Look what has happened in couple of weeks!!!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

If I spent as much time on my plants as I do on DG, i would have more photos to show!!!!
Just share this one that is now blooming!! too exciting...

Thumbnail by gessiegail

Wow Gail! That's a beauty! I sure hope mine turns out to be as pretty as yours! :o)
Now, just think if I spent as much time on housework as I do on DG....ROFL

(Zone 1)

Gail: That is nice! I have a large Variegated Spath and a smaller one, both blooming .... but not looking anywhere near as good as that one of yours!

hee hee, Rain: Sooooo true! I cleaned house right before leaving for vacation (because we had a house sitter) and now that we've been back a couple of days, it's a mess with stuff thrown everywhere! At least it was neat while we were away and the house sitter got didn't have to see the mess! :) I used to be VERY particular and a Neat Freak many years ago, even when working full time, I would stay up until 1 or 2 a.m. at times scrubbing the kitchen floor or cleaning! The older I get the worse I get with housework!

Oh Lin, and there I was hoping I'd just naturally become a better housekeeper as I got older! LOL Well, I can still hope. ;o)

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Remember the plaque you sent me, Lin.....I am going to go take a picture of it right now............it is my new motto....you must have like it also or you wouldn't have sent it to me!!!!!

I hope everyone can read it....couldn't get any closer without standing on a sofa!!!

Thumbnail by gessiegail
(Zone 1)

I forgot about that plaque I sent you Gail! Yep ... I do like that Motto: And, that would be my choice too! Playing in the Garden!

Love your crosses too! I have a few different crosses and found a couple in a catalog that a friend has that I want to order. We seem to be sooo alike in a lot of ways! I also love Angel's and have a few different Angel Statues too .... then, of course my Birdhouse Collection!

Well ... I'm off to do some potting. Later ........

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Lin, if you like angels, we maybe quite a bit alike!!!! Here is my favorite one in the house......and then, the bed is calling my name!!!!! I stayed up waaay too late last night....

Thumbnail by gessiegail
(Zone 1)

Oh, that is a pretty one! I really like it. Here's one of my favorites: She's usually out amidst my plants on the deck, but I brought it inside to clean it. I think it's supposed to be a birdfeeder of sorts, her skirt forms a little dish .... but I just use it as decoration.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Here's another one I love .... sitting on top of the dresser:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

And another cutie, My Sleeping Angel:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Oh, here's the one behind the "Sleeping" one: I found these in a catalog a couple of years ago and got one for each of my Sisters and myself in memory of our Mom's passing. The verse on her gown says: "Perhaps they are not Stars in the Sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy."

My Very Favorite!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Gardening Angel ... her wings are a little picket fence:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

One that's been sitting with a broken base for a couple of years ... Hubby is getting ready to glue it for me!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Getting tired of Angel's yet? Here's a couple from Wal-Mart I got a year or so ago ... there were 3, but I can only find 2 of them!?! I know the other one is around someplace! I call these Gardening Angel's too:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Here's a little "Country" Angel someone made me years ago:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Miscellaneous Angel's:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

You two are great!

I decided awhile back having been a compulsive clean, clean, and then clean some more....that the lady that died with her dishes washed and in the cabinet, her clothes washed and ironed and in the closet, the drawers all straight, the furniture polished, the refrig cleaned, the oven cleaned and the bed made......needed to get a life because 3 days after she was gone...IT WOULD ALL NEED TO BE DONE AGAIN!...

I still want my sheets clean and the bathroom clean and the kitchen mopped....yadayadayadaydayayday.......God bless us all.

(Zone 1)

Ok ... just a couple more .... promise!

Here'a an Angel sitting in one of my planters on the deck ... kinda grungy with algae - I need to clean it!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

hee hee Lou ... I hear ya! I want a housekeeper .... but, I would feel soooo guilty having someone else do it when I am perfectly able! My Priorities are a bit backwards. First comes Playing in The Dirt, Gardening ..... then comes chatting with my friends on DG ..... then I have to do some research and Google for info about different plants ..... then I have to go shopping at Garden Centers for supplies ( And Plants) ..... then, I buy plants and have to come home and repot them .... then I have to clean up the mess I made on the deck while repotting ...... then I MUST water everything .....

House work? What housework? I spend so much time outside, the house shouldn't get dirty .... aaaah ..... So much to do ... So little time!

(Zone 1)

Back to my Angel's .... hee hee

Here's another one that stays out in the Garden: A friend gave this one to me for Christmas last year, it's supposed to be a birdfeeder of sorts too, but I just have her sitting in a flower bed. I brought it in on the deck to take a pic:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

You're a doll. That has been my mode for the last 2 years. My grandson said "Mimi, have you gotten lazy?"..........Not on your life. My priorities are finally in the right place. Hallelujah!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

You post 'em Lin!! I love angels...I even have one like you do that I keep with a nativity scene that stays on top of the kitchen cabinets way up high all year around.

I saw the frame by your bed of Corinthians 13 about love. Both my daughters had this scripture read at their weddings as it is my favorite!!!

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

The girls are always good about giving me crosses and angels.....when my son gives them to me I am always taken back that he knows, too, what I love...this is the first angel he gave me when he was in the 8th grade for Christmas.

Thumbnail by gessiegail
(Zone 1)

Another little "Sleeping" Angel:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Did not intend to hijack your thread. I am so sorry. Please forgive.
My obsession for the last few years has been Praying Hands.

(Zone 1)

Oh Gail, I love that Nativity! That is the Demdaco Collection that I love! I have just a couple of their little Angel's, but I love to give them as gifts. I gave the young lady who house sat for us while we were on vacation, one of those little Angel's holding a little cat! I have given my Youngest Sister a couple too. They are just soo sweet. I MUST begin to collect the Nativity ones! I like that you keep it out year round!

Oh, and that Angel your son gave you is Beautiful. I love the Cherub Angel's too. Here's a little Terra Cotta Cherub that has a broken wing ... got knocked off the plant shelf out back awhile back, but I couldn't bear to throw her away!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Hey Lou .... If anyone Hijacked Gail's thread .... it was ME! But believe me, Miss Gessiegail is the Sweetest, Most Generous person and she won't mind a bit if we all hijack her thread!

My last Angel for the night:

"Keeping all my DG friends and fellow Gardener's in my Prayers .... Always!"

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Amen and Amen.

What beautiful angels! I have three of the Demdaco Collection. They are my absolute favorites. Could I add pictures of mine? I'll have to go snap them...

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

LouC and RainGazer.....the more the merrier!!!!
I am not sure but what I hijack every thread I ever post on.....don't know the rules on that one, but I always think the more posts and pictures, the better and more fun!!!

Thanks Gail! I didn't think you'd mind. :o)

Here's my Garden Angel

Thumbnail by RainGazer

I can't remember the name of this one, and they're not angels. Mom gave it to me day before yesterday and I thought they were angels. I love the whole Demdaco collection, though. My daughter has a few of them, too. I might snap a few pictures of hers.

Anyway, Mom said this one reminded her of the two of us talking together.

Thumbnail by RainGazer

This one is a wall plaque. Perfect for me! :o)

Thumbnail by RainGazer
(Zone 1)

Oh, those are so nice, Rain! I gotta get that Garden one! And, that second one does look like it would be Mother/Daughter in Conversation! What does it say on the bottom of that one? My Mom isn't with us any longer, but I am real close to my youngest sister and I think that one could also be Big Sister/Little Sister in conversation too! I am real curious as to what it says on the bottom, they are usually stamped with a name or something.

The family plaque is just adorable too! I just love the Demdaco collection, there are sooo many to choose from!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I really like your collection RainGazer.....aren't they special?? I have the mother and child one......
soooo happy you posted.

Lou, where are you??? You must show pictures of anything you love......

Doesn't it make you realize that people have a lot more in common than they do in differences......

Lin, that one is called "Heart and Soul" and I think it would be perfect for sisters!

I don't collect much, as I hate to dust and trinkets seem to gather dust more than anything. Coffee mugs because I'm such a coffee addict, and anything Eeyore is really all I have ever collected, but when I saw this collection, I fell in love with them. My daughter did too. She has 4 of them and when we went to her room to get them, she said she wants us to collect the entire set. I would love to as well, so I suppose we'll start getting one for her along and along.

Here are hers. I can't remember the names of all of them. I think the Mom and baby is "Angel of Mine" and the little girl and dog is "Angel of Friendship". The girl with the birds is simply "Happiness" and I can't remember the name of the other one.

Thumbnail by RainGazer

She checked and that last one is "Angel of Wishes"

Thumbnail by RainGazer
(Zone 1)

How old is your daughter? What a wonderful "collection" that would be for her as she grows! A good friend of mine began a collection of Christmas Ornaments for her son & daughter from their first Christmas and they are now 31 and 27 years old. When they left home, she gave them their ornaments to have for their own Christmas trees!

She's collected Barbies for quite some time, kept them in the boxes and all. She's tapered off on collecting those, but she still gets the Holiday Barbie every year for Christmas. :o)

My grandmother got a collection of porcelain dolls for me when I was growing up. We always called them the "Birthday dolls" and that may be what the collection was actually called. I cannot find them now. I know they're here, as I had them on a shelf where we used to live and I recall carefully packing them up and bringing them here when we moved. I guess I need to go through the attic again. That has to be where they are. If I can ever find them, of course I'm going to give them to my daughter, and I'll post a picture of them on here. They were from ages 1 to 16. Lovely, they were. I think I'll move finding them to the top of my to do list.

This message was edited May 28, 2007 11:55 PM

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

We are alike people!!!! i started out giving each granddaughter a sterling Christmas ornament every year and the boys in pewter......I did it for many years.............then the price of sterling went sky high....(on the really good crosses, etc).....I had wanted for each of them to be able to decorate a tree when they left home....
Fortunately their grandfather picked up where i left off with some really wonderful ornaments.....

I also gave my granddaughters collections of what they call the "don't break dolls"....the Madam Alexander collection of the tiny ones....they still sit up high in their doll collections, including the ones they played with every day....

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