January's Daily Weather # III, It's different!!!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Howdy all, well today we got some light showers.
70.5 °F / 21.4 °C
Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 67%
Dew Point: 59 °F / 15 °C
Wind: 3.6 mph / 5 km/h
Wind Gust: 4.0 mph / 6 km/h
It's going to get down in the low forties next wednesday.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

67.1°(F) 67.6°(F) porch - dropping w/the sun

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

I just checked out 10-day forecast, and it looks like the party's over. Starting tomorrow night, there's a full week of overnight lows in the 20s to low 30s. So, again,...from above normal, to below normal. Sigh.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

I hope my broccoli does well before the freeze.... but if all I get is a bite.... then at least I got a bite.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Dyson, hard to believe Va is just 5º behind Fl.
Blooms, that is one fantastic shot, I too have you set as background. I too have used everyone's pictures at one time or another as my background.
I love em all

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Sidney, It was a summer day here - I have a house full of grandchildren that will attest to that. & one lonely dog also.

(Zone 5a)

Good evening all - and thank you all for your warm birthday wishes for Hildur Eva! :-) She's had a wonderful day :-) And the cheesecake was very good :-) What a relief! Everything else tasted great too so I think everyone was happy :-) It's been a very busy day so we need to get some rest.

The weather here today was wonderful - no storm here Lilipon :-) Heard on the news that there was a really bad storm over in Scandinavia - but that's all I know.

Calm here, around 28°F and partly cloudy so we even got a few sunrays. Snowed again last night so the snow keeps piling up .... the most we've had since 2001 I read in the newspaper. I find it hard to believe since I seem to remember a lot more snow in 2003 ....... in any case it's a lot of snow! Selma Rún went outside with her sled today and had a great time - the birthday girl was too busy playing inside with her new toys ;-)

Lilypon - love the photo of the sundog ...... I couldn't remember what they were called until I read your explanation with the Úlfur and Gíll names ....... I was actually astounded that you knew the terms in Icelandic! Are they know by those names over there too?? You're more knowledgeable than me on these things ..... :-)

Kelli - hope it warms up soon - your fish do look very cold!

Debi - love the paperwhite :-)

Here's a photo of the birthday girl :-)

Have a good night all!


This message was edited Jan 15, 2007 12:28 AM

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Rann, photo is a no show. LOL

(Zone 5a)

Wow - a lot of posts were made while I was getting that out .....

Blooms - I too loved your photo :-)

Kiska - isn't it amazing that summer does come after all this cold? It seems like a little miracle that happens every year :-) Very cute GS:-)

off too bed ;-)

(Zone 5a)

yeah - I just realised I forgot the photo LOL - I'm too sleepy :-)

Here it is :-)

Thumbnail by rannveig
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

too warm here - the ball was to drop sometime.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Hi! Everybody. Surewas a warm one! And Yep, the party is over. Snow predicted hear for Tuesday! (of course) That's the day I return to school. Somemore snow by Thur. or Friday. Oh, well, I won't have time to do anything elase anyway....
Dyson! I would Really been having "flashes" if it had been that hot here! Yuck!
Sharon, I agree w/ Dyson...Hang-glider W/raft.
Blooms, I don't mind! :D I must admit that I have used others pix as well. There's such a variety! And so Pretty! :)
Kiska, that little boy is a doll! And those are some Monsterous Lilies! Love the color.:D
Rann, such a sweet face ! Glad she had a wonderful B-Day. And glad the cheese cake was good, altho I'll never know! :(
Kelli, I saw on the news this evening that you're in for another cold one. Stay Warm!

Well, have a Great evening! Gonna try to get pix tomorrow...

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Now there's one happy princess!

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Grey Pa. day. Lots of cloud cover, showers off and on. Temps currently 46 degrees. Is it getting colder in Va. already? We are scheduled for some sunshine tomorrow. 2.20 inches of rain so far this month. No snow. That's over 2 feet that I didn't have to snow-blow off the driveway and parking lot. LOL

I know the ball is going to drop, and we will get some ugly weather - just can't last - but I am enjoying each warm day. Easy on the heating oil, too.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Hildur Eva looks very cute in that dress!!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Rannvieg a beautiful shot of the birthday sweetie! :)

I only know the names of the sundogs because I work on reference desk. When they are sighted there are always a few that phone in for information. Children also do weather reports and the sundogs are a popular item.

My mother had a saying different from the above for sundogs but my mind has CRS right now.

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Sidney – no showers here yesterday, it was overcast.
Rann – so glad Hildur Eva had a wonderful birthday! DH said she’s a beautiful little princess in her gown. Glad your cheesecake worked out, it amazes me how easy they are to make.
Kelli – stay warm!
Lilypon – I suffer from CRS at least once a day!

It’s Dyson dark here and warm at 68. Our high is 79.
Today...Partly cloudy and mild. Patchy dense fog early in the morning. Visibility one quarter mile or less at Times early in the morning. Near record highs in the upper 70s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph.

Sunset from the back yard last night.

Thumbnail by MySharona
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Morning ALL! It's a balmy 52* this morning. It's overcast & the situation is due to change. From the looks of the national map all of the ice & snow is to be way north of us....So hold onto your hats up there!
Lily & Sharon, I have had CRS for years, but found out that when the plant let me go that most of my memory Did come back. I think the reason that we can't remember things is due to the fact that we have too much to try to remember! And CRS really kicks in when you're tired ;)

Have a Great Day All! The puzzle....

Thumbnail by music2keep
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Sharon: I love your sunset. It's all "baby" colors - all pink and blue.

Gorgeous day today. Sunny and climbing to 77! I'd love to use this day off to get out in the garden, but I have to watch the new pup constantly. So..the garden will have to wait til after the upcoming freeze. :(

..lavender in a pot...looking happier than it normally does this time of year...

Thumbnail by DebinSC
(Zone 5a)

Thanks everyone and a good afternoon too ya!

Sharon you're right they are easy to make ..... I always imagined it being very tricky :-) I think I'll be making them more often ..... I love the baked kind - soooooo good.

Joey - I'd send you a piece but I'm afraid it wouldn't be very appetising when it would finally get to you ;-) That is one HUGE puzzle - congrats on completing it! Wow!

Debi - beautiful photo of the lavender.

Another beautiful day here today, very much like yesterday: Calm, partly cloudy and a bit colder, 24°F. The days are starting to be noticeably longer now - it's a little after 4:30 and still relatively bright out :-) Sunrise was at 10:55 and sunset at 4:19 so that's more than an hour gain since solstice. I don't know how much we're gaining per day - I'll check it again tomorrow and then I'll be able to figure it out :-)

Hope you all have a good day!


Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Rann, Hildur Eva is definitely a little princess. She could be a little star. oh, she IS isn't she.?

Well, this morning it DID get as cold as they predicted.
LO 7degrees only 7 brrrr
rght now it's up to 13, obviously gonna be a scorcher.

Here's a road pic from the other day. That's pretty much as far as I went... I turned around in that wider area [a bench of sandstone] as the road on around the bend was a mess.

Thumbnail by BloomsWithaView
(Zone 5a)

Thanks Blooms :-) What a view! Wow!

Well - Hildur Eva is quite the celebrity according to one of her cousins ...... The town of Hafnarfjordur published a calendar that was sent to every home here in town with photos taken on Hildur Eva's preschool. The theme of the calendar was the environment and things we can do to make a difference and Hildur Eva's preschool is very environmentally friendly and has a green flag to show for it. Anyway - Hildur Eva is on the cover photo along with two of her school mates and her cousin (age 7) was very impressed by that! That was certain stardom by his books. My mom said yesterday that he'd said to his brother before they came to her birthday party " You know we are going to a birthday party to our "famous" cousin. You know Hildur Eva is now "famous"!" LOL! I thought that was just histerical ..... she found it a bit strange to see her photo on the calendar - but she hasn't let it go to her head. lol She's probably forgotten all about it :-)

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Great photo, Blooms!

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

No freezing last night. We're back to the wind thing again. It's better than plants freezing, but not much better. I won't say this is the windiest winter I've ever seen since I wouldn't have paid as much attention when I was working. It is so dry - not just lack of rain but also low humidity. According to the newspaper, we've had 1.31 in of rain since July 1 (yes, July). The average is 5.12. We get most of our rain in January and February but we haven't gotten any in January so far this year.

O.K., enough complaining. The good side is that I am not having the usual mildew problem in the bathroom.

Updated: 9:51 AM PST on January 15, 2007
Observed at: Van Nuys, California
Elevation: 797 ft / 243 m
53 °F / 12 °C
Humidity: 12%
Dew Point: 1 °F / -17 °C
Wind: 22 mph / 35 km/h / 9.8 m/s from the North
Wind Gust: 28 mph / 44 km/h / 12.3 m/s

Rann, your children are beautiful.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Here's a pic of the ice from the storm. We have several inches of ice and a dusting of snow. Need more snow for traction but will take what we can.

Thumbnail by pepper23
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Pepper it looks as if there is snow, but I can tell by looking at the trees that it's Not! :-0 I've seen the pix on TV & they're not pretty. We're supposed to start getting the beginnings of your storm in a little while...been cloudy all day, but it's getting darker. At the moment it's 68* & rather hot if you go out walking in the woods. I came back in the house & opened the doors & windows.
Kelli, glad that it didn't freeze there & there was a wind to keep it at bay.
Rann, so you have a celebrity! in the house! Now how cool is that? :D

Here's the sky right now....gonna do Something.

Thumbnail by music2keep
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Joey, it's just getting overcast here, sky doesn't resemble yours (yet!). I don't think we are forecast for much snow tomorrow, maybe an inch.

I've been putting water-based polyurethane on bookshelves, with all the windows open for ventilation. Hope they dry soon as it's cooling off and I will need to close the windows.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Darius, it's on the way! Hopefully we won't get the ice. I'd much rather have the snow. I think we're in the 1-3" range for snow, so we'll see....

Thumbnail by music2keep
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Yeah, that white stuff on the ground is several inches of ice. Solid slippery ice!!

Missouri City, TX

Where were you when you took that picture? Heading towards the La Salle mts?

Reminds me of when we lived in Moab - 1957. We would drive out to Dead Horse Point - harvest a few rabbits for dinner in the winter.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Bubba, yep, pointed that way. Up on the Sand Flats rd. - no way was I contemplating going thru that skinny stretch between Left Hand and Nigger Bill Canyons. In the summer I go that way to visit friends up on Wilson Mesa. In just a coupla more days the sun will have eaten all the snow and that road will be dry. [except on the north side of rocks and the shaded parts of the road]

Ws thinking of driving out toward Dead Horse this afternoon, but then the temp/wind chill stopped me. Temp 17* Wind Chill 7* - Forget that. The camera would just quit on me anyway. Altho maybe that was just the batteries running down.

Joey, love your sky pics. We are under a high pressure that has chased all the clouds from the sky and tho it's truly truly blue, it's boring with no clouds. Darius leave the doors open as long as you can those are nasty fumes to breath. [preaching to the choir]

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

was very overcast & Grey now the sun is shining brightly 70.0°(F) shed, 71.4° porch supposed to cool off tomorrow (hey I spelled tomorrow right on the first try, which is of course a first).

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

We wouldn't know if you didn't tell us Dyson, bless your heart.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

LOL, i couldn't get through every post on the last thread, but i saw where there was an AK tsunami warning and it was cancelled, WHEW!

and the kids loved all the photos! i got to explain how the folks in inceland are asleep in bed now. BTW, i believe he said it was 7 there, well it was colder here in TX! it was SIX DEGREES WHEN dh GOT UP THIS MORNING!!!!

Dallas is getting all kinds of ice, and OKC got hit bad, there have been several deaths, but none here that i know of. several sheriffs cars have been out looking fo9r a guy who was on foot, have not heard if they found him yet.

my kids love all the pictures, one reason i don't get to rtead everything, we make a nice discussion out of every picture it seems. this thread is becoming a fixed part of their classroom studies!

looking for it to be thirty by the end of the week, then cold again! at least the sun shone today.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

sugarweed, take care of yourself and get your stuff done so you can spend more time online with us!

lilypon, thanks for posting the sun dogs. i was trying to describe them to our librarian after showing her the edouble rainbow. about a month ago my DH and I saw a double one. he had always only seen on ein Vemront, and I had never seen one in my life, so to see the first, and then the other appear was just amaxzing!!!

ric, thanks for showing the bloys that the mosse family got bakc together. wonder how much overtime those pipeline guys had to put in LOL


Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

I just heard we broke a 70-year record today by hitting a high of 79*! The record was 77 set in 1937. I am getting SO spoiled by this.


3pm sky...

Thumbnail by DebinSC
(Zone 3b)

15 degrees; 3:30pm, snowing, some light left even with the heavy grayness. Sunrise 9:57 - sets at 4:14pm - gain of 4m 20 seconds...It's making a difference now...
Not enough time right now to comment, but have loved reading each and every one.
Yesterday's project of pulling some snow load off the roof..

Thumbnail by kiska
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Rann – how is the little celebrity princess today?!!
Pepper – your ice does look like snow! Amazing…
Joey – looks like Mary has been tiptoe-ing through your piece of the sky!
Kelli - how's it going? Is it still freezing there?
They raised the high for tomorrow from 69 to 71.
Tonight...Mostly clear this evening then becoming partly cloudy. Patchy fog after midnight. Lows in the mid 50s. Southwest winds 5 mph.
Sunrise this morning

Thumbnail by MySharona
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Deb, that's a pretty one! Love it!
Well, Now the forecast is for 1" or less. So all we'll have is the rain & it's already here. The temp hasn't fallen much either, it's 56* right now. Bluefield is calling for the snow to start in the morning, so the temp would have to plummit! It's 53* there. But it's Dyson Dark for sure! ;)
Pepper, be Safe! (& careful)
Sharon! your's looks like cotton balls! :D
Kiska, keeping that man busy, huh? :)
Look what I found while I was outside! (not to mention I was cutting green brier) My Fox GLove is coming up! :-0

Thumbnail by music2keep
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Joey - will your foxglove make it if it freezes or snows?
Kiska - That's some hard work and a lot of snow! Along the lines of raking leaves and cleaning gutters in the Fall - lots and lots of leaves!

Today...Mostly sunny with patchy fog early in the morning then becoming partly cloudy. A 20 percent chance of showers late in the afternoon. Highs in the lower 70s. West winds 5 to 10 mph shifting to the northwest 10 to 15 mph in the afternoon.

Thumbnail by MySharona

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