Cannas: CANNA ? ( Continued ) # 8

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Yes , My friend MB .

Thumbnail by ginger749
Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Whoa, Kell, how tall is that mountain....looks like quite a hike.

I don't think I'd do all that well with climbing....that looks very beautiful but treacherous!

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

WOW ! You are a crazy boy... it's a beautiful mountain, but there is no way I would have the courage to climb it!

No lifeguard hat for me, but I'm looking for a bright red t-shirt with LIFEGUARD on the front, we're going out again in a minute, just had samwiches.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Red, it' just not fair that you have a pool, it seems so much hotter here with no water in sight! lol

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Hopefully this picture comes through, it was getting dark and our camera

Can y'all see it?

Thumbnail by Tropicanna
Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Well T, As an experisnsed Caver . ( speliologist )
I have spent many days in the bowls of mother nature .
Let me tell you , It's dark down there .
Nearly as dark as your Pic.
Is it a 5 legged Cow ??? :D

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

The strangest things happen while solo Climbing .
Here I was taking this Pic of MB
and this old codger just stuck his head right in front of my camera .
Inconsiderate hey what ?
I guess he just wanted some attention .
He did it 3 more times during the day .
Poor old ! He sure was hungry .
He ate all my food and drank all my water .
He turned out quite good company after all that .
Sure had some great tales to tell .
I might share some with yall some day ?

Thumbnail by ginger749
Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Maybe this one is a little better, it's a raccoon that my friends' neighbors apparently

Wondering about some of those tales, Kell

Thumbnail by Tropicanna
Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Might I ask ?
Did you take the lens cap off the camera ??? lol

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Pep !
Can you remember promising me a Pic of one of your Foxes ?
Well here is one of ours .
The Bitumen roads is a really bad place to take a Cat Nap .
Or should that be a fox nap ?
Any ways , this one didn't hear the alarm go off .

Thumbnail by ginger749
Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

oh poor fox ! Ginger, tell that old guy to leave you alone, man I bet you were staring - lol !

Tropicanna, it is just one of those above the ground pools - just deep enough to have to keep an eye on the kids - well, the 4 year old anyway, he has no respect for the water!! but it is fun to float around in - I highly recommend it, got it at Big K for $119. 15' round ... I'll take a picture next time we're out. and you're right it is hotter where you are... next week we're supposed to hit 100 on Wednesday.... and I could spot that raccoon right away - we getthose little rascals in our backyard if we leave any kitty crunchies out - and they ate four of my fish !!

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Red , Teach them to sleep on the road !!!!!!!!!!!!
If you collect roak kill within 1/2 hour ,
They are fare go for the BBQ ?

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Kell, that's a mountain, mate. Sure bet you had some fun. And I can only imagine some of those stories! Know the difference between a fairy tale and a sea story? Catch Robbie McEwen of Qslnd take the 1st stage of Tour deFrance? That aussie has grit.
Welcome back Trop. Haven't seen a real beach in years. Miss the sound of the waves.
Red, 100*? That's nuts for Oregan isn't it? Cooling off to the mid 80's this week. Yea!!! Have fun in the pool, and remember, adults can drown in a bathtub. Keep a close eye on those beautiful kids of yours.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Yes Paul ,
I can imagine lonely sailors also have ppl looking over their shoulders . lol
Good thing is they ALWAYS laugh at your jokes ,
and They never argue with you over which rout to take .
How close is your nearest Climb .
Knowing you already live UP there .

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

The last 2 hours (+ breaks to take Pics.) of the climb follows the red dots .
Yes Paul it is a serious Mountain .

Thumbnail by ginger749
Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Red, I need to get one of those blow up pools, it's just intolerably hot here, I'm no meteorologist, but I could swear it's been in the 90's for over a month now.

vadap, so sorry to hear you haven't seen the beach in awhile, I've only recently come to appreciate where I'm from, so another beach shot for you ;)

Kell, that poor fox. Luckily there aren't that many around here---their survival instincts seem to be a bit stronger. They are so pretty. You really are good at finding those thunder eggs. know my birthday's coming up and I love opals, right?

Thumbnail by Tropicanna
Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Kell, this ones for you..... got a bunch more of this heron this

Thumbnail by Tropicanna
Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

And Red, one's for y'all......I tried to get them to take their shirts off but they thought it was going to be a beer belly or man boob

Thumbnail by Tropicanna
Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Woops, Tammie, I didn't forget about you...

Thumbnail by Tropicanna
(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

Thank you... I am still here.. reading and looking at everything.. just not talkative a lot lately and not much to share. Work and sleep mostly.


Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Great Pics T.
Yes I am rather good at the Eggs .
Being at the right place , at the right time .
I have a natural tendency to look down .
Is the beach sand really so dark ?
Or is that trick photography ?

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Did some one step on Pep's toes while I was away ???
She might just have been washed away in the floods ?
Or her Puter Might have died at last .
Where are you Girl ?
Come back ,ALL is forgiven . :o)))

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Tammie, sorry to hear about your busy work life, I'm sure you'll continue to get used to things ;)

Kell, yep, that's the true color of the sand. I don't know why but there has always been like big wads of tar that wash up from the ocean....never understood it

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Yes, vadap 100 is high for Oregon, tho we usually hit it once or twice in August.... Tropicanna, get the pool we are really enjoying our stupid little pool... and I do take the lifeguarding very seriously.

Love those pics, the heron and the "happy boys" on the beach!

Tammie, I hope you can get caught up on your sleep, we miss you !

Ginger it's always so much more lively when you're here. okay time for more popsicles and swimming... my knees are sunburned, so I need to stay covered up today :(

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

OK Red ,
Where are the Pics of the Pool you promised us .

Here is a Pic of one of our Busy beaches .
Hey !!! There is that old fella who was following me on my Mountain Climb .

Thumbnail by ginger749
Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Yep, we've gotta get a pool...and put some mega sun block on your knees, you'll be fine. Actually, even better, get a towel and get a tan while you're at can still watch the

I had to make note of the happy beach boys, in this crew we have 2 bad boys, a skateboarding champ, and one guy was the homecoming king at my high had purple dreadlocks then...where I'm from is a bit different. I won't claim any of them as mine, but one say they are letting themselves go a bit

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Kell, I see what you're saying now...your sand is really coast, duh

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Well observed T.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Trop, hate to say it, but those tar balls are oil balls. They catch the current coming out of the Gulf of Mexico, and pollute everything. The oil companies will say it's not from the rigs, but I've worked around them and know better. Your beach is cleaner than Galveston, Texas, which is where I used to go 20+ years ago.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

This is who took the other Beach Pic.

Thumbnail by ginger749
Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Great, we have oil balls on the beach. And the reason I quit eating meat when I was a teenager because of the "hog spills" (hog farmers would "accidentally wreck" trucks carrying hog waste because it was cheaper than having to deal with it properly) that would pollute the rivers and utlmately run off in to the ocean in eastern NC. I noticed my nephew picked one of those oil balls up and got black, greasy stuff all over his hands..duh. Thanks for the info though, vadap, lol!

That's your DD right, ginger? mine is with the outlaws for the week, kinda missing her ;)

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

Yes T. you are right .
Must be quiet at home then ?
Are you going to have a party with all your Neighbours ?

I guess with 300,000,000 ppl .
You have to have a lot more pollution than our measly 21,000,000 .
We can still drive for 6 hours and not see one house , one Car or a Servo .

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Yeah, it's creepy quiet...darn Xbox has the boyfriend in a

No party with our neighbors, they're scarier than we curses at each other in the yard and thanks

Yeah we definitely have more pollution, and per person we are the worst polluters in the world. 6 hours, wow...what's a servo?

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

After hearing about your isolation this week .
I have come up with a brilliant Idea !
A Cyber Space Party ???
We all have to say what we are bringing .
Food , Drink etc.

I'll start with some light refreshments .
This is Woodstock Bourbon .
Do yall drink out of the cans ?
Or will I need to supply some glasses ?

Thumbnail by ginger749
Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Tropicanna, heres the picture .... from my son's bedroom and the sun is shining directly in at me , so forgive the glare - thats Sophia the 10 year-old, the water only goes to her waist, but you can see there's plenty of room to swim around (or float around in an air mattress and sunburn your knees!). go get it Tropicanna, best hundred bucks you ever wasted ! -- surprise your daughter when she comes home, my kids have been living in that thing. Your neighbors sound lovely, maybe they'll come swim with you.

Ginger, you have a stalker ! Tell that old guy to leave you alone lol!

our beaches are darker sand, too ... Ginger's sand is the most beautiful.

Thumbnail by Redtootsiepop
Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

For an entree I will be bringing Fried Monkey .
It won't take long for HIM to be done .
Probably the next wire he touches and he'll be ready .

Thumbnail by ginger749
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I'm baaaack!! Been busy all weekend and all last week at work. We were having our fireworks on Friday at work and I had to get ready for that plus come in and watch it. Then Sat we got together with friends and played dominoes until late at night.

Yesterday we went and saw a musical in the city. Didn't get home til later at night then I had to try to print something for my dad. That didn't work and my computer and printer went haywire. Really made me mad since it was late and I was tired. Finally gave up, got the computer working but the printer is still messed up.....I think. lol. Haven't dared to try to use it again.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I'll bring an alligator. Tastes like spicy chicken.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

I've not tasted alligator b4 .
How is it cooked ?
In the Jacket ?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I think it was fried. Not sure. One of my coworkers brought it in one day several months ago and had us try it. He didn't tell us what it was. I told him it tasted like spicy chicken and he said it was alligator. It's also white meat.

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