off topic - another (un) health update

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Chris, you got that kittten beat,! you know the one that "hung in there" in the 70's? You are strong!
Thanks for th reminders, I promise tonight.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

You mean this Kitten?? But you all make the branch strong so I can hang on. Love you guys!

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a) ya'll got me crying...geez, and I only prepare myself for that on the pet forum...mercy!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

You all are all so awesome. And Chris you are a rock. Or a kitty cat. Or a tiger. I think I'm getting my metaphors all snarled up. LOL

I'm sure I'm overreacting. What my father had was not a rash. A leper would have taken off running to see him coming. It was horrible. And thank goodness you have a doctor who is monitoring how you're doing and doing something when you have a reaction or other issue. Daddy's doctor didn't. Yes, you detect a note of bitterness. Sorry, everyone. Sometimes a crack opens and this bitterness leaks out a bit.

I hope the rash clears up soon but I certainly understand you have to weigh the benefits of the medication vs side effects.

Crozet, VA

Ya'll are so very sweet. Yep Chris, you sure do have some good thoughts, prayers and wishes coming your way each day. You truly deserve them too.

Not to change the subject too soon, but I had almost forgotten to mention that I am wearing my new braces. I told Chris in a personal message that I am now a member of The Ugly Shoe Club. ha-ha The store only had two shoes that are going to work with these things.

I am sturdier. The Neurologist said that I was using a tremendous amount of energy just trying to stay upright. That is going to be a real test, to see if my chronic fatigue issues get any better. Wearing ugly shoes will be worth it if I find some new energy to go about my day.

I am also going to have to find a new style of pants. All of my pant legs now are sort of tapered at bottom and will not fit down over brace. I believe that I could actually go outside and run around a bit. I haven't even thought of running for many years.

Gonna go and start that chili. Chris, keep us updated and good luck with feeling better. I agree with the closing of your post. Love you gals!!!!


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Now Ruby, I'll bet over the years you've worn shoes that were the highest fashion at the time and now would be considered ugly, ugly shoes. LOL And according to What Not to Wear, those tapered leg pants only make you look short and fat. So thanks to the braces, you're going to be right in style and looking slim and tall.

I'll stop teasing, just trying to make you smile.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

hart is right on all counts! I remember the ugliest pair of platforms I just had to have as a teen!
have you ever watched Shawshank Redemption (movie) "How often do you really look at a man's shoes?" That line gives me comfort, when I wear my gardn shoes to the store..........

hart- you know everyone understands................go ahead and let it leak

This message was edited Feb 1, 2007 7:19 PM

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I don't know about you guys but if I knew what problems those high fashion shoe caused...well, you know. Now I go for comfort too.

Sally I think my rubber garden shoes are the best, I started wearing them when I took Penny for walks, now with the snow I'm back in my winter boots.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Any one remember those horrible hooker hopper Candies of the 80's? No flex to those things...mercy...don't even want to know how I looked walking in them!!
Ruby SO very happy for you...keep us updated!!

Crozet, VA

You gals are a hoot! Yep, I have definetly owned some ugly shoes before now too. Hart....I would love to have the chance for "What Not To Wear" to spend even an afternoon with me. I am sure that I could benefit. I can probably go through my closet and find some slacks that will work. If not, I will go shopping.

Anyway, you gals are the very greatest. Daggone this turning 50!!! Been nothing but down hill since hitting that number. ha-ha Will check back later this morning with you all.

Have a great weekend. I am hoping to. And.....oh yeah, the snow storm passed up by......oh well. The chili was good anyway.


Strasburg, VA(Zone 6b)

perhaps the chili warded off the storm?!?!

at least my charllotte will have her field trip to the discovery museum today...the pre-k was even give $ by one of the local groups to cover lunch at McD's (had to include the fruit-n-yogart to cover all food categories) so she is going to have fun :-)

the what not to wear people would have fun with my closet too...not sure i would want it on tv but $5000 would be nice!

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

I couldn't find any online pix of "horrible hooker hopper Candies" but if you want to see some old (and ugly) shoes-

Then scroll down about half way until you see "English red and cream leather oxford, c. 1934".

Or worse yet, "American open wedge-heeled laced brown suede shoe, c. 1940".


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Um, actually I think those are kind of cute. LOLOLOL!

Ruby, it shouldn't be hard to find pants with a little flare at the bottom. I've actually been seeing a lot of palazzo pants with legs big enough to it your entire body in each leg. Speaking of hideous. Of course this is on HSN, which seems to cater to a strange mix of very elderly ladies who go on a lot of cruises and drag queens. Yes, Suzanne Somers, I'm looking at you. LOL!sf!116 be sure to wear this with!sf!116 this

Here's a fashion statement it never occurred to me to make!sf!dept!cat

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

But it's a STEAL at $20.12 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This has me actually LOL, which doesn't happen often enough!!!!!!
My gawd, have you seen Suzanne Somers on hsn with the face grinding tool ? I'm not very good at makeup, but at least i don't try to do the same as i did 27 years ago. hair too. hope there's not a SS fan out there.sorry
hooker Candies were a big thing in my college day, but at 6 feet tall and size ten shoe, at least I had enough sense not to make that mistake. (mighta been took for a drag queen, with my figure) Used my mistakes in other more fun ways ; }
Wore saddle shoes four yrs of high school.

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Wow! Only $59.90 to make my big butt look enormous! I gotta get me a Suzanne Somers Ruched Skirt.

Thanks Hart! LOL!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

And her lips. If they get any more inflated, they'll have to tie her to the chair. LOL Suzanne Somers gives me the heebie jeebies.

You know, after she was caught getting liposuction (guess the thighmaster wasn't working any more) she cooked up the story about having breast cancer, an insult to every woman who really has dealt with that, and now she's hawking some kind of hormones that supposedly miraculously cured her cancer.

I think her clothes are the most ridiculous, unflattering monstrosities I've ever seen. Overpriced junk. Anthony (designed his first design at the age of 7! Hasn't improved since!) is a close second.

Greenkat, LOLOL. There's a matching top to go with that skirt guaranteed to make your stomach look huge to go with your monster butt.

Well, Ruby, now we have your clothes and shoes taken care of. LOL

Crozet, VA

I will say it one more time - all of you gals are a hoot!!!

Good searching yall. I was able to find a pair of slacks in my closet that will work. Only problem is they don't have pockets, which I like to have in my slacks.

I am off in a very few to take a shower and then get Tucker from school so that he can go and see his counselor. He has been two other times and doesn't seem to mind going. I have seen a few small changes with him already. We still have the major hurdle to attend to though, and that is flunking all of his classes.

We will see. I am going to look further in to these websites that you all posted. Very interesting, very interesting.

Later gals.


Crozet, VA

Again, you nuts put a smile on my face!!! Thanks everyone.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

greenkat,hart- Too Funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (must not spit-take on the monitor!)

Except the part about Suzanne' cooked up story. Didn't know that. Now she goes from pitiable to evil. I can pick on her with clear conscience.
Ruby- again great that Tucker doesn'tmindthe counseling and even may be benefitting already. I know oyu'll feel bad that the grades will reflect his previous (lack of ) work and he'll have to deal with it in spite of improvement elsewhere. Sure the counselor will address it.

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

It's a pity that some famous people turn into parodies of human beings. This is why I don't have cable TV.

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Hart, I just looked at those vintage shoes again. They might look good as art. You know.... on a pedestal or hung on the wall or something.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Actually, I have several pairs of those brogue style heels. Not quite as fancy as those. LOL They look really nice with pants or a longish skirt, awful with a dress or shorter skirt.

I have a really high arch and find I don't clutch my toes to keep my shoes on when I'm wearing heels in that lace up style.

Greenkat, I'm sure some people bought Somers' story. I didn't. And of course she took the whole situation and turned it into another snake oil product she could sell. sheesh

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ya'll have me laughing so hard, I'm snorting (not a pretty sight, I promise)...LOL!!! Ruby those pants hart was referring to...they also have them at Walmart - ask someone to show you where the gauchos (sp?) they have both straight leg pants and slightly flarred ones still on the racks.

Crozet, VA

I am so glad that most of us have the ability to laugh at ourselves. I believe that comes with age. Before being in a person's 40's I think that we care way too much about what others are thinking of us. In the end, we find out that they really weren't thinking of us at all, but thinking of their ownselves.

I was in Lowe's a few weeks ago looking at carpeting. The sales lady came over and spoke and then said, your sweater is on inside out. I laughed and said - Oh! I meant to do that. She didn't think it was as funny as I did. But heck, I had already been to a couple of other stores looking like that, I didn't bother to go anywhere and change. I wore that sweater very proudly. ha-ha

Well, everyone around me tells me that I am walking a whole lot better. I have to agree, I am much more stable. With slacks a person will have to look very hard to know that I have the braces. i am still getting used to them and after a while some days, my feet begin to hurt and I have to take the inserts off and walk around with bedroom slippers. As we speak I am sitting here with the left one on and the right one off. If I tie the shoe too tight is what I believe is making my feet hurt sometimes. When the shoe laces are not tied tight, I squeak. ha-ha I have a choice of pain or squeaking, I will choose squeaking any day of the week.

Oh yes, if any one find any more lovely clothes they think that any of us would like, please feel free to post pics here. I need some more good laughs. I hope that everyone is having a good day.



Shenandoah Valley, VA

Okay, these are an inspiration:

Plenty of room for your braces underneath this, not to mention your Volkswagen Some really hilarious other crocheted nightmares on this site. Such as these. Be sure to scroll down for the horn hat third one down here, my mom made for me when I was pregnant with my daughter. In light green polyester double knit. Remember that stuff? The pictures are pretty amusing, but the commentary at this blog is hilarious

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Hart the last website is hilarious! Thanks for posting that one. Ruby is not allowed to wear anything on that blog!

For more laugh out loud humor visit here:

The Gallery of Regrettable Food - click on a link and scroll through the pics and descriptions. They have added much more since I was last there years ago. The crocheted sofa dress reminded me of this website for some reason.

This message was edited Feb 6, 2007 11:17 AM

Crozet, VA

Oh My Gosh - I haven't checked the links yet, and am almost afraid to due to Harts, and bluekats (aren't you greenkat?) descriptions of the sites. I had to laugh at the frist description that hart gave of having plenty of room for my braces, along with my volkswagon. ha-ha Ya'll cuties.

Okay, off to check them out.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh hart...I can see how I'm going to spend my break...*snorting* from laughing too hard..OMG, that gal is hysterical!!

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Ruby, there are two "kats"! Honestly, if I had looked into the DG name thing I woulda called myself somethin' else. Sorry, bluekat76, guess you were here first.

Hart, that last link was a keeper! I've bookmarked it and will go back when I need to howl. Love the Sharon Stone "as every man's dominatrix fantasy" bit.

Bluekat, those are some of the foods my mom made me eat! You couldn't escape Jell-o growing up in the 50's.

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Don't be sorry greenkat - feel sorry for our DG friends. They see 'kat' and we are both in MD! I like the Meat ones on the food website.


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

You guys are great! Laughter is the best medicine! Keep them coming!


Crozet, VA

Good morning all. I hope that everyone is having a good day. We are having a snow day here. The first good snow fall of the year. It is only about 2 inches, but that covers everything and makes everything look pretty. There was no school, so Tucker is home and still asleep. John and I both will be staying home too. I had to cancel an appointment for today and re-schedule for tomorrow.

Anyway, I don't have any funnies to share at the moment, but am here to report that I had some luck last night in buying a shoe that my inserts work in. The reason that I am excited is definitely not due to the shoe being attractive, but due to the cost of it. I am most happy when I pay less than $10.00 for a shoe. Last week the shoes that I bought cost $59.99 for one set and $79.00 for the others. Last night I spent $7.50 and I am thrilled. haha

In a bit I am going to try ordering a couple of pair of blue jeans with wider bottoms than the ones I have now. Now, this is something that you ladies might be able to help me with. Last fall on a whim I spent a couple of hundred dollars one morning in Kmart buying some little skirts and tops. I am thinking that it was mainly due to having a mastectomy and know their was nothing I could do about it, but I could at least begin to dress a bit better. So, I have several new things hanging in my closet with the price tags on them. I am definitely not going to wear the short skirts with braces. So, here is what is on my mind......I have a couple of options and will let the majority rule. I can donate all the clothing to a women's shelter near by and kiss my losses goodbye. I can return to store, but know that I will only get back a very little of what I actually spent, due to the items being worth their lowest sale price. I can keep them and use them around the house where I dress kind of strangely, usually in shorty night gowns with no sleeves. I could just be a well dressed gardener and house cleaner. ha-ha In my closet I have some unworn shoes, or shoes worn only a couple of times.

Hmmmm.....just thought of another idea. I could find a friend or family member who is the size of clothes and shoes and give to them. So, that is up for voting on too.

What would you do? OR can you think of anything else that I might do with them? Thanks in advance for any input.

I am with Chris in waiting for some more bizarre web sites.


Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

I vote for the shelter first or if you have the receipt KMart will take them back. I have wide leg jeans I got from LLBean - mostly because I have wide leg thighs too! LOL


Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'll bet Kmart would take them back even without a receipt since the tags are still on them. They probably will give you a gift card instead of cash if you don't have a receipt but you could then use that money to get you some pants. Another option would be to offer them for sale through the classifieds here on DG or on Ebay.

If all else fails, definitely donate them to the shelter. Be sure to ask for a receipt from them for a tax deduction.

Ruby, I have a suggestion on the pants. I have fallen in love with Lee Jeans. They have such a nice fit in the waist, nice width in the legs without looking like you have a skirt attached to each leg and have both jeans and very nice khakis type dressier pants. I would imagine Kmart has them, I know WalMart does. Also, try Amazon. They often have the Lee jeans and slacks on sale for as low as $10-$12 and with free shipping if you spend $25. Look in their apparel section, under sellers click for Amazon and then search for Lee Jeans.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Depending on your $$ situation - my thoughts would be the shelter first if money's not tight. If you could use some extra $$ to help with the shoes and pants and such then you could: A) See how much k-mart's willing to refund you B) List them on Craig's list or C) Ebay as hart mentioned - just make sure if you list on ebay you take ALL your costs i.e. ebay fees, packing supplies etc. in mind when figuring a starting price and s/h.
Good job on those newest shoes. BTW - if you don't mind sharing (sorry for asking) - what size pants do you wear? Some of us might have some flared legs in our closets. I know I do WITH tags on them still...sadly I lost weight and then found most of it back...ugh!!

Crozet, VA

Thanks ladies. I will let you all know when I decide what I am going to do. Chantell, I wear size 16 petite. Just a shorty here. Money is not a problem. I am not asking for any help in getting a wardrobe, just running off at the mouth. If anyone has a 16 P that they won't be using, I will gladly take them, but please do not buy me any. I received a quite nice inheritance in the past couple of years. I actually had enough to finally invest some of it instead of using it all to cover living expenses. I was very much blessed by what my parents were able to leave.

Hart, I will definitely check out Lee jeans. Can't remember if I have ever worn them or not. Going to pull up Amazon as soon as I am finished here. Thanks for the tip.

Kim - you are a cutie. I love having to buy wide legs to fit wide thighs. ha-ha.

Ya'll be good now folks. Until next time.......


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ruby, Sorry, I'm wearing my 16Ps LOL another thing we have in common. Most people going through cancer loose weight, but not me, I gained, The one chemo I was on messed up my taste buds, so I was always snacking trying to find something I could taste or fell good in the mouth. Also little snacking helped with the neusea. And loss of energy kept me from my 2 mile walks and gardening. So I gained at least 1 1/2 sizes.

Just to let everyone, know my treatment today went very well, no changes. They are running a blood test just to check things out. I feel good, no new rash so far.

I think the shelter is the way to go, help someone out and makes you feel good.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

ruby- gotta love a shoe bargain! one or two of my fave pairs were cheap from Kmart once, and seemed to have good luck there for the kids too. Then again, the Clarks sandals I got last year at the fancy dept store felt great! Some Wlamarts seem ok for me. Got a great new pair of snow boots at Bass this fall, half price, little did I know there would be no snow......
Chris- yaay! happy for ya!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Ruby, I just checked the Amazon Lee Jeans offerings and not much on sale right now except for a lot of capris and One True Fit jeans (latter on sale for $14.90.) So I'd suggest checking WalMart, because their regular prices are cheaper than the Amazon regular prices. BTW, they do come in regular, short and tall sizes. Keep checking Amazon too because at least a couple times a year they mark them down to about half the prices shown now.

Chris, that's such good news about your checkup and the rash too!

Sally, I aspire to be the poor man's Emelda Marcos as well. LOL What is it about shoes? One of the most comfortable shoes I've ever owned was a pair of leather heels I got at WalMart several years ago on clearance for $6. I have to say my second best shoe bargains have been the Nine West heels I bought, gosh, 15-20 years ago. They were on sale, not nearly that cheap but were so comfortable I bought three pairs in different colors. I have certainly gotten my money's worth out of them. Nowadays I just live in my clogs. LOL

Do you have a Bass outlet up there? I remember years and years ago I used to get an outlet catalog from Bass with the best prices. I ordered from them often and then they just disappeared.

I do have to have leather shoes. The "manmade materials" ones just kill my feet.

Crozet, VA

Hi Again Hart - I already ordered last night and paid the prices. They are still cheaper than the blue jeans that I ordered a couple of years ago. Not too bad a price really. I ordered one of the styles in black and khaki. Yes, I ordered the petite length. I have had trouble finding petites in the the stores.

Two weeks ago I took Tucker shopping at Goody's for blue jeans. While I was there I bought a bright red shirt and a cobalt blue V-neck sweater. I like both of those pieces and can't wait for my blue jeans to come so that I can wear them. I have decided that since so many of my body parts are become fake that I need to do a bit better about the way that I dress and present myself. I have been trying to wear make-up whenever I leave home. I haven't worn make up in over ten years till now.

Well, my eyes are getting very heavy I am thinking of maybe taking a nap. Need to scoot along. Will see you good folks later.


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