Illinois Oaks Field Day

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Well Equil, when someone reads something that is greek to them, they need to do a search. Sometimes I can sit and read a post and have no clue what the heck you guys are talking about.

I also forgot, won't it be more like breaking wind instead of breaking bread?

And Bill, are you sure you can't make it? It won't be just Dax and me that are naked next year. That's a required thang for every one. If I gotta do it, then every body's gotta.

And Dax, dreadlocks? On the Marlboro Man? I'm having a hard time visualizing. What cowboy he-man has dreadlocks? I'll bring my scissors along to whack em off so we can see the real Marlboro Man.

And poor Guy.......we gotta be serious this time........who's he kidding? Me? Serious? Hey, is my friend from last time going to be there? Remember?

Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

To all the Marlboro Men and Women out there it's my duty to inform you that we are Marlboro Men and Women alike. Of course 'I' am thee Marlboro Man - but you're all included to hop on the bandwagon should you wish and it certainly appears that others here already own a wagon!

Thanks first Guy; Equil, Terry, Bob, Sue, Mary, Thomas, and Patrick and Bill and whoever the heck else participated in this unique thread!

Take care Cowboys.

Your lasso throwing king of conifers,


The visual of everyone being nekkid is not sitting well with me. Has anyone ever been to a beach at a nudist colony? It isn't a pretty sight.

Why yes Terry, it would be more like breaking wind with the hoity toities than breaking bread but then six to one half a dozen to the other. An opportunity to network is an opportunity to network and no sense losing out on this chance of a lifetime for the younger set. Aside from that, the new blood in the group wil be a breath of not so fresh air. Tra la la la la!

Psst, I like men who have pony tails and I like dread locks. Wish my husband had more hair than he does. He wishes he had more hair than he does too so he could put it in a pony tail but such is life when one starts losing their hair.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Nope, never been to a nudist colony and quite frankly have no inclination to go to one. Ya see, we all get in a time machine and go back...oh I dunno, 30 yrs? before everything started going south if ya know what I mean.

I've had enough hoity toity to last me a lifetime. I don't get it, never will. Just because someone is hoity toity, I would hope to high heavens they still had a sense of humor. If they don't, well then, I just feel great sorrow for them. How boring to live your life that way. I've always been the rebel in my family. I'm not about to change for nobody. If I can't network being myself, then I don't care to network. Pretty simple in my book. People don't impress me with their degrees or the words they use. Kindness, a sense of humor, that's what impresses me with people. Not money, not things, not degrees.......

Psst back at depends on the guy who has the hair. You did meet my husband, right?

Double psst back at ya... you met mine too. Twins separated at birth in the hair department only yours has brown hair and mine has black hair with specs of gray coming in here and there.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Double double psst....aren't ya glad we aren't married to a Donald Trump fan? Oh heaven help us......John never fought it, just buzzed it when it really was going. How much attention do I honestly pay to a man's hair? Not much. I'm taking your word for it that your hubby is lacking up top. I never noticed. Course I wanted to take a ride in his hot car call my car a sex car...honey, that's a sex car! Look at all the room up front, that big ole back seat.....go for a ride (in more ways than one)........

He's taller than you which is why you couldn't see his bald spot. The bald spot takes over more area annually. He just cuts his hair short now. He could care less and neither could I. What's odd is that he has such jet black hair with so few gray hairs for a man over 50.

Donald Trump has a double stick your finger in your throat look to him. Maybe it's just me but women are definitely marrying him for his money when one looks like that. Poor man.

I'm unimpressed with either of those new toys. He bought another one since you were here and now he has decided he wants to round off the compliment by purchasing a red one next year. He'd love to take you for a ride. He loves having excuses to take those out on the street. Oddly enough, I haven't gone for a ride in either of those. They don't do much for me except eat up money that we have to spend to insure them. I did go for a ride in his new Ford suv thing and I like that well enough but he told me no way could I trash it hauling plants. I told him I would most certainly use it to pick up plants and the very next weekend he bought a really nice big trailer with a cover to haul behind his Ford. I guess he must have been quaking in his boots wondering if I would do to his new vehicle what I did to my new vehicle hauling plants and top soil and such. Nevertheless, I have considerably more room to cart plants home so ultimately I won in the deal.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Now all you have to do is mount hitches on the two "insurance hogs", register them in MI, and call them farm vehicles.

That'll save you all kinds of moollah (to buy more plants with).

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

You're no fun! I'd be out there riding around in a heartbeat! And finding lovers lane too would be knew he was going for the other one. Something about the next serial number.

Can you drive the vehicle while pulling a trailer? It's a fine art that I've tried and tried to do. Just can't. I told my dad no way would I haul a UHaul trailer behind his truck. I'd end up jack-knifing the thing. Probably on I-44 to boot. Not good.

Oh, now there's an idea, we could register them in another State with a few minor modifications. Please share mounting hitches on his babies the next time you see him because I want to see how well that goes over. He'd probably have a need for a defibulator.

No Terry, I think it had something to do with matched serial numbers and some sort of a special engine. Not my deal. I call them turquoise and green and the next one I will call red. Works for me. I have no desire to drive anything but my regular car.

I can't back up the lawn mower if it has a trailer on it without jack knifing (sp?). I tried it a few times and ended up getting off, unhooking the trailer, backing up without the trailer, then hooking it back up again. A few times I tried to get out and physically straighten it out by lifting it a little and moving it over a bit at a time so I could try backing up again and that didn't work either. I seriously doubt I'd be able to back up his Ford thing with the trailer attached. Too risky. I did drive it with the trailer and found changing lanes to be difficult. Probably why people hauling trailers don't change lanes much. The trick is when you park to make sure there is a turn around so you can face toward the exit. In larger parking lots, like Lowes, you just pull forward to the parking space in front and face out taking up two spaces. If you are careful, you never have to back up even if it means parking on the street. If I ever got myself in trouble, I wouldn't hesitate asking somebody else's husband to back it up for me. Better to ask another person to do it than doing it myself. I would not be happy if I wrecked the new trailer or somebody else's vehicle.

Terry, as a side chit chat... we had a party here today with quite a few people. My one brother and sister in law brought their next door neighbors along. Very nice people. Every time their neighbors went to use a bathroom, they both put the toilet paper on the dispenser. Dexter, being the opportunist that he is, shredded and pawed down every single new toilet paper roll onto the floor in piles. I'd clean up the pile and take out a new toilet paper roll and set it on the vanity top or the back of the toilet... and my brother's neighbors kept putting them back on a dispenser. This went on all day. Pretty funny. I thought of you. I should probably hang a sign behind every toilet that says, "don't put toilet paper roll on dispensor". That cat was in heaven all day. He was moving from bathroom to bathroom hanging out behind the toilets just waiting for somebody to slip up and put a roll on a dispenser.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Whatever the reason is for your hubby buying the cars, I think they're cool. Please tell him that for me. And next time, I want a ride! No excuses.

I can do the wagon on the back of the lawnmower. It takes me awhile to get it...I just keep watching and it's turning the wrong way, oh crap, turn the wheel the other way and just keep going like that. I don't want to do it with a vehicle. Shame too. My dad has had opportunity my whole life, pulling boats, pulling trailers, pulling flat bed trailers.....but no, if he didn't do it, it was done wrong.

I think multiple signs in the baths would work. One behind the toilet, one just above the dispenser. See? You're supposed to put the roll on, it's what everybody was taught! I can't say I'm glad I'm not the only one, but nice to know I'm not alone. So now you've got how many shredded rolls of TP? Bad Dexter, bad bad boy.

I'm not going to screw around with backing up. With my luck I'd probably hit something. Forget it. Best for me to make sure I don't end up in a spot where I can't make a loop and pull forward or else I'm going looking for somebody like your Dad to get me out of trouble.

I know we're all taught to put the roll on which is why it is funny. You're certainly not alone. He shredded and unrolled at least a 6 pack throughout the course of the day yesterday. Weeeeeeeeeeee! What fun! Best time Dexter had in a long time. Party!

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)

Enough of this "red car, turquoise car" X-chromosome chitter chatter--what kind of cars are you talking about? What special engine? Y's need details!!!

Kevin the ex-gearhead

They'll all be non-descript Chevy Impalas. He travels for business from time to time and he started looking at them out of State a while ago while he was already in the area on the company dime. Then I guess he got serious and started specifically travelling to pursue his middle aged madness dreams. Most of the cars he kncoked out because of some sort of a mismatched plate. I have no idea what he was talking about but he was pretty irritated that quite a few people were trying to dupe him. Then a few he went to look at he knocked out because the VIN on the transmission or some other part didn't match the VIN on something else. It all has something to do with matched serial numbers. One car in not an SS but there was something special about the engine block and number in production. I think they are both from the 60's and the next and LAST one will be too. I'm sorry Kevin, I don't know much more other than that they take up garage space, cost too much money to insure, and that he had to stash one somewhere else until my greenhouse is built and then he plans on bringing it home to park in in the stall where most of my greenhouse parts are currently stacked. They're very clean restored cars with lower mileage but they aren't all that attractive to me. I like that car that had only one center headlight but he said we couldn't afford one of those. I forget what it was. I also like Model T's. Those to me would be fun cars. I guess there is some sort of a club for these Impala fanatics and then there are other old car fanatics who meet at the Rock and Roll McDonalds on Friday nights weather allowing. I get the impression that all these men do is wander around staring lovingly under the hoods of each other's cars.

I am pretty sure the new vehicle with the hitch for my plant trailer is a Ford Explorer but maybe we bought an Expedition. Which ever one we bought was not the biggest but the next model down. It's big enough to pull a trailer though and has some sort of an added suspension package.

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh--old Chevys--bah humbug.

Kevin the ex-Ford-gearhead

Yaa, I thought Terry's Ford Mustang was considerably sexier than what my husband has. We do have that new Ford suv thing and I'm looking at buying that new Ford Freestyle AND possibly a mechanically sound used Ford pick up truck with a cap to haul plants around if I can afford one. Does that redeem us in your eyes?

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Redemption comes when I'm back in my sky blue white top 1965 Chevrolet Corvair convertible. Ah, the memories...

Viburnum "Pack Mule that is available to transport and back up trailers" Valley

See, no reason for me to play demolition derby backing up a trailer. I can go plant shopping with V V next time he goes to Beaver Creek.

Collingswood, NJ(Zone 6b)

Corvair? As in "Unsafe at Any Speed, " VV? What is it with you guys and Corvairs? My husband salivates everytime he sees one, which is rare these days.

You couldn't possibly fit all but a few plugs in one of them. You'd look good going plant shopping in a Corvair but you'd come home basically empty handed. That's no fun.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

EQ: down, lots fits, and I can tarp it like a trailer if I want to. And you wouldn't believe the trunk space (in the front).


Unsafe At Any Speed, the winsome text written by the attention-seeking Ralph Nader, referred to the early 1960-61 models whose suspension would collapse when a wheel left an uneven road edge. Presto! Chevrolet altered the design, and Corvairs went on to be quite the hit through 1969. Great balance, light weight body, and serious horsepower with the dual (or four-way) carburetion. Unfortunately (and I can hear Kneevin pumping a fist in the background) Ford busted out it's little Hot Wheels car around 1964½. Five years later they gained the upper hand.

Your husband is a cool guy. Maybe we'll meet at a rally one day. Used to tear them up (circa 1982) at the Central KY Corvair Club.

Ask him if he knows any of the slogans (great T-shirts) fancied by drivers. (and their Vice President is female) (where I'm surprising my lovely wife for our 20th anniversary vacation trip, instead of plain old Italy which everyone does) (this one's for EQ; nursery road trip!)

OK, I'm going to lie down and stop hyperventilating (air-cooled).

Collingswood, NJ(Zone 6b)

Vanishing Vair,

You've got to be kidding me. Are you seriously spending your 20th at the Corvair Museum??? Either your wife is the Vice President you spoke of or she's a very good sport. Heck, even my husband (who took over the computer when I showed him your Vair pics :() would choose Italy! At least I think he would. He hasn't shut-up about Corvairs since I brought it up. He had a 1967 red Monza and a 1968 green Monza.

Hubby didn't know any slogans. Can you say them here?

Coldwater, MI(Zone 5b)

I had a sky blue '64 corvair with the auto shift on the dash. we called it the shuttle craft. You could hide a lot of contraband in the steering collumn. Great for crossing the border...

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

And my first car was a new orange 75 Subaru station wagon. Oooolala..........daddy didn't think real well on that one, now did he?

My first car was pea green. It was a 2-door and it was an automatic. I don't remember much more than that. My second car was also a 2-door and an automatic but it was red. I don't remember much more than that.

Collingswood, NJ(Zone 6b)

My first car was a 1958 Nash Metropolitan. I had to push a button to start it. It was the coolest little car and wish I had a picture of it. Here's one from Wikipedia.

Thumbnail by Fireweed87
Coldwater, MI(Zone 5b)

How did we get from corvairs to "my first car was______"?

The "x" team is showing its roots again....

I would really like to come down for this walk amongst the historical trees tour guide by Mr. Wunnerful Himself.
But, alas, it being a 500 mile long trip one way to Boy Scout trail, that's a bit much for a day trip. I will have to make it another time. Sure sounds like fun, though. Thanks for the invite Guy...

Score one for the blonds!

Thumbnail by Equilibrium
Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Patrick, it'll never get any closer! You can still change your mind (and your plans) and join us . . . who knows, I might be passing our $100 bills to help y'all pay for gas money . . . or maybe not!

Guy S.

Coldwater, MI(Zone 5b)

Well, Guy you're wrong about getting closer. Because when I move to my Coldwater address in Branch County, I will be 109 miles closer! HA!

But I see what you mean. I am sure that I would have a great time. I used to live In Springfield. The Idea of coming down there and staying for 1 or 2 days just doesn't seem like enough time. And I am committed to a couple of expensive projects with both of my properties at the moment, so I am shy about several thousand clams for traveling expenses. Maybe this Spring I can come down and hang out for a day or two and see your property and check out Springfield, too.

Is Buckley's nursury and greenhouse still in town? I used to work there back in '72. I could tell you tales about that place that would put you on the floor. :) That was a long time ago. Yikes!

Well, Hope you have a great turn out. Next time....

Oh, and I hope to meet the rest of the gang next year for "Oakfest", or should we call it "Oak-In-festation". We will have to make T-shirts that designate the event on the back and Superior "Y" team or "x" team on the front over the heart. And everyone will have to wear rubber foot wear, except for Dax who will be sporting a speedo and cowboy boots. Oh, the photo op...

This message was edited Sep 7, 2006 8:00 PM

Oh Patrick! You crack me up. Count me in for next year. It would be nice if we could pick a date for next year sometime in early January. Lots of us have schedules that start filling up by March and I'd like to work around what ever date is chosen.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

First I gotta survive this Saturday.
And Buckleys closed, but I'll look forward to the stories anyway!

Fulton, MO

I, too, might be able to attend next time if the date were set early! TIA

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Guy, if you can carry me around, then we're all set.

I knew it!

I knew there was no way you were going to be able to make it with what you did to yourself.

Coldwater, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh, I am on to you EvilAbizia! You are sooooooo Naughty!
You are requesting the January date to see if Dax will make good his promise and show up in a speedo. I'm betting he will. But he's going to need a lot hugs on the trail tour. I know the "human tarp" can handle the job. But she better be carefull; Nipples can be dangerous at/or below 33 degrees F.
Guy, Are you sure you want to host this band of wild and crazy tree huggers at your house in January? Can your septic tank handle it? The secret phrase that must be uttered at the door to get into the party will be "Ridex or nothing at all"! Everyone can pitch in $20.00 so you can get cleaned out when we leave. he, he, he.
You better ask the Boss (your wife) when she ie willing to be decended upon by us Davers...
Hey Resin, If we plan it out this far can you get yourself over here?

Select a date for getting together next year by January. Not in January you goofball.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

You thought wrong Equil. I have every intention of going. I just wanna make sure Guy's been eating his Wheaties so he can carry me. See this way, Guy won't feel left out. I can be his human tarp until Dax needs one.

Patrick thanks for the laugh this morning!

Guy eating Wheaties.... ha ha ha ha ha! Does McDonalds or Wendy's sell those??? That's a healthy heart kinda food and he'll have no part of that.

Are you walking around yet?

Coldwater, MI(Zone 5b)

your welcome, oh great and powerful Tarp woman. I hope you didn't slice into the pad of your foot. Pad injuries take years to heal completely. Had one once myself. Stepped on a huge nail that went right through the top of my foot. It was attached to a board, which my friend had to pry off. EEEKKKS OOOWWWEEEEE YUKE! That's a memory that is not easily forgotten...

By January, not in January: That's not the way it reads :) I'M NOT BUYING IT. I was thinking the weekend of MLK day (not milk day, silly). That way we could take advantage of the three day weekend. Isn't that in January? Hmmmmm

Well, Summer parties make more sense because they can be OUTSIDE. Hey, we could book a hotel for the weekend and take it over. PARTY PARTY PARTY

But, Hey, I still think Guy should check in with his wife and sellect one or multiple dates to be decided on. After all, we are invading her space.

Guy doesn't eat wheaties? Now that's getting a bit personal.

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