Seeds Sown So Far

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Hey everyone. I plan on doing more this weekend, but what has everyone sown so far? Here's my list.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Here is my list:

Carnation Feb 3, 2007

pink cone flower Feb 3, 2007
purple cone flower Feb 3, 2007
Yarrow Feb 3, 2007
Liatiais gay feather Feb 3, 2007
clemantis Sweet Autumn Feb 3, 2007
hollyhock unknown - yellow Feb 14, 2007
hollyhock nigra rosea Feb 14, 2007
columbine Woodside strain AQUILEGIA vervaenean Feb 14, 2007
Delphinium Blue Bird Delphinium elatum Feb 9, 2007
Delphinium Clear Spring Mix Delphinium elatum Feb 9, 2007
Foxglove Camelot Mix Digitalis purpurea Feb 9, 2007
'Morello Cherry' Lupinus regalis Feb 14, 2007
pink musk mallow Fastigiata MALVA ALCEA Feb 14, 2007
oriental poppy Checkers Papaver orientale Feb 14, 2007
candy lily PARDANCANDA norrisii Feb 14, 2007

Thumbnail by Seandor
Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Here is the list of annuals :-) (so far)

California Poppy Mission Bells Eschscholzia califorinica Feb 9, 2007
Sweet Pea Royal Family Mix Lathyrus oderatus Feb 14, 2007
Toadflax unknown linaria Feb 14, 2007
Love-in-a-mist Persian Jewels Nigella damascena Feb 9, 2007

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Babys Breath 2-9-07
Lavender Holly Hock 2-9-07
Lavender (herb) 2-9-07

Scarlet Milkweed 2-10-07
Mammoth Sunflower 2-10-07
Velvet Queen Sunflower 2-10-07
Yellow Siberian Iris 2-10-07

Joe Pye weed 2-13-07
unknown seeds from my neighbor - possibly wave petunia 2-13-07
Mexican Hat 2-13-07
Skyscraper Sunflower 2-13-07
White Datura 2-13-07
Cup Plant 2-13-07

Bean Vine 2-14-07
Heavenly Blue Morning Glory 2-14-07

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

You can do Mexican hat and morning glory already?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

well, since this is my first year... I dont know any better.
they are outside in the snow... so i'm assuming they're not gonna do anything for a while... and if it doesnt work, i have more seeds.
I'm doing the "leap of faith" thing and hoping all my seeds sprout.

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Wow, Anita, I like the way you've charted your list giving a germination date to fill in. Is that on a personal website? I'm going back to study ours again. Thank you for sharing.

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Anita, I just looked through your website and wanted to say that your photography is wonderful. The picture of the black swallowtail should be framed and in a gallary! You've inspired me to go and winter sow more jugs. Already have 53 but my chart now needs work. Thank you for sharing the information in your website. You are collecting invaluable information. What Fun!
How did you plant out your poppies last year?

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks Deb - I love taking pictures and digital photography makes it less expensive. I can take a million pictures and only print the ones that I want. I'm glad that my documentation is helpful. It is helpful to me as I review what I did last year and see what worked and what didn't.

I planted out any sprouts that were beginning to crowd their container. It didn't matter when as they were already aclimatized to the season!

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Here's what I've done so far:
Columbine 'Origami Red & White'
Columbine--Barlow mix
Dianthus barbatus (collected from 2006)
Pansies (collected from 2006)
Wild columbine
Sweet peas 'Miss Wilmott'
Sweet peas--Streamers mix
Sweet peas--Choice mix
Poppy 'Flemish Antique'
Zinnia 'Swizzle Cherry'
Nasturium 'Caribbean Cocktail'
Malva 'Zebrina'
Lupine 'Minarette'
Daisy 'Crazy Daisy'
Aster--Crego mix
Marigold 'Snowman'
Baby's breath
Sunflower 'Teddy Bear'
Celosia 'Pampas Plume'
Allium cernuum

Anyone know if you can do Blue Fescue grass? Thanks, Tamara

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

I've done blue fescue for 3 years running now - cute lil seedlings!

Everyone has great lists! I've got 6 measly containers out .......


Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks PVick! Guess I'll add the Blue Fescue to my WS "to do" list. :-) Tamara

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

Six measly containers here as well...

Salvia farinacea 'Blue Bedder'
Iberis sempervirens - Candytuft
Asclepias tuberosa - Butterfly Flower
Nepeta x faassinii - Select Blue Cantmint
Salvia x superba - Blue Queen Salvia

- Brent

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Bachelor's Button, Cornflower Blue Boy Centaurea cyanus
Bachelor's Button, Cornflower unknown Centaurea cyanus
Bee Balm Pandorama Red Shades
This may seem like a lot, but there's not many seeds in the containers. One is missing from the list, so far 53 containers are under one of my pine trees.
Bigflower Coreopsis Sunray Coreopsis grandiflora
Bigflower Coreopsis Sunfire Coreopsis grandiflora
Bigflower Coreopsis Double Sunburst Coreopsis grandiflora
Bigflower Coreopsis Tetra-Giants Coreopsis grandiflora
Bigleaf Ligulariaf Goldenray Othello Ligularia dentata
Blanket Flower Sundance Bicolor Gaillardia pulchella
Blanket Flower Red Plume Gaillardia pulchella
Blanket Flower Goblin Gaillardia grandiflora
Blanket Flower Dazzler Gaillardia grandiflora
Blanket Flower Fan Fare Gaillardia grandiflora
Blanket Flower Golden Gobin Gaillardia grandiflora
Blanket Flower Burgundy Gaillardia x grandiflora x aristata
Blue Fescue Elijah Blue Festuca ovina var. glauca
China Aster Crego Mix Callistephus chinensis
Columbine William Guinness Aquilegia
Columbine color= red/coral Aquilegia
Columbine / MDC? Aquilegia
1.Common Fennel, Bronze Fennel Foeniculum vulgare
2.Common Fennel, Bronze Fennel Foeniculum vulgare
Coreopsis UNKNOWNS
Coreopsis Dwarf Red Plains’ Coreopsis tinctoria
Coreopsis Sternthaler Coreopsis lanceplata
Daylily parent: sella D'oro Hem.
Daylily bee pollenated Hem.
Forget-Me-Not Myosotis sylvatica
Gayfeather, Blazing Star Liatris spicata
Giant Purple Amaranth A. cruentas
Globe Thistle Ritro Echinops
Hardy Hibiscus color = burgundy Hibiscus moscheutos
HIstoric Iris, Variegated Iris Gracchus Iris variegata
Hollyhock color = yellow Alcea unsure rosea unsure
Iris, siberian color=white
Joe Pye Weed Atropurpureum 'Glow' Eupatorium maculatum
Maltese Cross Dusky Salmon Lychnis chalcedonica
Mexican Hats Ratibida columnifera
Northern Sea Oats
Obedient Plant Alba Physostegia virginiana
Parsley moss curled
Persian Catmint not sure could be catnip Nepeta racemosa
Pincushion Flower Scabiosa columbaria
Pot Marigold Calendula officinalis
Queen Anne's Lace Daucus carota
Red Yucca Hesperaloe parviflora
Russell Lupin Russell Lupinus polyphyllus
Salvia Saluti Dark Red Salvia slendens
Texas Bluebonnet Lupinus texensis
Vitex, Chaste Tree Vitex agnus-castus
Yellow Flag Iris Krill Iris pseudacorus

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Here's mine:

I am still doing perennials, and I'm not sure why. I only wanted annuals (and other long blooming things like tender perennials) this year! I am going to stop soon, maybe 25 more jugs?, and get my annuals going. I think this cold weather has sort of scared me about putting the more tender things out so soon....May 1 is a long way away!


This message was edited Feb 16, 2007 3:58 AM

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Suzy, I like the way you've got your seed journal categorized by seed type. I'll try that next time if I don't pull my hair out. You'll be able to add pictures to yours when they all bloom and won't that make for a nice catalog!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Yes, I am really looking forward to it -- until I read somewhere that perennials don't usually bloom the first year,,,I believe I will have a very, very, very large nursery bed this year (where I was expecing loads of flowers) :(

The categories are also how I store my seed. Helps to know just what I have because so may things are so new to me!


Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

I think it was me who brought up the question of whether our wintersown perennials will bloom this year, have a look at this thread:

I am afraid that I will also have to have a nursery bed, but when the time comes I will ask about that. I am not sure how to do that.

So in the meantime, I make sure that some of my seed packets say "blooms the first year from seed" or something like that. I know that is probably still not a guarantee, so I am also sowing annuals to fill in. I really wanted a lot of "Snow-in-summer", but I expect that it will not come through for me this year, so I am going to sow white allyssum for that spot.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

I just did 11 and a half more gallons today... But my list is on paper so far, just haven't had time to put it on my spread sheet... the picture was taken at just b4 9 am this morning... you can see all the containers I have done so far, minus the 11 1/2 I just put out there... It was snowing at 6 am when I got up this morning and its still coming down strong...

Nice lists everybody, will post mine when I can get the time...


Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I still am afraid that I will never get anything planted even if it germinates, but this what I have sown

Rose mallow Pink
Rose mallow White
Rose mallow Yellow
Lupine Russell's Hybrid
Lupine Red
Hollyhock, double Summer Carnival
Hollyhock, double Mix
Hollyhock, double Peaches 'n Dreams
Hollyhock, double Queeny Purple
Hollyhock, single Mix
Hollyhock, single Yellow
Hollyhock, single Black
Milkweed, swamp Ice Ballet
Milkweed, swamp Soul Mate
Milkweed White Swan
Milkweed Butterfly weed
Astrantia Burgundy
Astrantia Pink
Vitex Chaste tree
Spicebush Orange-fruited
Balloon flower Hakone White
Balloon flower double blue
Candy lily Park's mix
Columbine Nora Barlowe
Columbine Woodside Variegata
Columbine pink/yellow
Columbine rose/yellow
Columbine red/coral
Yarrow Summer Pastels
Crape myrtle, dwarf Supersonic
Gentian bottle
Gentian cream
Gentian fringed
Joe Pye weed chocolate
Poppy Bombast Rose Peony
Poppy Coral Reef
Poppy Laurens Springer Grape
Poppy Meadow Pastels
Sea Holly common
Sea Holly Blue Lace
Turk's Cap lily
Daisy, English Tasso Mix
Delphinium Green Twist
Delphinium, dwarf Snowhite
Foxglove , Candy Mountain
Foxglove , Apricot
Foxglove , Strawberry
Gaillardia Burgundy
Iceplant purple
Lavender Lady
Monkshood Blue Bishop
Love-in-a-mist Midnight
Love-in-a-mist Miss Jekyll Blue
Dianthus Alpine mix
Milkweed Scarlet
Dill Common
Fennel Bronze
Fennel, Florence Sweet
Parsley Krausa
Parsley Triple curled
Cosmos Sensation Picotee
Passion flower Maypop
Snapdragon Lipstick Silver
Snapdragon Night & Day
Toadflax Northern Lights

and here is a pic of my containers somewhere under the drifts. I think I will have to put the ones I did today on the front porch until I dig out. I have couple in the fridge so they don't sprout while I figure it out LOL

Thumbnail by grampapa
Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

What will we do with all our plants? I know I can't possibly use all the plants that might possibly germinate. I am hoping that friends and good neighbours will take pity on me and provide homes for all the orphans. What do you plan to do?

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

By the way . . . I went outside and found some seed pods on a very brave snapdragon plant that was still blooming at the beginning of January before the cold set in. I winter-sowed those seeds today - and will probably plant the seeds collected from the Gallardia - Burgandy plant tomorrow . . . whatever will I do with them all?

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I'm hoping I'll have enough and the neighbors would like some things. I don't see much of my neighbors and it might be fun to have an afternoon plant giveaway.

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

My neighbors will receive some. Others I might give away on Freecycle. Maybe, when my neighbor has her garage sale this summer, I'll sell some for cheap. :-) Tamara

Beachwood, OH

You know - I was thinking the same thing about the garage sale. I always have plants that I've divided in the spring, or too many seedlings etc. Or maybe a table at the Farmers Market

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

You and I could go into business since we're neighbors. ;-) Seriously, I'll email you when I am overwhelmed with too many plants (hopefully!) and see if you want any. :-) Tamara

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I was going to divide each jug into 5 hunk o seedlings and plant 5 of everything. So what if each of the 5 hunks is made of 20 plants?


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

That's pretty much what I do, Suzy. I figure the stong will survive and then I'll divide them in the coming years and have even more plants :) I also repot some of them to share with my neighbors (special ones for the wonderful couple next door who put up with my barking dogs and milk jugs all over the back yard) and coworkers.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I like to share definitely widens the bar of friendship with the neighbors.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I added a few more containers ....

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Anita, did you add sand with your flowering tobacco seeds to keep from thickly sowing? Just wondering what technique you used. I sowed some inside and now I've got a glob of moss-like plants. I really wasted my seeds.
edited for grammar which didn't turn out much better.☻

This message was edited Feb 18, 2007 11:09 AM

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Cordeledawg, what kind of hosta are you growing? Tamara

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

As this is my first year starting seeds in earnest, I am doing it much like an experiment. I read that sometimes things sown at the beginning of winter might not take, but had the seeds been planted in late winter, they would have. So, with that in mind, I decided to do sowings of each type of seed 1 month apart. I put 5 seeds in a container (unless they are ridiculously small...then I do a pinch). The first thing I WS was columbine on Jan 17, and I did another container yesterday, February 17. I'll do one more on March 17. What I'm hoping to do is take extensive notes on all the factors contributing to germination such as where the containers were (I have some on my porch [more sun, less precipitation] and some of the side of the house [less sun, more precipitation]), what kind of containers I used (milk jugs, plastic pots in ziploc bags or tupperware), whether or not the length of time did affect the germination rate and success in transplanting. Also, I'm starting some indoors under lights. Eventually I hope to make one of those nice spreadsheets and I'll post it. Does anyone know if Windows Vista can do spreadsheets? Does anyone have a spreadsheet from last year they would like to share? Tamara

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

So far... a bunch of different columbines, including some leftovers that have been in the fridge since last year... alpine strawberries (everyone wants some starts of these, it seems)... several different violas...
But! I just got a bunch more containers and plan to do some serious WSing this afternoon... so I'll have a longer list to post soon!

Cordele, if you take that moss-like glob of seedlings and separate it gently into little clumps, you can probably pot up a bunch of cell packs or little pots with your seedlings (those 5 or 6 oz. plastic cups work fine also, and I think you can get 32 or 26 into a flat for bottom watering... just remember to poke holes in them... a hot skewer works great for that, but be sure you work where there's good ventilation). Check out the tips on clump transplanting here,

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Tamara, my seeds are unknown Hosta varieties. They'll just be a surprise to me. I did buy some bare root hostas that come 5 to a green bag at Walmart. They are up and growing. Pearl Lake, H. undulata Medio Variegata, and H undulata Albo Marinata.

Edit to say Thanks Critter for that link on setting out by clumps!

This message was edited Feb 19, 2007 9:16 AM

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Actaea pachypoda
Actaea simplex
Anemone sylvestris
Aquilegia vulgaris
Asclepias currassavica
Asclepias incarnata
Callitris oblonga glauca
Cayaponia podantha
Dianthus barbatus
Digitalis purpurea
Gentiana wutaiensis
Helleborus augustifolius
Helleborus foetidus
Helleborus niger
Lychnis coronaria
Polemonium pauciflorum
Primula capitata
Prunella grandiflora
Salvia sagittata
Sophora davidii
Viola x wittrockiana

I distribute my ws seedlings amongst friends, neighbors, co-workers, traders & round-ups (hopefully).

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Last year's list - sorry it's a bit jumbled together. Excel doesn't copy well onto a web page.

2/5/2006 66 Agastache Golden Jubilee 4/1/2006
1/30/2006 49 Agastache Heather Queen 4/14/2006
2/5/2006 69 Agastache cana Purple Pygmy
2/16/2006 78 Agastche Canna Pink Honey 3/16/2006
1/14/2006 31 Agrostemma gracilis Mila's Queen 2/10/2006
2/16/2006 84 Allium aflatunense Purple Sensation
4/4/2006 160 Amaranthus Joseph's Coat 4/14/2006
4/4/2006 161 Amaranthus Marvel Bronze 4/14/2006
3/5/2006 124 Antirrhinum Black Prince 4/3/2006
2/5/2006 67 Antirrhinum braun-blanquetii 4/1/2006
3/5/2006 123 Antirrhinum Day & Night 4/1/2006
12/26/2005 14 Aquilegia Coral Star 3/1/2006
12/26/2005 13 Aquilegia Origami Blue & White 3/18/2006
12/26/2005 12 Aquilegia Origami Pink & White 4/1/2006
1/31/2006 27 Aquilegia Origami Red & White 2/6/2006
12/26/2005 3 Aquilegia Rocky Mountain 4/1/2006
12/26/2005 15 Aquilegia Rose Queen 3/25/2006
1/31/2006 28 Aquilegia Songbird Nightingale 2/10/2006
3/4/2006 118 Asperula orientalis 4/1/2006
1/14/2006 36 Aster Alma H. Potske
12/26/2005 9 Aster Lady in Black
2/5/2006 62 Aster chinensis Powderpuffs Mix 3/18/2006
1/31/2006 22 Astrantia Ruby Cloud 4/9/2006
3/5/2006 120 Basil Genovese Sweet 3/18/2006
3/5/2006 121 Basil Greek 3/18/2006
4/19/2006 169 Begonia tuberhybrida Rose Petticoat
1/31/2006 26 Bergenia cordifolia Red Beauty 4/1/2006
4/19/2006 170 Brugmansia Golden Queen
4/19/2006 172 Capsicum annuum Hungarrian Hot Wax
4/19/2006 171 Capsicum annuum Sweet Corno Di Toro
1/15/2006 45 Catananche asteraceae Caerulea 2/5/2006
3/15/2006 134 Cerinthe Major Blue Kiwi 4/9/2006
3/8/2006 131 Clarkia Apple Blossom
3/8/2006 129 Clarkia Pink Buttercups 4/3/2006
1/31/2006 29 Clematis heracleifolia
4/6/2006 165 Cleome serrulata
3/8/2006 128 Cleome spinosa Violet Queen 4/9/2006
3/25/2006 153 Commelina dianthifolia Electric Blue 4/14/2006
3/22/2006 150 Convolousvous Blue Ensign
12/26/2005 17 Daisy Sunny Side Up 2/5/2006
3/15/2006 135 Datura Double Yellow 4/16/2006
3/15/2006 136 Datura nanakai Double Yellow 4/19/2006
3/15/2006 137 Datura leichhardtii White 4/19/2006
3/15/2006 138 Datura stramonium White with purple 4/17/2006
3/8/2006 130 Datura variegated Missouri Marble 4/14/2006
2/16/2006 85 Delphinium (dwarf) Blue Butterfly
2/28/2006 88 Delphinum Pacific Hybrid Mix
2/26/2006 109 Delphinum (dwarf) Snow 4/20/2006
1/30/2006 51 Dianthus Amazon Neon Purple 3/10/2006
2/5/2006 72 Dianthus Artic Fire 4/1/2006
1/14/2006 39 Dianthus Carnation Pinks 2/5/2006
2/29/06 102 Dianthus Maiden Pinks 3/26/2006
1/14/2006 38 Dianthus Rainbow Lovliness 4/1/2006
2/10/2006 77 Dianthus Sooty 3/10/2007
2/5/2006 64 Dianthus barbatus Ruby Moon 4/1/2006
2/5/2006 63 Dianthus carthusianorum Clusterhead Pink 4/1/2006
2/16/2006 80 Dianthus deltoides Artic Fire 4/1/2006
3/8/2006 126 Dianthus x allwoodii 4/3/2006
1/14/2006 35 Dicentra white
3/22/2006 145 Dicondra Silver Falls
12/26/2005 2 Digitalis Camelot 1/31/2006
2/16/2006 83 Digitalis purpurea Primrose Carousel 4/1/2006
3/4/2006 115 Dracocephalum moldavica 4/1/2006
1/31/2006 24 Eryngium planum Staalblow 4/19/2006
1/15/2006 41 Euphorbia marginata Snowtop 3/25/2006
4/6/2006 163 Foxglove South African 4/16/2006
3/4/2006 116 Foxglove 4/14/2006
2/4/2006 58 Gentiana oliveri 4/17/2006
2/28/2006 92 Halloragis erecta Wellington Bronze 4/1/2006
3/8/2006 127 Heliotrope 4/3/2006
12/26/2005 1 Hollyhock After Midnight 1/31/2006
12/26/2005 10 Hollyhock Pink & White 2/5/2006
2/28/2006 90 Iberis amara Iceberg Superior 4/1/2006
3/15/2006 139 Ibicella lutea, INVASIVE
2/26/2006 110 Larkspur Gentian Blue 4/1/2006
3/25/2006 151 Lavatera Silver Cup 4/19/2006
4/19/2006 175 Lavendula Munstead 4/30/2006
4/19/2006 168 Lavendula Sea
4/19/2006 167 Lavendula angustifolia Lady 4/28/2006
12/26/2005 5 Lettuce Cicoria Diverona Rossa
12/26/2005 6 Lettuce Devil's Tongue 4/14/2006
12/26/2005 19 Lettuce Yugoslavian Red Butterhead 2/5/2006
2/9/2006 100 Lilium (Black Beauty x Casablanca x Silver Realm)
2/10/2006 76 Lilium Stargazer
3/2/2006 112 Lilium formosanum pricei 4/16/2006
1/31/2006 23 Lobelia Saphire Trailing 4/1/2006
3/15/2006 133 Lobelia erinus Regatta Sapphire 4/9/2006
3/2/2006 113 Lobelia valida African Skies
12/26/2005 4 Lupinus Blue Bonnett 1/31/2006
12/26/2005 7 Lupinus Dwarf Pink Fairy 1/31/2006
12/26/2005 8 Lupinus Rising Star 1/31/2006
12/26/2005 11 Lupinus The Govenor 1/31/2006
2/16/2006 81 Lupinus polyphyllus Kronleuchter 3/10/2006
1/30/2006 50 Lychnis Alba 3/18/2006
2/28/2006 87 Lychnis chalcedonica Morgenrot 4/1/2006
2/5/2006 70 Lychnis coronaria 4/1/2006
4/6/2006 166 Millet Purple Majesty 4/14/2006
3/5/2006 119 Mirabalis jalapa Kaleidoscope Mix 4/1/2006
3/25/2006 155 Morning Glory Akatsuki No Mai (Twilight Dance) 4/7/2006
3/25/2006 158 Morning Glory Asuka 5/4/2006
3/25/2006 154 Morning Glory Double Blue Picotee 4/9/2006
3/25/2006 156 Morning Glory Fujino Momo 4/9/2006
3/25/2006 157 Morning Glory Hoshi Asago 4/9/2006
2/28/2006 89 Musa sikkimensis Darjeeling
1/31/2006 30 Musella lasiocarpa Cold Hardy Chinese Dwarf
12/26/2005 16 Nasturtium Nasturtium, pale yellow
2/25/2006 106 Nasturtium Strawberry Cream 3/26/2006
2/25/2006 105 Nicotiana Tinkerbell 3/16/2006
2/26/2006 108 Nicotiana alata Perfume Mix 4/1/2006
2/25/2006 103 Nicotiana mutabilia Marshmallow 4/1/2006
3/2/2006 111 Nicotiana, variegated 4/19/2006
3/15/2006 140 Onobrychis viciifolia Sainfoin 4/1/2006
2/4/2006 59 Pansy Chalon Supreme 4/5/2006
2/28/2006 93 Pansy Flambe Red 4/3/2006
2/4/2006 60 Pansy Joller Blue 4/1/2006
2/5/2006 73 Pansy Swiss Giant Raspberry 4/1/2006
1/31/2006 21 Papaver Black Peony 1/31/2006
1/30/2006 46 Papaver Blue Giganteum 4/1/2006
1/30/2006 48 Papaver Lauren's Grape 3/10/2006
1/30/2006 47 Papaver Somniferum 3/10/2006
2/4/2006 53 Papaver White Giganteum
3/8/2006 125 Parsley Italian
2/4/2006 52 Pelagonium arciculatum 4/4/2006
1/15/2006 44 Penstemon Husker Red 3/10/2006
2/5/2006 71 Penstemon grandiflorus
2/4/2006 56 Penstemon smallii 3/10/2006
2/4/2006 55 Penstemon virens
2/5/2006 65 Penstemon whippieanus
4/19/2006 173 Petunia hybrid Burgundy 4/29/2006
3/8/2006 132 Petunia hybrid Dolce Flambe 4/16/2006
4/6/2006 162 Platycoden Double Blue 5/4/2006
4/6/2006 164 Plectranthus Silver Shield (Dusty Miller)
2/16/2006 82 Polemonium caeruleum Alba 5/4/2006
1/31/2006 25 Primula acaulis Danova Pink 2/6/2006
1/15/2006 42 Rodgersia pinnata
4/4/2006 159 Salpliglossis 4/14/2006
1/14/2006 37 Salvia Blue Bedder 3/10/2006
1/14/2006 34 Salvia May Night 3/10/2006
2/5/2006 74 Salvia Salsa Plum
1/14/2006 32 Salvia Victoria farincea 3/16/2006
2/25/2006 107 Salvia coccinea Coral Nymph 3/26/2006
2/4/2006 57 Salvia recognita 4/1/2006
1/14/2006 33 Salvia sp. Ex. Pamirs
2/5/2006 61 Salvia superba Rose Queen 4/1/2006
3/22/2006 144 Scabious Ace of Spades 4/14/2006
3/22/2006 146 Sedum Red Dragon 5/2/2006
3/4/2006 117 Snaps Dwarf Mixed 5/1/2206
2/5/2006 68 Stokesia Blue Danube 5/15/2006
2/18/2006 86 Symphyandra hoffmanii 4/19/2006
3/4/2006 114 Talinuea Kingswood Gold 4/1/2006
3/22/2006 147 Tomato Golden Sunray 4/9/2006
3/22/2006 149 Tomato Thessaloniki 4/9/2006
3/22/2006 148 Tomato Wolford Wonder 4/9/2006
2/10/2006 75 Tricyrtis hirta Matzukaze 5/4/2006
1/14/2006 40 Tricyrtris Hatalogisa
1/31/2006 21a Tricyrtris White Tower 2/6/2006
3/25/2006 152 Verbascum Southern Charm 1/5/2007
2/28/2006 91 Verbena Raspberry Crush
2/28/2006 95 Veronica austriaca 4/1/2006
2/25/2006 104 Verononia missurica
1/31/2006 20 Viola Bambini Mixed Colors 2/5/2006
12/26/2005 18 Viola Sorbet 4/1/2006
3/5/2006 122 Zaluzianskya capensis 4/1/2006

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

Slowly chugging along....I am up to 13 containers:

- Salvia farinacea 'Blue Bedder'
- Iberis sempervirens - Candytuft
- Asclepias tuberosa - Butterfly Flower
- Nepeta x faassinii - Select Blue Cantmint
- Salvia x superba - Blue Queen Salvia
- Penstemon ???
- Lunaria annua - Money Plant
- Penstemon smallii
- Gaillardia x grandiflora 'Arizona Sun'
- Salvia forsskaolii
- Rudbeckia hirta 'Autumn Colors'
- Penstemon digitalis
- Daylily (parent 'Strawberry Candy')

- Brent

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Shirley1md, when is your last avg frost date? I didn't even think I could WS the datura seeds, but I see you did it successfully. How did you figure out when to WS things? Did the verbena not germinate? Have you ever gotten it to? I haven't, and I want to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Tamara

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)


i'm also doing datura. i think i only have 5 going right now... i have the "white" variety.

I've been reading over in the Datura forum. Most datura do self sow too.

the whole toxic thing has me concerned, but most assure me animals are smart enough to stay away.

here is a link to a thread on GardenWeb
**edited to add link

This message was edited Feb 18, 2007 4:59 PM

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