Seeds Sown So Far

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

I am enjoying seeing what everybody else is planting. I finished up another batch of containers the other night brining the total up to 20. They are all perennials so far. I have a few more "gotta have" perennials to sow but that is probably already more seedlings than I can handle. I have several annuals seeds before I call it done for the season.

- Rudbeckia hirta - Black Eyed Susan
- Rudbeckia fulgida - Black Eyed Susan
- Echinacea purpurea - Coneflower
- Hosta (parent Frances Williams)
- Liatris spicata
- Platycodon grandiflorus - Balloon Flower
- Leucanthemum x superbum - Shasta Daisy

I moved last year and this is a great way to bring along some of my favorite plants from my previous house.

- Brent

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

ginnisgarden, do you always start your veggies so early indoors? I've tried it both ways..starting very early to get a jump on the season and waiting until April (the standard 6-8 weeks before you can set out the plants). seems like plants started in April do just as well or better for me. I'm wintersowing tomatoes for the first time this year, besides starting some inside for comparison. Or do you have a greenhouse or some other way of getting them off to an early start outside? you're in a colder zone than me, so I'm assuming you can't plant before Memorial Day(inquiring minds want to know)

ps I also have some Amaranthus seeds going under lights. they sprouted in about 3 days. prettiest little red seedlings I ever saw.

jan (aka gram)

Thumbnail by grampapa
Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

I am winter sowing half of my poppies and sprinking the other half. I will be interested in how it goes.

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Does that work for all poppies? I have some Flemish Antique, but the idea of just scattering them scares me! But then again, considering my dogs, I have reason to be scared. ;-) Tamara

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Which Amaranthus is that? I'm going to try starting a couple inside this year under lights: love lies bleeding and fat spike.


Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)


I hope it works to scatter. The reason I used two methods is that I have never had luck starting poppies.
Last year I got some seedlings from a friend and they grew very well so it isn't my soil like the man at the local garden store suggested. He said it was hard to grow them in our area.

With a snow storm starting up I went out to scatter some seeds this morning and as the postal carrier went by I am sure he was thinking, "Now what is she doing". He frequently stops to chat about just what I am doing in the garden now.

This message was edited Feb 24, 2007 3:54 PM

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

lol zenpotter...same here! The mail carrier and my son's bus drivers comment on my gardening, since I'm outside as much as I can be when the weather is warmer. I've met some of the neighbors that way too. :-) Tamara

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Yes, I have met a lot of people that way as well. Lot's of people walk their dogs by so it is easy for me to strike up a conversation by saying something about the dog. I even had a woman jog by and stop to say "are you Kathy's sister you look so much like her you must be?" I am Kathy's sister.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Seeds such as Amaranthus, Bachelor Buttons, Gomphrena, Poppies, Stock & Tomatoes are perfect candidates for wintersowing. No need to harden off & no damping off of wintersown plants because Mother Nature has taken care of them for you. Only the hardiest plants survive.

Wintersown, Amaranthus "Joseph's Coat"

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I'm picking up a dozen plus more milk jugs from some kind donors tomorrow, so I'll be doing more sowing than I thought initially. I thought I'd try half my amaranthus seeds inside and half outside in jugs...
This is what I've wintersown outside so far:

Blue Fescue Grass 'Select'
Gaillardia 'Goblin'
Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm'
Shasta Daisy 'Alaska'
California Poppy 'Strawberry Fields'
Clarkia 'Confetti Mixed'
Phacelia 'Tropical Surf'
Scabiosa 'Oxford Blue'


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Your off to a good start, Grow_Jo!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Joanne, those are Love Lies Bleeding (Amaranthus caudatus). I bought those seeds about 4 years ago and forgot about them. I intended it for a house plant, but I have a bunch, so I think I'll plant some outside with some coleus.

Shirley, 'Joseph's Coat' is a pretty one.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

My reasoning with the sweet alyssum is that I get a few volunteers each year from dropped seeds... and anything that reseeds itself should be a good WS candidate, right? :-)

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Which poppies are you speaking of? If it's California, then they w/s'd great for me. My tomatoes did real well w/s too. Even my Datura w/s well. Unfortuately, I was sick when it sprouted and I had used paper pots. They dried out -

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Shirley, your Joseph's Coat is beautiful. I have some seeds for that but haven't sown them yet. So many flowers, so little time.

I WSed Amaranthus Love Lies Bleeding last year and they were outstanding for WSing. Jan, you'd better have a big house if you intend to make these houseplants- mine were huge-like trees! By the end of summer they were over 5 ft tall and probably 4 ft in diameter! I would advise very sturdy stakes because with their massive size and the weight of those tassels they really try to fall over, especially with wind or rain. Neat plants and they do grab one's attention.

All of my poppies WSed beautifully last year. I had Flanders, breadseed, Shirley and oriental poppies. All did well, planted out early at 1 or 2 true leaf stage very early. I transplanted the first ones into garden beds on March 30, even though our last frost date is around May 15.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I forgot to update my seed list

Sandvine Milkweed
Morning Glory - GrandPa Ott
Dianthus Mix
Wild Bergamot (Bee Balm)
Purple Coneflower
Trumpet Vines

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Karen, thanks for the heads-up on the love-lies-bleeding. I've done some reading-WOW. I've seen them advertised as house plants. maybe they stay smaller in the house? I'll give one a try and see and put a couple outside, too.

tcs1366, hadn't heard of sandvine milkweed. I'll have to look it up.

this morning I sowed

Wood betony
Chinese lantern
Tagetes 'Starfire'
Pearly everlasting
hardy yucca

I'm running out of containers and energy (not the energy to wintersow, the energy I will need to plant what germinates LOL...and I still have my annuals to do. so I'm being more selective)


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>> sandvine milkweed. I'll have to look it up.

I got them from a guy in Arkansas -- they are supposed to bea host plants for monarch butterflies.

I think its more of a viney plant than a bushy plant

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

this may be it

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the kudos on Amaranthus, "Joseph's Coat". All Amaranthus are excellent candidates for wintersowing.

Your right, Critter, anything that reseeds in your garden is a candidate for wintersowing.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Shirley: When did you sow your amaranthus Joseph's Coat? I have some which I haven't sown yet. Last year I did the love lies bleeding in winter and they did great. The Joseph's Coat and other summer poinsettia types just look so tropical. Are they OK to do now or should I wait till a little closer to spring? Our last frost is around May 15.


Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

OK, I couldn't stand it and went back and did a few more

perennial Baby's Breath
Evening primrose
Irish moss

I'm sure I'm not done yet. I'm making myself wait for March 1 for annuals. Also did a round takeout container of 6 kinds of basil for inside...divided it up like a pie.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gram, my favorite way to start basil is to sow seed in fairly thick rows and then use Tom DeBaggio's clump transplanting method, which I described here That may be just what you're planning to do, but I figured I'd post the link. :-) It's actually similar to the HOS method of planting out thick clumps of WS seedlings, but you use smaller clumps and put them into little pots for growing on... setting the seedlings deeper than they were originally growing seems to be very helpful... I wonder if that would help with HOS planting also?

Madison, WI

I finally got around to do my WS. Here's what went out last night:
purple prearier clover
white cornflower
rudbeckia Indian summer
wild leek
toad lily
heuchera Dale's Strain
Echinops ritro blue
Echinops ritro white
Sedum Autumn Fire
sedum (2 other types)
catananche caerulea amor blue
astrantia mix

I need to get more dirt and do another round.

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

This thread is getting pretty long. Shall we continue it in a Part 2 thread?

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Good idea. Will you do that or should I?

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

How about you? I'm afraid I'll find a way to mess it up. ;-) Tamara

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

A new thread has been started.

Dauphin, PA

Wow! I just discovered this site and I am happy to see I'm not the only one who is looking for seed packs and dirt the day after christmas! Here's my list so far
purple russian
yellow pear
black krim
Green Zebra
Red lightening
Wapsipinion peach

Parsley Italian
Parsley triple curled
cinnamon basil
sweet basil
genovese basil
pink sage

black carnation
fringed dianthus
columbine dragonfly
butterfly plant orange
prarie coneflower
painted daisey
Irish eyes rudebeckia
balloon flower
dianthus microchip
penstemon scarlet
hollyhock double
Delphinium cherry rose
Delph pacific giants
Deplh dwarf blue butterfly
gloriosa Daisy
Coral Bells red
Jaccob's ladder

Night phlox
moss rose, magic carpet
african daisy
red poppy
poppy hens and chicks
black millet
petunia dwarf bedding
alyssum pink
alyssum white
Strawflower tall mix
strawflower white
forget me nots
Zinnia giant cactus, peppermint stick, lavender, giants of Ca

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Nice list.

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Zimora, pretty impressive. neat tomatoes.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Well I have finally completed my spread sheet of all I have WSed so far, I plan on doing a few more in the next couple of weeks...

You all have a good night/day which ever applies :o)


Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Connie, all I can say is, I hope you had a good night, too. I think you need all the rest you can get. if all those babies germinate, you won't get any sleep from May to Sept because you'll be planting round the clock.LOL What a great list!

I'm really enjoying seeing what everybody is sowing. Lots of things that I have on my list...lots that I WISH I had on mine that I can add for next year. Can't wait to see what works and doesn't work for everyone. This is great!


Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Connie, WHERE do you buy all those seeds? And how many acres do you have to plant all those? Tamara *green with envy* ;-)

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

I have bought seeds from a few places, value seed, Park seed, Fedco Seeds and a few other places I can't remember the name of, But most have come thru Trades, Swaps, and SASBE's... We are only on an acre and a half. I have a neighbor that will also bennefit from some of these :o) Also some of the members of our Church. I will be putting in about 9 new beds here at home and one very long bed at our Church along with 4 or 5 very large pots. Besides all the pots I will be doing here at home. Plus my daughter will bennefit too, she just moved and her yard is bare :o)

I will be a busy lady all spring and summer long!!! I just hope they all make it, I have never done anything like this before and I know I have went a little *cough* over board lol, but that is ok. I will also be (hopefully) selling some of the plants for our youth group at Church.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

connie -- all i can say is WOW.

and you had the time to put it all in a nice spread sheet too??


Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

Hey folks please start using the new thread. This one is to slow to download for dial up people.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Here are some more additions...

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