Hurricane Ernesto

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Already? Oh, my.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

My neighbors are still planning on heading for JAX on Thurs afternoon.
Straight down I-75.
Assuming things don't go terribly wrong it
looks like things will have settled down by then.

I'm glad this was just a blow.
Think one year ago we were already to 'K'.
Five fewer storms so's hoping it holds in that pattern!


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)


Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Yep, look at the radar...the patchy band goes from Jacksonville area through Tampa Bay. With the animation you can see it clearly

Thumbnail by Floridian
Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

here is a great web site

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

GOOD Mornin' all....and I do mean GOOD! Looks like we dodged the badest bullet here and only have to watch out for the flooding. Not a bad trade off! It's still too dark to see much yet, but the rumble of thunder sounds way off in the distance.

The center of the storm is just now moving up towards my location, but the radar shows most of the heaviest rain in bands over on the west coast. As it moves to exit Florida it will drag most of that over me so I still on "pot-watch". LOL

So, all you south and central Floridians, keep your powder dry and keep posting. We all need to keep a watch out for the GA, SC and NC DG'ers as Ernesto is an "iffy" proposition to strengthen back up once it hits the hot Gulf Stream.

Hang on Sloopys, a wet ride, but not too bumpy!

P.S. Starfly, thanks for the great link!

This message was edited Aug 30, 2006 6:48 AM

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

This morning in Lauderhill, Fl: windy and gusty with a few drops water here and there. We're all right and we did dodge the bullet. I was so looking forward to seeing my first hurricane. Oh well, there's always next time.


This message was edited Aug 30, 2006 9:38 AM

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

spoken like a true florida newbie. lol

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

i am so thankfull you didn,t get to see this one
once your in a good one and lose everthing you will never want to see are hear about another one
i have seen plenty here in florida my 64 years and i could live without seeing another one
everybody please stay safe and heed the warnings

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

thanks for that bit of wisdom, starfly, spoken like a true floridian.

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

everything is good here just a little sprinkle at this time
if everything keeps going like it is we want get but just a little rain and wind. if it changes i will let you know.stay calm

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

What a beautiful day! My home is still standing, my family is safe and my garden is undamaged. Who could ask for more? I understand the premature request of lourspolaire as I once felt the same way when i first arrived here in So Fl in 1976. Saw many movies about hurricanes and thought it to be exciting not realizing the horrors that come with it. When a window blows out and then your doors go with it and your roof flies off and all you have for shelter is your bathtub while useing your body as a shield to protect your wife and two children while being pelted with all types of projectiles.
The fearful respect of hurricanes will only come to a person when they have truly lived thru one and not in the shelter of a strong concrete building. I lived on Long Island, NY most of my life and never experienced the full fury of a hurricane but now six is more than enough!

This message was edited Aug 30, 2006 12:38 PM

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i, too, understand the "excitement" behind the request to see a hurricane firsthand. i hope i didn't come off there as being mean in my comments. when i first came to florida, i went through two small hurricanes, alone except for my animals, and scared out of my wits. i was too afraid to evacuate with all of the cats and dogs. after each one, the downstairs had been flooded, the garden was wrecked, trees down, debris everywhere, and the worst part was that after each and every hard day of work getting it back together, i would come back in the house with no electric to cool off, cook or clean. i realize that is small potatoes compared to losing a roof, an entire house or worse, a two or four-legged loved one, but it was bad enough for me and i never want to experience another one. even though i am now in a relatively safe area, i still get that sick to my stomach feeling watching one trek up or across. btw, ernesto made landfall right at the frontdoor to my old home.

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

Boy oh boy! Good thing my mud boots go to my knees!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Please try to understand this, everyone:

I have a curious, inquisitive, scientific and adventurous mind. I do not wish calamities to befall my fellow man. Without being fatalistic, they will happen anyhow. I don't have to wish for them.

I know without having seen it firsthand that hurricanes are powerful and dangerous weather systems. It's just that I have never experienced that for myself before. I silll look forward to surviving my first real hurricane.

You don't need a hurricane to lose everything you own, save the clothes on your back: we lost everything to an appartment fire 2 months after being married. Did we raise our fists to the heavens and curse? No! We picked up our lives and started over. We had $49 in the bank and nowhere to live. We survived, we trived and we were stronger thereafter. As the old saying says: "We didn't have a pot to hiss in."

Also, I have said this before and I'll say it again at the risk of repeating myself. When we go on a cruise (number 11 this winter), I wish we would have to evacuate the ship via life boat. We hit a coral reef off the pacific coast of Mexido once. I was in heaven but we didn't even stop to check damages: business as usual.

As a kid, I saw lightning strip a tree of its branches from top to bottom, on one side. That tree stood 20 feet away from our screened-in porch, where we were all sitting watching the storm. I still remember the smell of smoke and ozone in the air.

I went swimming with sharks in Aruba. I held stingrays in my hands in Gran Cayman. I survived an ice storm that left us without power for 21 days in the dead of winter while I lived in Montreal. I am an adventurous and inquisitive guy. I won't apologize for that. I understand all you "old hands" for not wishing for a hurricane. I didn't wish for it either but as long as it was going to pass over me, I might as well have experience it.

Respectfully submitted.

Carol, how did you fare? It was a dud here, but last night I was looking at the radar picture and it seemed that your area was getting some heavy rains.

We've had more winds in the past couple of hours than at night. We got some heavy rain between 10 and 1, but that was it. It's been drizzling the whole day.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

I've been in at least three major earthquakes, a real hurricane up close and personal, etc., but that ice storm was the worst. Where I was, there was no electricity for only a week, and still people died. Mother nature is exciting, no doubt about it. Cyberageous, don't you have chest waders?

Edited to say I hope everybody is safe and sound

This message was edited Aug 30, 2006 2:13 PM

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes all is well as Ernesto turned out to be very mild.

Cyberageous -- Where is Everglades Fl ? Are you in my neck of the woods? Off SR 27?

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

hi, i just want to say i,m sorry if i said something to upset you,i didn,t mean you had never had no losses .
i would never say anything on purpose to hurt someones feelings,so if you can find it in your heart to forgive a old lady that would make my day, god bless

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Starfly, you didn't offend me. There is no need to apologize. I think I have explained why I am the way I am. Don't worry about it. I send you kisses. Ernesto came and went and all is well. I hope it's the same between us.


Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

Up here it's tornadoes and I guess ice storms and blizzards too. We had a tornado warning the other night. Three years ago a tornado crossed my road 1¾ miles down west....that,s enough excitement for me.
I have a nephew around Orlando. A couple years ago a hurricane went through there. The rain is hitting so hard anf long that water starts coming out walls sometimes.

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

everything great

Crossville, TN

Thanks starfly! I just received a birthday card from my sis in law today!! Her's is the 12th so I will get her one in the mail too.

Sylvain...I really do know how you feel....while living in VA. Beach, we were always getting hurricane warrnings...then moved to Citrus County, Fl...lots of warnings...none while I lived there...but I have filled SO MANY bathtubs with water...I got to thinking it was sorta like when someone used to be having a baby...BOIL WATER...hurricane? Fill the tub!! LOL Jo

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

were hearing some thunder and once in a while a sprinkel of rain,we road down to ozella to the end,everything looks ok.
the storm is almost straight across from us now its on the east were on the west,but all is well

Crossville, TN

Well...if your DH catches any grouper...freeze some for me...or give it to my SIL to freeze and she can cook it when I come over that way.


Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Here's what Ernesto looked like in Tampa around 5p yesterday when I was heading home.

Thumbnail by Floridian
Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

I'm a bit concerned, has anyone heard from Pati?

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

I believe Pati not feeling too well. Darius posted somewhere about it and I'm sure she'll be along this morning with news.

Since Ernesto is now aimed at a new coastal area maybe we should start another thread??

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Maybe, but Ernesto is still dumping lots of rain on the Everglades. Go figure.

I'll try calling Pati soon but I'm pretty sure she told me she would see a Urologist today about her kidney stone. Her DIL assured me that if it got bad yesterday she'd take Pati back to the ER.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

I do hope she will be alright. I hear that having a kidney stone is more painful than having a baby.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Mornin' D! Actually there's a lot of rain still coming out of the trailing bands all across the south central state (and more). We had a heck of a storm early this morning but I forgot to check the guage. When you step outside you can feel the heavy, steamy air and hear everything dripping. The sunrise was beautiful too!!

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ummmm...Love sunrises! :-))

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Great sky pic Floridian.

despite the hype it's stayed small, thank heavens. Now we have to watch out for the rain inland from the east coast further up Carolinas and such. last years rain from hurricanes was devastating. ;(( ~Blooms

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Thanks darius, I know that Sidney tried her yesterday and couldn't reach her.

Clearwater, FL(Zone 9b)

Though it's threatening right now, we haven't gotten enough rain to keep me from hand watering the newbies and the delicate. Not complaining that we didn't get a hurricane, but slightly more than a drizzle is always appreciated in August.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Ugh...the govenor was on TV a while ago. I guess we're gonna get boatloads of rain from Ernesto. Moving into my area this evening and raining throughout the nite; expecting floods in certains areas. (I'm not in a flood zone but I betcha our creeks and rivers sure rise!)

Time to get out and batten down the potential torpedoes outside and make sure my drainpipes are cleared out. (Glad I didn't sow my turnip patch and other greens...they would probably all get washed away!)


Crossville, TN

Shoe...protect those maters!! Jo

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

200 PM EDT THU AUG 31 2006



Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ewwww! Oh, no! ;-0

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

I just got in from a doctor's appointment that started at 9AM this morning (!) and checked in here to get the latest news........was sorry to see it turning bad. I sure was hopeing it was going to be just a rain event like we had here. I know too much water is BAD, but coupled with wind it's worse!

Thanks so much to my DG friends who were concerned about me. I lucked out finding a good young doctor (I have shoes older than him!), and we are embarking on a conservative plan of action. He has assured me if I get in trouble I can call the handsome 911 boys and give the neighbors a thrill again. LOL In the meantime I'm nestled into my recliner with meds and the Doxies.

Sorry I haven't been on top of this storm, but thoughts, prayers and if I could send them, sandbags, for our SC/NC and surrounding territory DG'ers.

Remember....HANG ON SLOOPYS!!!!!!!!!!!!

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