Name that Zebra!

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

they say that is one of the symptoms of becoming too dry at some point. If you look at photos of them, you'll see lots of the Dr. Seuss looking plants. long skinny stems and mops of foliage up top. My book says when they get too tall and leggy like that to take tip cuttings and root them (supposed to root easily) and then start over. Chances are the mom plant would send out side shoots once cuttings are taken, but yours looked pretty good still. I wouldn't take cuttings just now.

San Angelo, TX(Zone 7b)

It was dry right from the store and I was scared to "overwater" till I knew what it was. i'm hoping now that I do know it will begin to "get better". Only time will tell?

SW, WI(Zone 4b) don't think this photo:
resembles the leaves of yours?
I think it does, (thought it looks like yours may have been grown in higher light) but maybe that's just me.
Here's a couple of descriptions I read for aurantiaca: "leaves flushed or mottled with silver"
"smooth green leaves, silver-gray in the netted vein areas, and more or less wavy-margined"

Here's the description for A. a roezlii "a lower growing variety with somewhat twisted, dark green leaves, silvery between main veins"
My photos are in black and white, so can't tell from that, and I think the photos on the internet are just plain not always accurate....some are, some aren't.

Good thinking ahead on the Polyscias!

If you should come across those ferns again, give me a holler!
Jen and I have been looking for several years, and could only find them overseas!

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Well, gosh, it could be either. I don't know if it's a cultural/lighting issue, but mine is pretty white. With the exception of the newer leaves in the center. Here's a shot in daylight. What do you think?

also, here's the nursery that grows the ferns (wholesale only darnit!)
I'll keep my eyes open again. I see them pretty regularly.

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I've wondered, off and on, if I could use the seller's permit number of the company I work for to order *plants*?!
Well, plants can be (loosely! lol!) considered 'farm equipment/supplies', can't they?!

Wow...that *is* really 'white'.
Sorry I can't be of more help!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

wow, that is the prettiest plant I have ever seen!!!!! I am seriously considering at the ripe ole age of 65 to build a greenhouse and finish out nothing but the best foliage plants I can find!!! It is indeed an illness (LOL)

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

I say go for it! DH built one for me when the plant quota in the house reached such proportions that we could no longer walk through it without tipping over plants or little cups of african violet leaves and plant starts! Now it's so full he's offering to build another. What does that say about my sickness! LOL. And yes it's an illness but there are worse addictions out there.

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Nice DH, Lali :~) My DH is hoping to get our greenhouse up and going this year. We're just turning a built in front porch of the old house on our property into a greenhouse though so not starting from scratch.


San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

You really have some pretty ones Lali. My favorite is the Aralia. I would grab one of those myself in a second.

The Leucospermum won't do great indoors forever, so you will need to move it out at some point.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I don't even have a greenhouse yet and look what I had built behind the house to hold all my soil, tools, etc......

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Well, now I'm just green with envy!


Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

Wvdaisy, I can't grow like you gals, so i don't have much to brag about (tee hee).....If I even put plants around the house down low, the rattlesnakes will eat me alive....all my gardening at this point is either in the house under gro lights, on the screened in front porch and in ROWS down at the garden. I am trying to figure out what I CAN do around the house. In time, I want raised beds further out from the house....just too much to do in too little time.
I returned from a "quick" trip to Corpus Christi and now I have lots to propagate that you all might that I have always loved and is so easy to propagate is the Caricature Plant...I got an ugly one but it has lots of nodes to cut!!
Then I got sassy and bought an angel wing 'Sophie Cecile' because the begonia ladies told me to show them that she blooms...the challenge is on;
Check out a hanging basket of a rex begonia!!
I dont know what this baby syngonium is????

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

'Sophie Cecile'

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

unknown rex begonia, but full!!

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

don't know how pretty she will really be when full grown...

Thumbnail by gessiegail
Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

BG, your begonia is a cane begonia called 'Looking Glass' and a nice specimen at that! Lucky you!

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, that silver begonia is 'Looking Glass' and prone to mildew problems in winter but leaves out nicely in summer.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

rats!!!! It was marked 'Sophie Cecile' and i don't remember what they look like. Thanks for telling me.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

bettygail...I will find you *something* to trade a cutting of the Graptophyllum pictum (Caricature plant)
I had a BIG, OLD one (it was about 6'high - had to stake it!) that I lost when my son was ill a few years ago, and I can't find another one!
Nice photos, btw!

Any more luck on ID'ing that spectacular 'whitey' Aphelandra, Lali?

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

You have it, nan.....I like to stick 3 cuttings to a 3" pot....then they make for a full pretty plant. If you don't mind, please dmail me just saying that you want one. Wait a minute, do you literally want unrooted cuttings?? I only bought the tall scraggly plant because I could get lots of cuttings from the mother...just let me know..

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)


Looking Glass was the second cane begonia (silver looking leaves). The first cane may be Sophie but I also think you have two different ones in the same pot. The one in the back with deep cut leaves and silver streaks may be Sophie but the one in the front with slightly erose leaves and silver spots could be anything. Too many begonias (especially canes) look alike.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

This one was marked a rex begonia, but I just ran outside to look at the leaf and it is a cane begonia....lucky me!!! thanks for telling me. No, there aren't two kinds in the same pot>>>>>

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

WOW what a thread. Great plants!!!!

So Lali girl, is the one in your first photo still OK? I saw one yesterday at Navlets and almost bought it. Do the leaves turn white as they age? I just love that look. How much sun will it take? I wonder if I added it to a combo pot outside if it would do OK.

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Still plugging along doing fine. I added a house plant systemic to keep any bugs at bay. I keep mine inside in a south facing window that has sheer accordian blinds. So plenty of light but no direct light.

Seems that the newer growth shows more green with white veins and the older leaves are silver with a hint of green - just enough to show the pattern like WVDaisy's and GessieGail's above.

Not sure about how much actual sun they can take since I'm basically growing it as a house plant - but I suspect it would do fine outside at your place in dappled light or light shade (more shade here since it's so intensely hot in the summer). I haul most of my self heading philos outside from spring to fall. As soon as the trees have enough leaves out to create shade out they go, so I suspect this Zebra would be ok too.

I think I'll take a few cuttings and try it outside. Bet it would be stunning in one of your combo pots. Better run back to Navlets!!

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks for info Lali! I think I will try it.

(Zone 1)

Just saw this thread for the first time ..... I wanna go shopping with Begoniacrazii ......... Wow! What nice plants!

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

The gal to shop with is Kell! She's knows all the best nurseries!!

I still don't know what species or cultivar this silver leaved beauty is.

(Zone 1)

Whatever it is, it is a Beauty!

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