best low maintenance houseplants, NOT air plants

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hi Allison,
I am so curious about your epi...
You said it blooms "dozens of times a year" and since there are only 12 months in a year, does that mean your plant is in never ending constant bloom? If so, it is the only one of it's kind in the world.

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Heidi it does bloom more than 12 times a year. Also the blooms only last " ONE Night " Why do you think it can only bloom once a year ??? My plant is very special ! Mine also bloomed the first year we were given it. When my Aunt gave a small cutting in a 4 inch pot next time she saw it she could not believe how large a plant it had grown to be ! Maybe it's the VF-11 :)) This year was slow but last year it was blooming all the time. One night 5 might open two nights later a few more, week later 6 buds might open. It even bloomed Christmas 2005 :))
On our news there was a plant in Dunedin in ground 25 years old 74 blooms opened that morning and they said it had like 56 more buds forming !
My plant is very special it's over 125 years old. It was my great, great grnadmothers :))
It would be much larger but I have share dozens of cuttings and rooted plants for people.
Lin our plant has grown in sun but when the sun get's too hot it's foliage fades too light .I had liked it on the deck ramp so I could enjoy it more but the sun got hot , but when ever blooms were going to open my Hubby would put it on the dolly and bring it up the ramp to deck so I can roll out there and enjoy it ! When we open the door and go outside it's like Heaven hitting you in your eyes with beauty and the fragrance is so refreshing on a dreamy night ! So we move it to filtered. We also planted some cuttings under the trees in our morning sun / shade garden .
PS I just told my Hubby about what you said Heidi and he said it did blooms dozens of times !!

New York, NY

I'm a total newbie, but I do have a beaucarnia recurvata, I think it's called (elephant's foot?) or something, that's been hanging around my various apartments for, lemme think, 27+3+2+2= 34 years. It's always been an emotional barometer for me. When I get in a funk, it doesn't get watered or fed. Last year or so, things have gone pretty well, so Katherine (that's the plants name, cause she's so tough she reminds me of Hepburn) got herself repotted and watered regular and now looks like a debutante.

Do those plants ever generate little plants?


(Zone 1)

Scallionboy: The Beaucarnia recurvata is commonly known as "Pony Tail Palm". Is this the plant you have?

A couple of other's with the common name of "Elephant's Foot":

Athens, PA

I like that - 'Katharine' because she is tough like Katharine Hepburn.....

Ironically I have found that some plants were easier to take care of at different times in my life. Many years ago, it was a Neantha Bell Palm, a couple of years ago it was a green spider plant - right now, it is my Chinese Evergreen.

I think alot has to do with what is going on in my life at the time. My reasoning for this is I had the Neantha Bell blooming and that was when I was married to my first husband - the palm lasted longer than he did :)

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Easiest plant for me is aloe vera. Water whenever and it loves you. We have another plant that is about 20 yrs old that is easy to take care of too.

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