Is this a ti plant?

Rogue River, OR(Zone 8a)

hi! i have been reading and enjoying this forum and know that someone can help me. the pic is of a ti plant (i think) i bought it about 5 yrs ago and it was only about 6" tall. now it is huge and very tipsy and to my surprise blooming!!!!!!! can i repot this or can i cut it back when done blooming and start a new one? thank you : ) this is of the bloom...

Thumbnail by betsyah
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)


It looks more like a Dracaena 'Janet Craig' in flower to me.


Rogue River, OR(Zone 8a)

thanks - that is a start!

West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

I agree with GH; I have 11 tis, and the leaves grow on a visible trunk-like stalks on all of them. Tis bloom very rarely in pots, from what I gather. I'm a big ti fan.

Lexington, SC(Zone 8a)

Ditto the last poster. I have a dozen or more of them, red and green, and I've never seen any of them bloom. Even in the wild of Hawaii I've never seen a blooming plant.

Rogue River, OR(Zone 8a)

thank you. it is now about 4 feet tall.......

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

betsyah, I have what I believe to be Dracena 'Janet Craig' that was about as tall as what yours appears to be. The problem I had was leaf tips turning brown. There is one where I work that is so beautiful, having about 5 plants in the planter all of different heights (the lower leaves were stripped off the main stalk), so I decided to cut my plant into three pieces. I stuck the two which came from the mother plant into the soil with the mom. One rooted; unfortunately the mother and one cut off died, leaving me with one poorly developed stalk. Sooooo, I'm very interested in how much light and water your plant receives and what type of soil the plant is in. I haven't figured out whether I'm watering too much or too little (weekly), and whether my plant receives too much sunlight (through low-e glass). And I agree that your flowering Dracena should be submitted to the Dracena 'Janet Craig' page. The attached picture, taken last year, is of the Dracena where I work.

Thumbnail by patp
Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks for showing this in bloom. It is a first for me. Be sure to add it to the plant files.

Rogue River, OR(Zone 8a)

it was good to see your picture - my plant is looking very poorly right now - took all it had to bloom i guess! now i know i can strip those leaves. it is sooo tall and gangly - i have to prop it up so it doesnt tip over. i am very interested to hear about you cutting it down and starting a couple new ones. i would like to do that.

i think i have just been lucky as far as the plant is concerned. it is about 5-6 years old and just lives in my bathroom on the side of the tub in front of a window - it gets a little morning sun but then just indirect the rest of the day. it is simply in potting soil and i use a 3 month fertilizer on it. it gets watered about once a week but i have been known to miss a week here and there. i repotted it about 2 years ago. i take it outside a couple times a year, wash the dust off with the garden hose and get the soil fully saturated.

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