Ok , Who has Lilies spring out of the ground

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Laura ~ all of my established lilies are up and growing, except for the bulbs that were planted last fall. Of those, I found 2 asiatics that were just breaking ground yesterday. No need to worry yet. :)

Blythe, CA(Zone 10b)

I just replanted mine today, they were crowded together in a large tub. They all have blooms almost ready to open.

Thumbnail by betterbloom
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

My babies are popping up while I am out here in Oklahoma

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the reassurance. Hopefully the warm weather that's coming this weekend will give the lilies the encouragement they need to get going!

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

And don't expect to see all your martagons this year. Some of them like to pout and wait a year to show up as they establish under ground. My Terrace City did nothing the first year, a tiny stem last year & a nice big nose so far this year. When I left on Sunday, none of my fall planted lilies had come up yet.

And bunnies?i suspect my garden is the reason they are all so FAT in my neighborhood! They breed 5 feet from my fence under the neighbor's shed. :(

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

ok, ok, who could share,educate me about Easter lilies, and tips to coach them to bloom by Easter?

Fox River Valley Are, WI(Zone 5a)

Woooohooooo My "Cathedral Windows" that the fury nibbling flee bags chewed off last year, when it was only a foot above ground, came back! Mature lilies are coming up now, Black Beauty is huge.

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Isn't it amazing to watch? It's almost like you can hear them.

Fox River Valley Are, WI(Zone 5a)

I planted Maribel (sp) in Fall and I have 3-4 babies coming up but no main stem yet. The babies are quite far from the stake.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Okay, I think I must be bring up the rear. I partially removed some of my oak leaf mulch as the first martagon peaked out 3 days ago. Claude Shride always seems to be the first one. No other marts showing yet, but a couple of asiatics, once I removed some of the mulch. Some other things with healthy growth that I wondered about their hardiness are:
Iris forrestii
Pardanthopsis dichotoma
Hemerocallis nana - two forms
Polyganum prattii

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Intercessor -- that's what's going on with a couple of mine -- Eurydice and/or Angela North and/or Ariadne ( I grouped them together and marked them but didn't write on the markers, cleverly). Is that a common occurrence with newly planted lilies?

3 of my new martagons are showing growth. R.O. Blackhouse has a pretty thick stalk coming up. Two of the species have much more slender stalks. But I'm glad to see anything this first year.

I'm always excited to see the new spring growth in the garden. But waiting for these lilies is exciting in the extreme.

We're right in the city -- I've seen bunnies around but never in our garden, knock on wood. Plenty of squirrels, which is why I covered the new bulbs with chicken wire. And the occasional rat, of course, but I don't think they're interested in anything as refined as a lily. I can't imagine the horror of finding your lilies chewed off by rabbits. Gives me a better appreciation for rats.

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Lily_love -- I just dump by 'old' Easter lilies in the ground and let them do their thing. Three bulbs have now multiplied to over a dozen. This is what the guy told us in Master Gardener class 4 years ago.

The greenhouses are all set on timers to the exact amount of light needed to produce lily blooms for Easter. Since Easter changes every year, they count the number of leaves a lily stalk has, they know exactly how many it needs to bloom and they set the light, water, fert, accordingly. It's an exact science that would be extremely difficult to reproduce in a home setting. Doesn't mean it can't be done, but it would require some research and work to be successful. :)

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Ohhhh yes . . . . that was so long ago in my college days. One of my professors, Dr. Harold Wilkins, was instrumental in determining that Easter lily method.

Wickerparker, it is common for bulblets to emerge before the mother bulb on all lilies. I think mainly because the bulblets are closer to the surface where the ground is warmer, and the small bulbs wake earlier.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi everybody - I found a couple large bulblets near the surface when I raked the leaf mulch away from this bunch a week ago. There's one Easter lily and a bunch of Asiatics. I planted a couple dozen more today, Dolly Madison and some mixed hybrids. It was too cold and then too wet to plant them before now. I have one orienpet, 'American Spirit' that I might try in a container this summer, then plant out somewhere in a bed.

Thumbnail by claypa
Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

I only have Marco Polo oriental up. It's in front of the house - more protected area.

Reynoldsville, PA(Zone 6a)

well i have asiatics,tigers, la, liliums and all kinds of a mix of lilies,lol. i just love them but i had 2 late frosts hit here, got 4" of snow and then lately it is almost tornado weather so some made it some haven't we shall see what we have as they grow and bloom.

i can't wait to post bloom pics!!!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

And we can't wait to see your pics! Welcome to DG, silkie, and to the Lily forum.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I rescued 6 lilies from the church last Easter. Here they are as of last week. I just put them into pots and let them do their thing. Last count was up to 27!

Thumbnail by Gymgirl
SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

These two 1-yr-olds from Easter 2005, pic taken in 2006. The ones in the green pot stand approximately 2-1/2 ft. Tall.

This message was edited Apr 20, 2007 1:11 PM

Thumbnail by Gymgirl
SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

This thread is long. I started a new one over here: http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/714459/

Montgomery, AL

this is my first time with Lillies. I just bought a Golden Joy Asiatic Lillyplant, full of buds, and two have just bloomed. I think they are such pretty palnts. I am looking to buy a house within a yr, or so, but in the meantime, does anyone have any ideas or suggestions as to the care of this plant, and should I replant in a larger pot. Like I said this is my time with Lillies, and I dont want to kill it. Thank you.

Thumbnail by lil_beans
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Hi, and welcome to DG and the Lily Forum. No need to repot at this point.
Your lily looks nice and healthy ~ I'd leave it alone until the blooms are done.

Lilies are fairly easy to grow and the most important thing to remember is to have excellent drainage. Here is a place you can learn all about lilies and their care. http://lilies.org/culture.html

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