Rooting Jar / Garden Whimsy Exchange Discussion Part 2

(Zone 1)

Oh, I don't care about the bloom either, would love to have them for the leaves and fragrance! Now, don't get me wrong ... I would love to have some blooming too ....

Beth: I'm sending you D-Mail!


Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I got my rooting jar today from Blue Eyes in Texas. It's a pretty little green jar and she sent several Hoyas to root and one with roots. Thank you so much. It is beautiful. Here's the pix. One question I had for Blue Eyes. Are you starting Hoyas from seed? the one in the plastic cup was labelled H. obscura seedling. Let me know & thanks.

This message was edited Mar 16, 2007 7:58 PM

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

And here's the lineup in my kitchen window. I am using anything from Avon perfume bottles to shot glasses.

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Buttoneer,Cute rooters : ) That looks so nice along your window! Love It : )

(Zone 1)

Very nice Buttoneer! Don't ya just love Rooting Jars??!! This exchange was such a GREAT idea! Thanks again, Holly for suggesting and hosting this Swap!

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Please excuse the nasty-looking window sill but we will be replacing it and the kitchen cupboards this year.

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Yep....that's a seedling! My hoya obscura set seed pods last summer and so I have lots of seedlings. Most hoyas I have don't do this, I think it might have been a moth that liked the fragrance of this hoya. I know I do!

:) Kim

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

That is sure a nice looking seedling Kim,I was given seeds once( maybe they were from you?) I can't recall, but never had any success starting them.Don't know why...

(Zone 1)

Are Hoya's easy to grow from seed?

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Well, yes and no. They are easy to germinate if they are fresh, but the longer they sit the harder they are to germinate. may have been me who sent you the seeds. Even though the ones I sent were only a week old, I don't think anyone got any germination. I have lots of seedlings and will offer them up once they are a bit bigger. I had a seed pod on my lacunosa last year but had trouble keeping the seedlings going and lost them. I really do think it's a fragrance thing, but who knows.

:) Kim

Northeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Thanks Kim,Yup I looked back and it was you who kindly sent them.Good luck with your seedlings : )

Well Everyone....I have all of these whimsys sitting here just begging to go to someone special.Hee Hee I for one can NEVER have too many Whimsys,Come on Everyone Sign up as many times as you want.There is no limit to the Fun : ))


Crozet, VA

Hi Nancy and All - Isn't this so much fun??? I just went back and put my name on the list again. I too have all these little things sitting around that I have bought and never used. They need new homes too.

I went to two other forums that I post to a lot and started a thread for checking out the exchange. Maybe some of you would like to do that too for places that you might stir up some interest. I guess that we still have a while actually.

Anyway, isn't this a fun way to meet new people too? Ya'll be good and have a good Sunday evening.


Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Here's a link showing some of the things I have rooted with my rooting jars. Would love to see more photos posted here.

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