Another clivia questions, seedpods on the plant - timber!

Vista, CA(Zone 10a)

As you can see in my picture the seed pod stalk has fallen to a frightening level (for me at least!). I just picked this plant up today from home depot and it is in pretty good shape, but I am not sure the best way to handle/help the pods - i would hate to lose them! Would it be a good idea to prop them up? they are currently resting on the stairs at what i deem to be a natural height (though i guess whats natural right now is really low!) - I was thinking of just proping them up with a stick because i can't leave the plant where it is, but then maybe it wants to be hanging low and this is completely okay? It looked like it got knocked or bumped at home depot and forced into this position for too long, the pods still look fine and i think the stalk is still healthy, should i leave it or prop it up, or any other suggestions??
Thanks again!

Thumbnail by AbbieOriginal
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Just tie it up to the plant and it will be fine.

Vista, CA(Zone 10a)

thanks, this seems a simple and obvious solution, i feel i am a bit overly obsessive sometimes!!

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

(I would be too if I had a podding Clivia)

What can you tell me about the pods? I have some similar in size. They have been on my clivia for a couple months. They don't seem to be changing colors.
Do you know how long it usually takes for them to ripen?
Then what? Do they need a period of chilling, or any other specifics?
I ordered 3 seeds online several years ago, planted them according to directions, and they all three just rotted on me. I'd like to get it right this time.
I am no novice to seed starting, but this threw me for a loop, you might say.
Any advice for me? Thanks so much.

Vista, CA(Zone 10a)

Deanna, I have had a couple pods on my clivias, all have taken a long time to ripen enough to change color, over 7 months (probably more but i don't keep great track!)....sorry i can't help with the seed rot, I am going to have my first experement here as soon as i finish moving! Good luck!

They do seem to ripen quicker if you pick them ,but maybe don't make as many (or as viable) seeds, i have another question posted about a pod i have that was picked while still green, maybe someone who answers that can help you out too!

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Deanna- I'm sorry the only thing I know about clivias is how beautiful they are! :) I've been contemplating starting some from seed too, so I'd love to know the answer to your question. It seems like they used to talk about clivias on the Tropicals forum a lot...maybe ask there? Sorry I can't be more help!

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