
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Another Pink Lady

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

#30 Moonlight - I think will have to check the tag.

Nan, I bought #22 from ebay as well.

I have neon pothos, is it the same as lime, Who knows they may both be the same.

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

#31 - I think Black Cardinal -- Notice the leaves, what causes this.

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Another of the BC Leaf

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

#32 - Autumn - I think

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

#33 Fenzii

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Back of the above is really sticky is this normal?

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

#34 - Unknown - Possible tag in pot. Will check

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

#35 - will have to check name on this one.

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Top of #35

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Thats all for now, I know I have Brasil, Tree, Spilt Leaf Monestera, and Mam??? also. So I will get pics of them.

Let me know if you have any other names for the above, especially the unknown. Hope you enjoy my photo shot.

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

You have quite the wonderful collection Sharon. I really enjoyed the show!! Amazing all the different ones you have : ))

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

To be honest I only thought I had about 25, so I was amazed my self when I got to 35. I went back and recounted. I did receive about 4/5 lately in trades and the houseplant swap. I also have Mayaiior something like that as well that I got in HPS.

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi Sharon! Love your Philo collection. Philos are my most favorite plant group!:))))

I'll share my 2 cents on some IDs and problems:
#9 and #22 look the same- Philodendron Hastatum(Glaucophyllum- I've since learned this is a made up name!)
#8 Epipremnum 'Cebu Blue'
#7 Philo Mamei
#4 not Squamiferum, but 'Red Emerald'. Squamiferum has pronounced hairy stems('Red Bristle')
#3 could be Epipremnum Amplissimum
#2 Anderson's Red

I don't think your #33 is 'Black Cardinal'. The spots are caused by a fungus common in Philodendrons. Sorry, don't know the name.

If you are sure your plant is free of scale or mealies, I would say the stickiness is normal. I have 3-4 aroids that are all exhibiting what I call "sugar bubbles" on the stems(not on the leaves). I am positive they are bug free, too. Does anyone know what those "sugar bubbles" are called?

Good growing on your Philos!

I love #8 and #3! Never have I seen philos like that before. Absolutely gorgeous! You have some neat plants. Philos are one of my favorites.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

GH - Thanks for your help, as you can see from the pics the bloody mary didn't make it. I agree on #9 & 22; #8 the pic is decieving it is actually silver queen however the pic shows it more blue, it is green with silver running through the leaves. #7 May be, I have a Mamei, I will post the pic of it later or what I thought it was. #3 was given to me as Cedu Blue. #4 was given as Red Bristle, may be the Red Emerald, I will watch how it progresses.

What do you think #33 is? I bought it off ebay as Black Cardinal.

Bugs - I have never seen any on the philos, they except a couple stay in the bay window. None of the others have the spots or the stickiness, not even the ones potted with Fenzii had this stickiness. I will double check them again.

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Re: #33- In comparison to my 'Black Cardinal', the leaves on mine seem to stay that dark purply color. Maybe you can check the plantfiles to be able to compare more pics of this beauty? I haven't a clue what it could be, if not BC. Sorry!

I'm sorry your 'Bloody Mary'(also a made up name!), acutally 'Royal Queen', didn't make it. Do you know what caused it's demise?

I meant to say in my first post that I have lots of plants floating around here with the same tags and writing on them. ;)


Here's a pic of my BC when I first got it last year. I lost some leaves during the winter, but the remaining ones are still that dark purply color. Maybe they will turn green again at a certain stage of maturity- just hasn't happened yet.

This message was edited Mar 28, 2007 7:01 AM

Thumbnail by GrowHappy
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Another Pic of Silver Queen - Better Pic

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Another of #33

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Another Pic of #3 and 20

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Another of #21

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

#36 - Mamai - However I think I have my Mamai and gloriosum One is #6 and one is this one, I have Mamai as the tag on this one.

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

#37 Spilt Leaf Monstera

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

#38 Brazil

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

#39 heart Leaf

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

#40 Mayori?? Spelled wrong - just receievd last week from HPS - So neat - Cutting

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Here is Pothos

From left to right
Neon, Jade and Marble Queen

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

#41 - the last one - Tree Phio

Thumbnail by snboyken
Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

GH - I looked at the photos and there is definately more green in those than in mine. I posted another pic of it above. Mine is mostly black, wonder if the lighting conditions could affect that.

Do you know what caused it's demise? - It rooted even though it I had it in perlite, I think the lack of bottom heat played a factor. I have a difficult time rooting philos in the late fall winter.

Thanks for you help above on iding some of them.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Sharon...yes, the 'neon' and 'lime' are both common names for the 'odd' pothos.

Did you buy that one that I spoke of from a seller named 'gordy' something or other?
I know he no longer sells, as his wife was quite ill at the time and I do believe she passed away.
They were clearing out their plants due to her illness, (so sad!) and they were very meticulous about the ID"s of their plants...but naturally my tag was somehow lost.
I could have sworn it was something with 'silver' in the name.

No disrespect to GH (my buddy my pal;) but #3 is not Epipremnum amplissimum, but I don't know *what* it is!
#36 is P. gloriosum, so I do believe you have those two tags mixed up!

BTW....I hate those darn tags that I wrote on with marker, too! I only use pencil now, and it never fades or disappears.

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

I think it was from iceberg3000, I bought several from her last year.

I think #3 is Cedu Blue and I will change my tags on glorisum and Mamei around. When I was looking at pics in plant file I thought I had them reversed.

Pencil - I will note that, Several of mine have faded, Lots of bulbs in yard did as well, I don't have a clue what they are now. As I am new to bulbs, they were for my enjoyment anyways so it doesn't really matter. I learned a lesson about how to mark, So pencil will stay put. Cool..

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

Nan you think neon and lemon philo are the same? I haven't looked at them closely to see if there is any difference. I love the neon, one of my favorites. I searched for a long time to get it as with the var spilt leaf.

I like the pothos all potted together for a different look. I also have the Golden Pothos. Neon is my fav by far. Love that one. I heard there was another however I haven't seen it. I know Pothos aren't Philos however they are commonly called that around here.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Yes, pencil does stay put...doesn't seem likely, but it's true! LOL!

Oh, no...I meant that the 'lime' pothos and the 'neon' pothos are the same....I don't own the neon or lemon philos....I did see one at a GH recently, but just marked philodendron!
No experience or knowledge to comment on that one!

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

They look similiar I thought maybe they were, I will try to compare them somtimes just to see.

I guess now my wish list is Mexican, Strawberry Shake. Since I got the Var Spilt Leaf and Burle Marx. I have been wanting Anderson Red, will wait to see if one of the above turns out to be it first.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

I have a micans in a mixed interior container with other plants - they do grow slow! Faster in more light, but then the leaves are small :(

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