Hurricane Ernesto

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

I'm inpressed! The Big Cypress Nat'l Preserve in the Everglades, my home- made the map! I hope that's me but it would be very cool if there was someone else out here on DG!

Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)


Very cool map. How did you do that? I'd like to check my old stomping grounds to see how many subscribers are in that area. Can you help? I was on the border of NC and SC just above Myrtle Beach in a place called Sunset Beach.

Call me a weeny, but I'm actually thinking about moving back. It's not just the stress about storms (although that contributes), it's also about my career of 34 years - real estate. My market here is in the tank and I have to earn $$ to survive so I'm thinking about going back home.

I have a property for sale that is already priced $100,000 below what I paid for it and who knows what it will take to sell it. That was all my retirement and now it's pretty much gone (going).

Don't mean to cry on everyone's shoulder, but I guess I'm pretty down about it all. Glad I have all of you.

Sylvain is right --- CACA!!!

Great maps everyone to help keep us posted. I'm one of those tacks near Ft. Walton Beach and I should feel very lucky that it looks like we'll be ok, unlike others. I pray that Ernesto will pass as quietly as he can.


This message was edited Aug 28, 2006 11:02 AM

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

marylyn, yes, a very cool map. i see that Umatilla didn't make the map, but i'm right there anyway, with my little tack above Eustis.

dea, i think you mean that it's heading west, not east. we wish it was heading east.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

You can check subscribers by state by clicking on "Member List" at the top, then clicking the state you want to look at. Then you can choose to look at just subscribers. Click the tops of the columns and it will change the sorting so you can look by city.

I cut and paste the lists into a spreadsheet, clean them up a little, and then import the spreadsheet into Microsoft's Streets and Trips. It puts the thumbtacks in place with just a little bit of fussing. Then I hit "print screen" and paste that map into Corel Photo Paint, do a little bit of cropping, export it as a jpg file, and voila! It's convoluted, but it works well. :-)

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Oh, a piece of cake, eh? Good job anyway Marylyn!

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

LOL Celt, that's what I thought when I saw the thumbtack at the end of the keys......''Hey-theres Celt...Hi Celt lol", When I lived in Hawaii and looked at a map, I was the same way "whoa-we are out in the middle of nowhere"

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

Hey Tiger
You may get some water yet, get the buckets out.

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

Marylyn_TX: Kudos on the map! Great job and thanks from us all for the time you put into it.

Celt- we live bararic- don't have much but if you need to evacuate- you are very welcome here. AND if it gets tough here, which doesn't look like it we have a bus to leave in. It's a cow buw- you must have a sense of humor but who cares. My hubby calls it the hurricane escape pod.

Oops! Forgot my pic!!!! (edit)
"The Hurricane Escape Pod"

This message was edited Aug 28, 2006 4:14 PM

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

Shoot, couldn't get the pic in with an edit so here it is!

Thumbnail by cyberageous
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Why ME Again?? Wasn't four hurricanes enough last year? Two passed over me and two skirted around me! The current track puts it right over me. I've lived in Fl since 1976 and never had a problem with hurricanes until we bought this mobile home, which is way too big to be mobile and that was almost three years ago. Then the hurricanes started at a rate of two to four per season!
Brian Norcross has just stated at the 5 o'clock forecast that Earnesto is not expected to reach hurricane force by the time it reaches us in SE Fl? Hope he is right?

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

MOOOOOOOOOve outa de way if it comes at ya.............

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Broward county has ordered a mandataroy evacuation of all residents who live in mobile homes by 10:00AM tomorrow morning.


I hope that Brian Norcross is right. After almost 32 years here, I'm ready for a change of scenery preferably one that doesn't have hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes etc. I think I may have to move to another country LOL

I should be accostumed to this, but each year (the older I get) the more anxiety it brings. I'm not happy right now, we have 3 leaks on our roof and we haven't been able to get anybody to come even to take a look at it. We are 2 years overdue on our project of getting a new roof, the hurricanes have made it impossible to get someone. My estimate in early 2004 went from $14,000 to over $25,000 now. At this rate I'll never be able to get one and I'll have to live with a roof that leaks like a sieve ARGHH.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Wish they'd make up their minds as to where Ernesto will go.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

I was just listening to the local forecast and heard/saw that the spaghetti tracks seem to be swinging a bit west again. Vipir, the local radar, swings the storm up the west coast! Of course the meteorologist says Vipir is pretty accurate LOL

Get complacent and Nature taps you on the shoulder...

Ditto, Donut. I'll be glad when the storm is past

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Yeah Stacey, I kinda inferred that slightly west swing... PITA.

The next one won't be any better.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

I told Paul and he said "In other words they have no idea where it's going!" Exactly!!

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

This is a 5 day projection at 8 PM.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Darn, my kid is just north of Ft. Lauderdale so looks like they will have to hunker down. Maybe it will only be a 'tropical depression/ type of storm'.

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

Wow, just woke up to the first feeder bands hitting the keys. Not much wind yet but very intense rain,

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Take care!


mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

celt, you are going to be on the "good" side, at least. hang in and tie down!

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

We're here for you, stay with us if you can!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

FYI... I had a call from Patischell. She was in the ER overnight with a huge kidney stone, no urologist on call so they sent her home with very strong meds. Her son just flew to Kansas for his job so he isn't home to board up and they still have a 2 year old blue tarp on the roof. The center is projected to pass 20 miles west of her.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Not a good thing to say the least..........
Pati heres hoping a quick recovery! (())
Anyone near her?


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Ricf, she has a daughter over near the middle of the state, and her DIL was coming over this morning to get her scripts filled.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Good thing she has people around her to take care of her. Google Earth tells me she is 110 miles away from here in Fort Pierce, Fl. That's irrelevant. What are a few hundred miles to help a fellow DGer in need?

Anyhow, best wishes on a speedy and full recovery.


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I just wanted folks to know, as she's been a mainstay for years on these hurricane threads and we'd all worry that she got blown away never to be heard from again. She has the largest kidney stone the ER had ever seen, and probably no specialist available as everyone is doing storm prep.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Here I am!!!! Thanks Darius for the rundown. Sorry I got you out of bed this AM, but I needed to make contact with someone that would let me whine! LOL

My daughter arrived with my meds, so I'm moving plants this morning. With these meds I could probably move the house if I had to! LOL Although I don't think wind is going to be the problem as much as rain on my blue roof, but I have LOTS of pots.

The neighbors in my quiet neighborhood enjoyed the show when 911 arrived with ambulance, fire truck and police cars. When you live in a small town everybody gets to go on the calls! LOL

Anyway.......I'm going to check out the happy band of hurricane geeks at WU and see what's going on with the 11AM update.

Talk to ya' later and remember........Hang on Sloopys!!

PS You're right Darius, all the doctors are home putting up shutters!

This message was edited Aug 29, 2006 10:52 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6a)

Praying here for you Pati - those kidney stones are nothing to mess with... Glad DDIL is there. Oh my :(


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Yep, it is time for the 11 am update. Hope it's improved.

I just looked again at the landfall forecast for this season, and the Carolina coasts all the way up to New England are on the High List. Means I'll no doubt get lots of rain, and even a little wind might take down the other half of my double-trunked 75 foot weeping willow that crashed on Saturday.

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

All's quiet here but getting very dark ominous clouds.
Heres a good current convection view.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

that picture brings back so many memories of nail-biting stress, weeks without electric, inundated gardens and downstairs living area and, in general, the total downside of living where we do. good thoughts going out to everyone in the path. there are no small hurricanes.

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

Board the windows, secure flying objects, and find a good strong bottle of liquor to sedate ya through the worst of it. :) *giggle*

Seriously all ya Florida folks that always seem the most prepared for hurricanes - STAY SAFE! :)

Crossville, TN

Starfly....will you keep me informed about dear sis in law lives there right on the water.

Her house is on stilts, but she has a basement apartment that she keeps for family and friends. Her DS installed pulleys on the she can slide the ceiling tiles over and pull furniture up off the is weeird to see...and was even in the local newspaper once. I think last year the furniture "hung" for the whole season!

I also have many friends in Homosassa! Keeping all of you in my prayers!!


Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

My husband has been down in the Sarasota area this afternoon. He's heading home, up
I-75 N. He tells me he is seeing all kinds of emergency vehicles heading south. He has seen National Guard, several large (semi-trailer) mobile command units, lineman and tree trimmers. He also says there are lots of RVs and the like heading north

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

PatiSchell says the first bands have reached Ft. Pierce although Miami is getting it worse.

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

yes i will keep you inform as long as i can stay on line,
don,t think we will get that much,some rain and some wind don,t think nothing bad, but will keep you posted,right now cloudy and thundering but has been doinhg this far allmost 2 weeks.well thats one way to keep things high and hubby fish down in ozello.soon as i know something will let you know,
Try not to worry now, Eunice

Crossville, TN

Thanks, Eunice. I'll keep watch. Jo

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

We've got a small but mighty band coming through...heavy rain and lightning, the first band to come through Hillsborough County

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