Winter Sowing Seed Swap .....part 2

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

After this, your husband might believe the seeds spilled out of the mailbox! Congratulations on your new place

North Augusta, SC(Zone 8a)

Sunny, No, you didn't need to number anything. That is for those sending extra seeds intended for a certain member.
And congratulations on the house and don't worry about hubby's no flowers in the front'll wear him down in time.

North Augusta, SC(Zone 8a)

Sunny, you could always put up a bird feeder, plant all around it and tell him that some seeds must have fallen out and planted themselves ;)

Bouquets to you Sunny on your new house! :0) How exciting, now you will have so many great flower beds to dream, plan and welcome you out to the gardens!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Congratulations on the new house, Sunny! I'll earmark those seeds for you... and LMK when you start putting together ideas for your new garden(s), and I'll see what else I have that you might be able to use. :-)

(Zone 7a)

Wonderful on your new home and ground waiting for a garden, Sunny. It took some doing for me to bring DH over to the magic of gardening (a lot of blood, sweat and tears involved, I must say). However, I noticed how much he loved animals, and so I designed the garden to - in large part - be naturalized and to attract birds and hummers and butterflies, as well as to withstand woodchucks, rabbits, deer, etc. heh heh - it worked!

Soooo, what interests does your DH have that might somehow be linked to something having to do with gardening and/or nature? Everyone likes to sit and rest - do I see a gazebo screened against 'skeeters looking out on...what?

Connie, I sent an amount of postage to Alice equal to what it cost to send the seeds ("priority mail" hah), so I thought that the return postage - spread out over everyone's envelopes - would compensate for my extra seeds. The trick to getting the return postage in the form of smaller denominations like - say - 30 1-cent stamps, 40 2-cent stamps, 20 5-cent stamps and the rest in 39-cent stamps - from the post office is to explain in the first place why. Many feathers flew with much harumphing in the process of getting our return postage like this because I just asked for the postage without explaining why in the first place.

Critter, I believe - was it Glenda the white witch in the Wizard of Oz? - that you and I are "in the right place right now" in this company of fellow seed enthusiasts ( ).

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

for one the post office shouldn't give you a hassle when you buy stamps, no matter what qty or price,


Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Now those are all terrific ideas...hmmm, seed packets must have leaked, bird feeder spillage...(eyes twinkling) You guys are great :)

And thank you for all the congrats - we are so delighted to get out of the city proper (we live right smack downtown). Atlanta is a beautiful and exciting place, but we're pretty much home-bodies so all of the things that attract others really aren't up our alley (except for the park, which we love). We will lose some of the convenience factor, but we decided the trade-off of land, larger home and the peaceful more rural lifestyle were more than worth it. I only hope that proves to hold true for the commute DH will face - some of it on Ga's worst highway, GA400 (only 8 miles of it thankfully). He said "Even if the drive turns out to be little more stressful, once I turn the corner of the street the house is on, it's like entering the forest and I know I'll be able to decompress more easily." I'm very greatful that he can think of it like that :)

Hmm, sorry Alice for pulling this thread off topic, I'll shut up now :D

~Sunny (who should be packing before work rather than waxing poetic about moving!)

ohh id love to try the chocolate daisy....


Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

5 packs per member?!? Are you trying to make me feel bad for only sending in the required 20 packs? ;-) Oh is a good thing that I sent them in early otherwise my male hormones would kick in and I would be determined to send at least 6 packs per member and I don't think I could handle that much work! Thanks!!

- Brent

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi Jill,
In adition to the wild cherry tomato's I would love to try some Annual Lion's Ear (Leonotus nepetifolia) and Chocolate Daisy (Berlandiera lyrata)

:o) Thanks Connie

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Pamsue & Connie, I added Chocolate Daisy for both of you (already had the Lion's Ear for Connie).

Alice, in fairness I'm thinking that the "picks" people have requested from my list will count as swap seeds, otherwise some people will be getting 5 packs from me and others without preferences will get 2. I can put swap numbers on all the seed packets (just picking out random pairs of packs for people who haven't made requests) and bundle them together in order so you can just pop them into the bags as you go down the row. Or, I can keep the random seeds separate and let you pick out who gets what... So when you go down the row of bags, you'll have seeds labeled for #9 and #10, and then you'd see seeds labeled for #12, so you'd just pick out 2 random packs to put into bag #11. That sounds more complicated than it would actually be, I think, when I try to write it out! Just LMK if you want me to put swap numbers on all the seed packs or just on the requested ones.

So if anyone else has picks from the list above, PLMK! :-)

I'm making good progress on bagging and tagging, LOL, so I should have my seeds in the mail on Monday.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

LOL! Brent on the male hormones!

Critter, you are too good to us!

And Alice, you are a Saint to put up with all our nonsense....LOL Thank you!


North Augusta, SC(Zone 8a)

Critter, whenever way works best for you is fine with me.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Here's the *giggle* that I forgot to include for Brent earlier! I'm not going to try to top bluespiral's generosity... testosterone is just not an issue for me... but I'm having fun putting in some extra swap packets and marking out some things that folks particularly want. :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Alice, you really are a gem!! Thanks. I just didn't want to make things difficult at your end, especially since you've been so wonderful about organizing this for all of us! It's been really fun to have this swap in mind when harvesting & packaging seeds this fall. I'm glad you gave us an end of November deadline, too, or I'd have had far fewer things to offer.


5 packs? did i miss something? i followed the rules...

critter..i didnt read your list carefully and i see more if you dont mind, lions ear, blue agastache and flamingo fountain the pictured one in addition to the choc daisy. if you have a few more seeds.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

You didn't miss anything... it's just that in her usual generous fashion, Bluespiral sent 95 packs of seed rather than 20, from what Alice said. !!!

FYI, on consideration, I'm not sure that the Annual Lion's Ear is WSable... I started mine inside last spring since I had just a few seeds, and they didn't start flowering until, hmmm, maybe early August and were just starting to set seed at the end of September... without the early start, I'm not sure how they would've done. I'm still happy to send them, but you might want to start a couple inside as insurance. :-)

Pam, I don't mind at all... I'm happy to share them. I appreciate Alice letting us bend the swap rules to send some extras around!

critter...ah ok ...thanks for updating me..
.yes i do sow some seeds inside so i will start the lions ears indoors thanks for letting me know..i admit i do not know alot about wintersowing..
i do like to sow something new and different every my favorites...
very generous of bluespiral to share lots of seed :)

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Pam, check out mamajack's thread, Poojer (Trudi) from posted some really good links and gave some great advice on winter sowing. :o)


ok thanks i do know who trudi is but i did not know her user name she uses on here... and ill check the links out...pamsue

Cincinnati, OH

I would really like some of the agastache and basil, both kinds, if possible. I can do a separate trade if you would like.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Hi Everybody, my package is on the way.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hmmm, I thought I posted last night, but either my post evaporated or I had another blonde moment.

Anyway, I've got you covered, Kay, and I'll dig out the Torenia seeds also to include for you & a couple others who wanted them (they're not WSable, but, well).

North Augusta, SC(Zone 8a)

Mary from Orlando?
I got a bubble envelope in the mail today that contains 12 packs of seeds, no note, no postage, no address label. The return address, what I can read of it, says Mary, Orlando FL. The words 'Winter Sowing Swap' is also written on it. Any clues as to who this is from?

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Not me...

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

No Clue what so ever??? sooo strange!


Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

This is going to sound really weird, but I think Fran sent her seeds to the wrong person and to the wrong swap. On the Winter sowing seed swap #2 -- AnitaKbryk's -- we are waiting for Fran's seeds which were mailed a week ago. On Monday, so exactly week ago.

I know the names Fran and Mary don't sound alike, but lots of people have Mary as a legal first name -- I think her name is Mary Frances, goes by Fran, is from Orlando, and sent the seeds to the wrong swap. :(

Sound possible?


La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Alice, it is who Suzy says, her screen name is Sendone2me, She sent her seeds to the wrong swap, they should have went to Anita's...


North Augusta, SC(Zone 8a)

Suzy & Connie, you may be right...I dmailed Anita about it.
Thanks for investigating this mystery!

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Your welcome Alice,

I did a sasbe with Fran, but thought her name was Mary because it was list that way, I d-mailed her as Mary and she answered back as Fran, lol totally confused me rofl... But I had forgot about that til Suzy mentioned it...


North Augusta, SC(Zone 8a)

Happy Birthday Shirley1md!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you, Alice. I'm enjoying my special day and have been receiving bouquets of flowers & plants. My house looks like the inside of a florist shop and I'm lovin' it! :~)

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Make sure you save the seeds Shirley ;) Happy birthday!


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK! I think I've got everything on my list in trade baggies, just have to put the special stickers for special requests, and then my fat packet will be on its way. I think I kept track of requests pretty well as we went along, but if I forgot anything I said I'd send you, just LMK and we can trade or SASBE for it.

If anybody wants "dibs" on anything on my list, LMK today or tomorrow... Of course, I'm also happy to swap later, too, but figured I'd post one more reminder...

Thanks for your patience while I dried and sorted and labeled! I will try to make the wait worthwhile... and if USPS cooperates, my seeds will arrive well before our end of month deadline, LOL.

edited to add, scroll up to Nov. 7 for the list of what I'm including in the swap... you can pick, or you can get random choices.

This message was edited Nov 16, 2006 12:47 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Seeds are all packed up and will hit the mailbox tomorrow. :-) I ended up stapling 2 (or more, for folks with requests) packets together, numbering them, and bundling them sequentially, so it should be easy to drop them into the bags. If I missed anything that somebody asked for, LMK and we'll figure it out.

Alice, I left the morning glory mix out of the main swap because of the weight of the seeds, but when my packet weighed in at just over 3 oz I figured there was room to put some MGs in for you... If you don't want them, just pass them along!

This was fun, and it made me get my seeds dechaffed and organized a little earlier this year. Thanks!!

North Augusta, SC(Zone 8a)

Critter, that's very thoughtful of you, I love MG's. I can't wait to see all the goodies you're sending. After yours arrives we only have to wait for seeds from 4 other members and then I can mail them out to everyone.

North Augusta, SC(Zone 8a)

Okay, I think the mystery seeds from the mystery sender has been solved. It was Sendone2me who mistakenly mailed them to me instead of Anita, who is hosting the WS Swap #2. After several dmails to both of them, in which I offered to mail them back to either one of them, it was concluded that neither needed or wanted them. So, that means they're up for grabs.
These are the sends, courtesy of 'Sendone2me'. If you'd like any of these added your your envelope, let me know. And please note that I do not have any additional info about these seeds other then what I have listed here....

Empress Tree - Paulownia (about 8 seeds)
Martin Gourd
Hibiscus, plate size, color wine or white --etravia*
Zinnia - large orange --pamsue*
Clematis, Sweet Autumn --Hineni*
Yellow Candle Tree --Hineni*
Echinacea --Hineni*
2- Pink Shower Tree --cegoins*
Dwarf Glad --Hineni*
Dwarf Flamboyant , orange & red --cegoins*
Dutch Iris, blue --cegoins*


This message was edited Nov 19, 2006 11:35 AM

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi alice,

I would like the Dutch Iris, blue

Thanks Connie

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh dear, you're waiting on me. I was going to wait until after Thanksgiving, but I don't want to hold everyone up so I'll try to get them out this weekend. My father-in-law is visiting and I have a huge work deadline looming, so I might slip, but I'll do my best.

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