Winter Sowing Seed Swap .....part 2

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

ohhh I can hardly wait, oh the excitement of it all :o)


Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Alice, our moved is pushed up to this weekend. Drop me a D-mail if I didn't give you my new address please. How wonderful it will be to have a seed swap in the first few weeks at the new house. I barely have time to get online here and will have no ISP for a couple of days. In fact, I'll just D-mail it to you in case I forget (which is highly possible as at the moment I can barely remember my NAME).

Thanks again for all that you've done for us!


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I apologize to everyone for being just about the last one to get my seeds in!!!! I hope they arrive tomorrow.

North Augusta, SC(Zone 8a)

Sunny, got it, made the address change for you so that it will go to your new place...moved out of the big city, huh?
Happy, no biggie, nothing to apologize for.
And just a note, some of you will not be receiving the same envelope back that you mailed in...I had to replace a few of them that were not big enough to hold all the seeds you'll be getting.....everyone has been so generous.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Alice, do you need some extra $ for postage? You said earlier that you thought it was covered... but LMK and I'll be happy to chip in via paypal!

North Augusta, SC(Zone 8a)

Critter, thanks for the offer but it isn't necessary, it should all come out just fine.

North Augusta, SC(Zone 8a)

claypa & happy, both of your seeds arrived today, perfect timing!
Still no word from kaykay1010, so I'm just going to assume that life got in the way as it's prone to do.
So, I'm going to start packing them all up for Saturdays trip to the post office.
A small will be receiving more seeds then first expected, the numbers are between 35-45 packs each. So, you may want to find a few more containers to sow them all in.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Well, good. I hope kaykay1010 is okay, and just busy with something else. My neighbor keeps asking me where I'm going to put all the containers...I think there's room! Plants is another question!

I can relate Claypa, my neighbor just shakes her head when she enters my garage.. " I never heard of WSing till I met you!" DH is just a tad bit better! LOL! ;0)

North Augusta, SC(Zone 8a)

Well, the seeds are all now in the care of the USPS...hopefully arriving at their new homes in a few days.
It did take 2 trips to the post office this morning to get them all mailed, first trip resulting in 15 of them being sent on their way and 3 of them had to return home with me. One of them had a number missing from the zip code, I really should have caught that when I was attaching the mailing label. And the other 2 had mailing labels that were made from USPS priority mail labels...they would not accept them without paying priority mail fee's. Once again, I should have caught this also since the same thing happened a few weeks ago with some SASBE seeds I was sending out. So, after making the needed corrections and a second trip to the post office, ALL are on their way.
The extra seeds that had been set aside for kaykay1010 got divided amongst all the other swappers, so you may get some duplicate seeds.
I've really enjoyed hosting this swap and hope everyone enjoys the seeds they receive.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, dear, I'm sorry... I think one of those labels might have been mine... I was out of regular sticky labels, so I cut the "Priority Mail" blue strip off the top of a PM label and put that in my BE... I guess it still looked too much like a PM label! I will not do that again. :-(

Thanks so much for all your efforts in hosting this swap! I'm looking forward to my packet of treasures!


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh joy, *grinning and rubbing hands together* can hardly wait :o)

Thanks a bunch Alice

I have no clue what has happened to kaykay, I sent her a sasbe the first part of this month and she dmailed and said she received it and was putting it in the mail, I have not received anything from her, no reply to the dmail I sent her about a week ago. :(
I really hope nothing is wrong...


Alicewho~ BOUQUETS again for all your organizational skills, gracious investment of time and effort. Our gardens will sing praises this Spring and Summer! ;0)

North Augusta, SC(Zone 8a)

Critter, the priority mail labels have a watermark, I've never noticed it until it was pointed out to me yesterday. If you look real close at the background you'll see it. The post office has made some policy changes and are now very strict about this one.
I have no idea what happened to kaykay either, hoping she's okay. Maybe she's busy helping Santa prepare for the holidays?
And I hope everyone will post photo's next summer, would love to see some of the results from these seeds.

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Mine too was one of the Priority Labels. My post office has let me use them this way many times. I am so sorry for the trouble it caused you. I will remember not to use them for returns . Thanks so very much for hosting this! Do you need a little extra for postage? We didn't expecto receive this many seeds, so I'm sure the postage must have been short on the larger mailings. Please let me know, and I will more than gladly send some extra $'s for postage. Lou

North Augusta, SC(Zone 8a)

Lou, apparently it's a fairly new policy because I've received dozens of trades from people who had used them without any problems. It wasn't really a problem, I just brought them home, covered the old label with post-it notes, attached a new label and taped the whole thing up....which is something else you may notice when you get them, I get a little 'tape happy' sometimes!
And no, no extra postage is needed.

Elkhart, IN(Zone 5b)

Thank you for all your time & effort. This is so exciting. I have been in 2 other large trades this season & I am amazed by the how organized all you veterans are!

hi alice i got the package of seeds today and thank you so much for organizing this swap and i sure will enjoy wintersowing these seeds..and thank you all for sending seeds for this swap too!


Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hey! I got my package today, too! Thanks to all of you who sent in, especially Bluespiral and Critter who sent a whole lot with my name on them :))

I have one I can't read -- looks like cucumber seeds or melon seeds and says "plum" and "granny" on it.

Alice, You did a really great job on this and I really appreciated the long lead time.

Thanks again,

North Augusta, SC(Zone 8a)

Hi Suzy, the plum granny is from me, also called pocket melon or Queen Anne's Pocket Melon.
They are not really grown as food however, if you google it, you'll find out loads of interesting info about them. Should you choose to grow them, please save some seeds and pass them on next year :)
I just mailed these out on Saturday, they certainly traveled fast!!!!

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi Alice, got mine today *grinning*,

Ok this is not a complaint, just want to share what happened to me.

I see the envelope and chuckled to myself hehe, any way got that baby open and dumped the contents in my lap (still had my gown on). Was going thru all my little goodies, and low and behold, there in my lap was a bunch of teeny tiny seeds all over the place. The envelope was full of them too. But I managed not to loose a one of them :o)

Now you all can laugh with me...

Got those put away and opened another envelope from a different swap and I'll be danged if it didn't happen again, same exact thing... Got all them too... rofl

Thanks Alice for a super swap... Can hardly wait for the next one you host...
Thank each and everyone for the great seeds.

Happy Holidays to All, Connie

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Received my packet of seeds this morning! Wow! What an assortment! Thanks everyone for a great trade and special thanks to you, Alice for coordinating and handling all of this!

Can't wait to get started...hurry up Winter Solstice!


Brimfield, MA(Zone 5a)

Hi Alice,

My seeds just came in today's mail too. Thank you so much for hosting this swap and thanks to everyone for the wonderful selection of seeds. This will sure ease the ache of winter!


WOW!!! How awesome it was to participate in this W/S swap! I received my seeds today and I am blown out of the ocean and grateful for everyone's generosity!! Bouquets again to Alice! Bouquets to everyone who has enriched my garden with your wonderful supply seeds!! ;0)

(Zone 7a)

This has been a fabulous seed swap - not a seed came today that won't be treasured - either by me or some friends starting new gardens - thanks to you all, Darius' new garden is going to be off to a splendid start next spring, as well as a newbie's in Wisconsin.

One that I'm getting a big charge out of is the South African Foxglove. I remember reading about it in a seed catalog many years ago, wistfully, but didn't want to risk money on an unknown that was not winter hardy for us. And then, low and behold, a few years later, DH and I were following a horse trail through pinxterflower and lady slippers and then on up to an abandoned ruin that had a pond and meadow with lilies still blooming nearby. On the edge of the pond, there it was - the South African Foxglove - blooming in all its improbable splendor. I gotta emphasize "improbable", because #1 it ain't winter hardy around here and #2 usually people just leave beer bottles behind - let along something like this. So, this afternoon, it arrived as part of this swap - talk about destiny :)

Well, if I stay on this soap box long enough to say how delighted I am with each and every seed, I'll outdo myself in the windy department.

PS - Can anyone help me out with a couple of IDs? One of the packets says:

ROS mix

and another one says: Yellow Butterfly Weed

Does anyone know what these are? the ROS mix seeds are big, flat and round with "hair" radiating out from the perimeter like the Stooge, Curly, on a bad hair day.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I was absolutely thrilled when I received the bubble envelope "stuffed" with everyone's seeds. What a wonderful selection and I can't wait to get started sowing all these fabulous seeds!

A BIG thank you to Alice for hostessing and running such a successful swap and to everyone who participated. I look forward to seeing pictures of all your wintersown plants & blooms next year!

This message was edited Dec 5, 2006 8:01 PM

North Augusta, SC(Zone 8a)

Blue, I sent the South African Foxglove, it may not be hardy but it does a good job of self-seeding.
I didn't send the butterfly weed, but it's Asclepias.
ROS - Rose of Sharon

(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Alice - all of your efforts are immensely appreciated.

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Woohoo~!! I'm up and online mail service started officially today and GUESS what was in the very first mail I received here? Yesssss, all the lovely seeds gifts from everyone in the swap....Thank you, thank you, to everyone who participated, and especially to Alice for her wonderful skills in organizing and sending things. I got so many seeds that I don't have!! Everyone was so generous too. I'm delighted and already scoping out the yard for what will go where. And DH actually packed and brought all the wintersowing containers I had saved at the old house, bless his heart. (of course, they aren't unpacked yet but...I still have a few

And Alice, under the leaf cover by the mailbox in the "off limits" front yard is a rocked off planting area which DH graciously said "It's all yours, plant whatever you want" :D :D So I don't have to resort to "oops, must have fallen out of a trade envelope"...hahaha!

Now I just have to figure out what gets full sun and where to put all of these lovely little it spring yet? As you can see, the property has a bunch of trees and I have no idea what it will fill in like once everyone gets dressed in their spring finery.

Thanks everyone, I'm delighted!


Thumbnail by Hineni

Sunny~ Good News Indeed! Bouquets on your new home and new gardens! Lovely home and property.

North Augusta, SC(Zone 8a)

Sunny, I LOVE the new house!!!! When can I come for a visit? :)

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

My envelope showed up in today's mail....WOW! Boy, am I glad I signed up for this..... : )
A big fat THANK YOU to everyone!!!! Especially Alice for all the work.

I think of all the seeds, there's only one kind I had already

Hineni, congratulations, your place is gorgeous. Are those Azaleas among the trees there? Looks like an Ivy removal opportunity might be in your

I wish everyone the best of luck with the seeds and everything else. Here's to next Spring!!!

Thanks again

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Sunny, congratulations on your beautiful new home! Happy wsing & planting all those wonderful seedlings in your new garden!

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Sunny, your new place is beautiful, you are going to have soooo much fun with your landscape... Be sure to take lots and lots of pictures to show us...

Happy Holidays


Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

Woo Hoo! I got my pack of seeds today and it looks great! There are lots of plants that I hope to have in my garden next year. Looks like I need to be saving some more containers and getting ready for a busy growing season!

Sunny? You might have to change that name because I don't see a lot of "full sun" patches in the sure looks like a nice place with lots of potential for woodland gardens.

- Brent

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

I received my seeds today. I really am impressed with the wide variety of flowers. I am new to this, but I am so hopeful that I can get some of these to grow for me. Thanks to everyone for all the great seeds. We will need a thread this coming season to keep track of what grew and didn't grow for people. I hope to see lots of pictures when these babies bloom. We will keep this forum active all year I think. Thanks again ! Lou

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Mine arrived today also! What a wonderful assortment! I really appreciate the zinnias -- I missed them in the garden this summer, must have them next year! I'm looking forward to trying poppies again this year too. :-)

Blue, you outdid yourself... Are the "Wallflower" seeds those siberian wallflowers, Erysium marshalii, that you shared with me last year? I had a couple of precious seedlings that perished despite my coddling, but I am hoping for better success this year!

I'm quite intrigued about the south african foxglove, and will put it somewhere *probably in my salvia patch) where it can reseed.

Many thanks to all who shared their seeds and to Alice for putting it all together!


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

You all are the kindest, most generous, most thoughtful, most intelligent, most interesting and most green-thumbed group of people on the face of the earth. Am I ever lucky to be in your company! Thank you so very much for the wonderful big fat envelope that I received in yesterday's mail, with an especially big thanks to Alice for organizing it and for being patient with me when my autumn ended up being a small nightmare at work! You should have seen my DH's face: "They sent you all this????"

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Thank you ALL for the wonderful seeds! Mine came on Tuesday, but I haven't had a chance to get on DG and smooze. The Iris and Canna seed are so pretty, you could use them for beeding a necklace.

Would anyones feelings be hurt if I passed on some of these for SASBE? Some of these plants are just too large for my little yard and then there are some perennials that just won't work in my zone 4. But it really is a wonderful selection and I can't wait to start winter sowing.

Cegoins - did you get any of the Silky Red? If not, let me know and I'll send some off to you.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

nope beaker sure didn't and critterologist, I didn't get any Lion's Ear either :(


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