Watering Seedlings in a Clay Pot

Hickory Hills, IL

Hi all, I'm sure this has been addressed somewhere but I'm not having any luck with the search function.

I recently transplanted some seedlings that I germinated in a heated plastic dome.

Once they were a couple inches tall, I transplanted them to their own 6" clay pot filled with potting mix.

I know potting mix has a "wicking" effect but I'm not sure if I should water from the bottom in to the overflow dish or just pour right on top.

I know it's a basic question and I am sorry if I'm out of line by asking it.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Someone might know better than I do but once I move a plant into a 6 inch pot I start to water from the top using the clay bottom tray as a drain. Be very careful not to distrub the new roots. If you still want to bottom water you try sitting your pot in a bowl or pan with deeper water for a while and them moving it back into the tray. I'd be interested in seeing what other people think. Holly


What kind of plant are they? Are they all in the same 6 inch pot, or does each have its own?

Answers to those might or might not sway someone else's answer, but here's my opinion. ;o) Til the seedlings are of a fairly good size and somewhat sturdy I would water from the bottom. When I water plants from the bottom I use a deep, wide bowl and pour in enough warm water to come 1/3 to 1/2 way up the pot. Soil and potting mix seem to absorb warm water better than cold - not hot, mind you, just warm. Let it sit til you can tell the soil on top is thoroughly moistened, usually only 15 minutes or so. Then remove the pot from the bowl and set it somewhere that it can drain - in the sink, on a plate or the counter on top of several folded paper towels or layers of newspaper, just somewhere it can drain thoroughly.

Never be afraid or embarrassed to ask what you think is a basic question. (Even if you think it's a stupid question, which I have seen so many people say, ask it anyway!) First of all, no question is too basic. We were all just starting out at some point and probably had that very same question. Someone else is probably wondering the same thing you are and is too afraid to ask it, so you're not only helping yourself, you're helping someone else, too! :o)

I hope this helps you! Ask more, if you need more help. :o)

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