Sweet Potato question

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

When I was planting bulbs in my front bed a couple weeks ago I dug up a bunch of "potatoes" (left from my long since frozen sweet potato vines) which still look plump and happy. Anyway, my question is will these keep over the winter until I can put them back outside or should I grow them in a container inside in the meantime? I don't want them to rot out on their own. Any thoughts?

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I would pot them up and put them in a protected area. They will keep in the ground in our climate but might freeze to mush in yours.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Last year I pulled mine out of the ground and tossed them on a shelf in my laundry room and this spring they produced plenty of new plants. This year I took a little better care and packed them in buckets of peat moss. Hope they do as well as last year.

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