Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

Who's..? *looking around*...hehe..

Well, based from the responses, I'm the same as all of you. Still also hiding them in the car until it's safe to bring 'em down and let them blend in with the rest, to avoid certain head shaking and silly comments...LOL.

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

hiding them in the car....
Just a quick comment from a lurker - you can bring your newly purchased plants safely inside, park them in their new location and when somebody asks you : "Where did this come from??" You can say: "This ?????? But why - it lives here". Pronounce the "lives" with an indignant voice...

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

Do I win a plant?

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

I am glad to know I am not the only one who hides new plants in the car!!! I can also slip them out of the passenger's side and hide them in the driveway, as long as my truck's there to block the view. When that spot's full, I can tip-toe them behind my big oak tree! That's where all my hostas are now. I should be out there planting them.

Ooohh Lord, I think I need help! Hey, I DO have 2.5 acres of land! I make sure daffodills and crocus are everywhere, and I try to keep daylilies, ferns, jack-in-the-pulpits and hostas in as many places as possible. I may have 100 houseplants, but I have lots more perennials. Does the fact that I'm mainly a landscape gardener grant me absolution?

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Lol at the plant hiding in the glad I don't have to worry about that....yet! I look at plants to buy every day, I'm always checking ebay or my favorite nursery sites. And many a weekend is passed by a trip around to Lowes, HD, and some of the local nurseries here. I have actually been good this summer about buying, probably because I was afraid of whatever I got frying in this heat. But come fall, I succumbed again....2 big hoya orders, some succulent buys on ebay just last week, and I'm still looking at more! least it's better than most addictions but when you're on a grad student salary it can make it difficult. I must learn to resist.....I must learn to resist.....

:) Kim

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)


Don't you know that "resistance is futile". (-Capt Picard as Locutus) So if resistance is futile then we are all done for and must, therefore, not stop doing what we do. The world would be an ugly place to live without plants. And we are just helping out by making the world more beautiful. So our addictions are only helping and not hindering, unless you talk about our wallets. LOL


Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

Yes, Melissa, you 'win' a plant of your choice....whatever it is, just say it...!
You have the land to fill anyway, nobody will notice :o)
And about sliding the plants thru the passenger side thing, I could've written that...LOL...

This used to work: " This 'ol plant? It's been sitting there for awhile, can't believe you didn't notice..."
Dh tattle taled to people that come to our house that the cactus population in this house suddenly exploded and our tiny backyard turned into the Amazon in one night....*rolling eyes*

It's just too hard to resist when it comes to plants...!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

The ONLY one that didn't walk into my house and get "that" look (ya'll know the one I'm referring to) was our Becky...she "understands." Course I've seen her collections. We've got double trouble - not only to we buy plants ourselves but also buy and/or share our extras with each other!! Co-enablers...yup, that's us!!! Can't even count the times I've "left" plants in the car for "a little bit" Read: until everyone's asleep...LOL

This message was edited Oct 19, 2006 12:23 AM

Thomasville, GA(Zone 8b)

You know, ladies, "normal" women hide new clothing or shoes..... LOL

Luckily for me I have a potting bench just past my carport, I can "park" newbies there if I move quickly enough....the problem is I want to share them with someone and LH is the only one here! I end up cracking under pressure....

Also we share an email and an eBay account, and he works out of the house when he's in town. So I get busted buying or when the delivery comes, one or the other!!!

Oh, well....I keep telling him it could be internet's just plants! Who could object to such a safe little hobby?


Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

LOL Gang!!!
The really dangerous addition is clothes! $$$!
I hide new clothes and shoes, too! I have the clothes washer in the bathroom closest to the front door, so I pretend like I really need to"go" after coming home from shopping-- I can rip off the tags and hide the clothes in a basket!!!
Clothes/shoes are my worst addiction. I just can't afford it anymore. There are lots of beautiful plants for $1 and $2--sadly, not clothing- not even at thrift stores. I know I am a serious addict because I panic when I find the PERFECT shoes or outfit-- I want to buy all the store has so I'll always have it! I once bought 10 pair of the same perfect pants... I have been a stay at home Mom for so many years, so no $$ except for the occasional odd job or ebay sale. So I have to rely on DH for spending money. He does not regard my "Make Your Wife The Best Dressed Woman In The World" a legitimate charity!!! Plus, I can only use the "this old thing?" so many times!
However, DH knows that plants can multiply! Wow, look at all the new plants I got from dividing/cuttings/seeds!!! DH must think we live on a nuclear waste site- who knew a few coleus cuttings can yield 10 genera of succulents????

Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

Y'all just toooooo funny! But so true...!

Around here, clothes and shoes got thrown into the guest bedroom or left in the car's trunk until there's no prying eyes....LOL...

Pardon me for asking this here, but does anyone know what this is? I *think* it's a Hoya, but sticker says "Wax Ivy - Senecio Variegatum".
The nursery lady said that it's a Hoya, but frowned her forehead after reading the sticker. Is wax ivy = hoya? I tried googling, but so far no help. I could go to houseplant forum, id forum, and hoya forum to ask, but thought I better ask here first to save some time.
Maybe the Hoya Collectors (hint: Becky, Chantell) can confirm this is a Hoya?
Thank you.

This message was edited Oct 18, 2006 7:51 PM

Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

A picture would help, wouldn't it?
Here it is.
Thanks again!

Thumbnail by baileykat
Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Sure looks like a hoya to me! I'm guessing a carnosa or will tell for sure. Nice plant!

:) Kim

Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks, Kim...!
Can't wait for it to bloom now, although the lady told me it'll take awhile...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Becky's the Hoya expert...I only have 4 compared to her....ummm, how many Becky? LOL It looks like a hoya to me but wait till she checks in!! I will tell you what I learned the hard way...LOL Regardless of feeling like you need to give it a trim...DON'T do it!! I kept trimming one of mine b/c it looked scraggley to me. Then I posted HOW long would I have to wait till blooms...I've had them since they were 2 leaves old in a solo cup 5 years ago. How was I suppose to know they bloomed on the ends of their growth? Mercy...what a dope I am!!!

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b) not fret. I trim mine frequently so that I can keep some cuttings going and I am sure that also prolongs bloom time for me as well. However, I like propogating and having extras to trade so it's not a big deal to me. I'm sure yours will bloom when it's ready. Right now I've got a noid getting ready to open, I'm so excited. I've got more hoyas than I know what to do with (well over 60)....especially this year I am trying to figure out where they are all going to go when I move them into the house. I think I need to go plant stand shopping.....

:) Kim

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Well, expert I ain't! But, it sure looks like a Hoya to me. I doubt it is a Senecio! I would post in on the Hoya forum so the experts can take a look!
And, NO Chantell, we are not even gonna discuss HOW many Hoyas I have! Hehehehe! (truth is - I have NO idea)

I ain't even gonna get into the clothes discussion - my other "passion" - I LOVE shoes and purses! There is not a Chico's store within 50 miles I have NOT been in and I am incapable of walking past a DSW!

I guess I am one of the lucky ones - DH has resigned to the fact that I will spend my hard earned cash on whatever and however many C&S I want - I do not hide them - as a matter of fact I kinda love showing them to him, his ONLY concern is where are they going & will they eventually take over the house!?
I do try to be "considerate" and keep 'em off the kitchen counter/table, but, right now my latest "haul" is proudly displayed on half of the counter - I was gonna plant them last night and promptly passed out after dinner!

Any-who - back to the other "passion" (OK, so I just could NOT stay away from it) - clothes/shoes/purses - DH loves it when I actually get out of my work clothes - which are jammie bottoms and t-shirts - dress up and "put my face on"! So, he is pretty good at remembering to compliment me on new "acquisitions" - be it shoes/clothes and purses! He even encourages it - he learned the hard way - right after I started working from home, we were strolling the mall, walked past Chico's and I was looking at some stuff in the window - he (stupidly) looked at me and (stupidly) quipped - "you don't need to look at that any more - you don't need them" - ahem, I just gave him THE look, told him to stop RIGHT THERE & waltzed into the store and blew a few $$ on more clothes - that "I didn't need any more". That'll learn him! He no longer stupidly quips anything - just reminds me I havta have enough saved come tax time for self-employed people in April!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yeah you tell em, Becky!! I thought counters, pool tables....dining room tables were for holding plants!! Heck any flat surface!! ROTFL

Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks for the tips, Ladies..!
Chantell, has yours (the one that started in solo cup) ever bloomed for you yet?
Kim, 60 Hoyas?? WOW..! You better get that plant stand, soon...!
Becky, whenever I pass by DSW, I swore there's a strong magnetic force. Do you have their frequent buyer card thing? *hehehe*......

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

BK - I got mine online from Rob's I ordered 4 and they all came as teeny tiny plants (2 leaves) rooted in solo cups. 2 of the 4 have bloomed for me. Bella started blooming 2 years ago, the lacunosa bloomed this year a few times (an amazing scent - I don't even have words - WOW!!), the purpureo-fusca 'silver pink' hasn't bloomed yet although that "might" have been b/c of the numerous hair cuts (like to kick myself now - not to mention I threw away what I cut off the first couple of times) & the variegated one (I think this is a more common one that can be found at HD etc.) has never bloomed...this one makes up for it though as one entire vine of it has leaves that are solid pink - a very muted pink but pink just the same...keep wondering how that happened...LOL

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

Only a man would use "NEED" and "CLOTHES" in the same sentence! I HAVE to have clothes!!! Purses- drool, drool- I live within 2 hours of a Dooney & Bourke outlet store. DH is still patting himself on the back by taking me there ONCE. I have 5 of their bags; my goal in life is to own a different color for every accent color in my closet; right now I only have black and tans. When I die, I'm going to get an extra-large casket and wear a great outfit and have my D&B purses all mounded around me! My obit can say "She didn't help starving children or create world peace, BUT she had an impressive collection of purses""!!!!

Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b) Melissa!!!!

Chantell, you do realize that you just enabled something, right??? (just joking..!). Been to that website but to check out the violets, never realizing that they have quite a selection of Hoyas..!! Not sure if I have your patience to wait years for them to bloom though. I bet they smell great, something to look forward to. Do you know if HD, Lowes, etc ever sell them already blooming?? *giggle*

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

BK - Me? LOL Hmmm re HD - not sure...I have to admit I don't "look" for hoyas when I hit those stores...Cactus? Yes!! I don't recall seeing blooms on any. Becky? You around here? What has your exp. been - any bloomers at HD?
I'm so "non-female" when it comes to shoes and purses...I have the ones I like...and use every day...I'm serious. I only buy a purse if mine is ripping apart...and my DD says, "MOM!!! Please replace THAT!!!"

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

Chantell, you need a femme-intervention. You LIKE what you have? Outrageous!!! Ladies, we have to cowgirl-up!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL....rather buy a plant or something related to cameras...can't help it!! Clothes, I like...just don't have that hankering for shoes and purses...sad, I know!

Tampa, FL

Hi gals! just drove in from Tenn. I would like to respond to all your juicy, delightful, revealing manias..but there are TOO MANY!! So loved catching up on all this female know if a male was reading all these postings he would have ALOT of blackmail material...well, got to see FALL!!! We went into the mTs. (smoky) and had the pleasure of actually watching fall progress as we went higher...very cool...i did manage to get alot of little interesting rocks for my succulent dish gardens, in spite of our heavy sight seeing schedule...went to the Biltmore Estate..been there once before, so lovely in the fall...took the horse buggy tour which was really neat...did the touristy things...glad to be pet/plant sitter did a stellar job on taking care of all the C&S collections as well as other plants. & cats...was so cold there one night i went to bed with houseslipper stockings on! NO heat in the little cabin.... (us Floridians are such wimps). I Loved it..It is still 91 degrees here today with incredible humidity....cheesh...that's all for hearing about Y'all little methods for sneaking stuff in!! Makes life interesting doesn't it! bye for now, girls...missed youse..(N.Y.speak) sue

Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

Welcome back, we missed you..!!!!
Glad to 'hear' you have a nice trip.

Ya know, Ladies, sometimes I wish I only have one or two obsessions, instead of so many, plants are actually my latest..! So confusing at times, like they're some kind of life threatening decision to make...LOL. For example, today, after Chantell's post that HD sometimes have Hoya, I happened to stop by there, none to be found btw, but always have some bales of soil to bring home *hehe*...

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Howdy campers! Greetings from the still up & NOT working Becky in VA! LOL
Actually - I need to get my kiester off this chair and upstairs and get the aforementioned C&S potted - tonite!!
OK, flowering Hoyas at Big Box? Hmmm, I have a HD special - I believe it is a Bella - and it bloomed like a champ after I had it for a while - but have I ever seen a blooming one at the store - nah!

Ladies - you are right - we need a serious intervention with Chantell - not liking shoes & purses??? Oh my!!! It is simply....ah, what are the words I am looking for - preposterous, absurd, outrageous, nonsensical, unheard of, inconceivable, unimaginable... dang it I need to hit Websters Website (see, I can never "quit" working)!! So, if I can find you a purse with a cactus ON it would ya like it?? How about shoes with little shiny, bling cacti?? LOL
Sorry Chantell, I am tired and goofy! :)

Ahem, back to obsessions - yes, they are plentiful in this household, but lets "define" obsession before we actually admit that we "suffer" from them - now, according to Websters it is a noun and the following is the explanation

1. An irrational motive for performing trivial or repetitive actions against your will.

2. An unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone.

Or how about this -

Specialty Definitions: Obsession
Domain Definitions
A recurrent, persistent thought, image, or impulse that is unwanted and distressing (ego-dystonic) and comes involuntarily to mind despite attempts to ignore or suppress it. Common obsessions involve thoughts of violence, contamination, and self-doubt. (references)
An -- is the pathological presence of a persistent and irresistible thought. Source: European Union. (references)
In psychology, an irresistible urge, sometimes amounting to obsession to perform a particular act which usually is carried out against the performer's will or better judgment. Source: European Union. (references)

So, can any one of you say you actually resemble any of these descriptions? We are not unhealthy - maybe a "tad" preoccupied, but obsessed? Nah, I am still searching for the "perfect" word for what ails us, but I refuse to believe I am obsessed!

Now, this is a word I prefer to use - passionate
And here are the synonyms -
Synonyms within Context: Passionate
Impulsive, impetuous, passionate; uncontrolled, uncontrollable; ungovernable, irrepressible, stanchless, inextinguishable, burning, simmering, volcanic, ready to burst forth, volatile.
Earnest, wistful, eager, breathless; fervent; fervid; gushing, passionate, warm-hearted, hearty, cordial, sincere, zealous, enthusiastic, glowing, ardent, burning, red-hot, fiery, flaming; boiling over.
Hasty, overhasty, quick, warm, hot, testy, touchy, techy, tetchy; like touchwood, like tinder; huffy; pettish, petulant; waspish, snappish, peppery, fiery, passionate, choleric, shrewish, " sudden and quick in quarrel ".
Affectionate, tender, sweet upon, sympathetic, loving; amorous, amatory; fond, uxorious, ardent, passionate, rapturous, devoted, motherly.

Now, really look at the definitions of passionate and tell me this is not a better word than obsessed! :) And, I am sure y'all can find a word or two in the definitions to describe yourselves to a T!
Y'all be good - I am off to play with plants! LOL

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Great definitions Bec.....although i think i qualify as a a bit more than a tad! As for HD hoyas...I don't think i ever saw a bloomer there, but I did pick up a blooming lacunosa last year at lowes. You just never know what you'll find!

:) Kim

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Kim - is the lacunosa's blooms the most amazing scent ever, or what?! OMG Pure heaven!!!

Becky - geez....woman....SLEEP is a good thing...ok or playing in dirt!! LOL NO purses or shoes with any "bling" anything on them...mercy!! I have my couple of pairs...they work just fine and match everything. As for the purse....2 purses...1 for everyday and a teeny black one that will hold driver's license, visa, lipgloss, and cell phone - for the times that I really get out..LOL

SUE - welcome home WE MISSED YOU!!!!! Ahhhh, fall colors tain't nuthin' like them!! I noticed coming up I95 today how much they've changed just since last weekend!! Love it, love it!!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Okey, okey - so, she ain't receptive to interventions!
Speaking of fall colors - yes, they are glorious now....DH's cousin and wife is coming to visit today and hopefully the weather co-operates and we can do a skyline drive tomorrow - need apples, honey and fudge as well! They have the best shops along 29 with the above-mentioned!
I did play in dirt last night - (note the night part) and got all the new acquisitions planted! Pix will be posted!

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

So pretty Becky!!! Fudge and honey.....mmmm!!! OH yeah!! It should be gorgeous up there this weekend!! Another nice place to take folks and pics is Great Falls in McLean!!

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

Fall colors here, too, except they all over the ground and SOMEONE (me) will have to pick them all up!

I guess I'm not obsessive because the urges aren't "unwanted"! I want new plants, clothes, shoes, bags, Josh Holloway ("Sawyer" on lost). I would say I am "Enthusiastic"! I think I'm suffering from being bored. The house is ALWAYS a mess; that really brings me down. How is it that you clean one room, and the rest get messed up while you're not looking? Elves??

Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

How is it that you clean one room, and the rest get messed up while you're not looking? Elves??

Around here they're called a little boy and his dog, they're somewhat in the same family as Elves/leprechauns/live garden gnomes...

Fall isn't full force around here yet, only somewhat yellowing stage, not even reddish yet...Becky's picture is pretty.

So, Kim, you actually found a hoya in bloom inside a big box store? *keeping my hopes up*....


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Jax - I agree 100% w/ my home they're referred to as "The Tribe" aka 4 teenagers...don't even get me started on the 3 dogs...only difference is the dogs don't argue with me...ok, except mine...she does, at times when her brain is MIA

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

K, pictures uploaded of latest "haul" - some are a little unclear, I was done at 3.30 AM and not really in the best shape to take pictures!

Jax - I like the term "enthusiastic" - I think it's even better than "passionate" - I have a tendency to be "very enthusiastic" when it comes to doing anything really - I am passionate AND enthusiastic about life in general and try to approach life that way! But, housecleaning, nah - I enthusiastically take on an extra job or two to pay someone to come in and do that! Gives me time to work when I have to and not worry about the dust bunnies if I am in the middle of a project that has me tied to the "dungeon" for weeks on end! However - I do clean when I have the time to do that - which lately has NOT been the case! (Took me several weeks of hem-hawing back and forth to justify paying someone to clean my house - but, came to the conclusion, why not, I work hard and dang it, it's my money!) One of my girlfriends was appalled - "how can you stay home and work and NOT clean you own house???". To which I justified my actions with - "well, lemme see, I work up to 80 hrs per week from home, I have to be able to see McDreamy, Mc Steamy (and of course Sawyer!!), pet the critters and also feed the man every now and then - so yeah, I think it's ok!"
On that note, back to work, I have to proofread and correct a website on Schizophrenia before the weekend is over! Yeah me!

Boerne new zone 30, TX(Zone 8b)

grimlins! that's what it is... throwing clothes out of drawers and closets... getting mud on the rug!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

"website on Schizophrenia " now THAT'S up my ally...that would be fascinating!! Much better then the old kindling!! LOL
Great pics, Becky - I just finally looked at ALL of them!!

This message was edited Oct 20, 2006 2:27 PM

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOLOL - ain't it though!

Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

OK, I NEED HELP!!! I just went to the grocery store for MILK, JUST MILK!!! Besides the milk, look what I got...

Thumbnail by Jax4ever

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