Springing forward early this year!

smithers, BC(Zone 3a)
There are a total of 576 votes:

Great - It means the days get longer!
(372 votes, 64%)
Red dot

I'm glad daylight saving time is back, but I'm not ready yet!
(43 votes, 7%)
Red dot

I don't like changing my clocks
(143 votes, 24%)
Red dot

I live in a place that doesn't recognize daylight saving time
(18 votes, 3%)
Red dot

Previous Polls

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

The purpose of daylight savings time was to save engergy. Our energy consumptions does not change with the changing of our clocks. It a useless activity. Goofy gov't.

Or better yet why not start our daily activities one hour earlier and leave the clocks alone?

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

To Outsideplaying:

I got a smile out of your typing,

It also means I have more opportunities to job outside instead of on the treadmill!

I know you meant "jog" so that's why I smiled. I am looking forward to jogging outside myself but it sure does seem like a "job" doesn't it!!!!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I like more daytime, but don't like switching back and forth. I wish they would leave it this way.

Selma, AL(Zone 8a)

They say daylight savings time adds an hour to your day, I lose an hour...by the time I get up...I'm already late.

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Daylight time doesn't add an hour till fall, when we fall back an hour.

(Zone 5a)

We don't change the clocks here - there wouldn't be any point to it. It's dark most of the time in winter - sunrise after 11 am in December and sunset around 3:30 - no amount of clock-changing could do anything to make those 5 dim-daylight hours longer ...... lol

By the time it's warm enough to start working in the garden it's already light past 8 pm and in the summer it's always light so there's plenty of time to play around in the dirt - I've stayed out as late as 1 am in June :-)


Richmond, VA(Zone 7a)

WOW! MY DH would divorce me! I stay out until 9:00pm as it is during the summer. Just think of all the great flowers and veggie you could grow w/ all that sunlight!!

It's good to read the history of DST. I had always heard that that it was so the farmers would have more light for planting and harvesting. Luckily, I'm not one of those who sufferes any sleep changes when it happens. When my kids were babies it messed their sleep up but now they just sleep all the time!!! LOL

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Don't like it one bit. What surprises me the most is we pay members of congres. and they come up with ideas like this.
Now all major companies and computer controled time locks will have to be changed twice this spring. once manually on Sat. and then again Aprill 1st. when all computers reconize its the time to change the time again. they will have to manually be set back an hour. All in the intrest of some dummies idea that it could save so many million barrels of crude oil. By not useing as much electricity. Now where did did they go to school?????????? If you work in a shop the lights are on the same number of hours per day.
In offices same story and it's a law that osha has come up with that the light has to be at a certian lumination. The workers have to get up in the dark they don't get dressed in the dark. Duh they turn the lights on. Oh well They Walk Among us.

Emmaus, PA(Zone 6a)

I love DST!! Thrilled that we will have an extra hour of daylight after work! I like getting up when its still dark out, gives me time to awaken...
And, i really like the idea of DST earlier in the year!!
Im thrilled..... and it will remain till the first week in November.. so its about 4 weeks longer then it used to be...

Wesley Chapel, FL(Zone 9a)

I go to work in the dark anyway - I love the extra hour of daylight!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

The day lengthens whether we mess with the clocks or not.
As to saving energy? I get up earlier, it's dark, I have to run my lights. It's cold so I run the heat. I gotta drive the same car the same distance so no gas saved.

It will be light well past suppertime whether the clocks move or not and that part I love. So springing ahead results in light until almost 9 oclock at night ~ this is great in my book.

Muncie, IN

I say leave the clocks alone! I'm in Indiana and went to DST last year. Our politicians complained that Indiana was behind the rest of the country by not changing our clocks. Now, it would almost appear that instead of Indiana being "behind", we may have actually been "ahead", since it looks like DST will eventually be extended to all year.

When I was young, we were on DST for several years. I don't remember when we changed to real time (if you can call what Indiana had, real time), but it seemed to work just fine. The sun comes up and the sun goes down no matter what time our clocks say. I grew up on a farm and it didn't matter what time the clock said, the work started when the sun came up, or before, and usually finished a little after dark. Our cows got milked at the same time morning and night and they didn't care what time the clock said - not one time did a cow turn to me during a milking and say "hey, I forgot to set my watch ahead an hour, so you will need to come back when MY watch says it's 5:00"!

We are not extending the daylight - I don't think any of us have that power. Most of our politicians are in the dark no matter what time the clock says, so they should just leave mother nature alone!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

the notion that we have more daylight is interesting, but it just ain't true. how about the schools adjusting the school day a bit so the kids don't have to start so early and wait for the bus in the dark? some of these little kids have to get up at 5:30 and spend an hour on the bus to get to school on time. I realize this causes a problem for the parents who have to get to work, but they have a problem after work, too. So you have your kids in before school programs instead of after school programs, or vice versa. If it was consistent, the parents could work it out.

btw, whatever 'label' we put on time is artificial. human beings make up lots of interesting things to run their world. just because they make good sense to us doesn't make them 'right'.

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