DG is causing me to rethink the beauty in all plants

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I have never ever been into houseplants, but whenever i see any houseplant the least bit different, i want it to nurture. Even these little ivies are pretty to me.

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

bettygail I have a larger version of that philodendron and I love it. I wasnt that into philos myself until I saw how many varieties there actually are. Now I have about 6 I think.

I have to agree that when I really started getting into gardening which, coincides with finding DG that I found myself liking all plants and seeing their own beauty too. I still cant stand poison ivy but can see how it interacts with its natural surroundings is in itself amazing.

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Those are philodendron 'Brasil'. They are easy to grow as long as they aren't kept wet.

Thumbnail by hcmcdole
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I am thrilled that someone has told me that these are not a member of the ivy family......thank you both so much for identifying it!!!!! No wonder it is not making too much progress....I keep watering it thinking that it is ivy......What do I do with them?????? What size pot, etc......plus I haven't been giving it much light and I know that philos love strong light.....

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes Bettygail, I think for me part of it was the Photo Forum. The pic of the day and the photo editing threads really bring out the beauty of what I considered everyday flowers. This year for the first time I am growing Centaurea Montana (Mountain Bluet). A plant I remember from my childhood, but thought of as rather common. Until Andy P took a close up of one that just brought home the pure beauty of that common simple flower. The other part is the enthusiasm of other gardeners for certain plants that make me look a little closer at something I hadn't paid much attention too.
This is a wonderful discussion. Holly

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)


I would let the soil dry somewhat between waterings. You can almost see the plant pout if the soil remains wet. Pot up when the plant is root bound (or before). Too big a pot may keep the soil too wet.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I was thinking the same, HollyAnn....when others express their delight or excitement about receiving even the most common plant, it gives me a new appreciation for some of my more common and neglected 'old friends'.
I often begin 'pampering' them a bit!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

thanks, ladies!!!!

(Zone 1)

Gail: You have another one of those little Philo Brasil's coming in a box from me ... you may get it today! I just fell in love with the 'Brasil' a couple of years ago when I first saw it at Home Depot!


edited to say: Gail ... I just checked on line at the P.O. and it was delivered yesterday morning .... You need to go to the P.O. and pick up your box. Hee Hee .... but, I'm sure you will be getting a call from the lady at your P.O. telling you that you have mail!

This message was edited Mar 22, 2007 12:30 PM

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

I have this one to and luv it. I just let it do its thing.....lol.
:) Donna

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Well, guess what Lin, I forgot that I ordered from GHW early in the year. I just found my order.....I went out the other day and bought 2 Torch Begonias.......I also ordered 2 from GHW, so you will be the recipient of one of these and other doubles I have made because I am a bit 'dingy' as my kids would say.....on my way to the post office right this minute!!!! Very excited....yours is going out on Monday, Lin....isn't this the greatest life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Zone 1)

Gail: Yes .... Life is Good! So, tell me ... what is GHW and do they have a website? Hee Heee .... You Dingy? I am a Blonde (from a bottle) and I do have some Very Blonde, or maybe .... eh .... Senior Moments!

I fall in love with plants so easily - I saw some of those Philo Brasils in Lowe's the other day. They were in 8" hanging pots, but they were all pouting, so I'm sure they overwatered them. I wanted one so badly, but was afraid the roots were probably already rotted. I especially love the little, baby plants, like the picture of yours, Bettygail. I buy them, nurture them and watch them grow up, year after year. I wish HD and Lowe's offered more of the 4" pots, but I know that they make their money on the bigger "specimen" plants. Most people like to buy something that is already going to look great in their living room, and they don't want to wait for a baby to grow up, since it usually takes years. In a way, I guess its a good thing they don't offer more of the little guys, since I wouldn't be able to resist buying them all!


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Talk about babies....Lin, you are toooooo good!!! Not only did she send me this many house plants that she rooted, but she sent the information printed out as to what they are and their needs. People like you who are so efficient make me feel more than just a "senior moment" or two!!! Thanks soooo much.
Listed are the following plants (just too exciting):
Philodendron 'Brasil',Begonia 'Orange Rubra' (my very favorite and I don't have one),Dragonwing Begonia 'Benigo', Earth Star 'Pink Starlite' (never even owned one),Dracaena marginata 'Tricolor', Chinese Evergreen,Sansevieria, Red Dragon Flower, Heurnia, Split Leaf Philodendron 'Leichtlinii',Peace Lily 'Petite Spath',Kangaroo Paw Fern, (never even heard of this one), and an Arrowhead Vine!!!!
Do ya think you sent enough.....now the challenge is on to match your houseplants (better get started looking around this house and porch, patio, etc)
P.S. Lin, I have been ordering for 20 years from Glass House Works in Ohio...right now I am waiting on many many plants that won't get here until May.....pretty much begonias, coleus, barleria, and other tropical. I don't get discouraged at their rating in the Garden Watch...I love them.

Thumbnail by gessiegail
(Zone 1)

Seaechorchids: I was at Wal-Mart today and they have those little 4" pots of Philo Brasil .... Check Wal-Mart!

Gail: So glad you like all the stuff I sent ... like I said, I have been dividing and repotting for a couple of weeks ... and still not done completely! I finally got my wood deck scrubbed and a coat of Water Sealer on it. My DH is off this week, the College is closed for Spring Break, so he pressure cleaned the pool deck for me and helped me move plants around!

Tomorrow is going to be 80 degrees, so we are taking a break and going out on the boat for a few hours!


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be planting up your gorgeous plants and that is fun to me, too!!!!

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Ditto, Betty. I have been ordering from GHW for about 3 years now and become more pleased with my orders with each year. Tom is very easy and friendly to communicate with. Last year I ordered a slew of begonias and all were healthy and pest free and the sizes were good. On my birthday I ordered some Philos and was very pleased with them. Anyway!!!!! Betty, love your Philo 'Brasil'. It's one of my favorite scandent philos. Just so happens that GHW sent me one as a bonus plant last year. I kept it even t hough I already had a small pot of it. Now I'll just pot them all together to make a nice full size. Oh, and I love your ivy planters. I have an 8 inch one just like yours. I think I got it from HD.


I'll be sure to check Walmart - thanks, Plantladylin. Bettygail, boy. . .did you ever make out! You'll love the little Earthstar. I have the same one, and its blooming right now! Its soooooooooo pink and they are a cinch to grow. But they do require much more light than most other Earthstars. In fact, mine loves direct sunlight for several hours a day. It also helps them to keep that gorgeous color. Kangaroo Paw Ferns are so neat - and different looking. I almost bought one the other day. Now I wish I had. . .darn! I always do that. Now I'll have to go back and see if its still there.


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

thanks all you friends.....always happy with more plants anywhere...!!

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