Speaking of pink plants

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I had to run go get a few more plants for the front porch.....found this without a tag. I am wondering if it is in the ginger family??
I just ran outside with a flash and took this....looks red, but it is a hot pink...

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Clinton, MO

Whatever it is, it is certainly supurb!! Where did you find such an awesome specimen??
I love pink it is my favorite color. I bet that brightened up your porch!!!

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

That's a beauty...here's some info you'll like.
It's hardier than you'd think, too.


Good find!!!


East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

yep, like MsC said, stromanthe tricolor. I have planted it inground and have lost it twice. Better to have as a porch plant as you intend, Gail.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the name....I just love it!!! There is a nursery in CC that carries unbelievably beautiful houseplants.....they had a 4 foot tall bromeliad today just starting to open up in red and yellow....only 49.95....wanted it so badly, but could not justify the buy....

While I was there and just checking out, they had this silly 8" concrete frog right where my plants were and i broke the 4th toe on my left foot.......it is black and blue and hurts!!!! I have to go see my granddaughters at camp in Kerrville this weekend.....bet 'Nana' isn't as much fun as she was the last time i saw them....

I was planning going to James Avery before I went to camp and get them all those charms they like for their necklaces....that is out so I am doing this the easy way............taking them to the camp store and letting them choose their own present!!! (LOL)

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Gail!!! Ouch! I hate broken toes...that reallly really hurts...XOXOX for your lil toes..

Yes, it is a gorgeous plant and it should be very happy on your beautiful porch...So where's the new pics of that porch?? Did you finish it yet??
I just love porches...especially down here in Texas.

I've got the grandbaby coming this weekend, too.. I'm taken my geritol & massive amounts of coffee...He's just 1 1/2 and all energy.

I'm sure your DGD's will understand your taking it slow...lol

Enjoy that beautiful plant!!!


Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

I was in Orlando and Tampa this weekend and they had stromanthe tricolor mass planted at Discovery Cove and Busch Gardens. It must be nice to grow them in the ground.

Here are some at Discovery Cove.

Thumbnail by hcmcdole
Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

i just went and took a pic of my stromanthe tricolor..i just love this plant..the color is absolutely wonderful.

hcmcdole, that mass of them is stunning...thanks for the pic.


This message was edited Jun 13, 2007 8:57 AM

Thumbnail by red_princess_71

Mrs. Critterkeeper is back in Texas???? How's the Chi's doing?

Beautiful plant!


The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Hiya Susancva!!!! :)
Oh yes, we've been back since the first of April. I missed Texas soooo much . I missed that grandbaby & I was "allergic" to the AZ...lol

The Chi Herd is doing great..they were soo glad to see grass again!

Thank so much for thinking of us.


(Zone 1)

Yep! Stromanthe 'Tricolor' .... I got a little cutting of this plant in a trade last year and it is still alive but hasn't done much growing. I'm gonna go read up on it, maybe it's a slow grower. Of course it might help if I fed the thing. :) The Stromanthe's are planted in mass plantings a lot down here in Florida landscapes.

Love that photo at Discovery Cove .... REALLY LOVE the Philodendron's next to that Stromanthe planting!

Oh Gail .... so sorry you broke your little toe! ouch .... I know how that hurts ... I think my little toes are deformed from breaking them a few times. I'm ALWAYS barefoot! Hubby tells me all the time I should put shoes on! I grew up in the South and we never wore shoes. Hubby grew up in the South too (South Florida) but he is Never without shoes or slippers, even indoors! I guess it's all what you are used to ... his Mother was the same way .... always had to have shoes on her feet. Her bedroom slippers had to be right next to her bed so she could slip them on as soon as she got up! Our families were totally different .... his a lot more reserved shall we say? In my family there were 6 kids and my Mom had her hands too full to worry if we had shoes on or not!

MsC: What is a Chi herd? For a sec I thought Susanva was referring to Chirita Plants!! .... then I realized she did say herd! I am very curious!

..... I guess some would say I have a "Herd" of Plants around here! hee hee



The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Lin ,
Susan was asking about my 6 Chihuahua's...we call them
"The Thunderfeet Herd" because when they are all running around on the tile floor you hear this lil tippy -tacky sound...it's really funny... kinda sounds like a windchime gone wrong...lol

They are my lil darlings...

So gail where's the porch pics??? Show us Trio's new home...


(Zone 1)

Oh MsC .... that is too cute! You do have a herd of Chi's then, don't you? I bet they are sooo cute! And, I can just "hear" that sound of those 24 little paws on the tile! :) Got a picture of your lil "darlins"??

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Check you email & I'll send you a pic of them they are tooooooo sweet for words...


(Zone 1)

Oh .... Those are such "Cuties"! Love them! So tiny! Hubby and I had three dogs at one time many years ago. Two were large dogs (over 100 lbs) one was part Lab and the other was a pure bred Alaskan Malamute. The third one was part toy poodle and part mutt! My nephew has a Monster Sized dog. I haven't seen him since he was a puppy ... he is an English Mastiff and my sister said when they took him for his annual check up at the Vet this past January he weighed 210 lbs! Can you imagine??!! That is one huge dog! He was so cute as a puppy .... all legs and so clumsy he couldn't get out of his own way. They are called "Gentle Giants" because they are very laid back and calm and friendly dogs.

Just gotta share a pic from when he was a pup: This is "Bubba" Browne last summer at 5 months old. I don't have a pic of him now.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Gail: Didn't mean to hijack your thread! I'm gonna go look for something "Pink" to post! :)

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Lin...we love em!
Love the big dogs too..

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

OK my DG friends...................the porch is through as of 5:15 today!!!!! I was too tired to take pictures......will do that in the morning......but i have a confession to make: with my broken toe Patty did all the work today................then we sat outside for a few minutes and just admired the work.......
When I post pics in the morning, don't forget that Patty wouldn't let me go buy any new plants until we had used up what I had that had been sitting in 4" pots and 6" pots for two months!!!!

Here is Patty on Monday in the middle of the day....first day to start

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Here is Patty this afternoon after we finally finished..................or rather Patty finally finished......

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I asked Patty if she thought the picture would be better if I could just get some black ink on my leaf foot 4th toe to show the bruising!!!! LOL......

It will take about 2 weeks of growing for things to really look good, but i will take pics in the morning.....already in my pajamas now!!!!

Thumbnail by gessiegail
(Zone 1)

Oh Gail ... Y'all are so cute! What, no pic of you in your jammies?? hee hee ... I can't wait to see the pic's tomorrow of your porch! I don't know how it can look any better than it already does ... all those plants, Girl .... You know I'd be right at home!

:) Lin

p.s. Hope the broken toe gets better quick .... although, it probably would only slow you down a little bit when plant shopping! Hey! If it was me, I'd be getting someone to push me around in a wheelchair at all the nurseries!

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Gail, your porch is so beautiful and homey. I'd be right at home with Linda on it!! LOL
You've a very good friend to help with your project. What a dear heart! I'm sorry about your toe.:(((((

All of your plants are gorgeous and well-cared for. I enjoy your photos on the AV forums too. Especially your episicias and violets. What a swell idea to place the Episcia in a glass bowl!


East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Yep, cutie indeed, bruised toe and all! I need Patty in my life to help me clear all the plants in my holding area. I promised myself last Feb. that I would have that area all cleared out by May 15th but as of today the holding area is more crowded than ever!

(Zone 1)

I think a lot of us could use a friend like Patty! I know I could!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Honestly, I never could have done with without her.......................when all was said and done I had to try three times to reciprocate with a gro-light stand......................she kept saying no................that she didn't do it to get anything in return...................when I convinced her that she could no longer be my gardening hard working friend unless we traded something, she finally gave in..................hard work it was for her as she is so much stronger and taller than I am............yes, indeed, she is a good friend to me in a lot of ways.................we kept the music going every day.....when the music would stop (I have outdoor speakers to the music system inside the house) she would announce, "more music, lady"......or "more ice tea with splenda, lady!!!"
We had sooo much fun doing this.....

(Zone 1)

I bet it was a ball!

Sometimes I think it would be so much fun having a "Planting/Potting" Party ... get friends together at each other's house and do what needs doin ... whoever's house you are at that particular day/weekend supplies the food and ice tea and y'all get the work done together! Unfortunately, none of my friends are into plants/gardening like I am. :(

.... think I need to find new friends? hee hee :)

Just kidding ... I love my friends even though they don't have my interest of gardening! They do have my interest in shopping and, eating .... and during the season ... Basketball!

Hey! I've got my DG friends to chat with about gardening and plants, right?

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

You will find this hard to believe!!! Although Patty lives only 20 minutes away in another small town, i actually met her on DG....................it turned out that she knew my family and my brother knows her family......but we actually met on DG......when I first started posting, i got this dmail saying, "hey, bettygail, you live in Taft....I grew up in Taft.....who is your family?" and the best friendship started although she is almost 25 years younger than I am....

I don't have any friends from the past or now here in the area who love gardening as much as Patty and I both do.....I can't keep up with her but i sure try!!!! She can outshop me any day of the week (LOL)

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Gail, Love the porch...it's a beauty!!!!!!
Your friend Patti deserves a standing ovation,what a great job she did and you ar eboth lucky to have made such a connection. It's a small world isn't?

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

What is it they say, "There are no coincidences............just God incidents".....I believe it!!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I have to learn to use flickr photo......there are too many pictures....but the porch is finished...

when I get back in town, I will upload individual containers to flickr and make it easier for everyone!!!!

Thanks for all your encouragement!!!

Thumbnail by gessiegail
(Zone 1)

Wow! It looks wonderful, Gail! I could just sit out there for hours and enjoy the view! Your plants look so nice ... you and Patti did a great job!

Have a wonderful weekend with your Daughter and Grandaughters! We are heading down South to Fort Lauderdale for the weekend to visit my sister and family!

Wow! I love it too!!! I can just think about all the serene evenings you will spend on that porch. Thanks for sharing the pictures!


Mid, ID(Zone 3b)

Now that is a porch!! It is just beautiful. I am so glad I wandered this way tonight and saw all your awesome plantings Gail. And your friend Patty is just awesome. How cool to have met her here on DG. How's the toe doing?? It sure doesn't seem to have slowed you down any with the weekend visit to the grand daughters and then the stop in at that amazing nursery you've been posting about!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Brenda, if i can get my camera working today, i am going to take close up pictures of the containers on the front porch.....
Patty did the hard work, I promise......
AS long as I wear tennis shoes, my toe is fine......no sandals or flip flops for sure....thanks for asking......

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Love your porch, gessiegail. If you ever need to sell your house, you just let me know. lol ; )

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Oh, and the plants would have to stay, of course. lol

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I took sme pictures this morning.............gee the sun is bright today...............the ones that didn't turn out at all, I will take this afternoon.........hope you don't get too bored!!!!

In case you wonder why so many houseplants are mixed in with these, Patty wouldn't let me go buy any plants until we had used everything I had first...................she is my counterpart...............

Now, the people I owe boxes to.........brenda and jannich know why they don't get theirs.............doing stuff like this and repotting streps today and working on an inventory list of indoor plants...........not the porch....

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I am NOT listing plants unless someone wants to know..

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

a lot of light coming through this am....even on the west side

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

just a big pot of Dragon wing begonias

Thumbnail by gessiegail

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