Office Fig

Scarsdale, NY(Zone 6b)

I am in a new office and have found a very unhappy fig tree. Leaves are browning and falling and the thing is pretty miserable.

I went and got some plant food and a sprayer. Other than feeding and spraying, anything that I should be doing to revive it?

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

sorry....we grow fig trees outside????

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Ficus trees will often drop their leaves if you move them or if they're stressed. The browning leaves could be either from over or under watering, so it depends on what type of care the plant was getting before you inherited it. If it was being completely ignored then it's most likely underwatering, so I would give it a nice drink and see if it perks up, even if it's lost most of its leaves hopefully it'll start putting out some new leaves once it has the right amount of water. But if it's unhappy because the last person was watering it constantly, then the best thing would be to transplant it into some new soil and cross your fingers that the roots haven't rotted too badly yet. Regardless of which of those is the problem, I probably wouldn't give it fertilizer until you've resolved the other issues that are causing it stress.

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