Show us your Summer Containers!

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)


I was surprised that you said you had no experience. You should be proud of yourself and start a nursery business!!!!!

Hebron, KY

Thanks for all the wonderful comments from everyone! ;-)

Yes, it takes me a couple of hours to do all the containers if I do them all at the same time. I have them on the front porch, the front steps, The patio and the end of the driveway. I have two hoses on the back facet that I can drag it around the back ( to the driveway and do the front pots too ) and get it all done. ;-)


All my plants in the containers were already plants when I planted them ( not from me seeding them ) and the only ones from seed in the ground are some Salvia 'Lady in Red'.

I have been using the Neptune's Harvest Organic Fish/Seaweed Blend Fertilizer

It's the blue label bottle. I ordered it directly from Neptune's Harvest in a gallon jug ( price included shipping ). Then, because we have a Worm's Way close to the International Airport, I picked one up there. It's only a few dollars difference and close to me to pick it up. If I didn't have the Worm's Way store close, I would get it from Neptune's Harvest. I was using it every two weeks until we were getting 'constant' 90+ to 100+ temps and I stopped ( my plants don't look as good because of the month or so of high temps and because I stopped ). I stopped since I didn't know if the dry, hot heat wouldn't be 'good' for them if I kept fertilizing every two weeks. I still haven't done it and I don't know if I will for the rest of the season since it's now September 1. Have to find out when to stop all fertilization on potted plants. When I was fertilizing, I had two watering cans to make the 'process' go faster. It is the first year using the Neptune's Harvest fish and seakelp, but won't be the last.

There have been many days and weeks that the Zinnia's on the driveway have really suffered. Wilted to the point of looking like no return.

I was just thinking earlier about planting alot more of the Zowie's next year. There are the most beautiful and colorful of the Zinnia's! They're doing great today.

Here's a photo I took of some of mine ( I have a couple in the ground also ) I took on August 27 in the late morning on the driveway.

Your photo of Zowie's look beautiful too!

If I didn't any and/or all your questions, ask again. I'm tired and taking a break from outside today and ready to go back again.


This message was edited Sep 1, 2007 2:53 PM

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

Here's another from 8/27. Don't you just love the brown grass?! We're in the border of severe to extreme drought now.

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY


You ask how often I water...... it seems everyday, esp. because of the high heat. Sometimes I have to wait till it gets 'almost dark' when it's a 'tad' cooler. I can't tolerate heat, because I have Multiple Sclerosis.

Here's a photo I took 8/29 late morning of the Zowie's on the driveway. It's wonderful to see the Goldfinches perched on the flowers and plucking away at the flower petals. They are eating them for food. It's so neat to see the Hummers getting 'food' from the Zowie's too!

You see in the pic that these two Zowie's have some of their petals missing, that's because the Goldfinches have been there. ;-)

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)


Thanks for all the pictures. I enjoyed the tour, and I love the last pictures of the Zowie. I started a few seedlings from my Zowie this year and started them last July. One is about 8 inches tall right now and about to bloom. I am so excited though I do not know what the flower will look like , as Zowie is a hybrid so the seedlings will look different. But it is fun anyway.

I will get some Neptune's Harvest fertilizer. Yours have done great this year. I just love zinnas and have never tried them in pots. Next year I will try them for sure. Yes, the Goldfinch have been on my Zowies too, eating petals and seeds but don't you just love the Goldfinch?

Thumbnail by BettyFB
Hebron, KY


Yes, and I would love to get a photo or two with the Goldfinches eating the seeds and petals (seed at the end of the petal)! I just love the Goldfinches all year! Sweet song, even singing 'on the wing'.

I don't use any synthetic fertilizers and/or chemicals in the ground and/or the containers. Better for the Butterflies and their Cats too. And, gotta have those earthworms 'doing their thing'!

Here's some of my photos in the Zowie PF

Here's a pot of Zowie that I have on the patio with Coleus 'Alabama Sunset'. Taken 8/12 at 11:40 am

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY


Your seedling and flowers around it look great! lol, meant to say that above. ;-)


Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Marilyn

That Zowie pot is beautiful. I cannot wait till next spring to pot up some Zowies. What is the name of that red zinna in the background---beautiful!!! Have you had any mildew problems on any of the zinnas?

Thanks for the Hyperlink--going to check that out right now why I am taking a break. I just finished making my new daylily garden. My neighbor gave me a bunch of daylilies. I was going to make the bed with the lasagna method but the soil was so loose and fertile that I just turned it over in about an hour and added Cow Manure , peat moss, Pine Bark fines and alfalfa meal and it looks pretty good and the plants are happy in their new home.

I wish you lived closer. I would really like to see your pots and flower beds in person. But for now I will just have to enjoy the pictures.


Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi again Marilyn,

How many Zowies are in each pot? That one picture showing the three Zowie pots in a row is so beautiful--If it were mine --I would blow up that picture and frame it for sure.

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Marilyn,

Here is a picture I took a few weeks ago of a Goldfinch enjoying my Zowie Zinnas. It is not a very good picture because I was far away and my camera does not have a great zoom.

Thumbnail by BettyFB
Hebron, KY

Hi Betty,

What is the name of that red zinna in the background---beautiful!!!

lol, wish I knew, I got it at local Lowe's and it wasn't a named variety. If it goes to seed at the end of the season, I'll save you some.

Have you had any mildew problems on any of the zinnas?

Yes and I try to only water at the soil level and avoid the leaves, but when the Zinnias are wilting & dying of thrist, I water the leaves and the soil.

How many Zowies are in each pot? That one picture showing the three Zowie pots in a row is so beautiful

The pot closest in the foreground was two 8" or 10" pots of established Zowies I got at local Home Depot. The middle pot has three 1-gal. pots of established Zowie's I got at a local garden center. The smallest pot at the back in front of the red Salvia is another 1-gal. pot that I got with the other three at the garden center.

Your photo is a wonderful treat with the yellow Goldfinch eating the seeds!


Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Marilyn ,

Thanks. You have a green thumb with pots and especially potted zinnas. I forwarded that Hyperlink of your potted Zowies to Tabasco(Judy), who lives in Cincinnati, and she too loves Zowies and planted them in her garden this year. So if she has not already seen those pictures--I know that she will enjoy them as much as I have. I love them in my garden, but I am thinking I like them even more being displayed in pots. I would very much like to display them in my front yard, but I had 3 of my pots stolen off my driveway last Spring and it was so horrible. This year I only have 3 pots being displayed and I made sure that I put them in huge heavy pots that no one could move easily. I put bricks in the bottom of the pots and bought one concrete pot that I cannot even move. Here is a picture of one of the pots I made. I used Tapla's formula, which is one of the threads under Container Gardening which you have probably followed. His formula uses mainly Pine Bark Fines and this pot I made in July and it is one of my few pots that shows no sign of decline. The pine bark fines allows oxygen to get into the roots but you have to water it a little more often. I am going to use his formula next year on all of my potted plants.


Thumbnail by BettyFB
(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Betty, your container is lovely. I love the colors.

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks revclaus,

I really like the potting soil using the Pine Bark fines, and will use it again for next years pots.

Hebron, KY


Your flowers, the combination of plants and the colors you used are beautiful!! Great mixture of colors for all the pots!

I can't believe someone stole your 3 pots of flowers from your driveway last year!!!! What kind of flowers did you have in them? What kind of containers were they? Do you know who might have taken them? Do you think the thief had 3 helpers taking the pots? How tall and big were the pots? Did they steal them in the middle of the night?

Yes, I've followed Tapla's formula on the thread you mentioned, haven't been following it lately, need to catch up with it though. This year is the first of making my own potting soil mixture.

I picked up some bags this year that are called Sweet Peet and I really like it! Your Meijers probably carried it too, although I didn't get mine there. From their website........

We have over 200 distributors!

To find a distributor in your area click on one of the 6 regions listed here, then narrow your search by county/city.


Northeastern Ohio - Cleveland/Akron/Canton

Northwestern Ohio - Toledo Area

Central Ohio - Columbus

Southern Ohio - Cincinnati/Dayton

Northern Kentucky


Also available in select MEIJER Stores (OH & Louisville, KY)

Also from their site......

Used as a mulch and a soil amendment


Beautifies borders and beds.

Suppresses weeds.

Controls erosion.

Helps neutralize acid rain.

Encourages beneficial earthworms.

Improves soil tilth (texture).

Loosens hardpan and clay soils.


Adds water retentive properties, helping plants through dry periods.

Elevates PH and adds trace minerals and nutrients.

Promotes seed and bulb germination.

Increases organic content of soil.

Holds it's color throughout the year.

Click on and read all the sections at the top of the main page of their site. I was reading on the back of the bag that it can be used as a potting soil mixture, I think by adding sand to it. Might have to think about doing that next year.

Good idea about using the bricks and concrete planter! ;-)


Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Marilyn,

I will check out Sweetpeet right now. Thanks for taking the time to share all the information. Sounds like something I would like to try. I am always trying new things to compare and see what works best. Some flowers like one thing and some flowers flop with certain things I try ,and I learn from my mistakes.

Here is a picture of the pots I had on my double driveway last year. It was beautiful ,and I had done this for years with my pots because now that Mom and Dad have died, no one uses the other driveway. It was not a kid who stole the pots , because he or she picked out the geranium pots. They were lightweight and easy to carry. The dark pink geranium in the front was one that was stolen and I so loved that one. This year all the hanging plants on the front porch are on chains and locks. So far none have been stolen. I can only guess who stole it. We have junk pick up every three months and poor people go through all that trash to resell it. Those people are all over our neighborhood ,and yes I had put quite a lot out last spring. So that is my guess who stole my plants. It happened the year before also and I should have wised up at that point. I had an 8 inch pot of flowers and the pot was hand painted and given to me by my boss at that time. It was stolen off my front porch.. I do not put anything on the front porch anymore that is not under lock and key. It is a shame that I have to now live this way.

I will also post a picture of my front yard this year and you can see the hanging baskets and they are under lock and key.


Thumbnail by BettyFB
Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Marilyn,

Here is a picture of my front yard this year, all under lock and key.

Thumbnail by BettyFB
Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Marilyn,

I just checked out that sight for Sweet Peet and it sounds great!!! I just emailed them and asked which Meijer stores carry it in Louisville and also if it can be added to potting soil and if so --how much?


Hebron, KY

Hi Betty,

Your front porch of hanging baskets and your garden in front of the porch look beautiful and colorful!

What is the little white statue in the garden? Do you worry that will be stolen also?


Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Marilyn,

Yes ,it is a concern, but I am not moving it. It is lightweight and it is Called "Rebecca At the Well," taken from the Bible Story. i do move it inside in the winter and replace it with two concrete Dutch children.

I went to Meijer's today and bought 3 Sweet Peet , 2 for me and one for a neighbor. I used it to plant two David Phlox she gave me today, and I also put it around my perennials and daylilies. We will see how the plants love it. Thanks for telling me about it. My neighbor is going to use hers to make a tomato garden for next year.


Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I will have to pick up some of that sweet peat when I visit my sister in Ohio.... thanks

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi onewish,

:It is called Sweet Peet--don't want you to be looking for the wrong stuff. I used it today and like it so far. We will have to wait and see next spring how well the perennials and daylilies like it.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

let me know... if you remember... just in case I don't get out there by then

Hebron, KY

Hi Betty & Onewish,

I've been using it and really like it. I'm sure it's going to be great for my garden and flowers, I'll let you know next year.


I'm glad you found some at your Meijer's, ours doesn't have it any more, maybe it was a 'big seller' this season, but at least I can still get it at a local garden center. How much did you pay? What was the regular price and the sale price? I figured the regular price was less than I've been paying at the garden center.


Here's the links again for Sweet Peet and where you can buy it


Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Marilyn.

Thanks for telling me about Sweet Peet. I am sure I will get some more for next year. It was $6 a bag. How much did you pay? I think the regular price was $7 a bag. It must be great stuff at that price. But if it really makes the flowers perform well, it is worth every penny.

Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Beautiful containers to all of you!! I haven't visited container gardening too much lately. Got my containers off to a good start and they were growing well and then didn't pay too much attention to the Forum. Then my pots became very overgrown and leggy and most of them got a short haircut - I cut them back severely. They have come back awsome and are starting to bloom again. Usually by this time they look so bad I am ready to toss them for the season. It's like starting the summer all over again. I used Tapla's mix and am pleased with it. I'll post some pics of the containers on my deck. Eleanor

Thumbnail by grammyphoeb
Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Another window box on my railing.

Thumbnail by grammyphoeb
Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

I forgot that the previous one had some new plants added - the tri color sweet potato vine and the supertunia.
I love sitting on my deck (when I get a chance) especially at night, listening to the crickets and surrounded by my flowers. Very peaceful and relaxing!!
(Just stained my new glider and chair and got cushions for them. ) Eleanor

Thumbnail by grammyphoeb
Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

And listening to my new waterfall fountain!! Eleanor

Thumbnail by grammyphoeb
Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)


I love all your potted plants and your new waterfall flountain. I have wanted to see pictures of pots using the Tapla formula. It sure has worked for yours. That looks like a Blacked-Eyed Susan Vine. That is beautiful. My neighbor needs to see that. They have three on their front porch and they have done nothing all summer. I think they have one bloom right now and the pots are now about 10 inches hanging down. Must be that Tapla formula. I am going to look at the pictures again right now. Thanks for sharing.

Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Betty - Thank you. Yes that is a BESV. I have 6 plants in that container!! Next year I won't put so many in one pot - it's a little crowded. Last year I used the Miracle Gro potting mix and they also did well. It likes full sun, lots of water that drains well (Tapla's mix does that great - you can't over water with his mix cause it doesn't hold the water) and take off the seed pods when the flowers fall off. I also add extra fertilizer couple of times during the summer. That's the care I give mine and it has worked. Eleanor
Another view of the vine!!

Thumbnail by grammyphoeb
Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks Eleanor,

I am going to have to try that vine next year for sure. It is breathtaking and so huge. And it looks great for Sept, when quite a few of my pots are starting to decline, so I am taking cuttings now to keep the flowers in the basement under lights for the winter. I am taking cuttings of the Madevillas, Dipladenias, Million Bells and my trailing portulaca--so far. I will post a picture of one of my Million Bells cuttings. Also I planted one of my seedlings from one of my Zowie zinnas about a month ago and one now has a bud and should bloom in a week. The Zowie is a hybrid so it will be fun to see what the flower looks like. I can see dark pink on the bud so far so maybe it will be similar to the beautiful Zowie---I hope.

Thumbnail by BettyFB
Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi again,

Here is a picture of Zowie Zinna seedling that is about to bloom.

Thumbnail by BettyFB
Hebron, KY

Hi Betty,

I pay $9.99 for the big bags of Sweet Peet at the a local garden center. I eyed the Sweet Peet at the local Meijer's earlier in the season, but unfortunately, didn't get it when they still had it. Hubby said I had to use up whatever bags of 'stuff' I still had on hand. I haven't used up everything, but I not going to pass up the Sweet Peet! ;-)

Your 'Zowie' Zinna seedling and your rosy pink Million Bells seedling look great!


This message was edited Sep 4, 2007 10:03 AM

Hebron, KY

Hi Eleanor,

Your deck looks so inviting with the tall shade trees in the back, all the potted plants, your comfy chairs and the waterfall! ;-)


Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Thanks Marilyn. Betty - the million bells cutting looks great. I wish I had room to grow cuttings over the winter months and start my own seeds but we have barely enough room without them. Post a pic of the zowie whem it blooms!! Eleanor

Louisville, KY(Zone 6b)


Thanks, I will post a picture of the Zowie, and I can already see dark pink on the bud so at least I know it will be a zinna with dark pink in the flower.

Marilyn, how big are the bags that cost $9.99? I think mine are 40 pound bags, and I doubt if I could lift anything heavier than that. They did not have the Sweet Peet covered at Meijer's and it rained here a few days ago and the bags were wet and heavy. I have one more bag left and think I will put it around the roses. I do not want to try and save it in my shed till next spring. I did that with several bags of composted cow manure one year and it got really mouldy and I just tossed it.


(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Eleanor, I love the look of your deck. Everything goes so well and grows so well! Congrats on a job well done. I'd love to sit out there with you and drink lemonade...

Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Thanks revclaus!! Hope I have a few more nights to enjoy it before the weather gets too cold!! Eleanor

Hebron, KY


I'm pretty sure they are 40 lb.bags.


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