Nature's Underwater Gardens 3

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Okay folks, now that yesterday is all patched up, it is time to start the next NUG's thread. I feel I owe an apology to the folks that have supported Shari and I in these forums from the beginning. For being too sensitive and over reacting to some silly post, I am sorry. I hope this new thread will be as successful and entertaining as the first 2. Shari and I both appreciate the feedback from everyone. I hope to see more new faces show up and contribute. Okay, without further delay, let's start with one of my first half and halves, or "splits" as they're called. Half of the image underwater, half above the water. Maybe this image is appropriate as some of you live half in the water with us and the other half out of the water because there is none where you live!!


Thumbnail by caribblue
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Great! Not only the picture but the analogy. So true....

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Great shot John! Welcome everyone, to the 3rd installment! In keeping with half and is a wreck shot....half sea life/half human folly. Be very careful!

Thumbnail by Islandshari
West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

I love penetration dives!!! So many views so few posts????


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Geesh! You're right! 32 views so far! And we just got started! Why are all you lurkers so hesitant to say anything??? We would LOVE to hear what you think????

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Yeah, I started this thread this morning before I left for work.....i should have let you start it...anyway, we'll see how this one goes....

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey guys, I'm always here waiting for any and everything you have to offer. Don"t stop....please, please don't stop.
Shari, id, please, of the appears to be male.....but if it is not privileged info.....doesn't really matter.
John, so sorry, I don't understand "penetration dives".....more information for this reluctant landlubber.

The rest of you "lurkers".....I did that for a long time and eventually realized that John and Shari and Kate are very, very welcoming and eager to answer the most stupid questions....and I have had my share......many more to come.

The attached photo is a really simplistic effort on my part to join the if that is not absurb.....I don't know what is. This is my "Fish Pail"......3 little baby koi....but it smells like fish and the fountain sounds like water....what more can I say....

Thumbnail by LouC
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Christi - I love your little Koi pond! Don't you dare say anything bad about it - like being absurd! The sound of water is immensly soothing, and however you go about it, it works for you! Your yard looks like a quiet refuge from the toil and strife- kwim? (that's know what I mean ).

A "penetration dive" is one during which you go into a wreck, or cave or anything that completely blocks you from going "straight up"....they can be dangerous - easy to catch equipment on protrusions, or get disoriented. They are against regulations out here, so, can't id the diver.

Got tons of running around to do this afternoon, so probably will catch you later.

John, are there many wrecks in your waters? Don't mean to sound dumb, just ignorant. Ha Ha. I have visions of you checking out a sunken Spanish Galleon or meeting the ghosts of Davey Jones, etc.....take care!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Shari

Hey guys......speak up!!!!!!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Christie! That is a great setup! If i was there i would be in it with mask, fins, and snorkel.....I think your garden is wonderful!! I wish mine was so full of lush green plants and other things about!! You should be proud of that, I know I would be!!! Shari answered the term penetration dive....basically, as stated, an overhead environment that prevents a direct ascent to the surface. I am NOT certified to cave dive, or penetrate wrecks without a guide. We have penetrable wrecks here, a Russian Destroyer, Oro Verde, and others....The destroyer, is the only wreck classified as a penetration dive, meaning, holes cut into the hull for entry/exit...most of our other wrecks are wrecks of wrecks as past storms have turned them over and over against the reef...leaving a prop here, a ladder there, a porthole here, etc....Shari's water has ships, planes, all kinds of stuff...ordinance, shell casings....battles past in our time were Pacific fights, P51 Mustangs on the Caribbean floor.....Pirate battles occured and I am still looking for the map of buried treasures....I have conceded to the fact that my treasure is in the other room preparing herself for tomorrow!!! And that is the World's Greatest Treasure to me!!!


This message was edited Jul 18, 2007 5:58 AM

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Here is a shot of Katie and our friend Nat, in the wheelhouse of the Doc Paulson...she lies in 50 feet of water and is fully intact....the top deck is littered with decorator crabs during night dives!!!

Thumbnail by caribblue
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hiya Katie! Hi Nat! Look like you are having fun!

John....she is a lucky girl (most of the time! - and you KNOW what I'm talking about!)....keep it rated G mon....don't wanna get in trouble!

Believe it or not....this is an airplane, not a huge fish....though after all this time, it sure does resemble a big stonefish, huh?

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

That is a picture worth being a desktop. Kate's hair is especially beguiling. I know it is an optical illusion but facing the picture to the left it appears there is a parrot perched on a pole. You two have to be the luckiest couple in the world.

Lots of digging to do today. After 45 days of rain everything is either dead or grown out of proportion. Can't wait to get outside.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

I just didn't want to ask what a penetration dive!

Keep em coming!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Just noticed something. Kate has a mouth piece and John doesn't. ?????
Told you I am a complete novice and what is so obvious to others just eludes me entirely.

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

I, John, taking the picture. Katie is with a friend of our's named Nat. Some folks take the regulator out of their mouth when posing for pictures! I used to be fast enough to click the shutter and swim into the frame for a picture but I am slowing down a bit now and can't swim into the picture fast enough....Bummer!!

Christi L...don't try to get it all done in one day!!! Save some energy for more posting later!!! Good luck with it.....tune up the compost pile with what you dig up or cut down!!!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Christie - find something that really enjoyed the showers and save it for when you start to get tired....that way you have something nice to look forward to instead of just cleaning up a mess. Good eyes there - noticing that Nat had no mouthpiece!

Hiya Tropicanna! Been wondering when you were gonna join us!

Okay John....what ya gonna show us today???

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

You guys have so much cool stuff over here, I was waiting for it to build so I could say, WOW!

I just posted this on another thread, it's a tree fungus, but check out the color...looks like a sea creature!

Thumbnail by Tropicanna
West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

How about a copy of an airline ticket! Have to fly off island to have my thumb overhauled...Not because of shooting gorgeous underwater images but 30+ years of pulling wrenches.....i guess it will be sometime next week...a few days in Myjammie and then a month or so rehab making it work again....we'll keep you posted on that....okay, for today, since we are talking about Florida, how about a couple of Florida Chorallimorphs! The first pic is when they are fully open and feeding, the second pic is the same one that has just devoured a red worm. You can actually see them close up after they have captured a bite to eat. There is no chance of escape once the cape closes...fascinating to watch on night dives...I love this stuff....


Thumbnail by caribblue
West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Ahhhhhhhhhh...okay, my belly is full now and i can close up and go to sleep...

the second mentioned above...


Thumbnail by caribblue
West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Hey Trops! Welcome back!

That orange fungus is the same color as Elephant Ear sponge!! I have some great shots from Orange Canyon that I will post tomorrow unless I can be talked into posting them tonight....If you look at my profile on DG, you can see I have a sponge that is the same color as that fungus...the sponge is slightly larger, but the thumbnails would look so similar..

Welcome back, I have been wondering where you was....(island grammar)


Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Well, as I'm sure y'all can imagine, I've been up to absolutely no good, and I don't plan to change a bit!

I met a graffiti artist this morning that's made me an original piece of's some of his

Being a social worker...this one is probably my favorite...and I know exactly where this is...not too far from where I work.

Thumbnail by Tropicanna
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

John - Wow! I have never seen anything like those! I can't even find anything like them in my reef books! Incredible!

I think you should definately post your sponge...Tropicanna hasn't been with us for a while - so reward her for returning....tee hee! I sure does look like a sea creature - what kind of fungus is it? Did you actually meet the artist, or just his/her work? I always think that they should be put to work re-painting and beautify-ing the areas they tag!

Here is a cushion star...believe it or not - this is a star fish!

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

John, I saw the sponge, it really does look to be a similar color

Shari, love the starfish!

Just met the person online...but it's art, Shari, just most people don't see it that way! lol I have a bunch more, but I can post it

And no, I didn't do that ;) Those stencils are pretty detailed

I'll probably be quiet and watch ya'll for awhile though...hard to impress you guys when you live in some of the most beautiful places in the world :)

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Sorry to hear about your thumb. Hope that you will still be able to communicate with us while you recooperate.

Love the latest pictures. Have you looked at the new way Dave has to open them? Way cool. Much larger.

This message was edited Jul 19, 2007 1:47 PM

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

John, will you be rehabing in Miami or home? Sometimes that stuff can be tricky - so you be sure and do everything they tell you to do! You have to be in tip-top shape mon - when National Geographic comes calling!

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

after 30 years in the mechanic profession, i do what the dox say....left shoulder...4 repairs, twice..right elbow, upper, lower...numerous gold injections....thumbs, elbows,,,,glad i cant turn a wrench with my knees..anyway, all the prior surgeries have been done by top notch surgeons...shoulder done by the Arkansas Razorback ortho and the elbow done by Carolina Panther ortho.....who does my thumb is a master with worries kids..i can type sans thumb....not sure how long rehab will take...i know how long a shoulder and elbow take....forgive me now if i lean on you guys to keep me up........

West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

I told the bride that this weekend wil be all out mayhem with the hedge trimmer, shovel, mower, weed eater...may be a month or so before i can run an normally aspirated machine with my thumb buggered up...thank GOD for bottle openers...not sure what work will assign for me...i wont be able to dive with the thumb mashed up so i will have to rely on previous shots to post....anyway, in good nick here...just waiting for the call from folks will not escape my gaze throughout this...just have to type with both hands now....


West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Shari, if NG called and said they need me for an assignment somewhere, anywhere, tonight, I would knock back 1200 mg's of something and be on the plane with my kit....not likely to happen but thanks for making me dream about the call....someday....dive shoot, dive shoot, dive shoot shoot shoot....can't win if you don't play!!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Have no fear my friend....I thoroughly believe in dreams coming true! You would make a wonderful addition to their lance of course! No diving for a month?!?! Poooooor baby! Lo siento mucho!!!
My Pop is in a rehab hospital as we speak. Had an annurism removed from behind his knee, and now has to learn to walk again. 84 this Oct...and still chasing the cute nurses around! You won't have to stay in a rehab place will you?

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Been thinkin' lifetime motto and taught all the offspring of each generation.......
Don't ever be intimidated or afraid to ask anything of anyone. Most they will do is say "no", or "sorry, that's just not possible at this time." NEVER,EVER will someone hit you or be ugly just for asking,.....that said....

Think I'll investigate just what it would take to get someone from NG to just amble around DG..........would that be bad?

This message was edited Jul 19, 2007 1:40 PM

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

You Go Girlfriend! Christi Rocks!!!!! I've wanted to from here, but the time zones played havoc with my sleep cycles. John - all you needed was some DG estrogen!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Good gosh no, don't do that! lol....I'm a bit more paranoid than most, though ;)

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

And why not? What could it hurt to ask, or to have them come look? Or were you being sarcastic?

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

OMG! LOL---I forgot how to read

I thought y'all were talking about the national guard and then I was thinking ...military...why?


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

National Guard? LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! No sweetie, we are trying to get John away from dangerous wrenches and permenantly attached to the viewfinder of underwater cameras!
As my granddaughter says...."You silly goose!"

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Yeah National Geographic is better....boy I've said some dumb stuff on here, but I really outdid myself,

Poor guy, though, John, I know you'll have a rough time adjusting to no diving for awhile

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Maybe someone knows a book editor, or someone that works for a publisher...get them to come look. I know I would buy a coffeetable book of his photos! Actually - I'd buy dozens, have him autograph all of them, and then give them as gifts to my most treasured friends!!!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

You know, I was thinking, too about children's books, greeting cards, reference books even with all that stuff underwater...lots of potential there

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Yes....yes.....keep it flowing....brainstorming here....John....ya listenin friend, or are your ears burning while ya sleep?

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