Puppy Dog Love

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh dear, Wrightie, you've just been under siege this summer! I think a pup might just be the ray of sunshine you need... or at least thinking about finding one will give you something to look forward to! We will do our best to amuse and distract you during your recuperation. *hugs*

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Tell me about it. On 8/17, I will have the first of two foot surgeries (okay, bunions). I've been putting this off for at least five years, so I've decided to take the plunge ... not to mention taking advantage of my disability benefits at work. Guess this will put my running, riding, and gardening careers on the shelf for a while.

Chester County, PA(Zone 6b)

Ouch, wrightie! That doesn't sound fun at all.

Yes......your mobility will suffer....... but think of all the time you'll have to puppy snuggle! *smile*

Teasing, really.....when you're ready, you'll find your pup. Or he/she will find you.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

LOL - well, I think I've found *my* pup, now it's up to the Gods to decide if the timing is right or not. One thing I do know is that the breeder will hold on to him for me until we're ready if we do decide to go through with it. :~) He's so cute. If it were a done deal, I would post the pictures of him, but since it's not... try to imagine him for yourself. lol

Chester County, PA(Zone 6b)

Aargh! So now you torture us? lol. Twelve paws here crossed for you.

*closes eyes and imagines perfect pup for wrightie*

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Do you have three puppies???

Chester County, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, three. A dobie. A cocker spaniel. A pomeranian. Love them to pieces.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh, I remember them from the Pets of the MA thread! Welcome, welcome - even though you're old hat now. :~)

Chester County, PA(Zone 6b)

lol! Thank you wrightie....welcomes are always good!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

in that case , another welcome !
I'm afraid when there are a number of regulars, it may seem clique-ish. Nobody means it to be that way. I am sure not offended by people joining in. Free country and all that?
I was appalled at some of the testimonials about GGR and believe them to be true. One does say that County officials have been there, thankfully.

Chester County, PA(Zone 6b)

Thank you sallyg. I always try to assume the best of people and not imagine slights. And groups of friends that become like family understandably have a tendency to want to preserve that closeness. I just hop around and, of course, feel more welcome and fit in some places better than others. Remarkably similiar to RL.

Thanks for letting me play.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Welcome tangiegirl. What's RL?

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

real life!!! I got one, I got one!

Chester County, PA(Zone 6b)

lol. Yes, wrightie...you surely did. Good for you!

happy, thank you for the welcome. Greatly appreciated.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

even a family enjoys 'company'
heck I wascompany less than a year ago. butted myself in and stayed for dinner...

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

A warm welcome tangiegirl! Very glad to have you join us and thank you for your best wishes for Ginger's delivery.

Red flags kept going up when I looked at Burt Ward's 'Rescue' website! Please post this website on the Pet Forum so that everyone there is alerted to the poor conditions that the animals have to live in. In my opinion, any 'rescue' that has emaciated, disease ridden and filthy animals should be on the A.S.P.C.A.'s alert list!

On a much happier and lighter note, Ginger was brought to the breeders or as I refer to them, 'doggy mid-wives' house. She went for her pre-natal check up and x-ray today. The Vet said that she was in excellent condition and he saw 7 pups on the x-ray! There still might be 1 or 2 pups that were 'hiding', but in the next week or so, we'll know for sure! I'm going to have grand-puppies!

This message was edited Jul 18, 2007 5:44 PM

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Funny I wouldn't know what RL is. Somedays it feels as if I don't have one!

Chester County, PA(Zone 6b)

Funny, happy. Wait a minute. I know that feeling!

Thank you for the warm welcome, Shirley. That's marvelous news about Ginger. Seven's a good size litter, even for a boxer and a possible nine....wow! I don't envy her, though! Being a mom to two babies (human, granted) was all I could handle. Or as I have referred to them more than once, my first and my last.

I agree, that GGR is a terrible "rescue". Unfortunately, there are many. I think this one bothers me the most because of all the "good" press they get. Rescue animals have a tough enough "row to hoe" in this life. Somehow, it just doesn't seem fair that the Wards are hailed as heroes over and over again and that those shows and news articles reach such a wide and unsuspecting audience.

Have a good evening, everyone. I've really enjoyed chatting with all of you.


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Take care, Jan; we're glad for the company. I'm off to bed.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Some may have heard of this but I hadn't, and thought it was cute. The shepard's owner, that had the litter we're looking at, put a different color piece of rick-rack around the pups necks to keep them all ID'd and keep records. So when discussing them they are Yellow, Sparkle, Red , Blue etc.
And the owner said by four weeks old the mom was getting tired- imagine all those babies clamoring to nurse every time they see you!
Shirley, it must be so exciting! Are you keeping any of the pups yourself?

Chester County, PA(Zone 6b)

Morning all. Hope everyone had a restful night.

Sally.....that is cute...the ribbons. It really is the only way to tell a litter like that apart. Especially if it's a litter of, say fawn boxers (!). Don't be surprised if some of their "colors" become their names. That's how my dobie girl, Tangie (gone to the bridge this past March) got her name. She was the orange ribbon in a litter of twelve. Thus, "Shine On Sweet Tangerine". I think "Sparkle" would make an adorable name. Are you considering one of the pups?

And, yes, Shirley? Is there a little "Ginger" in your future?

Enjoy the day, everyone. Shower and off to work for me.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Let's just say, can you think of any cute girl 'yello' names? My hubby nominated Mitzi, after a dog he knew when he wa s a kid, but...eh.


This message was edited Jul 19, 2007 8:04 AM

Thumbnail by sallyg
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


DH's dad used to wake the boys in the morning with the greeting, "Good morning, merry sunshine!"

Hmmm, maybe a "flower" name... Daffodil? It would be unexpected for a large, black dog LOL... and you could call her "Daffy" for short... may not be inappropriate, judging from her silly expression fighting with that shoelace...

Is she The One, Sally? How exciting!!

Chester County, PA(Zone 6b)

At work and not much time 'til later but some yellow flower names and their meanings

DAFFODIL - Regard, Unrequited Love, You're the Only One, The Sun is Always Shining when I'm with You

DAISY - Innocence, Loyal Love, I'll Never Tell, Purity

DANDELION - Faithfulness, Happiness


JONQUIL - Love Me, Affection Returned, Desire, Sympathy, Desire for Affection Returned

LILY (YELLOW) - I'm Walking on Air, False and Gay

POPPY (YELLOW) - Wealth, Success

ROSE (YELLOW) - Decrease of Love, Jealousy, Try to Care

TULIP (YELLOW) - There's Sunshine in Your Smile

ZINNIA (YELLOW) - Daily Remembrance

I've always loved the name Jonquil for a dog. One of my favorite "old time" authors wrote about her home "Stillmeadow" and one of her many cocker spaniels was named that.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

That was interesting.
Dandelion, I think has the most appropriate meaning for a dog's name. Daisy is cute too.

Chester County, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, Sally....Could be Dandy for short, too. That's cute. Though she does sort of looks like a "Daisy" to me, not sure why?

But my favorite is still Jonquil. Everyone of those meanings, I think, is a doggie attribute.

BTW...I was so rushed at work today, I neglected to tell you that she is absolutely adorable.....and quite a handful, too, from the looks of it! You are going to have SO much fun with her. I'm excited for you!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Just 'finding" this thread...Sally, THAT is one cute pup!!! Everybody's gettin' puppies...except me...*sniffle, sniffle* I just pretend Chloe's a pup...she's got enough hair...LOL

Hmmm, Shirley's should've had pups by now...shouldn't she have? Oh Shiiirrrrllleeyyy!!! Pics, please...love those pudgy boxer pup faces!!

Wrightie - older pups are great...both my Rotties were over 6 months old when we got them...they've been wonderful...ok, most of the time...LOL

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

YES, Yes, yes!!! Ginger had 7 puppies (4 girls and 3 boys) on Thursday. According to the breeder, mother and puppies are all doing well. Ginger is nursing all her pups like a real trooper. I guess hormones must kick in and she does it instinctively. Ginger has only 6 tits or "milk bottles", so on a rotational basis one of the pups is hand fed with a bottle. What a wonderful 'perk' for the breeder!

Ginger & all her pups went to the Vet to be checked out today. They all got a clean bill of health and the pups had their tails "docked" as well. If you are not familiar with the term "docking", it means that a rubber band is secured at a precise measured distance on the animal's spindly tail. The rubber band inhibits blood flow to a part of the tail and eventually it just falls off. No cutting is involved and many, many breeds have this done.

Pictures will be forthcoming, so stay tuned!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, Frabjous Day!!

Shirley, that's wonderful news! I'm glad Ginger is being such a trooper and that they're all doing so well.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yipeee....Puppy Pics Coming!!! Thanks the explanation re the docking, I never realized they were done that way. Geez, you'd think I would've with having/had 3 Rotties...LOL

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I never knew that was they way they docked a tail either, I'm kinda glad they do it that way instead of slicing it off. Now, who knows how they crop the ears????

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Surgery, using a template and/or best guess, then lots of stitches. Attach them to a sort of frame and tape them into a standing position. Takes months of taping/untaping before they stand correctly - *if* they stand correctly, that is.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Longer recoop time with the breeds that have the taller look (ears) to them i.e. boxers & danes. Pit Bulls generally have a shorter crop - so their's generally is a fairly fast recovery time. Then of course you have some dogs that have much firmer/thicker cartiledge (sp?) at the base esp. - that helps...but it differs from dog to dog.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Good points, Chantell. On a Dane with a "show" length long ear, it is typically months before they will stand on their own, if all goes well.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

wrightie - I can't even imagine fighting with a pup that long...OMG!!! We had a Bull Mastiff that we showed a few times....his ears kept reverting to the rosebud ear look of an English Bulldog - NOT something the judges wanted to see and sadly we didnt' know better earlier on. Had one breed suggest using an tampon applicator placed horizontally inside the base of his ear...using 1st aid take to keep it in place. Have you ever tried to "explain" to a 155 lb bully breed why they must keep this contraption in place...wasn't very successful, that I can tell you...LOL

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

lol - we got our last dane when she was a few months old, so she'd already been cut, therefore we only had to continue the taping nightmare for two (three?) months. While I think that when they are done well, they are gorgeous, I just don't have the heart to put a puppy through that. Our future danes will more than likely have natural ears ... unless we end up with an older one again - I don't want to say never.

The show folk were always commenting on her gorgeous ears. I'm more into the obedience scene, rather than conformation so there's not as much pressure RE: ear cropping.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Funny you say that b/c I was going to add (then decided not to - didn't want to offend anyone) that I wouldn't have a dog's ears cropped again. Just a personal choice for me. Having Rotts - I don't even have to consider it *whew*.

Brunswick, MD(Zone 6b)

You guys' are really starting to make me miss my Rottweiller and Neapolitan Mastiff. Love the big breeds. My other fav dogs are the Irish Wolfhound and Great Danes, but couldn't get past the shorter lifespans of the breeds. We have friends going through a puppy stage right now (they are really clueless dog owners) and watching them, I have to admit, my brute of a cat is quite enough nowdays.

And just a thought about the ears, the Neo was supposed to have her's cropped very short but no taping. We left hers natural and she seemed to have a lot of ear infections. But then she had bad allergies too (ended up having to take her to the dermatologist and then giving her injections), so I'm not sure that not cutting her ears had anything to do with it or not. I think she looked sweeter with her ears.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Wonder if that's something genetic with the mastiffs? The Bull Mastiff I was talking about had chronic ear infections (yeast) - along with other allergies (grass - fun eh?) B/C of how his ear fell (rose bud fashion) there was plenty of circulation to his ears - yet he had infection after infection. My rottie's had a couple (not too bad given she's 8) and I actually found an over the counter wash a few years back w/tea tree oil that knocks the yucko right out. Smells to high heaven - but by golly it worked.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Chantell: What is the name of that ear wash with tea tree oil?

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