latifolias, new hoyas, addictive personalities.........

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

LOL Dmichael Annonymous doesn't work when your name is to the left of the posting. Very clever!!!


Murrells Inlet, SC(Zone 8a)

Jerii, You called me on that one!!!

You know after I posted that I said to myself "how retarded is that my name is right there in BIG BOLD BLUE" letters!!!

Interesting choice of rooting vessels you got there Sara!!! I have been known to root them in Quervo Gold tequila bottles and you know what was so intersting about using those tequila bottles??? The tequila was still in them!!!

My beer bottle of choice would be icehouse!!!!


Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Thanks David, no we're not sloppy drunks here. I do grab up empty bottles though, and run them through the dishwasher. It seems like cuttings are feast or famine. I either have tons all at once, or none, so I end up storing the bottles until I need them.

It is pretty hard to get colored glass, and the narrow opening works really well for holding the cuttings in place, especially if they are long vines that get top heavy, with rather little rooting stem to keep them in place.

So, do your cuttings root faster in straight tequila, or do you splash it on the rocks? LOL! Too funny.


Murrells Inlet, SC(Zone 8a)

Sara, I agree that if you're going to root in glass that long necks do work well for helpiing to support the vines. Not only that but the colored glass also helps to prevent the growth of algae in the bottle. If it works for you go for it using beer or any other type of bottle you can find and you shouldnt be made to feel as though you have to explain to ANYONE how,where or why you have those bottles.

If the size and number of cuttings that I sent you is causing you to drink,dont feel bad and trust me if that's the case then i've successfully managed to turn several people on this forum into alcoholics!!! First person to pay-pal me $50 i'll call some names!!!! Okay in my mind's eye I can see some of you starting to panic already. Dont' worry i'm only kidding!!!

All joking aside ,I usually dont root anything in water as I always tend to somehow or another break the roots off while trying to pot them up. I have very successfully rooted hoyas as well as many other types of plants in water but it's just not the method I choose to use.

I have great luck rooting most any type of cutting in my potting mix so that's the way I choose to do it because once they're rooted ,they're also already in their new home. At least for a while anyway! And that ususally isnt for too long.

I dont know why but I just have this thing about leaving any of my hoyas pot bound for too long. I root all of my cuttings in 4" pots. When i'm able to lift the entire thing out with the rootball intact, it goes straight to a 6" basket. When I can lift it out of that 6" basket with the rootball intact they then go to an 8" basket. They're just like people. When you're house becomes too small to live in you move to a larger one right!!!

I only have one or two hoyas which are some of the very large leaved one's like H. latifolia IML 88 and meilflua ssp. fraterna which have had to go higher than an 8" basket. I did have to learn the hard way though that the eriostemmas dont like being overpotted.

Oaky enough said here' I gotta get outside. I'm off today and with teh temps being like they've been here for the past 4-5 days anything that needs to be done musts get done early. Out temps since monday have been anywhere from 94-98F with the heat index ranging from between 104-115 yesterday. You get exhausted and break a sweat just thinking about having to go outside!!


Medford, NJ

I don't root in water or use anything smaller than 4" pots either, unless it is a very small cutting, then I will use those little 2 inchers that mini african violets come for me! I think the bigger size rooting pots are fine as long as you use a well draining soil.

Sara, I thought the bottles were just temporary until you get a chance to pot everything up, I didn't know you rooted in water.

Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Jen, I don't root everything in water, and before my first David Liddle order, I had never rooted in water. My friend who went in on the order with me rooted all of her cuttings in water, and I used my usual mix (soil, bark, pearlite). She had 100% success with hers, and me, only about 60%. The next order we did, I rooted in water, or at least started with water. If I didn't have roots in 2 weeks, I converted to pearlite, and have had 100% success since.

There were a couple of cuttings from Dmichael that were very succulent, and didn't have a whole lot of stem for rooting. I didn't want to pull off the bottom leaves, so those are buried in pearlite up to the first node, and anchored with a kabob skewer. I guess I just sort of go with what strikes me as best for the cutting.

The recent liniaris cuttings I received in a very generous trade seemed to thin to water root, so they went into straight mix, and seem to be doing VERY well. All are growing toward the light, so I am assuming that I have some action below the soil.


Medford, NJ

It makes sense to me that the longer the trip the cuttings have been on, the more they would benefit from going into water right away, instead of into soil where it would take even more time before they start to pull up any water or nutrients. I haven't had any problems rooting cuttings in water, what I have problems with is transfering them to soil - that is when they die on me. I am a new believer in rooting in perlite now, though - especially for problem cuttings - it really does work, and fast!

Long Beach, CA

I like perilite for rooting for several reasons.
It holds the cutting upright.
Plants that I previously had trouble with will root in it.
It is easy to transfer to soil ones the root ball is growing nicely.
You can leave the cuttings in it for a long time until you see new growth or lots of roots.

Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)

Dear Sara,
Check out my haul from Carol.

L to R: H. rigida, H. IML 1198, H. sp. Thai #3

Thumbnail by MsKitty
Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)

The addiction did not stop there ...
Here is a massive H. verticillata I just oinked out of Carol

Thumbnail by MsKitty
Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)

If you thought I was through with my greedy ways, think again ...
Here's a big beauty of H. IML 831

Thumbnail by MsKitty
Murrells Inlet, SC(Zone 8a)

Okay now see you're just tempting me to have to place an order!!!! The IML 1198 and H. sp. Thai #3 are calling my name!!


Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)

OK, finally. I have one more to show off. It's my new H. aff. latifolia IML 1590

I almost feel like I need to smoke a cigarette - it was just that good when the FedEx man came to the door.

Thumbnail by MsKitty
Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)

I can't help myself dmichael! They really are glorious!! Although, I thought yours that Sara got were pretty rockin' too!!

Macon, IL(Zone 5b)

LOL Smoke a cigarette!! But I surely know what you mean! Beautiful plants!!! And I think we have a new reigning queen! Stay tuned to see who will be next month's Queen of Oink!! Will it be Ann, with her lightening fast orders, or Sara, with her nose to track down cuttings? Or will it be someone else.......maybe a King? Hmmmm...maybe it might be me.....squeal.

Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)

I'm betting with the odds on you Karen!!!
It's oinkorama time!

San Francisco, CA

Ann, I have that one too, but mine doesn't have any of those very nifty peduncle clusters. I didn't know this plant did that!

Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)

Me either, so now I am worried that I'll do something awful and screw up those clusters! I am seriously a nervous nellie. They really are unusual in their formation. Here's what I hoped would be a better picture of that peduncle grouping.

Thumbnail by MsKitty
Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Nope Karen, and Ann, Ann is definitely going to win the "ONIK" contest. I am pretty sure that one of those hoyas look like they were in a gallon pot!! Very nice Ann. I really love the leaves on the IML 1198.

Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)

I am so embarrassed, but I forgot one ... my new H. cominsii!!!
Here it is in all its coppery-goodness glory!

Thumbnail by MsKitty
Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Sorry Jen, I just saw your question re: the small roundish leafed hoya third in from the left. Apparently I missed two cuttings on my list above. The one you asked about is H. myrmecopa, and the other cutting that was inadvertently left out is H. aldrichii.

Phew - sorry David, I was just hustling to get everything in water and re hydrating, that I miscounted and left a few out of the list!! HA! Good thing that they aren't kindergartners on a field trip eh?

Hey David, did you notice that in your response to Jeri, that you typed the name Hoya style with two "i's"? (H. jerii) LOL!!


This message was edited Aug 10, 2007 11:13 AM

San Francisco, CA

Oh, so I see who bought the IML1198 and H. sp. Thai #3 right out from under me, seconds before I was going to place my order! Well, at least they have a good home.

Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)

That's right Mark. Sometimes it pays to spend all of your waking hours in front of a computer.....

Philomath, OR


Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)

Well, it's about time I heard from Georgia and Joanne! Where have you ladies been????

Philomath, OR

In Oregon missing you! Sorry to be so out of touch, I'll dmail you with the details......

After reading this post I know why Carol has yet to get back with me on order details.... You have her exausted from filling your orders! :~) -joanne

ANN!!!!!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MOVE TO CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!!! PIGGY!!!!!!!! *SOB SOB* -Georgia!!

Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)

I'm sorry little Piggy - I didn't wanna ... but how else is big piggy supposed to pay for her new hoyas? I got a big house ... airline tickets are cheap ... gas ain't that bad ... school hasn't started....

Philomath, OR

I wish I could come!!!!!! :-D i miss you!!! well i hope ill see you some time soon!!!

/Georgia :-)

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Now, I am confused. I thought it was Joanne...who is Georgia.

Who's on first?

Murrells Inlet, SC(Zone 8a)

Carol, looks like you and I are floating in the same boat on that one!!!!


Philomath, OR

Sorry, I am Joanne and Georgia is my 11 year old daughter who INSTANTLY took a likin' to MsKitty. When I told her about Ann being a hoya piggy she had to reply. It's a cartoon thing they have in common :~)

Just goes to show how complex our MsKitty is... Ascott wearing, eyebrow raised one minute and talkin' cartoons with a middle schooler the next!

Now I have to go tell her she cant just log on to my account and start up conversations :~)

God bless, -joanne

Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)

I know, Joanne. Get her her own account - she can log on as GIR! Wheeeee piggeeeeeeeze!
I loveded you Georgia piggeeeee I loveded you!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11) this really a hoya forum?...........................oink oink snurflllllle snort!

Long Beach, CA

Some of you are going to have to change your forum names to things like "MsPiggy", "Wilber971", and "Porky68". ;-D

Hey ...going back to the latifolia pictured in the first there any chance that is the same one I have labeled as H. glabra? I got that one from Kartuz's nursery a year ago & it has very similar leaves (altho it only has 2..ha ha). Or is glabra a different one completely?

Great Falls, MT(Zone 4a)

Marcy, the aff. latifolia in the first picture is one of the first hoyas I ordered from Carol. The really large, dark green leaf is about as long as the length of my elbow to my fingertips, and quite wide. I also have a glabra, but the leaves are nowhere near as long or wide, or thick really.

Wilber971......Ha! Too funny!

This message was edited Aug 12, 2007 9:22 AM

Long Beach, CA

OMG Sara....what kind of steroids are you feeding those plants? Soon you will be able to take a picture of yourself laying on the leaf like Gabi did on that one at Meadowbrook Farms. ha ha.

Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)

Since this thread is about hoya addiction ... Wilber971 ... erm, I mean Sara, don't you just love to run your hands down that aff. Latifolia leaf?! I don't mean this in a kinky way, but I find myself wandering into the room where I have it and just gliding my fingertips around its leaves. It's got such a different feel to it from any other hoya (tjadasmalangensis comes close) - it really is the coolest looking plant I have ever seen!

Macon, IL(Zone 5b)


Murrells Inlet, SC(Zone 8a)

Okay Ann and I dont mean this in a kinky way,but you find yourself wandering into the room where it is and just gliding your fingertips around it's leaves let me explain this to you so you can understand it.



Chowchilla, CA(Zone 10a)

ROTFLMBO over and over, Dmichael!! But, I just can't help myself ... it is such a cool leaf!

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