Hoya cuttings from David Liddle

Victoria BC, Canada(Zone 9a)

I am placing an order for Hoya cuttings with David Liddle in Australia to here BC Canada. For those that don't know, he is one of the leading Botanist and has a huge collection of hoyas. He makes cuttings available and I would like to add to my collection. I have his catalogue if anyone is interested. Drop me a line with your home addy and I will send it to you.
I am getting an import permit and will pay for that myself. David will take any orders from individuals and process them. Then when he is ready to ship he has them inspected for the phytosanctuary certificate. He will pack them all up and send them to me. Inturn when they arrive I would repack and send them on to you. We all share in the shipping fee as David spreads that out over the number of cuttings ordered. The more we order the less it costs per cutting.You would pay for the shipping from here BC to where ever you live. I should make it clear I am not making anything on this just wanting to help.
I have watched our American friends on the Hoya forum...place a group order every spring and fall and always wanted to get in on it. If you would like any hoyas this would be a good oportunity to get some neat ones not always found on the market. Infact there are very few places in Canada believe me I have looked:)

I will be placing the order by about the first of April if anyone is interested.


Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Sending d-mail


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