
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

How do you feed your plants these trace elements?
iron, zinc, managnese, copper, etc

I'd like to find a fertilizer that's rich micronutrients.


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

I use Micromax granules incorporated into the soil when I make it and incorporate STEM into my nutrient supplementation program when trace deficiencies begin to show up in containers w/o the Micromax in the soil. (Micromax - insoluble, slow acting, long-lasting STEM - soluble, immediately available for plant uptake). Other products like fish/seaweed emulsions or Earthjuice also purport good levels of minor elements in organic form.

The fertilizer "Algoflash" has some minors in it, though I see nothing else too special about it, and one of the major makers of fertilizers has a formula out that has many of the minors. I forget which it is, but look for it next to the MG - it's probably Schultz, or Peter's - something like that. Sorry I can't give you more on the brand.

If you grow using a container soil, you will most likely end up with a shortage of one or more micro-nutrients that will affect growth.

Take care.


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Very helpful, as usual. Thanks Al!

Good to see you again.


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