Never blooming lipstick plant

Eagle, ID

I have a lipstick plant and can't get it to bloom. What am I doing wrong?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Can you give us some more info on some key things like how much light it gets, how frequently you water & fertilize, what kind of fertilizer you use, how big the plant is, are there any signs of insect/disease or is it healthy looking, etc? One or more of those things is most likely not ideal right now but it's impossible to know which one without more info.

Eagle, ID


It didn't get very good light so I brought it to my office. Now it gets light from an east window and then the supplemental office light. The plant has grown and flourished there, but still no blooms. I feed it once a month, snd keep it watered but not soggy. No insects or diseases. The plant has about 6 seperate vines with each one having several vines of it's own.
Any advice? Thanks again

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

It sounds like it's on it's way to blooming!
How long ago did you bring it to your office?
Have you been using a fertilizer on it?
If not, try one with a high 'middle' number (or you can simply buy one intended for Blooming Plants or even an African Violet fertilizer)

Also...some of the Aeschynanthus varieties develop buds with the onset of cooler temperatures, so if your plant is receiving a drop in temperature at night, I'd guess it will be blooming in the near future. I have two at home blooming now, and some of them will wait until early spring.

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

These plants are a mystery to me. I love them, don't get me wrong, but they make no sense. I have a variegated one that received Western exposure and it eventually developed SOME blooms. I broke a piece off that plant a couple of months ago that had buds on it. I stuck it in some water diluted with SuperThrive and waited for roots and flowers. Today, one of the flowers on the cutting finally opened up.

If this were not a variegated plant, I think I would use that infamous beer fertilizer on this plant. Judging by the testimonials, it causes your plants to green up, so, wouldn't want that on this one. LOL

I have another all-green lipstick and ever since I b ought it inside in Sept., it has been throwing a perpetual tantrum. Dropping leaves, browing leaves, shriveling stems. I cut it back hard and took some cuttings last week and am hoping that they will root or do something surprising- like not drop anymore leaves. I'm sick of this plant and EXTREMELY frustrated. I see a trash bin in this plants very near future.

Here is the cutting growing in water:

Thumbnail by GrowHappy
Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Isn't the lipstick plant a gesneriad? I wonder if the gessie and av forum would be a great place to ask.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Yes, that's a good point, cjolene!
There's a 'Sticky Thread' in the AV forum (at the top of the page) with some information.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Grow Happy

I don't think the beer formula would hurt your plant. When we are saying green up in my case means the leaves are healthier. It shouldn't mess with the variation just make the plant healthier.

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Yes it's a gesneriad :)) They do enjoy lots of indirect light and lots of humdity "))
The cutting in water rooting is happy and blooming !
But over watered while growing in soil leaves will fall off. In the second sticky on the Av/Gesneriad foruim the second sticky has lots of info about growing these plants !

Eagle, ID

Thanks for all the advice everyone. I have been cutting it back and rooting the cuttings. Do you think that might be why it won't bloom. The vines are about 1 foot long and it has about 12 vines. Should I leave it alone?

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