grande Valley. Has anyone had success growing limes inddors or in the greenhouse? Any suggested tips or regiments for lime care?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I'd definitely let it live outside for spring/summer/fall and just bring it in for the winter, it'll be happier that way.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4a)

I have had a Meyer's lemon for many years, and I do get a few lemons. But the tree is a terrible magnet for soft scale, and since I treat the tree for the scale, my fruit shouldn't be eaten. They need good sun, and prefer to be outside in the summer. They need acid fertilizer; watch to see if the foliage gets cloratic looking, indicating that you need to use more fertilizer. If it blooms indoors, you may have to pollinate by hand to get fruit. When the blooms happen outdoors, the air or insects take care of pollination. I have problems with squirrels digging in the pots, and taking or biting the fruit. If you got a tiny tree, I wouldn't start mixing that drink just yet; it may take a few years. Good luck!

Susan in Minneapolis

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