How do I plant Maranta tubers?

I feel ridiculous having to ask this, but I'm gonna anyway! ;o)

I purchased 3 Maranta a. variegata tubers. Now that they've arrived, I'm not certain how to plant them. My guess is sideways, with the new growth pointing up. Just want to be sure I plant them correctly. I've learned the hard way that just because it *seems* to make sense to me, doesn't mean it's correct at all! LOL

Thanks all!

Thumbnail by RainGazer
Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

If no one has the answer, you could prolly do one sideways and one up and down and the third one...golly...that third one just messes everything up...better throw it away...or better yet, send it to me. lol jk

Edited to add- would you be able to email the seller?

This message was edited Jun 14, 2007 5:11 PM

LOL My husband asked why I had dried-up parsnips on the counter!!

I'm thinking sideways, cause those side shoots seem to want to point perpendicular to the tuber itself. I didn't even think of emailing the seller. That does make a lot of sense! I'll do that. Thank you for such an ingenious idea! LOL

And you never know what you might find in your box when we do our trade. ;o)

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