twining tendrils

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4a)

I have had a marvelous oak leaf ivy plant at work, and now that it is about 3'x3'x3' in size, it has started to send out the twining tendrils for the first time, looking for something to attach to. I wonder if anyone knows what triggers that to happen in a plant like this. Is it a certain state of maturity, a certain length of a branch, light or environmental conditions, etc.? An enquiring mind wants to know!

Susan in Minneapolis

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

In my experience, it's maturity....or at least a 'yearning' (so to speak) toward maturity....if that makes sense?! Ü

Most vines that are allowed to twine to something, vine around something, or have it's aerial roots 'embed' to/into something, will grow leaves that are usually much larger, and often different in shape than the juvenile/immature leaves.

Sounds like a happy plant!

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