Show us your Reds & pinks.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the complements, Dyson! *blush*

I think it's more the cropping/enlarging I do with my photo editor... It definitely helps to be able to tweak the brightness for shots taken in full sun so I get better contrast and better color saturation... But I do like my camera! It's a few years old, so it's a bit thicker and bulkier than the newer ones (which I've been eyeing), and I have to admit I rarely take advantage of the ability to override its auto-settings... I'm using a Sony DSC-V1.

With the conservatory photos, I just got lucky with the lighting... turned off the flash, and every photo came out wonderfully.

Here's a photo from a couple of years ago that was a favorite in the DG photo contest that year... It's buds are getting fat now, and I'm looking forward to the blooms!

Orienpet Lily 'Scheherezade'

Thumbnail by critterologist
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Love the Orienpet Lily 'Scheherezade' photo Critter.... awesome!

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I've been meaning to order Scheherezade - how's the fragrance?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, it's a yummy one! Not quite as overwhelming as 'Silk Road' that's blooming out there right now, but it definitely has that oriental lily fragrance. It gets tall, too... at least 6 feet tall in a couple of years if it's happy.

I got some of my lilies staked this year (for a change!), but sadly I lost the main stalk on the centerpiece lily in my bed, a stunning 'Leslie Woodriff' Orienpet.

Here's Orienpet 'Silk Road' (old photo, has even more blooms this year). The flowers turn down a bit more on this one than on other Orienpets (which are crosses between Oriental and Trumpet lilies), but the fragrance will knock your socks off from 100 feet away. :-)

Thumbnail by critterologist
Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

That's what I thought - yeah, I'll be getting Scheherezade. I'm a huge fan of big fragrance. My little night blooming Jessamines from FSG this Spring are just beginning to do their thing in the evenings. Love it.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Critter: Do your lilies come back reliably year after year, or are the significantly weaker each year, and then expire?

Wrightie: FSG? And what do you do with you Cestrum nocturnum in the winter? Houseplant?

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Flower Scent Gardens - I think I dmailed you about them a while back. That's the place that closed down this year.

Yes, I'm going to bring them in as house plants - this is my first year growing them, so fingers crossed. I was fed up with hearing from Texans about how incredible they smell (a certain Matthew McConaughey bongo incident involved them as well) so I scooped up two of them from FSG before Glenn closed his doors.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Hmm. I'm going to Behnkes early tomorrow morning - maybe they'll have some.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Aaawwww!!! Did ya have to mention Behnke's???? That's my all-time favorite nursery, and it's an hour and a half from me! I love that place! (the one in Beltsville) I haven't had the opportunity to go up there this year yet!


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Well, if you leave at 6:30 you can meet me there at 8am. I was going to squeeze in 45 minutes, and then a quick Ikea return, before French class at 10. . . .

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, HAAA!!

That was funny, Happy!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I do my best. They have roses and clematis half-price, though; if you want me to pick up anything for you, let me know.

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Last wknd was only my 2nd or 3rd trip to "The Behnke" (Beltsville) of the year ... THANKS TO DG, I no longer drop thousands of dollars at The Behnke.

However, I did stop by specifically to look at their Oriental lilies and I picked up two X-oticas and a stargazer @ 8.95 each (2gal pot? slightly bigger than 1gal, anyway).

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

My lilies were declining, but I've been trying to fertilize them more, and that seems to be helping. I did lose several stems this year to what seems to be some sort of insect problem... little piles of pale rice-shaped bits on the ground, and hollowed out lily stems.... I'm hoping the main bulb survives below and that it had enough time to make food with its leaves before whatever struck it down.

Half price roses and clematis... oooOOOHhhhh... See if you can get one of those Zephyrine Drouhin climbing roses (they'll bloom in part shade, even against a north facing wall)... I just love mine! I should not buy any more clematis until I have put up some trellises or fencing to support the ones I've already planted... one set of them took off a year earlier than I was expecting, and they're just sprawling all over the side patio!

Here's Clematis 'John Paul II', a delicate shade of pink that doesn't show off properly in this photo. I've got several of Brother Stephen's clematis against the side of the house, and I definitely need to get some lattice panels up this fall for them.

Thumbnail by critterologist
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks Happy... I appreciate it. But I never know what I want until I get there! :-)

This message was edited Jul 13, 2007 2:11 PM

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I know what you mean about not knowing what you want until you get there. I don't know what I can't live without until I get there!

I got one Zephyrine Drouhin this year, and I'm hoping it'll do well. Actually I got a bunch of roses on the DG co-op that are reputed to be shade tolerant, but my yard will put them to the test!

I also got a ton of clematis but I don't have a clue where I want to put them, so they are just sitting in pots.

With my yard, it is a matter of finding room in the dirt in a spot where the sun shines!

Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

The Cleomes and Cosmos I started from seed this spring are doing well.


Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Those are beautiful! I don't know what it is with cleome in my garden... I've started it from seed a couple of times, but the seedlings end up stunted, never growing more than a couple of inches tall. I think I will try fall sowing directly in the garden this year.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

cleome did well for me directly sowed in the garden last year. This year, after I pulled all the brassica salad greens, the harlequin bugs went to the cleome seedlings and sucked them dry in days.

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

How about this one? It is a canna from Sally. It was looking sad for a bit but it has put out a bunch of new leaves, a couple new shoots and it is now flowering.

- Brent

Thumbnail by Brent_In_NoVa
Crozet, VA

All the pictures are great. I was thinking that it would take someone who has a talent that I definitely don't have, such as Music2keep, to take a common clover and make it show beautifully.

Brent, I am indeed envious of the calla from sallyg. I received one from her too, but mine isn't blooming. Have you done anything special to it?I believe that the calla was my favorite "swap" of the day, though I am having fun watching every thing else too.

Keep the gorgeous pictures coming.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hey Brent, no fair! yours "my ' canna looks bettr than mine! great flower spike.
mine are in a fair amount of shade and no special care, and I've only just had the first bloom recently , Ruby, so there's hope!

My excitement is my first ever caladium- a friend gave me the rest of a package she had. Labeled Postman Joyner but this doesn't look like the pic on the package. I was thrilled to see this leaf within two weeks of putting several small-walnut-size bulbs in the ground. There were three more little spikes on Saturday so I can't wait to see what I have today.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Crozet, VA

Oh Sally - I love caladiums. They can be used for house plants too if you are so inclined. I went ahead and potted up two of mine so that all I have to do come cool weather is moved it inside. I have several of the different patterned ones and loved them all. A few that I planted didn't come up. Wah!!!!!

I am having so much fun watching the mid-summer things bloom and grow. I realize that some of my things are just late due to me planting later than a lot of people did. Oh well. Oh yeah Brent, the blue salvia has grown at least six inches taller and is showing more beautiful blue blooms. It is a great plant too.

Well, off to read some more forums. I hope that everyone will have a good week.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

By the way, Brent, the scabiosa (white) is blooming now, in a nice combo with perilla and one of thise small white daisies with the purple eye. The scabiosa has a nice airy long bunch of flowers.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Beautiful red & pink flowers & plants everyone.

Here is Gladiolus, 'Chelops' beginning to bloom.

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Pink Petunias anyone.

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Here is a shot of my window boxes a few touches of pink here. Although I have no idea what color those MG will be when they bloom.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

This pot of Lantana is a real bright spot on my patio and sure draws in the butterflies.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Crozet, VA

Gorgeous, just gorgeous!!!


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Holly, I agree with Ruby! Gorgeous!

Great Pinks Every body!

This is a cross between a pink & red...

Thumbnail by music2keep
Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

finally down loaded some pictures....

here's willow brook lindsey nichole i got from a fund-raiser

Thumbnail by larlienda
Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

here's my one and only peony bloom....i think i need to divide the plant this idea how long it's been here

Thumbnail by larlienda
Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

here's a cranberry....cranberry cove

Thumbnail by larlienda
Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

here's a rose i have...nicely fragrant too :-)
it's possibly francesca...too much sun & not enough memory space in my brain!

Thumbnail by larlienda
Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

another rose...i believe it's paradise...

Thumbnail by larlienda
Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

another of paradise....

Thumbnail by larlienda
Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

last one for now.....

my favorite....

2 yrs old :-)

Thumbnail by larlienda
Crozet, VA

I am like Larienda, I need to thin out some peony. That is one thing that I will probably have at the swap.


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Not from my garden - but Epcot - I just took a mini-vacation and found this one :)

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

We've moved!!!

Thread's gettin' too long for some. Continue over here...

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